Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:23 AM
Arafat was murdered by Israel???

As Gomer Pyle used to say...."Well GOLLEEE...S'PRISE S'PRISE S'PRISE!!!"

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 11/07/13 09:17 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 11/07/13 09:20 AM

Yes it is true that the reactor is pumping out major rads each day into the ocean, and talking about it is not fear mongering. My hair has been falling out twice as much in the last 3 months and I live in Alberta Canada, I know it is caused by radiation, not only from Japan but from the sun as well, we are sensitive beings and coronal output also affects us here on earth. It is not fear mongering to be informed and talk about the fallout in the air and water....they even started putting chemicals in the jet stream via airplanes to try to counter act the radiation, see chemtrails...yes they are real and yes their are such nice things in the chemtrails as barium and aluminum....So just focusing on the crap that the powers that be want you to know about is foolish do not be a sheep keep informed, or stick your head in the sand and ignore it all. Your choice.

I suppose you consulted some Radiation-Measuring Device before you made that Statement?

Nah...She probably just asked someone knowledgeable like me why her hair was falling out, and s/he told her the probable reasons. That's my guess anyway.

Surely you jest. whoa

How can you be sure of anything when your judgment is so poor that you think ducks can make jests?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 11/06/13 05:41 AM

Yes it is true that the reactor is pumping out major rads each day into the ocean, and talking about it is not fear mongering. My hair has been falling out twice as much in the last 3 months and I live in Alberta Canada, I know it is caused by radiation, not only from Japan but from the sun as well, we are sensitive beings and coronal output also affects us here on earth. It is not fear mongering to be informed and talk about the fallout in the air and water....they even started putting chemicals in the jet stream via airplanes to try to counter act the radiation, see chemtrails...yes they are real and yes their are such nice things in the chemtrails as barium and aluminum....So just focusing on the crap that the powers that be want you to know about is foolish do not be a sheep keep informed, or stick your head in the sand and ignore it all. Your choice.

I suppose you consulted some Radiation-Measuring Device before you made that Statement?

Nah...She probably just asked someone knowledgeable like me why her hair was falling out, and s/he told her the probable reasons. That's my guess anyway.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Wed 11/06/13 05:30 AM

Maybe if we had an investigation that actually investigated I might be in a better position to answer your question.

You are telling me there was a Grand Conspiracy,yet you can't answer this simple question!

,where are the Copper-or other Metal-traces from the Shaped-Charge-Liners?
How come there aren't any on the Girders that allegedly have been cut by Explosives?

How could he or anyone answer that question? If memory serves me right, the evidence (wreckage) from the greatest crime in American history was immediately shipped off to China as scrap steel just as fast as it could be loaded on ships. I even remember newscasters saying that the wreckage was being moved to some location where it would be considered evidence.

I guess they figured that tagging all that stuff as "exhibit A" was too much work, and not really necessary; after all, everybody knew within a few hours that Usama did it. All they had to do was arrest him and bring him to trial & he'd spill his guts. Of course it dawned on the FBI later that there wasn't enough hard evidence to charge Usama with the crime, so maybe bringing him to trial wasn't such a great idea after all.

Since they had no proof of the unsubstantiated rumour that he died in a cave in Afghanistan, in desperate need of kidney dialysis in about 2001 or 2002, and since the American people were still screaming for vengeance 12 years later, even though Dubya said years before that he wasn't interested in Usama anymore (I guess he had "moved on" to a new guy by then), Obumma decided to keep an election promise he didn't make and embarked on a program of killing anyone he didn't like without charge or trial (part of his new "legal regime" for the US). At the time, drones hadn't "taken off yet", so he had to get a SEAL team together to kill him a "Usama."

Presumably any Usama would do (since they were in such short supply) and it looks like they got the wrong one (usual government incompetence). We'll never know of course, because when taking the body back, somebody probably mentioned something about a DNA analysis and how Usama's corpse was starting to stink. It was only logical they had to dump it in the ocean on the way home; besides somebody forgot to bring the body bag. (more government incompetence)

After a bit of news fanfare and a round of posthumus medals for the "accidentally" killed SEAL team, Obumma & Hitlery et al could pat themselves on the back for a job well done. (As Hitlery would later say of Khadafy, "We came, we saw, he'd dead." to the uproarious laughter of the crowd)

This brilliantly planned and executed operation gave the democrats a well-deserved temporary boost in the poll ratings for finally getting "justice" for the American people, especially for the 3000 of them who were so unjustly murdered by a vicious gang of terrorists on 9/11/2001.

