Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
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Thu 10/31/13 01:01 PM
I would like to know more about how to develop my own fee schedule. That's easy...Think of yourself as a company selling services...look at various fee schedules on the net, then make up your own fee schedule, charginf for the services you provide and send it to the appropriate counterparty that's gonna want to do business with your government. When someone (a cop say) gives you an order, think of him as a customer and yourself as a restaurant owner/waitress: e.g. "Give me your name!"..."What's it worth to you?"..."Are you refusing to give me your name?!??" (NEVER refuse anything or he's "got you"!!!)..."Don't be silly, I just wasn't sure that you had my fee for the service of providing my name (hand him your fee schedule, which says "fee varies - email for price quote") In this case, I think I'll charge $500 cash in advance for the service of providing my name; do you have the money or are you REFUSING to do business?" (This throws the ball back in his court and he is now on the defensive...If he has to call his supervisor, you already know he's in over his pointy little head.) They will do whatever they can to intimidate you, but if you know what you're doing, and aren't afraid of being ambushed at night by a gang of masked rogue cops (it DOES happen occassionaly), you will "win." This is only the tip of the iceberg insofar as what a properly set up fee schedule will do for you. Most people charge for unlawful arrest, assault, handcuffing, etc., but I don't waste my time on that unprofitable crap. I sent my old fee schedule to the Government of Canada and now they don't want to talk to me, but I know how to make them talk to me and will soon be serving them with my new & improved fee/fine schedule. Mwahahahaha |
It would be good for the world if he were arrested. It would be better for us if they focused on arresting Obozo, Holder and Nappy for stupidity and recklessness in regards to our constitution and outright abandonment of the rule of law. I agree...Their names should be added to the arrest warrants! |
Hey this valid? Swiss to Vote on Guaranteed $2800 Monthly Income for All Adults October 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House - In a move to combat growing pay inequality, Swiss citizens will vote on whether to give every adult in Switzerland a basic income. BERNE — Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality since the financial crisis. A grassroots committee is calling for all adults in Switzerland to receive an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss francs — about $2,800 — per month from the state, with the aim of providing a financial safety net for the population. Organizers submitted more than the 100,000 signatures needed to call a referendum on Friday and tipped a truckload of 8 million five-cent coins outside the parliament building in Bern, one for each person living in Switzerland. Whether it will be voted for or against is anyone's guess! I think the Idiots ought to pay for the Cost of the Voting if it goes down the Drain as it will! If we had that Rule,some of those Dorks would think twice about bringing this kind of Garbage to a Vote by Referendum! You see,we also have some Horse's Patoots tryin to break the Nation! Anyone disabled,or below the Existence-Minimum is already receiving Money from the State,so WTF those Idiots want? Wonder if they ever read some of the History of the USSR! BTW,the link is broken! Looks to me like Switzerland is moving to a social credit monetary system, which is a real laugh with criminal private outfits like the BIS in Basel. Everybody knows it's really the consumer who drives the economy, so it's only natural that the road to prosperity is to put more money in the hands of the people so they have money to spend. Everywhere that a guaranteed annual income was tried has worked like a charm...Until the BIS or it's lackeys had the superior economic system destroyed...usually with bombs. After all, how do you expect the slaves to do as they're told if they don't have to dance & beg for their own money? Where's the profit in that???...Pretty soon you wouldn't even need banks to lend it back to them at interest!!! Why don't try it in Canada then? BTW,We,the Citizens will vote on it! I think you had better have another look at the structure of the BIS! Too much Conspiracy-Theory! Like Canada for credit was attempted here in the thirties...The banks killed it! (a remnant still exists in Alberta, but the federal crooked monetary system has pretty well castrated it....The banks pisoned it by changing it from an economic system into a political movement based on a stupid "funny money" loon's dream where banks would not be required...Gee...I wonder why they did that?) Like Lincoln, Kennedy, Garfield, & McKinley for instance: Like Germany for instance...The banks killed it, along with millions & millions of people. Like Japan for instance...same story as Germany. Like Haiti for instance...after Aristide filed a suit in an international court against France for $13B and reneged on a promise he made to Clinton to keep the plantation's slave wages low. Like Libya for instance...The 2011 death toll was only in the hundreds of thousands. (There were