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Tue 08/06/19 02:48 PM
Did anyone catch the hilarity at the Democrat Socialist convention? What a bunch of whiny children.

I haven't decided what was funnier. Offensive "Perfume?" The jazz wave was very ridiculous. Being genderless, had it's moments. About the best, was the offensive whispering disturbing one delegate.

Made me wish that I could have been in the lobby of that hotel- And be a Perfume Sniper!

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Mon 08/05/19 03:08 AM
I don't doubt that. Consider this- those "scumbags" as you call them, make it harder for the decent ones to get anywhere. I can understand your frustrations with them. In the process of you being guarded and sceptical about men, you inadvertently take it out on men that never set out to take advantage of you.

Some manage to convince you that their intentions are honorable. Others, may never be able to. I suspect that the "others" do one of two things. Retreat, or lash out. They may turn to becoming the "Scumbags", just to seek out some sort of revenge for how the women have treated them.

I believe some men with sisters don't learn much about women. Mine, taught me something valuable. How to duck. My father insisted that I never hit girls at an early age. All that did was give my sister free reign to haul off and wallop me any old time she felt like it, and get away with it. ( a very good reason why I haven't talked to her in 30 years)

Brothers, on the otherhand, may learn from each other about women by comparing notes. But, since I never had one of those, I wouldn't know.

no photo
Sun 08/04/19 04:31 AM
I do, and I support Trump because he's trying to make america work again.

America isn't freebee land. Dems are rallying the government leeches, with free everything. They're resorted to just about every trick in the book to smear Conservatives. Then wonder why we think they're un-american.

Dems haven't figured out, that carisma, and a better future for working america is what got Trump elected. None of their potential candidates have a tenth of what Trump has.

Keep up your antics, dems. You're doing a fine job of igniting conservatives, getting them out to vote. You aren't beating us down, only P*ss*ng us off.

no photo
Sat 08/03/19 08:22 PM

This is a pretty good reason why I don't bother with women anymore. Too many automatic assumptions, based on gender. I've heard loads of stories about how men go about the fine art of dating. Of course, about 90% of it is all bs. One little minor point. Being a man does not mean I'd listen to them. But women don't know that. They apply what they have been told, past experiences, and other silly lore that makes them difficult, if not impossible to date. Your roadblocks stop me. No, I won't try to overcome them-you aren't worth it. Having sex with you isn't all that uplifting to me.

So go ahead, apply all of your irrational garbage onto me. Walking away from it is easy, and I'm no worse for wear because I did.

You forgot to mention that the grapes are sour, too.

I call it like I see it. Few can bare peer pressure like I can. If I can't live my life, my way, then it's not worth living. Go find someone that will kowtow to you, and your opinions.

no photo
Sat 08/03/19 03:48 PM

To speak bluntly, guys want sex, but they don't wait for the woman to decide if she wants to give that up. I hope. Once you give them what they want , photos or dances, or whatever. Just flirty stuff. No harm, but you have boundaries in words and suggestions.
They want you to do things. Why, I don't know you. I am typing to you on the computer!!! Dah. I like planning, but the other side, you should plan some things, it keeps it flowing. Women like that. ...Something to look forward to I say. ! Accept me for a bad habit or two. Some might say. You got anything wrong with you? :)

This is a pretty good reason why I don't bother with women anymore. Too many automatic assumptions, based on gender. I've heard loads of stories about how men go about the fine art of dating. Of course, about 90% of it is all bs. One little minor point. Being a man does not mean I'd listen to them. But women don't know that. They apply what they have been told, past experiences, and other silly lore that makes them difficult, if not impossible to date. Your roadblocks stop me. No, I won't try to overcome them-you aren't worth it. Having sex with you isn't all that uplifting to me.

So go ahead, apply all of your irrational garbage onto me. Walking away from it is easy, and I'm no worse for wear because I did.

no photo
Fri 08/02/19 07:41 PM
Indiana doesn't. I can go in and vote for a dem during the primary.

HMMM! Now who, do I think is very rotten, so I can screw up the possible winner??? So far Debozio. Or. maybe Maryann Williamson! Oh yes! the smartest candidate who is also oprah's spiritual adviser.

A Steller choice.

no photo
Wed 07/31/19 03:16 PM
Took me about a year, year and 1/2 to decide that dating, and dating websites were a huge pain, and I was never going to see date one from any of them.

First of all, one must get a reply. I had a whole whopping 5 women do that. They all lasted, maybe two, three replies at best. Now, I'm sure alot of you have made the assumption that I mentioned sex. Not so. I never used the word -sex- in any of my correspondence with them.