I'm kinda wishing I had the book rights on the epic tale called "911"...It stands to rival the work of men such as Homer...or Aesop.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 09:59 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 11/05/13 10:14 PM

Apparently, fear-mongers such as David Suzuki don't have any friends at the USA's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

In an article titled "Fukushima's Worst-Case Scenarios: Much of what you've heard about the nuclear accident is wrong", Slate reporter Paul Blustein writes the following:

On a heavily guarded campus east of San Francisco stands Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the U.S. government's premier scientific research facilities. Hours after a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011, a team of Livermore scientists mobilized to begin assessing the danger from the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant. The 40-odd team members include physicists, meteorologists, computer modelers, and health specialists. Their specialty is major airborne hazards—toxic matter from chemical fires, ash from erupting volcanoes, or radioactive emissions.

The scientists'�� work - ��secret at the time and barely known to the public even today - had an enormous impact on Japan's nuclear crisis, averting a potentially disastrous U.S. overreaction. This tale reveals significant new information about the accident's severity and affords a different perspective on events at Fukushima, which have generally been portrayed as a near Armageddon.

Here are more excerpts from the Slate article:

This is why the White House called upon the team at Livermore. Formally known as the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center, or NARAC, the team has assessed such disasters as Chernobyl, the 1991 Kuwaiti oil fires, and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion.

The Livermore scientists combine high-speed computing capacity, high-resolution weather forecasting, and stored databases about weather patterns and terrain to generate three-dimensional maps of hazardous plumes. They can project with far greater precision than simpler models how airborne particles are likely to travel over long distances and long periods involving changeable weather. Their judgments would depend on input from government experts about what might happen at Fukushima Dai-ichi.

... the computer modeling produced results that settled the debate: A plume delivering radiation doses exceeding U.S. standards would come no closer to Tokyo than 75 miles, so Americans should stay put. In an April 1, 2011, email to Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, [John] Holdren* spelled out details. "Our optimism, such as it is ... comes not from any assumption that the situation at Fukushima is under control but rather from modeling that shows the worst-plausible releases from one or more reactors at Fukushima would not cross [the U.S. guidelines] in Tokyo even in the event of adverse weather," Holdren wrote. "Only with big releases from the spent-fuel pools, combined with even more perverse weather than [the scientists deemed realistic], could the [guidelines] be crossed in Tokyo, and even then, according to the modeling to date, not by much," so "even in these extreme circumstances, sheltering in place might be all you'd want to do."

(*John Holdren is President Obama's chief science advisor.)

Nobody can say for sure how events would have unfolded if the worst had happened at Fukushima. Even the most sophisticated computer models are fallible.

But the public deserves to know what the best available science shows. Whatever conclusions people draw about the implications of the accident, the following should be borne in mind: The claim that an evacuation of Tokyo could have been necessary is based on flimsy, easily rebuttable evidence. Furthermore, the falsity of that claim is indicative of the distortions in much of the Fukushima news coverage. That coverage has given rise to baseless fears about Fukushima that have heavily influenced public opinion. It is time to dispel those fears.

In short, David Suzuki is spreading the misinformation that the Slate article warns against.

He's reporting what proprietors of nuclear power plants across the globe do not want people to know..

Suzuki is reporting the misinformation that the media spread in the days following the Fukushima disaster. Doing so gives Suzuki his 15 minutes of fame.

Well, lets have a look at the lawrence Livermore Laboratory aka Lawrence Livermore National Security aka Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration aka DOE aka Conflict of Interest & PR Damage Control Inc. for the nuclear industry shall we?

I'd say it gets the same status credibility-wise as as the EPA and FDA, both of which are well known rubber stamps for criminal corporations like BP, DuPont, Monsanto and Union Carbide et al that produced products like teflon, aspartame & GMOs. It stands to reason that LLNL would snap into damage control action immediately to limit the liability of precious American national treasures like GE & others for poorly designed, unsafe reactors.

The scientists I've talked to about the mess at Fukushima tend to just shake their heads in disgust about the coverup and bull$hit coming out of Japan, Ottawa & Washington & outfits like Health Canada and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories...but then what do they know?...Obviously if they have no stake or interest in preserving the nuclear industry, you can't count on their private opinions!

I have mixed opinions regarding Dr. Suzuki...I agree with him on some things and disagree on others, but in this case, I find myself agreeing with him. Maybe we should get the opinion of a popular American scientist about Fukushima?...How about Dr. Michiu Kaku?...At least he's a physicist. I dug up a CNN interview he did shortly after the Fukushima fiasco began:

And just for general interest, here's a vid from the early days of Fukushima:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 03:43 PM

The simple truth is,
You don't know what the fk you are talking about.laugh

Is that the best you could do? ...Sounds like projection to me.

I would prefer to get my news about Fukushima from an actual news organization, such as The Japan Daily Press, as opposed to a website dedicated to fear-mongering.