other governments where the will and welfare of the people took precedent over banking & corporate profit...pretty much the same story for all of them..staged violent "revolutions", a new "friendly" government that lets the corporations steal their know the drill.) Iceland (and now Hungary) are now on the road to social credit monetary systems and good for them!! The BIS & IMF couldn't do diddlysquat about it and can only hope & pray that they won't implement the whole shebang. Glad to hear that the citizens will be voting on it. Switzerland as you know is the only REAL democracy on earth. While I generally consider democracy to be the tyranny of the majority, I know Switzerlands covenants with the UN essentially make it a functional democratic REPUBLIC that recognizes the RIGHTS of all citizens whatever the vote. It is a microcosm of what the whole world will soon be, as the curtain (that Toto pulled back) drops on the charade we've had to live with until now. I know all I need to know about the structure of the BIS, which BTW, looks more like the Tower of Babel than a bank (I think it's about to get struck down too!) The principals of the BIS operate in the same jurisdiction that The F.R.E.E. Society and the man in the Pope suit does...universal jurisdiction and have traditionally benefitted from their anonymity (hidden principals are not liable for the actions of their agents). I can safely tell you that right this very minute those principals are quaking in their drawing rooms, because they know their time has ended and the only thing that;s gonna save their skins is the olive branch I (and people like me) extend to them. As psychopathic and murderous as they are, they are still rational and have no wish to hang from streetlamps like Hallowe'en decorations. They are abot to buy their safety by giving back all they have stolen from the people of the world...It won't nearly make up for all the death, pain and suffering they have inflicted over the centuries, but it will have to do, as state murder is simply wrong and no civilized society would ever impose a vengeful death penalty on anyone. Still I content myself with the fantasy (possible future reality?) of parasites like Rothschild being left with a single skid of gold to carry them for the rest of their lives & finding that even though they'd trade it for a single crust of bread, the offer would find no takers. Make no mistake; their time has ended and we now look to a better world for everyone, even the banksters. You know it, I know it...and THEY know it. |
This is leadership?
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Thu 10/31/13 10:16 AM
Did I miss something when I was looking at the concept that having all people covered; especially that explodeing percentage of people with expensive chronic pre-existing health issues at least in part financially responsible for their own care makes sense? I personally believe if the only care and coverage a large percentage of people would have as they age is Medicare we are all screwed. 20% of Senior care will bankrupt most families. Yea you might thin the ranks of people competing for jobs by forcing caregiving on families but they will be too poor to buy anything but necessities. As it stands up until when people accept uninsured patients are an absolute drain on medical resources as they grow substantially more expensive as their conditions were only treated when they reached crisis stage not death and went to free indigent care. Care that is driving more and more medical practices and services out of business. Making "care" so expensive that only those that can afford to fly out of country where competition, less malpractice, and reasonable pharma profits make it not only affordable but less of a "stop, drop, chop, and curb" patients system and the focus is on education, quality nursing, choices, and actual comfortable care. All the rest who can't can count of rationed care if any care at all regardless of their age. Will insurance companies and tax payers have to wake up and make sure the "expensive" especially self inflicted patients actually don't drive up premiums yes but I don't see how that is a bad thing. Free, unlimited medical care all around for everyone says I! I CARE about my fellow human beings and wouldn't even wince at whatever "taxes" I had to pay to help my friends & neighbours. I consider it part of my DUTY TO CARE!...Tell you what I DON"T care for though...illicit corporate profits, wars for profit, murder for profit, avarice, apathy, and the self-serving self-centredness of people who for whatever reason refuse to recognize their own duty to care! There is simply NO LOGICAL REASON that the wealthiest society in human history should have people starving & dying in the streets, while it's "leaders" squander the people's wealth on new & efficient ways of killing people. |
Hillary Clinton 2016
I'm hoping the Dems will run a Biden/Pelosi ticket. Put them up against something like a republican McCain/Romney ticket and any randomly chosen "independent"chimp from a zoo will be a shoe-in for president, as the people finally realize that it isn't a matter of who's in office, so much as who isn't, and the American people will finally have a president who will do whatever they exchange for a banana. |
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Thu 10/31/13 09:51 AM
