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Matchmaking Game - part 147
Great! I brought some tequila home from my trip, I put it next to the cheese cake. Help yourself. ohh ohh ohh can we do those body shots with the salt thingys? i never really got to try those! |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Hey (((((Kerry))))) I have a newbie friend possibly coming in here. Make sure Feral knows he's a friend of mine and she needs to check out his profile before she hooks him up with anyone. Much appreciated. ![]() ![]() thought you where talking about me there for a minute..... i got sad :( Come here you big beautiful, stalker man sniff....*lays head on kims chest*.... HOLD ME!!! Comfy? *grin* little more to the left! |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
WOW this thing flips fast!! Did I get matched? Too quick for me to notice. Slow down people, I'm over 40!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ...yea... your with me :p deb usually matches people up after a bit. Alot of us are all friends so we hang out in the thread and talk and get to know eachother. Your more then welcome to join in. There's cheese cake and rice krispy treats by the bar :) |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Hey (((((Kerry))))) I have a newbie friend possibly coming in here. Make sure Feral knows he's a friend of mine and she needs to check out his profile before she hooks him up with anyone. Much appreciated. ![]() ![]() thought you where talking about me there for a minute..... i got sad :( Come here you big beautiful, stalker man sniff....*lays head on kims chest*.... HOLD ME!!! |
OK, So I Did It
nods, you could probly even get away with going darker. it works with your eyes.
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Hey (((((Kerry))))) I have a newbie friend possibly coming in here. Make sure Feral knows he's a friend of mine and she needs to check out his profile before she hooks him up with anyone. Much appreciated. ![]() ![]() thought you where talking about me there for a minute..... i got sad :( |
In need of a stalker
E-stalking is truly a joke, when you're faced with real-life stalking. On the internet one has access to this thing called "ignore". In real life, if you shoot that person or beat them to death (which will occur to you more than once, if you are ever in that situation) you'll be faced with jail.
I just wanna say that Estalking is just as dangerous. It can START online, then be taken to RL. I was stalked online for a few yrs, it got really bad, putting him on 'ignore' was a waste of time, he just made tons of profiles, and tried everything to get to me. He even tried to sabotage my ebay dealings. He made a profile on my last site, with my sons name, he also posted all my private info in forums (my address and phone no.) He also recorded my cam and played it back to a male friend of mine......WHILE i was already talkin to him! My friends comp went bust after that. Every time i met someone new, particularly a romantic interest, he tried his damdest to sabotage it, and would mail me saying he would be there to pick up the pieces. I went on holiday with my children 2yrs ago, i had spoke of the location in private on msn before i left. A week or so after i got back, he was mailing, relaying things i done on holiday, that nobody couldve knew. I hadnt even shared with anyone in private or any other time, so he didnt learn it from me. Estalking is NOT a joke, its a starting place for more serious stalking. umm i dont see how its possable for him to do that with the cam unless you gave him access to see your cam. And if he's hacking your computer, just notify the FBI, because it's considered across state lines and they get invloved. |
In need of a stalker
I have a stalker named tracy from another site. Every month or so she gets REALLY REALLY drunk and drunken IM's me from various accounts. It's pretty funny. Thing is, if she wasn't psycho i'd probly of ended up with her.
I have standards damnit! Psycho chicks...well really super insane psycho chicks where its not cute or tolerable...not so much. But there fun, because atleast you know your loved! |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
1 man...3 ladies...i like these odds!
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Howdy all!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi sharon! Yay! thread is alive again! Told you all i would do it! |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Good evening to all the crickets in here......and everyone else who may be lurking. Have a wonderful night. night kim! Sorry, had to get to work, then I was talking to this stalker man, leaving candles, fluffing pillows, stealing keys......see I didn't say anything unique Did the stalker man leave a mint on the pillows? Cause he's probly a jerk... i'd be worried! I hope not, sugar is bad for kitties....did you? No never! i would never do such a thing! it was the kittens!!!!! DEATH TO THE KITTENS!!!! ....yes :p |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi shadow, how is you? i'm good. Think i might get the thread going again.... Who wants to go on an outing and see pretty flowers? i dont see anyone else in here :p nooooooooooo............ |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Good evening to all the crickets in here......and everyone else who may be lurking. Have a wonderful night. night kim! Sorry, had to get to work, then I was talking to this stalker man, leaving candles, fluffing pillows, stealing keys......see I didn't say anything unique Did the stalker man leave a mint on the pillows? Cause he's probly a jerk... i'd be worried! |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi shadow, how is you? i'm good. Think i might get the thread going again.... Who wants to go on an outing and see pretty flowers? i dont see anyone else in here :p |
I have been dating this wonderful man for the past 11 months.Things were great but we have a little problem that is going to end up being a big one if it doesnt get better. I am 5 years younger than him and I think that we are sexually incompatible..........I have a high labido and he what should I do end it now or should i try other things(which I have but) its kind of becoming a pain............