I tried the meetup route. Groups would form up, then fold. What good were they? Bars. Forget it. I don't go there to finance some woman's drinking binge. There's plenty of them to sponge off free drinks from me.

Take a continuing ed class. Four colleges in my town-none offer anything like that. I ride motorcycles- benefit rides. No good, I won't ride a POS harley. I ride one of those awful jap motorcycles. That happens to sport the "Made in the USA" placard.

Church-No, just no.

So what's left? Nothing. So I just pitched the whole dating biz. I can sit back and read the complaints that women have. Can't find anyone decent. Well, you made the assumption that I wasn't worth answering. So, in a left-handed way, I'm glad dating gave you the razzberries. It's not my doing.

no photo
Tue 07/30/19 02:44 PM
That so-called racism you say that is in most Trump supporters, came out when odumma was POTUS.

I didn't like his politics and said so. Some dems I argued with, told me I was when they started losing arguments. One call me a misogynist. How can you call someone that, when he worked alongside his wife for 23 years? Doing construction, no less? Those who point and claim, do not know those people personally.

Trump supporters, are fed up with how politics operated before Trump came along. Those racist cracks, are going to come back on you sometime. One just might take you to task. I wouldn't participate, but I'd sit back and enjoy the show. And think it was a good thing.

no photo
Mon 07/29/19 02:43 PM
If I had to buy one, they cost 2-3000 thousand dollars for one that at least looks sorta realistic. No, I wouldn't buy one. If I won it, sure, why not?


The real thing. First thing that comes to mind is finding one. A pretty difficult job. Far worse, if you want one that is reasonably suitable. If by some wild chance you get to that position, then she has to coaxed into considering having sex with you. One mistake- you've blown it, go back to square one. Say you did things right. You got her to have it with you. Now you get to find out if it was worth the effort. At my age, its highly likely that she will not be ideal. How not ideal, is up to you. I'm semi-sorta particular about what condition she's in. Not very, means I wasted my time and money on something that will not give me sexual satisfaction. I'd have been better off not bothering.

At least with the sex doll, I didn't waste my time and energy on the female. The sex doll was at least built well enough, because they want to be able to sell based on recommendation.

But I'll never know. I wouldn't buy one, just because of the cost involved. The women, I wasted enough time on them to know I'll get nowhere with them.

no photo
Sun 07/28/19 05:39 PM

But will it be enough to hurt his presidential chances? Possibly. We already have that problem, (racism) in the high office now. That's something we don't need any more of once Trump is gone. Maybe he should have tried harder to fix this before running for president. I'm not saying this guy is a racist. I don't know whether he is or isn't. But one thing for sure. At this point, he doesn't know how to handle it with his own police dept. If he can't figure it out with his own police dept, how is he going to handle it once he becomes president?

Why South Bend’s Police Department Has Become a Campaign Issue for Mayor Pete

"Mayor Pete Buttigieg appeared to be overwhelmed as he stood on stage with his chief of police at a South Bend, Indiana, town hall in June. Buttigieg had abruptly left the campaign trail after Sergeant Ryan O’Neill, a white cop, shot and killed Eric Logan, a 54-year-old black man. O’Neill had been responding to a call about a suspicious person breaking into cars when he came across Logan inside a vehicle. According to O’Neill, when the officer confronted Logan, he approached him with a knife; so he fired his gun twice, killing Logan. The officer’s body camera was turned off and the shooting sparked local outrage. Buttigieg’s constituents were loudly voicing their frustrations with the city, the mayor, and his police department. “Reorganize your [police] department by Friday of next week,” someone in the audience demanded. “Get the people that are racists off the streets".

Ahh, I see we get ma jones garbage. Nothing said about Logan and his past history on being a habitual criminal. Those who complained the loudest, are criminals themselves.

Republican Communists? Hardly. Democratic socialists get to own that one.

no photo
Sun 07/28/19 12:33 AM

"(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg unveiled a plan on Friday to raise wages and strengthen the rights of American workers, including “gig economy” workers such as Uber drivers, and fast-food employees".

Mayor petie is getting ready to lose about 20 officers from the SBPD, for the way he botched up the handling of that last police related shooting. The officers feel like they're on their own, having no support from the mayor's office. With good reason. The dumba** participated in a protest some months ago, coming out with the protestors. A petition is orbiting South Bend, to kick his butt out of office. All he's doing is running around in his campaign funded private plane, and acting like he's somebody. Makes me want to throw eggs at his house- and I do know exactly where he lives

no photo
Sat 07/27/19 03:49 PM
Let's not and say we did.

no photo
Sat 07/27/19 06:21 AM
Not one of these polls right now mean dirt. Not because I want to see Trump re-elected. It's because the history of the polls this early have been right. AP stopped taking polls just because they were wrong 90% of the time. Over a year out doesn't mean a thing.