Hey this valid? Swiss to Vote on Guaranteed $2800 Monthly Income for All Adults October 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House - In a move to combat growing pay inequality, Swiss citizens will vote on whether to give every adult in Switzerland a basic income. BERNE — Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality since the financial crisis. A grassroots committee is calling for all adults in Switzerland to receive an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss francs — about $2,800 — per month from the state, with the aim of providing a financial safety net for the population. Organizers submitted more than the 100,000 signatures needed to call a referendum on Friday and tipped a truckload of 8 million five-cent coins outside the parliament building in Bern, one for each person living in Switzerland. Whether it will be voted for or against is anyone's guess! I think the Idiots ought to pay for the Cost of the Voting if it goes down the Drain as it will! If we had that Rule,some of those Dorks would think twice about bringing this kind of Garbage to a Vote by Referendum! You see,we also have some Horse's Patoots tryin to break the Nation! Anyone disabled,or below the Existence-Minimum is already receiving Money from the State,so WTF those Idiots want? Wonder if they ever read some of the History of the USSR! BTW,the link is broken! Looks to me like Switzerland is moving to a social credit monetary system, which is a real laugh with criminal private outfits like the BIS in Basel. Everybody knows it's really the consumer who drives the economy, so it's only natural that the road to prosperity is to put more money in the hands of the people so they have money to spend. Everywhere that a guaranteed annual income was tried has worked like a charm...Until the BIS or it's lackeys had the superior economic system destroyed...usually with bombs. After all, how do you expect the slaves to do as they're told if they don't have to dance & beg for their own money? Where's the profit in that???...Pretty soon you wouldn't even need banks to lend it back to them at interest!!! |
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Thu 10/31/13 09:39 AM
we all change the world everyday, we just are more programmed to recognize the immediate changes than the ones that come down the line,, Until now, the vast majority has been changing it for the worse thru one or more of apathy, malevolence, fear, or greed. As I said on another thread recently, the cavalry has finally arrived and it is us. As we work for the betterment of the world with caring, benevolence, courage and unselfishness, we will find the world a MUCH nicer place to live in than it has ever been before. those are fine goals,,, ...soon to be realized, even if I have to do it all single-handed! Still, a li'l help & support is always welcome and makes my job that much easier to do. Matthew 24:22: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Take it from the "Big Guy", we already won...Now let's get busy shortening those days! |
This is leadership?
Ok, so we know Obozo didn't write the Obozocare laws, but he does claim it as his "crown jewel" he did the OBL capture/killing. He actually had nothing to do with either....except the strain of a televised appearance, scripted teleprompter speeches, and the effort of signing his name and shaking hands with a few "eaters", minorities or children to herd the masses and draw them in. Obozo is a sock-puppet pitchman, not a leader. He champions ideas, then, rather than getting his own hands dirty or even attempting to become envolved, he delegates and cheerleads until it all goes south..... Another victim thrown under the bus....and he didn't know a thing.... This is leadership? Apparently that is what we are to believe.... in truth, it's coaching from the bleachers! So who is Liz Fowler? Prior to joining Baucus’ staff as the senior advisor on health care, she was Vice President of Public Policy and External Affairs for none other than the aforementioned number two insurance company, Wellpoint. Not to put too fine a point to it, but the chief lobbyist for AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), a national trade organization of over 1,300 insurers, infiltrated the Senate Finance Committee and wrote a law to benefit not the American people, but the entire insurance industry. As it turns out, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not intended to make health insurance more affordable for the American people. It is designed to make the American people more affordable for the health insurance industry. Call it what it is: The Health Insurance Industry Protection Act. - Adrian Murray Blast from the past. Wrote this in July 2012 about Obamacare. Seems to hold true today. A little long, but hopefully enlightening about what's going on in the health insurance markets today: When Mitt Romney went before the convention of the NAACP and said that as president he would repeal “Obamacare,” he was roundly and predictably booed. In doing so, he stepped into a carefully prepared trap. Why is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act routinely referred to as “Obamacare”? Surely no one seriously believes President Obama wrote the 2,700 page bill or, for that matter, even knows