(Advice Please!) A guy not wanting alot of sex usually means one of three things. He's depressed, your not doing what he likes or he's just not that into you and or cheating. My last gf lasted a very very short time because sex sucked. I didn't want it, because she was the type to lay there or want this and that. You kinda have to exparament with each person to find what they like, unless there REALLY expierenced and know. and that doesn't mean just the amount of times. It means the amount of stuff they tried. Honestly, sex is usually the easiest thing to fix. I had a friend who saved her marriage and sex life simply by dressing up as a catholic school girl outfit once a week and learning how to talk dirty. It seems kinda silly, but it's true. Usually there is one thing that each person has that turns them on so much that there pretty much always ready to go knowing its there. To be honest, traditional quickies and the same repeated things is what makes it uninteresting for most guys, cause we are visual people. That being said, it's stupid to end a relastionship if sex is the only problem. Thing is, i've never heard of a relastionship where sex was the only problem, nor one that was good everywhere else but sex. There is usually a missing piece hidden somewhere. Sex may seem like no big deal but then you just said that your relationship ended because the sex sucked.............I think he is into me but I think that I have been the aggressor so long he just waits for the way thats why im askig for peoples opinion so that i can see a different perspective.............I was planning on spending the rest of my life with him but if we lack communication what is the point........... Well see, thats what i mean. Yes, sex sucked last time, but it was because she said she liked one thing, but in turn really didnt, and when i told her what i liked she just didnt bother doing it...ever. Thats not sexual incompatability, thats just really bad communication. The one time we did communicate, it was awkward at first and i didnt really get a chance to get comfy with it. If you can find a way to encourage him to tell you what to do in bed, and for you to tell him what to do WITHOUT hurting his ego, yours, or messing with any issues, then sex honestly gets to a whole new level. Most people can't, simply because its awkward at first and you feel stupid. Honestly if i was a chick, i would flirt with the guy to find out differnt things to try. Maybie watch a porno and see what he likes. 11 months of the same sex makes it routine (if its the same) and makes it less desireable then before. Honestly, most chicks hate to hear this, but we like it changed up a bit. If you start it, then yea, we probly expect you to change it up. The fact that your the aggressor might also be huge into it. I love being jumped every now and then. It's a turn on, but it's also a turn on to jump a sig other. In my expierence chicks that where always the aggresors usually made it hard for me to make the first moves. Even when we where dating for a bit. Either there intimadating, or you honestly think they prefer it that way. One thing one of my ex's did that totally broke that was she dressed up in something i thought was completely hot, and just did her normal day to day things until i just was like **** it, i want some. Though it took a few and i dont think she expected that result. End result, if you keep trying with the guy you'll get frustrated before you figure out what works. You'll figure out what works or find out that nothing works sooner or later. If you really planned on spending the rest of your life with him, then maybie it's worth it to follow the path to the end and see. See you have said it best thanks for that little insight of what men think.........I tried to talk to my guy friends about it and all they would tell me was to dump him............wth and I was like can you give me some insight of how guys think and they were like we just did...........UHHH....... I do understand that i have to have a open discussion with him that is for sure......i also think that i am mos def backing off on being so aggressive because then he is expecting it and I got that this weekend..... On the fact that I want to spend my life with him he is a great guy but so are many other guys should I sacrifice something that is part of making a relationship work (intimacy).......then what is the point then we should just be friends since friends dont have to be intimate (real friends)........... If he's being romantic and holding hands, and all that, then somethings up. If its new, he's probly depressed. If it's always been that way, then there may be other issues, or he may not be 'awakened' yet. Most girls and guy's love sex to the point of obession. When they don't its usually they either haven't expierenced what they like or to much stress is going on in life. I know for me i litterly can't have sex unless i atleast trust the chick. So it's no use otherwise. But if i do, then i can pull 24 hour shifts if i'm close to her. Some people have weird quirks like that. My guy friend said the samething but if that is the case then i guess we arent at a place where he trusts me to tell me whats up............he is a quiet guy and sometimes shy........usually I have to intiate a convo and its rarely he does.....and im not a mind reader............ holy quote hell... yea i hear that. sounds like the situations reversed. Like he's the traditional girl and your the traditional guy on this part. I got no advice other then asking yourself if the juice is worth the squeeze. If it where me i'd still try to figure out a way to make it work. |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi shadow, how is you? i'm good. Think i might get the thread going again.... Who wants to go on an outing and see pretty flowers? |
So, my friend and I have had this ongoing argument that I hope you fine males can finally conclude for us. Ladies, please chime in with your opinions and experiences as well. When a woman is smart -- aka can carry a conversation about things beyond TV and shoes -- has a career, is educated, etc, are you more or less apt to be attracted to her? My opinion is you should be more attracted to her. Obviously she can support herself and isn't looking for a free ride or a sugar daddy. Also, she's interesting and unique, and guys, you can get a dumb mannequin anywhere. And a woman who is smart thinks of some VERY interesting things to do in bed. ![]() My friend's opinion is that it's intimidating to men -- that we women should dumb ourselves down in order not to scare them away. IMHO, if we have to do that we're dating men who aren't worthy of us in the first place. So... what's your opinion? it depends. First off, there are women who try to act smart. I'm not attacted to those at all. You know, the type that say things like 'my brother's girlfriends sisters boyfriend said you could sue for that!' and then i say my brothers a lawyer and he said no, then they argue....thats not smart, thats stupidity. Then there are the chicks who are smart and go out of there way to show it. Some brag about stuff, some try to parade around how perceptive they are, others try to do the now it all thing. I play aloof 90% of the time. These girls i simply put in there place, the same as i would any guy that acts like that. Because being condasending isn't so cool. And then there are the chicks who are genuinly smart, and are comfortable with being smart. Atleast humble with it. Those chicks are hot. I love learning, and i love the idea of learning from my girlfriend. The only problem in being with someone smart, is that once you start learning they sometimes forget that your smart to. it works both ways. |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi shadow, how is you? |
Matchmaking Game - part 147
Good evening to all the crickets in here......and everyone else who may be lurking. Have a wonderful night. night kim! |