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 08:53 PM

Warm, female body that is sane and not 2 ax handles wide! Simple, right??

Tsk tsk very insulting post

But true. I'm two ax handles tall, a hatchet handle wide.
I did not help create the double wide women. They get to own that one.

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 08:45 PM
I expected to still be married. That went bye-bye.

I knew I'd still be riding, that's a plus.

When my dad became widowed at my age, the women went chasing after him. I expected that to happen to me. Silly me.

I expected that women would be a little more receptive towards me and be easier to date. Nope. If anything, they got way worse. They just got more difficult to be around. Not that I wanted to, but I had to toss the whole idea of just dating out the window.

I've got a paid for house, few bills, paid for vehicles, and money in the bank. At least that part worked out.

And, I get to read stories about women bellyaching about how their are no dateable men, and know that they couldn't be more wrong if they wanted to be.

no photo
Thu 07/25/19 04:18 PM
If Epstein gets what he deserves, there's a fair chance he may kill himself. Or his fellow inmates may do in for him, if he got put in general population. Ether way, put a fork in him, he's done.

no photo
Thu 07/25/19 04:12 PM
There always was federal crimes. Air hijacking, carjacking, kidnapping, wiretapping, mail fraud, even someone destroying your mailbox is a federal crime. Most become federal crimes when more than one state is involved.(If memory serves me) All are based on the degree of severity of the crime.

Bernie Madoff is a pretty good example of that. His Ponzi scheme cost people millions. His were federal crimes, and the feds landed on him hard. The government seized every nickle that was Madoff's, including what his kids had. (because Bernie gave it to them)

The only federal crime I know of, that would cause you to be killed off, if you did not kill someone else, is treason. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for spying on the USA, for the Soviet Union.

Look it up. It's all based on what they did.

no photo
Wed 07/24/19 06:24 PM
In the long run this has been a win for the Democrats. They got what they were after. Whether they impeach him or not, doesn't matter. Now, it will either be the impeachment of him or fight him at the ballot box. Either way, now it has gone to the court of public opinion. This is what the Democrats wanted all along.

For the general public to be able to hear what Robert Mueller had to say, will, in the end, carry a lot of weight with the public at large. Trump has already proven himself a liar with no credibility. Mueller is a man of high credibility. His testimony will do one or both of two things. It will finally push the Democrats to impeach. Or, it will give more incentive for people to come election time to vote him out. Either way, at this point, it's a Democrat win.

Trump accepted help from Russia. He may not have known about it in the beginning. But when he did find out, instead of reporting it to the proper authorities, he accepted it. That was a traitorous act on his part. Also obstruction. Trump has a rope around his neck right now. Just waiting for someone (Democrats) to kick the chair out from under him. Now, we wait and see how they go about it. Impeachment or the ballot box. Either way, the Democrats know that the court of public opinion carries a whole lot of weight.

And just what were you watching??? Looked to me like it blew up in their faces. Even your precious MSM didn't like what they saw. I feel sorry for Mueller, he really looked bad. There was just too many times he didn't know his own report. Too many times he contradicted his own report findings. He DIDN'T know about Fusion GPS??? How could he not? What the heck? It's ONLY the company that produced the fictional Steele Dossier.

Start grasping the idea that Dems won't impeach Trump, because they have no evidence. They certainly shot their 2020 ambitions square in the hind end.

Got a crying towel?tears

no photo
Sun 07/21/19 12:14 AM
Expecting people to put out money for using this site, is like selling used toilet paper.

no photo
Fri 07/19/19 04:55 AM


The present democratic presidential candidates are all weak and to far socialist. I wonder if just before the 2020 democratic convention the DNC will quietly introduce someone new that they feel has greater voter appeal and is a touch more to the standard democratic ideal?

The problem is by that time the American public will be far to turned off by the direction of the democratic party. Trump has so many good things he's done for the country the 2020 election will be like a ripe apple falling into his hands.

I wonder who that could be. Not one dem I've seen to date walks about with an olive branch in his or her hand. Steve Mnuchin, maybe. Haven't heard one word on Tim Kaine, why haven't they walked his useless can out. One, I'd at least consider is Joe Lieberman, but he's retired and out of the picture.

Mayor petie, forget it. New dirt on him, I found out, was that he came rushing back during that police shooting of that guy that pulled the knife on the cop. He called the family to offer his condolences to the victim. What he failed to do was contact the officer that was involved. Mayor petie is now looked down on by a good many SBPD officers because of that. I happened to find this out from one of the investigating officers on that case. Shows that he doesn't give a hoot about the officers that work for the city.

Politics first, people last. What a dirtbag.

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