what is in it. Yet the act is commonly labeled President Obama’s signature piece of legislation, the crowning achievement of his first term. Even Nancy Pelosi would not take credit for authoring the bill, famously declaring we had to pass it in order to find out what’s in it. So if the president didn’t write the Affordable Care Act and the Speaker of the House didn’t know what was in it, why is it called Obamacare? One could make the argument that it’s just laziness on the part of the media, which revels in finding the lowest common denominator to explain complex issues. One could argue that it is political posturing by Republicans who want to saddle the president with responsibility for what is undeniably an unpopular law. One could argue it is the president himself, trying to take legislative credit for something he had nothing to do with, popular or not. In fact Obama, a supporter of a single payer system, actively campaigned against many of the provisions that have ended up as cornerstones of the ACA law. One could make a lot of arguments, but calling the Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” is a huge tactical error. Why? Because naming the law after Obama personalizes it and, as Romney learned from the NAACP audience, opposing Obamacare equals opposing Obama and the only reason anyone opposes Obama is, of course, because he is black. To those inclined to think as such, opposing the complete government takeover of the healthcare system and changing the status of Americans from private citizens to property of the state is, quite simply, racist. It also distracts from the true question that should be asked: Who, precisely, wrote the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and why? Our first clue comes from testimony given by Peter Orszag, then-Director of the Office of Management and Budget, before Congress in August of 2009. “Ultimately,” he said, “without structure in place to help contain health care costs over the long term as the health market evolves, nothing else we do in fiscal policy will matter much, because eventually health care cost will overwhelm the federal budget.” If Orszag had been addressing the board of directors of Wellpoint, the nation’s second largest managed health care company, such a statement might seem perfectly proper. But, even accepting the wildly suspicious claim that 30 million Americans were uninsured, that’s still just 10% of the population. If 90% of Americans in 2009 were covered by private insurance, why would health care costs overwhelm the federal budget? It is more likely that rising health care costs would soon overwhelm the nation’s health insurance providers. According to Kaiser Permanente, total health insurance costs in 1980 were $286 billion. By 2010, they had increased nearly tenfold to $2.3 trillion. As the population ages, that number is expected to soar. According to federal estimates, health care costs will double in the next decade and are likely to double again by 2030, when 70 million Americans – fully 20% of the population – will be over the age of 65. Could such dire estimates have provided the health insurance industry with a powerful $10 trillion incentive to move this looming liability off their balance sheets and onto the backs of the American taxpayer? In May 2010, after final passage of the current health care law, Senator Max Baucus, from whose Finance Committee the legislation emerged, stood before the Senate and members of the press to publicly thank the person he credited with making it all happen: “I wish to single out one person, and that one person is sitting next to me. Her name is Liz Fowler. Liz Fowler is my chief health counsel. Liz Fowler has put my health care team together. Liz Fowler worked for me many years ago, left for the private sector, and then came back when she realized she could be there at the creation of health care reform because she wanted that to be, in a certain sense, her professional lifetime goal. She put together the White Paper last November–2008–the 87-page document which became the basis, the foundation, the blueprint from which almost all health care measures in all bills on both sides of the aisle came.” So who is Liz Fowler? Prior to joining Baucus’ staff as the senior advisor on health care, she was Vice President of Public Policy and External Affairs for none other than the aforementioned number two insurance company, Wellpoint. Not to put too fine a point to it, but the chief lobbyist for AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), a national trade organization of over 1,300 insurers, infiltrated the Senate Finance Committee and wrote a law to benefit not the American people, but the entire insurance industry. As it turns out, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not intended to make health insurance more affordable for the American people. It is designed to make the American people more affordable for the health insurance industry. As it further turns out, Baucus’ staff was infested with Wellpoint hirelings. Prior to Fowler arriving on scene, the chief advisor on Senator Baucus’ team was Michelle Easton. Upon passing the baton to Ms. Fowler, Easton went to work as a lobbyist for Wellpoint at Tarplin, Downs and Young, a DC-based lobbying firm founded in 2006 “specializing in strategic consulting