Community > Posts By > JustDukkyMkII
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Sat 04/06/13 05:47 AM
There IS hope...Some of the pioneers of freedom and technology are hard at work as we speak. We could end a lot of the evil in the world if we would only heed them...Of course, first we have to know that they even exist before we can do that.
For example, how many have even heard of men like Richard Stallman? |
I think the likelihood is high something stupid will ensue. So does China, which is on full alert, and also has a defence treaty with North Korea. If North Korea is attacked, it will mean war with China, which is probably something the US really wants doesn't want to have to pay its debt to China and could really use a major war right now to rally the country behind the flag...after all, it worked on 9/11...for awhile. War with China would not be good. Maybe somebody should let the administration know. I have a feeling that right about now, the Fed thinks it's a peachy idea and has persuaded the administration of the economic benefits of such a war. |
I think the likelihood is high something stupid will ensue. So does China, which is on full alert, and also has a defence treaty with North Korea. If North Korea is attacked, it will mean war with China, which is probably something the US really wants doesn't want to have to pay its debt to China and could really use a major war right now to rally the country behind the flag...after all, it worked on 9/11...for awhile. |
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Fri 04/05/13 05:13 PM
We have to remember that North Korea has been ostracized by the rest of the world with economic/trade sanctions for ages. They had been playing the nuclear card for a few years in hopes of getting a better deal, but our side never gave an inch as far as compromise. The six party talks broke down, etc.
What makes me feel kinda rotten is that none of the governments (including the government of North Korea) gives a $hit about the people of North Korea, the long-suffering victims of this stupid political game. The only good thing I've heard recently is that somebody at the pentagon must have had a few brain cells firing and convinced (hopefully) the administration that maybe backing young Kim Jong Un into a corner by poking him with sticks might not be the smartest idea they ever had. Seems doing so might make him "honour bound" to do something extremely stupid, so they now want to at least give him the option to calm down gracefully. Who knows...maybe they can re-start the talks and waste a few more years playing hegemonic games while the North Koreans starve to death. |
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Thu 04/04/13 03:33 AM
Sorry.....stumbled into another thread where everyone is right. Have fun guys. Enjoy the show...Human nature never ceases to amaze me...I guess most people live by one simple axiom "I'm right and everyone else has a screw loose!"...The human animal at its finest. All I can say that might actually relate to the topic is that I'm not the same duck I was even a month ago, never mind 20 or 30 years ago...That was another duck altogether. Lucky for me my feathers have greyed and none of my old enemies recognizes me. |
Is it just posturing?
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Thu 04/04/13 01:06 AM
I don't wanna rain on anybody's parade, but I just heard DPRK's "Fearless Leader" has authorized his forces to make a nuclear strike on the US. Apologies: The joke pic is a lot bigger than I thought it was...Sorry. While I don't think that's gonna happen, we should probably consider the consequences of a suicidal first strike against the US. If one is attempted, then let's hope the satellite killer defence system wasn't awarded to the lowest bidder! The most likely scenario IMO is a false flag (blamed on DPRK) nuclear attack on the US BY the US to start the war because it's really looking to start a war with China to do the BIS (and itself) a "favour" by taking out the wealthiest nation in BRICS. I'd say WWIII is well under way now, and it is the war between the principals of the BIS and BRICS...Let's hope WE THE PEOPLE win this one. |
I smell Rob Menard's twisted logic at work in this thread. Or Clifford Dean, perhaps. Meh...They're only human so it stands to reason there would be something twisted about them. One cannot discount the influence of Moose Heads and Pot upon ol' Fezboy's distorted reasoning. Since you are bringing him up in the first place, it would appear that he's even better known than I thought he was... He's only famous for his Footle idiocy, which, incidentally, resembles some of the specious legal naiveté evinced in this thread. I suppose for some, recycling old scams is better than getting a job, and there's no shortage of idiots to support his lifestyle. I guess I should point out that your Freudian slip is showing. I may not like your insecure, insincere, uneducated, inane and irrelevent opinion, ventured to compensate for feelings of intellectual inferiority, but I'll fight to the death for your right