What was that called again?...the A Few growths On Your Baby's Thyroid Are Perfectly Normal and Healthy Press? I'll have to have a look at it. Is that as reliable as the censored-for-public-consumption-NBC-News report you mentioned earlier, or maybe ABC News?:

I had a look and sure enough, you're right. There IS watered-down, optimistic news coming out of Japan these days:

With any luck, someday they won't have any reactors to blow up, melt down, and contaminate the rest of the planet. I feel better already!

you better worry about the China-Syndrome!
That Reactor-Core might just end up in your Backyard!

It already DID!...That's why I'm ranting about it.

I'd clean up the mess myself, but all the robots I send to do the work just die on the job before they get within a hundred feet of it.

(On the plus side, the glow makes for a neat patio light)

Only problem is that the much vaunted China-Syndrome is Fake!
Core really wouldn't get too far!

Th' dickens you say!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:53 AM
Anonymous makes a speech laying down the law:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:51 AM
check this out:

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:34 AM

I don't know...I'll have to reserve judgment...I haven't seen any proof that Obama's any of those things. ROTFLMAO

lol, it's been on all the news channels, unlike the "plot of 9-11"...

Oh c'mon...Who watches any of that MSM crap besides the sheeple?

ummm... MSM was on of the main supporters of 9/11 conspiracy theory... but i meant all the main news channels, not just one or two... i take it you saw where this article came from...

What article?...Oh you mean the OP?...Who ever reads those? Too many big words if you ask me.

the most liberal statement ever...

Thanks, but I thought we've already been over this "liberal" thing. I'm not a liberal. In truth, I'm not a voluntarist libertarian commie anarchist either. I'm a duck.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:08 AM

I don't know...I'll have to reserve judgment...I haven't seen any proof that Obama's any of those things. ROTFLMAO

lol, it's been on all the news channels, unlike the "plot of 9-11"...

Oh c'mon...Who watches any of that MSM crap besides the sheeple?

ummm... MSM was on of the main supporters of 9/11 conspiracy theory... but i meant all the main news channels, not just one or two... i take it you saw where this article came from...

What article?...Oh you mean the OP?...Who ever reads those? Too many big words if you ask me.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:04 AM

The simple truth is,
You don't know what the fk you are talking about.laugh

Is that the best you could do? ...Sounds like projection to me.

I would prefer to get my news about Fukushima from an actual news organization, such as The Japan Daily Press, as opposed to a website dedicated to fear-mongering.

What was that called again?...the A Few growths On Your Baby's Thyroid Are Perfectly Normal and Healthy Press? I'll have to have a look at it. Is that as reliable as the censored-for-public-consumption-NBC-News report you mentioned earlier, or maybe ABC News?:

I had a look and sure enough, you're right. There IS watered-down, optimistic news coming out of Japan these days:

With any luck, someday they won't have any reactors to blow up, melt down, and contaminate the rest of the planet. I feel better already!

Blow up? Wow, what a misunderstanding of nuclear power production that is. A nuclear reactor is not a bomb.

By the way, that ABC story doesn't pertain to the west coast of the USA, which is the topic of this thread.

Yeah...I guess you're was just a bunch of fear-mongering alarmists that must have faked the film of the reactors blowing their lids in 2011...good special effects though!...right up there with the thermite demolition of the twin towers using holographic planes. LMAO

The ABC story wasn't intended to pertain to the thread topic...It was intended to show you that even your precious "reliable sources for news" are just as given to "fear-mongering" as my "alarmist", "less than credible" web-based information sources.

There is a difference between an explosion caused by a build-up of hydrogen gas and an explosion caused by a nuclear reaction.

Yeah...The hydrogen build-up was caused by the heat of the runaway nuclear reaction...The explosion didn't really do much...except scatter scads of plutonium & other light & heavy isotopes all over the place..."Nothing to see here folks...move along now...stop's only a few little explosions...most of the contamination won't even land in this area...If you live near these reactors, you should probably just go home and await further instruction in a few months or so...move along now..."

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:58 AM

It means that the report was pure fantasy.

Yep,true,the Planes were actually advanced X-Wing Fighters!

they used the force to make the buildings fall like that, and building 7... bush and cheney were students of the force, they trained under anikin before he became darth vader...

No no no...Cheney is Darth Vader and David Rockefeller is Emperor Sidius. They wanted to cast Dubya as Jack-Be-Nimble, but he wasn't quick enough for the part.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:53 AM

I don't know...I'll have to reserve judgment...I haven't seen any proof that Obama's any of those things. ROTFLMAO

lol, it's been on all the news channels, unlike the "plot of 9-11"...

Oh c'mon...Who watches any of that MSM crap besides the sheeple?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:51 AM

The simple truth is,
You don't know what the fk you are talking about.laugh

Is that the best you could do? ...Sounds like projection to me.