and policy development with a particular focus on health care”. Keep turning the wheel, though, and we come to Stephen Northrup. Northrup was the chief health advisor to Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi when Enzi pushed similar health care legislation in 2006. Prior to joining Enzi’s staff, Northrup was the executive director of the Long Term Pharmacy Alliance, an organization that played a lead role on drafting the mother of all giveaways to Big Pharma, Medicare Part D. Not surprisingly, the revolving door and interchangeable roles of advisors/staff/lobbyists eventually lead Northrup in 2007 to Wellpoint, where he served as Vice President of Federal Affairs. The insurance lobby, tired of decades of failed attempts to influence Congress to create a national health care plan which would immunize them from the looming trillions of dollars in liabilities they faced as the boomer generation aged, simply decided they would infiltrate Congress instead and write the legislation themselves. Time, after all, was running out. But simply enacting the legislation was not enough. Big Insurance also demanded a seat at the table when it came time to actually drafting the regulations and implementing the law, since incompetent government bureaucrats could not be trusted to enact regulations and procedures that would fully indemnify the insurance lobby to its complete satisfaction. Which brings us to the return of Liz Fowler, the author of the Affordable Care Act who is now the Deputy Director of Consumer Information and Oversight at the U.S. Department of Human Services, sort of an industry cop on watch to be sure government employees do what they are told. Despite Big Insurance’s success in pulling off one of the most intricate swindles in the history of mankind by transferring tens of trillions of dollars of liabilities from their balance sheets to that of the Treasury Department, all to be paid for by massive tax increases on the American people (or fees, if you’re still arguing about the Commerce Clause in the increasingly irrelevant Constitution), the whole transaction would certainly deserve a special place in the pantheon of lawlessness were it not for the decidedly unhappy outcome it will have for the true victims of this crime - the American citizens, who are now merely the property of an insurance industry that has a vested interest in keeping them healthy while they are still useful. Those 22 year-olds who are today gleeful that they can stay on Mommy and Daddy’s insurance for a few more years won’t be quite as cheerful in 2030 when they are called before a panel Liz Fowler will undoubtedly have a role in creating to explain why their cholesterol level has increased or are informed that certain substances detected in their last blood test indicated they are surpassing the monthly limit on pepperoni pizzas. After being sent home with a hefty fine and orders to adhere to a strict diet of carrot sticks and mineral water, along with the latest behavioral modification drug developed by the recent merger of Pfizer and Merck, they may well wish they had been paying attention back in 2012, when there was still a chance to put a stop to it all. In the meanwhile, it would be nice if certain political figures would put a stop to feigning political courage by mockingly referring to this legislation as Obamacare. Obama didn’t write it or read it and there is nothing caring about it. Call it what it is: The Health Insurance Industry Protection Act. You could also call it the end of freedom. Could also call it C.A.C.A! The F.R.E.E Society� is full of free human beings. ...I guess there's no need to mention what The C.A.C.A. Society is full of. |
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Thu 10/31/13 09:13 AM
If you think it's bad now, just wait...Reactor 4's rods are essentially uninsulated and unstable, subject to any vibration...All it takes is a shaking sufficient to make a couple of those fuel rods bang together to start a criticality fission reaction that will bathe the planet in ten time the radiation already released. North America has already been bathed in enough radioactive contamination to significantly shorten the average lifespan of the average North American. The younger you are, the shorter your life will be on average. I'm guessing that right now, young children in North America can expect to live to be about 60 (on average) thanks to what Fukushima has already done. (We won't really know until about 40 years have elapsed whether or not I'm right). I can say this much though...If reactor 4 gets shaken enough, the resulting criticality will bathe the planet in TEN TIMES the total radiation already released from Fukushima. At that point, I'm guessing it'll be pretty much over for North America and much of the world, as the average lifespan of a child in N.A. will probably drop to about 40!...maybe even less. the last couple of weeks, there have been two earthquakes by Fukushima...I think they were both over 7 on the Richter scale (I know one was...I'm afraid to check on the other one)...If those rods didn't already bang together, we are very, very, lucky! I love it when I read such statements that misrepresent how nuclear power production works. /sarc There hasn't been any properly working power production out of Fukushima since the