Community > Posts By > kre8karma

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:57 PM

Hhhmmm... Bad juju there must be a love lost or perhaps a love to be do not brake the chain, just for the sake of hope let it live.

Sorry dear; I gave up hope on love long ago so its too late for me but I wish you happy Karma and that you find the love of your life. flowerforyou
jWhat?! Girl, you got too much to offer to give up. Where is the "stamping my foot" smiley? shocked I won't hear of it ! Aw, man, now I need the "pouting" smiley and I can't find that either.whoa

Aww thanks but I really don't have anything to offer a potential partner but I have lots to offer with charities and volunteer work. I am happy and have found my inner peace with that work. flowerforyou
Well, as long as you are happy. You seem really cool.

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:54 PM

Obviously I read it. I was just surprised that people still post these kind of things. It sounds like one of those horrible chain letters people used to send to every single person on their contacts list. laugh
Well, yeah. Give the new guy a break, I think he was trying to get his feet wet in the forums tonight. We helped him get his post count up,yeah? :wink:

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:47 PM

You opened it. Good luck. Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they miss you.

Something good will happen to you between 1:00 pm and 4:40 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Tonight at midnight they will remember how much they loved you. You will get a shock of a lifetime tomorrow, a good one. If you break the chain you will be cursed with relationship problems for the next 2 years. Karma.

If there is someone you loved, or still do, and can't get them out of your mind, re-post this in another city within the next 5 minutes. Its amazing how it works.If you truly miss someone, a past love, and can't seem to get them off your mind....then re-post this titled as " I Truly Do Miss You"

Whoever you are missing will surprise you. Don't break this, for tonight at midnight, your true love will realize they love you and something great will happen to you tomorrow. Karma. You will get the shock of your life tomorrow

People still do chain letters? Or, in this case, chain threads?
Is that really a question? Or did you not read the OP?

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:39 PM

This is why I enjoy life, there's somethin new to learn everyday!

Who knew there was a technique to swiping credit cards in butt-booty cracks?!

Ah, the lessons I learn from Karma. smokin
Ah, Weedhopper....the pleasure is mine.

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:38 PM

Well this has certainly gone somewhere, not sure where, but somewhere.
Yep. Kinda goes that way around here sometimes. There are some characters about.:smile:

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:31 PM

Hhhmmm... Bad juju there must be a love lost or perhaps a love to be do not brake the chain, just for the sake of hope let it live.

Sorry dear; I gave up hope on love long ago so its too late for me but I wish you happy Karma and that you find the love of your life. flowerforyou
jWhat?! Girl, you got too much to offer to give up. Where is the "stamping my foot" smiley? shocked I won't hear of it ! Aw, man, now I need the "pouting" smiley and I can't find that either.whoa

Awww! Forget all these existential cries your quintessential karma, Karma!

I want sex, drugs, and $money$!

Help a brother out, huh?!
He who gives shall receive

So if I wiped my credit card thru your butt-crack, I shall giveth, and recieve...??
Depends on your skill level

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:29 PM
Edited by kre8karma on Mon 09/26/11 08:30 PM

I posted this in Bum Phuck Egypt....what happens next?
Such a truly unfortunate choice of words.......surprised

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:26 PM

Hhhmmm... Bad juju there must be a love lost or perhaps a love to be do not brake the chain, just for the sake of hope let it live.

Sorry dear; I gave up hope on love long ago so its too late for me but I wish you happy Karma and that you find the love of your life. flowerforyou
jWhat?! Girl, you got too much to offer to give up. Where is the "stamping my foot" smiley? shocked I won't hear of it ! Aw, man, now I need the "pouting" smiley and I can't find that either.whoa

Awww! Forget all these existential cries your quintessential karma, Karma!

I want sex, drugs, and $money$!

Help a brother out, huh?!
He who gives shall receive

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:21 PM

never give up! Never surrender! Never DIE!!

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:19 PM

Hhhmmm... Bad juju there must be a love lost or perhaps a love to be do not brake the chain, just for the sake of hope let it live.