I would prefer to get my news about Fukushima from an actual news organization, such as The Japan Daily Press, as opposed to a website dedicated to fear-mongering.

What was that called again?...the A Few growths On Your Baby's Thyroid Are Perfectly Normal and Healthy Press? I'll have to have a look at it. Is that as reliable as the censored-for-public-consumption-NBC-News report you mentioned earlier, or maybe ABC News?:

I had a look and sure enough, you're right. There IS watered-down, optimistic news coming out of Japan these days:

With any luck, someday they won't have any reactors to blow up, melt down, and contaminate the rest of the planet. I feel better already!

you better worry about the China-Syndrome!
That Reactor-Core might just end up in your Backyard!

It already DID!...That's why I'm ranting about it.

I'd clean up the mess myself, but all the robots I send to do the work just die on the job before they get within a hundred feet of it.

(On the plus side, the glow makes for a neat patio light)

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:44 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 11/05/13 10:47 AM

The simple truth is,
You don't know what the fk you are talking about.laugh

Is that the best you could do? ...Sounds like projection to me.

I would prefer to get my news about Fukushima from an actual news organization, such as The Japan Daily Press, as opposed to a website dedicated to fear-mongering.

What was that called again?...the A Few growths On Your Baby's Thyroid Are Perfectly Normal and Healthy Press? I'll have to have a look at it. Is that as reliable as the censored-for-public-consumption-NBC-News report you mentioned earlier, or maybe ABC News?:

I had a look and sure enough, you're right. There IS watered-down, optimistic news coming out of Japan these days:

With any luck, someday they won't have any reactors to blow up, melt down, and contaminate the rest of the planet. I feel better already!

Blow up? Wow, what a misunderstanding of nuclear power production that is. A nuclear reactor is not a bomb.

By the way, that ABC story doesn't pertain to the west coast of the USA, which is the topic of this thread.

Yeah...I guess you're was just a bunch of fear-mongering alarmists that must have faked the film of the reactors blowing their lids in 2011...good special effects though!...right up there with the thermite demolition of the twin towers using holographic planes. LMAO

The ABC story wasn't intended to pertain to the thread topic...It was intended to show you that even your precious "reliable sources for news" are just as given to "fear-mongering" as my "alarmist", "less than credible" web-based information sources.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:36 AM
I don't know...I'll have to reserve judgment...I haven't seen any proof that Obama's any of those things. ROTFLMAO

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 10:21 AM

so arrest them, if you have all this evidence... but is weird how all the lawyers in Washington doesn't have enough evidence to do anything

Having sufficient evidence isn't the only problem:

If you can't even nail cops for murder in broad daylight, what chance do you have making arrests & getting a fair trial if you have to deal with a corrupt DoJ running the courts?

The lawyers in Washington have plenty of evidence...They just can't do anything with it.

i don't know, i've never seen any of this evidence... speculation is not proof of anything...

Who said anything about speculation? I'm talking about EVIDENCE, not speculation or proof.

In law, "proof" of guilt is the verdict of guilty reached at trial. How in hell can anyone prove their guilt if they aren't even arrested and put on trial???

I'm pretty sure you've never seen any evidence because you are too chicken to look for it; if you saw it, it might make you feel an uncomfortable moral duty to your nation to DO something besides pretending it doesn't exist.

If you haven't got the balls for justice, at least have the decency to get Bush & Cheney north of the 49th parallel...We can try them here!

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 02:35 AM
An unwarranted, irrelevent, and uncreative ad hominem - strike two

I'll try to use monosyllabic words in future to accommodate the anencephalic hecklers.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 02:21 AM

so arrest them, if you have all this evidence... but is weird how all the lawyers in Washington doesn't have enough evidence to do anything

Having sufficient evidence isn't the only problem:

If you can't even nail cops for murder in broad daylight, what chance do you have making arrests & getting a fair trial if you have to deal with a corrupt DoJ running the courts?

The lawyers in Washington have plenty of evidence...They just can't do anything with it.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 11/05/13 01:56 AM

The simple truth is,
You don't know what the fk you are talking about.laugh

Is that the best you could do? ...Sounds like projection to me.

I would prefer to get my news about Fukushima from an actual news organization, such as The Japan Daily Press, as opposed to a website dedicated to fear-mongering.

What was that called again?...the A Few growths On Your Baby's Thyroid Are Perfectly Normal and Healthy Press? I'll have to have a look at it. Is that as reliable as the censored-for-public-consumption-NBC-News report you mentioned earlier, or maybe ABC News?:

I had a look and sure enough, you're right. There IS watered-down, optimistic news coming out of Japan these days:

With any luck, someday they won't have any reactors to blow up, melt down, and contaminate the rest of the planet. I feel better already!

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