meltdowns, so what am I misrepresenting?...Tell me; I'd love to know. It takes more that a couple of fuel rods banging together (as if they could bang together) for a nuclear reactor to have a sustained nuclear reaction. I will admit that it has been awhile since my training at an active nuclear reactor. Yet, the principles of nuclear power production haven't changed, because nuclear physics haven't changed. What I said about the danger of criticality at unit 4 stands. I don't think you are familiar enough with the disaster or with unit 4 to see the very real hazards. To acquaint you with the hazards of nuclear power gone awry, I'm providing you with a series of links regarding both Chernobyl and Fukushima, and reminding you that fukushima is already an order of magnitude worse than chernobyl ever was, even without the additional "contribution" of the rods in unit 4 (which will make it probably ten times worse than it already is, which would then be 100 times worse than Chernobyl.) (I think we dodged a bullet!) (Chernobyl kids) In the last URL, check the South Pole Ice Cores to compare Chernobyl with most of the nuclear tests (and remember that Chernobyl is farther away from Antarctica than where the Chinese test of 1964 was held. Dude, I was reading classified information about the Chernobyl disaster before mere civilians were permitted to learn the details about that disaster. I didn't say that the Fukushima disaster wasn't a disaster. I merely pointed out that there is more to nuclear power production than meets the untrained eye. Anyway, here is are excerpts from a 31 August 2013 NBC News story about Fukushima. Ocean simulations showed that the plume of radioactive cesium-137 released by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 could begin flowing into U.S. coastal waters starting in early 2014 and peak in 2016. Luckily, two ocean currents off the eastern coast of Japan,�� the Kuroshio Current and the Kuroshio Extension, has diluted the radioactive material so much that its concentration fell well below the World Health Organization'��s safety levels within four months of the Fukushima incident.
The release of cesium-137 from Fukushima in Japan'��s more turbulent eastern currents means the radioactive material is diluted to the point of posing little threat to humans by the time it leaves Japan'��s coastal waters.
If you want accurate information about Fukushima, then use a reliable scientific source such as the FAQ from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It is at Blogs and websites that promote fear-mongering aren't helpful and spread misinformation. We used to get some news from the Hebei Province. But not in a while. The simple truth is that most of the worlds reactors are poorly designed units, forced by a false economy to "live" far past their predicted life. Quite obviously, the original probability of failure estimates weren't even in the ballpark, and we are now destroying most of the life on this planet (except cockroaches & maybe rats) thanks to miscalculation, corporate greed, gullibility, and apathy. It may or may not be too late to mothball all of the worlds existing reactors, but if we don't, I have no doubt that the human race is essentially finished. Provably safe reactor designs exist and have for some time. The only problem they presented was in their lack of plutonium production...Pretty hard to build a decent H Bomb without that lovely plutonium trigger. In the end, it all comes down to our greed and powerlust overriding even our instinct for self-preservation, as those at the top turn out to be the biggest gamblers of all with other peoples' money. The historically oh-so-profitable roll of the economic dice is now coming up "craps" on nearly every throw. If we don't stop these loons NOW and IMMEDIATELY START trying to fix the fine mess we've gotten ourselves into, the human race will soon be "crapped out." |
The following article puts things in perspective for us. I couldn't have said it better myself.: |
we all change the world everyday, we just are more programmed to recognize the immediate changes than the ones that come down the line,, Until now, the vast majority has been changing it for the worse thru one or more of apathy, malevolence, fear, or greed. As I said on another thread recently, the cavalry has finally arrived and it is us. As we work for the betterment of the world with caring, benevolence, courage and unselfishness, we will find the world a MUCH nicer place to live in than it has ever been before. |
Ripped apart? Was it ever together in the first place? yep,you can greatly improve those two by reading the Websites you do!Great Troofer and "The Sky Is Falling"-Sites though! Am going to them anytime I need a good Belly-Laugh! I don't think ANY of the websites got it right. Most people say it was Cheney and the Mossad that did 911, with that pinhead "Dubya" to take the fall if things went wrong, but I think that's MUCH too obvious. I'm pretty sure Bill & Hitlery Clinton at least had a hand in it. LMAO Which one was supposed to hit Building Seven? |
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Thu 10/31/13 02:24 AM
I was recently asked what one lone citizen can do to change the world. To counter the conventional "wisdom" that "No one man can change the world", I answered with "PLENTY!"