to express it. In short, I thought you were capable of laying out better bait than that...I'm kinda disappointed. Your projections are misdirected, for I was referring to the puerile 'slave' accusation, being that it is one of Menard's favourite insults to those who don't agree with his bucolic interpretations of the law. Please have some inkling of what is going on before shooting off your bill. Having said that, it is typical that you've nothing of an intellectual nature to contribute, other than ignorant ad hominem. Rant on, Daffy. I stand in awe at your godlike intellectual superiority effendi. I am duly humbled. I would attempt a pitiful retort in a futile attempt to go down fighting, but obviously the battle of wits has ended and I have lost...badly (besides, I don't have a dictionary handy to look up all those big words you used). My apologies for ever even attempting a response to your brilliant insights. I won't ever make that near-fatal mistake again. You are free to say whatever you like without worrying that I will respond at all. And besides, we wouldn't wanna see the thread wrecked by a stupid flame war. |
I smell Rob Menard's twisted logic at work in this thread. Or Clifford Dean, perhaps. Meh...They're only human so it stands to reason there would be something twisted about them. One cannot discount the influence of Moose Heads and Pot upon ol' Fezboy's distorted reasoning. Since you are bringing him up in the first place, it would appear that he's even better known than I thought he was... He's only famous for his Footle idiocy, which, incidentally, resembles some of the specious legal naiveté evinced in this thread. I suppose for some, recycling old scams is better than getting a job, and there's no shortage of idiots to support his lifestyle. I guess I should point out that your Freudian slip is showing. I may not like your insecure, insincere, uneducated, inane and irrelevent opinion, ventured to compensate for feelings of intellectual inferiority, but I'll fight to the death for your right to express it. In short, I thought you were capable of laying out better bait than that...I'm kinda disappointed. |
This seems like the most appropriate thread to wish everyone a Happy Spring Fertility Rites. (I was beginning to think nobody else knew about my favourite seasonal celebration.)
It also happens to occur about a week after the Passover, which would be about the time the invitations would have gone out for the spring fertility rites, which implies that maybe "passover" refers to getting passed over for the Great Party. The story of G-d's vengeance for the "snub" (with a plague that killed all the firstborns) probably grew from that. |
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Sun 03/31/13 06:29 PM
I smell Rob Menard's twisted logic at work in this thread. Or Clifford Dean, perhaps. Meh...They're only human so it stands to reason there would be something twisted about them. One cannot discount the influence of Moose Heads and Pot upon ol' Fezboy's distorted reasoning. That's what makes him a regular Canadian that everyone likes to identify with (which explains his global popularity). In case you didn't know, Moosehead beer, the world's finest pot, and hockey are Canada's greatest exports. Since you are bringing him up in the first place, it would appear that he's even better known than I thought he was...Maybe we should add him to the list of Canada's best exports; I like him a helluva lot more than Justin Beaver...and besides, we need a replacement for this guy (the whole nation is still in mourning...even Fearless Leader): |
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Sun 03/31/13 03:13 PM
| quoted for emphasis : 'We have laws, such as those prohibiting drunk driving, for a reason; they protect society. The real “entitlement” culture that’s harming America isn’t that of food stamps or Social Security, but that of far-right that supports the belief that individual citizens should have nearly unlimited liberty, regardless of the consequences to other individuals or the rest of society. If the “right” you believe you’re “entitled” to causes more harm for society as a whole than it does good, or poses a direct threat to the freedom and pursuit of happiness of other people, then you are in fact not entitled to that right. Where that line is drawn between personal liberty and the general welfare is a fair and interesting conversation, but some things are just obvious.' of course, the statement about things being 'obvious' is one I disagree with,, its a very subjecvtive perspective to determine what is 'obvious' Really doesn't matter whether you agree or not,RIGHTS are not conditional to the approval of the Majority,except maybe in a State ruled by Mob-Rule,as most of the world is today! Rights are inherent in the Individual,NOT something that is bestowed by the Government! Keep on drinking that Collectivist Kool-Aid! Individual Rights ¶ A “right” is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.) The concept of a “right” pertains only to action—specifically, to freedom of action. It means freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men. Thus, for every individual, a right is the moral sanction of a positive—of his freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own voluntary, uncoerced choice. As to his neighbors, his rights impose no obligations on them except of a negative kind: to abstain from violating his rights. The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave. Bear in mind that the right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and the consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that a man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. It is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values. “Rights” are a moral concept—the concept that provides a logical transition from the principles guiding an individual’s actions to the principles guiding his relationship with others—the concept that preserves and protects individual morality in a social context—the link between the moral code of a man and the legal code of a society, between ethics and politics. Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law. Man holds these rights, not from the Collective nor for the Collective, but against the Collective—as a barrier which the Collective cannot cross; . . . these rights are man’s protection against all other men. Since Man has inalienable individual rights, this means that the same rights are held, individually, by every man, by all men, at all times. Therefore, the rights of one man cannot and must not violate the rights of another. For instance: a man has the right to live, but he has no right to take the life of another. He has the right to be free, but no right to enslave another. He has the right to choose his own happiness, but no right to decide that his happiness lies in the misery (or murder or robbery or enslavement) of another. The very right upon which he acts defines the same right of another man, and serves as a guide to tell him what he may or may not do. The Right to the Pursuit of Happiness means man’s right to live for himself, to choose what constitutes his own private, personal, individual happiness and to work for its achievement, so long as he respects the same right in others. It means that Man cannot be forced to devote his life to the happiness of another man nor of any number of other men. It means that the collective cannot decide what is to be the purpose of a man’s existence nor prescribe his choice of happiness. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). When individual rights are abrogated, there is no way to determine who is entitled to what; there is no way to determine the justice of anyone’s claims, desires, or interests. The criterion, therefore, reverts to the tribal concept of: one’s wishes are limited only by the power of one’s gang. In order to survive under such a system, men have no choice but to fear, hate, and destroy one another; it is a system of underground plotting, of secret conspiracies, of deals, favors, betrayals, and sudden, bloody coups. You have a lot to learn,Grasshopper! Very nice post Conrad. I have to agree...On my best day I could not have put it any better, nor even as well I'm sure. |
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Sun 03/31/13 01:00 PM
I dont see a difference in what was posted and what we already have except that cops arent 'lying in wait' in Yugoslavia so yeah, we should and do give people the opportunity to live UP to what they can and we also take precautions for those cases where peoples inability or unwillingness to live up to it might cause others harm,,, Then why does the US have the highest incarceration rate in the world, and one of the highest (if not the highest) recidivism rate(s)? Are the American people the most criminal-minded on Earth?...Why? |
| Voltaire was right! Of course he was! |
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Sun 03/31/13 12:53 PM
noone will convince me these idiots do it because laws are in place to penalize their behavior As usual, you missed the boat and it sailed without you aboard. What I SAID was that the laws here are FAR TOO LAX and assume that people are base animals who must be controlled externally before they run rampant and kill & eat one another. (i.e they are trusted to live DOWN to what we believe them to be.) What I SAID was that an infinitely better system would be one Where the PENALTIES ARE STIFF, but assume that most people CAN BE TRUSTED TO CONTROL THEMSELVES IF given the expectation that they will act like responsible adult human beings. (i.e. they are trusted to live UP to what we believe them to be.) As usual, people will be what they are believed to be....That's practically a law of nature. (BTW, you shouldn't use present tense when speaking of Yugoslavia...It has been "wiped from the pages of history.") |
In the same manner that a child who is never trusted with any responsibility will never grow to accept liability for his actions (leaving it in the hands of the parent), the child will also always test his boundaries of just how much he can get away with.