Sorry dear; I gave up hope on love long ago so its too late for me but I wish you happy Karma and that you find the love of your life. flowerforyou
jWhat?! Girl, you got too much to offer to give up. Where is the "stamping my foot" smiley? shocked I won't hear of it ! Aw, man, now I need the "pouting" smiley and I can't find that either.whoa

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:55 PM

I always knew if I was a good person Karma would be good to me, thanks Karma, lucky underwear?!?
Can't hurt :thumbsup:

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:50 PM

I did my part...
Yay! ! ! I totally believe you did. Keep smilin'flowerforyou

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:43 PM

just in case i reposted this in kookamunga, crossed my fingers, got a rabbit's foot, threw salt over my shoulder, knocked on wood, looked at a new moon over my right shoulder, avoided cracks on the sidewalk, let a ladybug land on me, picked a four leaf clover, saw a penny and picked it up, and tonight i'm going to sleep facing south wearing my lucky underwear
E: I am SO stealing that. LOL ! :wink:

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:42 PM

Without trying to sound rude: give me a big dose of the good stuff.
I'll do my best.....sending warm wishes your way. Y'know what they say ...what goes around comes ARE doing your part to generate good stuff, right? (No offense, I'm sure you are, but we just met):smile:

kre8karma's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:22 PM
Did somebody say "Karma"? What can I do for you?

kre8karma's photo
Fri 09/23/11 04:33 PM

Have sex with her Mom, cousin, pet and ex. Call Jerry Springer and CA$H in!

Oh geez, now we're back on the "How to Impress Women" thread. Caught ya! ohwell

kre8karma's photo
Fri 09/23/11 04:32 PM

There are a few modern bands I like alright. Radiohead, Muse, Kasabian, The Shins, Franz Ferdinand, ect..... but for the most part, they're all shite

What do you think about Foo Fighters? I've been listening to them a lot lately. I lived in Seattle at the time grunge started becoming big, so I kinda feel like Nirvana,Dave Grohl, Alice in Chains, Pearljam are all a piece of my personal soundtrack. I just saw a Youtube clip where FF were playing (Lollapalooza) in a total downpour/thunder lightning, and all. Got admire that.

I like some of Foo Fighters. They're a little too poppy for me though and Dave Grohl's a bit of a goofball. Not quite my style but they do have a few good tunes in my opinion

I kinda thought that might be where you were at. Tis cool. Nirvana was really something new and unique and in some ways still is.

kre8karma's photo
Fri 09/23/11 07:54 AM

There are a few modern bands I like alright. Radiohead, Muse, Kasabian, The Shins, Franz Ferdinand, ect..... but for the most part, they're all shite
What do you think about Foo Fighters? I've been listening to them a lot lately. I lived in Seattle at the time grunge started becoming big, so I kinda feel like Nirvana,Dave Grohl, Alice in Chains, Pearljam are all a piece of my personal soundtrack. I just saw a Youtube clip where FF were playing (Lollapalooza) in a total downpour/thunder lightning, and all. Got admire that.

kre8karma's photo
Thu 09/22/11 06:40 PM

Told y'all I'd keep you posted. It took 1 bottle of wine and persistance. But, I was persistant like a gentleman. Next question, how important is that next day phonecall?

screw the her if u wanna talk to her, but do call, yes
Aw $#!+ ! .... There are RULES? Maybe I've been crying myself to sleep needlessly? dern it....
but enuf about me..... Snuff----Do it !

kre8karma's photo
Wed 09/21/11 06:14 AM

Commit a random act of kindness back. IMO that is the best way to share thanks flowerforyou

Good suggestion. I actually try to whenever I can, hence the moniker. And yet, it is so surprising and nice to have it come back around.

I know how you feel, it's kinda sad that what used to be normal is now something to get excited about and tell all your friends =) but it's so rare I perfectly understand how you feel.

Ironically I can't seem to find enough opportunities to do things like that, I love helping people in need, it's the way I was raised and totally in tune with the way I think and view life.

I got to save somebody's life once!!!

Chivalry & Good Deeds, FTW!!!

TD&I: "Got to " save somebody's life ? Wow! Above and Beyond ! and your winning attitude shows through even in just the way you phrased that. But even the little deeds make a big difference so please keep up the good work! You got it, the point of the thread was to let people know it's noticed and appreciated when you do. flowers

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