The following example illustrates what I mean...every "little bit helps" if you get off your a$$ and actually DO SOMETHING. "��NSA: The only part of government that actually listens."�� ...I LIKE that one...Wish I could get the T-shirt. Of course, there are many individuals who've changed the world for the worse, but the wheels of justice are finally catching up to them. Here's a case in point: Talk about delayed justice and the wheels of justice rolling slowly!...A life sentence for this guy is probably about 15 minutes! |
Ripped apart? Was it ever together in the first place? yep,you can greatly improve those two by reading the Websites you do! I don't think ANY of the websites got it right. Most people say it was Cheney and the Mossad that did 911, with that pinhead "Dubya" to take the fall if things went wrong, but I think that's MUCH too obvious. I'm pretty sure Bill & Hitlery Clinton at least had a hand in it. LMAO |
I'm not sure I even understood the question!
I would have given the ex the gold without even a thought, long before her lawyer contacted me. Money is the root of all evil and belongs in the hands of evil people...Besides, there is no greater feeling on earth than being a creditor and having your enemies in your debt!
...Just ask a bankster! |
Ron Paul
lol, simplistic but not realistic With that comment I rest my case on liberal intelligence..... C'mon man, you know better then that you can't use the words Liberal and intelligence in the same sentence. Actually, the word "liberal" used to be (during the enlightenment) considered a mark of intelligent thinking. Over the course of time, with the dumbing down of society to little more than an electorate of gibbering baboons, propaganda has degraded the word and given it a severely negative connotation. This was aggravated by many many people claiming to be liberals who weren't. Today we make our choices by the "brand" and both the "liberal" and "conservative" brands have tarred each other with the same brush and essentially have become the same product marketed under a different brand-name...neither brand is worth a $hit!...Demand a refund!! |
Hillary Clinton 2016
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Thu 10/31/13 01:25 AM
IF there's an election in 2016, I can practically guarantee Hitlery Clinton won't be a candidate. That is not to say she'll never be President, but if she is, it will only be because the US has become a Stalinist dictatorship under martial law. The Republican "choice" will be absolutely no better...It'll still be a Stalinist dictatorship.
Since November of 1963, all the Republican/Democrat elections have really amounted to a choice between "Uncle Joe" and Leon Trotsky. |
Wake me when it's over. The American Dream isn't over, It just became a nightmare that many still can't wake from. As George Carlin once said, "They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." |
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Thu 10/31/13 01:03 AM
If you think it's bad now, just wait...Reactor 4's rods are essentially uninsulated and unstable, subject to any vibration...All it takes is a shaking sufficient to make a couple of those fuel rods bang together to start a criticality fission reaction that will bathe the planet in ten time the radiation already released. North America has already been bathed in enough radioactive contamination to significantly shorten the average lifespan of the average North American. The younger you are, the shorter your life will be on average. I'm guessing that right now, young children in North America can expect to live to be about 60 (on average) thanks to what Fukushima has already done. (We won't really know until about 40 years have elapsed whether or not I'm right). I can say this much though...If reactor 4 gets shaken enough, the resulting criticality will bathe the planet in TEN TIMES the total radiation already released from Fukushima. At that point, I'm guessing it'll be pretty much over for North America and much of the world, as the average lifespan of a child in N.A. will probably drop to about 40!...maybe even less. the last couple of weeks, there have been two earthquakes by Fukushima...I think they were both over 7 on the Richter scale (I know one was...I'm afraid to check on the other one)...If those rods didn't already bang together, we are very, very, lucky! I love it when I read such statements that misrepresent how nuclear power production works. /sarc There hasn't been any properly working power production out of Fukushima since the meltdowns, so what am I misrepresenting?...Tell me; I'd love to know. It takes more that a couple of fuel rods banging together (as if they could bang together) for a nuclear reactor to have a sustained nuclear reaction. I will admit that it has been awhile since my training at an active nuclear reactor. Yet, the principles of nuclear power production haven't changed, because nuclear physics haven't changed. What I said about the danger of criticality at unit 4 stands. I don't think you are familiar enough with the disaster or with unit 4 to see the very real hazards. To acquaint you with the hazards of nuclear power gone awry, I'm providing you with a series of links regarding both Chernobyl and Fukushima, and reminding you that fukushima is already an order of magnitude worse than chernobyl ever was, even without the additional "contribution" of the rods in unit 4 (which will make it probably ten times worse than it already is, which would then be 100 times worse than Chernobyl.) (I think we dodged a bullet!) (Chernobyl kids) In the last URL, check the South Pole Ice Cores to compare Chernobyl with most of the nuclear tests (and remember that Chernobyl is farther away from Antarctica than where the Chinese test of 1964 was held. Dude, I was reading classified information about the Chernobyl disaster before mere civilians were permitted to learn the details about that disaster. I didn't say that the Fukushima disaster wasn't a disaster. I merely pointed out that there is more to nuclear power production than meets the untrained eye. Anyway, here is are excerpts from a 31 August 2013 NBC News story about Fukushima. Ocean simulations showed that the plume of radioactive cesium-137 released by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 could begin flowing into U.S. coastal waters starting in early 2014 and peak in 2016. Luckily, two ocean currents off the eastern coast of Japan,�� the Kuroshio Current and the Kuroshio Extension, has diluted the radioactive material so much that its concentration fell well below the World Health Organization'��s safety levels within four months of the Fukushima incident.