This is doubly true with children of the state. They are not trusted to drive sober (as evidenced by the many cops lying in wait outside taverns and by the many (less crafty) drivers they nab who have booze breath and must be tested to see if they had "too much." (this is of course a revenue bonus for the state, who usually mete;s out a hefty fine as "justice.") What would happen if adults were fully liable for their actions and simply trusted (in the absence of evidence to the contrary…consistent with a presumption of innocence) to behave in a lawful manner? I have a friend who gave me a clue in that regard. He used to be a cop in the former Yugoslavia under Tito. There were no cops lying in wait outside the taverns because there were no "drunk driving laws". In fact, unless you appeared to be weaving on the road, or showing some other sign that you might not be competent to drive, the cops didn't bother you at all (and if you WERE weaving on the road, they pulled you over to see if they could help, which in some cases involved an overnight stay at the jail to keep you from causing harm owing to your condition…You might even get a lecture or fine for imprudent driving but that was about it), UNLESS you caused harm to people or property! At that point you had the book thrown at you and you could be stuck in a prison for as much as twenty years for being such a grossly negligent d¡ckhead. There were comparatively few prison inmates in Yugoslavia and drunk (imprudent) driving was almost non-existent. Even though their penitentiaries focused on rehabilitation, taught trades & such, and paid good wages (mostly received upon discharge) and (which gave the discharged con a new lease on life after he'd paid his debt to society), the example set by the heavy prison sentences served as a sufficient deterrent to crime as to make all but the most juvenile & incompetent of minds straighten up and behave without being told what will happen if they didn't. They didn't need any catchy slogans or responsible driving campaigns to get people to accept responsibility for their actions. For those nitwits who did go to jail, they only went once…The recidivism rate was practically zero. The prison inmates, by the time they got out were not the same men who had gone in…moreover they weren't starting from square one either and left prison with enough money & skill to establish themselves as upstanding members of the community, so they were not forced back into crime to survive and were not considered unrepentent crooks who were only taking a holiday from prison. but were welcomed back into the community as mature adults by people who acknowledged their debt to society as fully paid. After my friend told me all this, it almost made me weep for the fall of Yugoslavia and made me wish we had a system half that good here. There are a lot of benefits to be gained by assuming the best of people, instead of the worst, and writing "laws" to keep them "in line" (while simultaneously loading the state's coffers). |
People tend to forget that the Korean War never really ended. There was no peace treaty signed, only an armistice (an indefinite cease-fire), which North Korea said some years back that they would no longer honour owing to "outside provocation." (The war had only switched taps from hot/shooting to cold/economic.)
North Korea couldn't fight the whole world's (BIS's) economic sanctions and decided to start heating things up to get a better deal for peace, unfortunately, the West didn't bite and continued to put on the economic pressure without making any concessions. In technical terms the war continued from 1950 to today, which now makes it 63 years old. Maybe it's time for a final resolution one way or the other. Myself. I'm taking no sides, as it is the North Korean people who have suffered greatly from the machinations of BOTH sides. I hope it is the PEOPLE of North Korea that snatch the peace from the hands of BOTH "Fearless Leader" and "The West" |
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Sun 03/31/13 07:34 AM
OOPS!...I keep forgetting that MIngle can't handle https URLs. Here's an even better one that works: |
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Sun 03/31/13 07:06 AM
Strongman and the Lemon! Strongman puts on a Show,squeezes a Lemon dry,then calls on anyone in the Audience to get three more drops of Juice out of the Lemon! Prize would be 500Euro! That little Man comes up on Stage,takes the Lemon,and squezes another half Cup out of it! Strongman grudgingly pays those 500Euro over,but wants to know how that pintsize Man achieved it! Little Man says,"Well,I am a Tax-Collector by Profession"! So,you see,there is always something left for the Taxcollector! I used to know a guy that could get his pound of flesh out of the taxman with practical jokes...The stories are endless and hilarious. One of my favourites was one visit to his home by a couple of tax auditors... They asked to see his books and he told them he kept his books in the attic (accessed by a trapdoor in the ceiling). They asked how he expected them to get up there and he rented them his ladder for $10 (in advance). When they got up there it was too dark to see anything, so he sold them a flashlight & batteries. He then took away the ladder (Apparently, they only needed it to get up and didn't rent additional use/time to get down). Inspecting the attic with the flashlight, the only "books" they could find were some dusty copies of stuff like "Little Women." They angrily asked for his ACCOUNTING books...He said he didn't keep any and they had no right to be angry...After all, how could he be expected to know what "books" they wanted to see? They then asked for the ladder so they could come down, at which time he informed them that the ladder had been put away (and I believe he said that owing to the difficulty in hauling it out again, he'd have to charge considerably more than he charged in the first advance... and (obviously) much more money than they had on them), and he didn't care for their impolite & surly attitudes in response to his hospitality. They had to jump down, after which they left in such a huff that they forgot their new flashlight. True story. Needless to say, he & I became fast friends, as he was something of an inspiration to me. |
I smell Rob Menard's twisted logic at work in this thread. Or Clifford Dean, perhaps. Meh...They're only human so it stands to reason there would be something twisted about them. |
scary as heck! Like me, he probably believes that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Unfortunately, it looks like he didn't bring a full deck to the Great Game. |