The release of cesium-137 from Fukushima in Japan'��s more turbulent eastern currents means the radioactive material is diluted to the point of posing little threat to humans by the time it leaves Japan'��s coastal waters.
If you want accurate information about Fukushima, then use a reliable scientific source such as the FAQ from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It is at Blogs and websites that promote fear-mongering aren't helpful and spread misinformation. It is unintelligent to say the least to imply that the only real danger from Fukushima is carried in the currents of the Pacific Ocean. While the fallout from the meltdowns does spread thru the ocean, the poisoning of the Pacific is NOT The only problem. The WORST of it is spread quickly in the atmosphere. The ATMOSPHERIC fallout from the initial explosions has already circumnavigated the globe and long half-life radiosotopes have been deposited everywhere on the planet! While some areas (like Antarctica) got less fallout, many (like north America's west coast) got FAR more of it. Some fell as contaminated rain and was taken up in the roots of now contaminated food crops (particularly from California). Cattle have grazed on contaminated grass & hay over the last two years, so food being slaughtered now is probably unfit for human to check the meat (or vegetables) it with a scintillator to see. As you should know, the higher you get up the food chain, the greater the concentration of heavy isotopes. We've already been eating contaminated food for two years now, and the contamination hasn't gone away...we ate it and continue to do so. Most of the rain that falls, while worse two years ago, is still bad enough to give you high readings of radioactivity. I remember watching someone at Lake Louise driving down the highway in the rain two years ago. He stopped his car, wiped a little rain off it and took a reading. His detector quickly went off scale and warned him to leave the area immediately!! A lot of us formed a network to monitor the radiation at many points in North America, since we couldn't trust the American readings (and in Canada, they had snapped into action immediately & quit taking them altogether!!...Canada no longer monitors japanese goods for radioactivity. (unlike places like Russia, Brazil & China, all of whom have rejected shipments of things like cars for radioactivity far exceeding their standards) At any rate, as he took the reading, with all the alarms going off on his detector, a motorcyclist went by on the highway...he was obviously totally oblivious to the fact that he was bathing himself in heavily contaminated water as he rode down the highway...I felt sorry for him, thinking he might one day get cancer, quite possibly caused by his riding in the rain without ever even suspecting a little rain might have caused it (He;d probably attribute it to smoking or second hand smoke like most people would) I've lost too many friends to cancer over the years, lung cancer in particular...and more than half of them never even smoked! I feel quite certain that probably half the cancers & leukemia we've experienced over the years have been caused by nuclear tests from the 50s & sixties, and of course our nuclear accidents, two or three of which have been far far worse than the bomb tests. Just a guess of course, and the data is sketchy...My hypothesis is thus far unprovable, but don't think for a minute that I've given up trying to isolate the variables in my attempts to find corroborating correlations...The research is ongoing, and while suggestive, is certainly not conclusive or even suggestive enough to make assertions...not just yet, anyway. I have however "proved" my hypothesis to myself to the extent that I haven't quit researching it. One "little hint" that something went wrong at Fukushima can be found in the "spiking" of stillbirths on the north American west coast. MANY babies have already died before they even had a chance to take their first breath! I would not want to be the mother of a stillbirth these days, because I'd never know why my baby was a stillbirth...I'd only have a "gut feeling" that the accident at Fukushima caused it. |