Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Wed 06/26/19 07:22 PM
When I look at a woman, and say to myself, "What would that one cost me?" My common sense takes charge. Then I don't go there.

no photo
Tue 06/25/19 06:57 PM
If you have to deep six all of your interests to have a woman, then it will blow up no matter what you do. I have yet to meet one that didn't want my undivided attention. I've seen too many "Hopeless romantic" listings in profiles. Once I see that, I'll more onto the next profile. There's no reason to mess with them, I have other interests. I wasn't wanting a woman as a hobby.

Nor would I change my opinion for any woman. That's expected, sometimes. I wasn't going to be some woman's "Pet".

no photo
Sun 06/23/19 02:33 PM

he knows what is coming will destroy this nation like they have been working on for years,,that's what will be coming..Your cities and states will be overrun with immigrants living off the tax payers dime..what's coming is more of what's already here and if we don't stand together WE ALL LOSE..United we stand divided we fall..and they want you divided by any means necessary even if it means overthrowing yout government..which is what they are trying to do with the assistance of the main stream media..There was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION it was all FRAME UP..and this has already been proven..

And now what do we have another woman from 30 years ago claiming rape..haven't we done this once already..The Dems need to write another play book..But in the mean time prepare because what's coming to ALL of us is PAIN..and it's already here,,but the main stream media is going to cover it up until they can't..and by that time for some it will be TOO LATE...


And if ya think I'm wrong ..ask yourself why would they allow this...spock

Reading this reminded me of "Typhoid Mary Mallon".

So it's not so far-fetched to believe that it couldn't happen here. American Indians died from disease that was brought from settlers coming to this country. Asian flu, Asian Aviatic flu, I suppose if I searched enough, I could find plenty of imported illness to this country. It can happen, no matter what libs say to the contrary. A simple one-me.

I don't go out much, don't eat out. I work by myself, I don't see or talk to a lot of people during my day. I had a head cold five years ago. I don't do flu shots, I had it when I was a kid. I make it a point to wash my hands often during cold and flu season. Never touch my face or mouth when I'm out at that time. So I get to miss out on being sick. darn.

no photo
Sun 06/23/19 05:44 AM
^^^Could be, and yes that was an interesting read. I'm going to go back and read about the "biased science" comments attached to that article.

I think sunspot activity has a lot to do with our weather, and climate. Back in grade school, I was taught that Co2, carbon dioxide, was necessary for plants to survive. Now there's claims that the Co2, is going to kill us. What changed? Did the plant change, or did the messenger decide to try and scare us? I think it's the latter.

So what is their problem? They're not in charge. They can't control what others do, and it eats them up.

Yeah, there's climate change. The political climate is changing and they HATE IT.

no photo
Sat 06/22/19 12:57 PM
Yes, it is.

Back in the early eighties, we were heading for the next ice age. Algore & company was selling that garbage hard. Well gee willikers! It didn't happen. So what happened to global warming? It got renamed to climate change. Alexandra Cortez then started yelling about how we weren't going to survive another 12 years. Also BS. Since a good many of these so-called climate scientists just happen to be working with the government buck, what are they going to do? Say that nothing is going to happen? Why that's NOT what dems are paying for!

It's all part of the dem plan to scare people. If you're worried, you're wasting a lot of time on it.

no photo
Fri 06/21/19 03:10 PM

The process looks more, and more, like the
Special Olympics.

It doesn't matter who wins or loses the democratic party

They're all still retarded.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 06/20/19 06:59 PM
Sounds a bit like the song I heard-

"That's no lady, that's my wife"

no photo
Wed 06/19/19 07:19 PM
I made the mistake of getting involved with a woman that was sexually assaulted by her brother. She wanted to, and did. She wasn't very loving in the act, and didn't get any better.

If she wouldn't before, there would be no after, as far as I'm concerned.

no photo
Wed 06/19/19 07:02 PM

Redrider1500, it is not a good idea to make fun of short people unless you are short yourself. In your case as you are 6'4, making jokes of short people would be taken as mean spirited.

I only use them on short folks I know. They know I'm just kidding them. Those usually come when the kid me about my height.

no photo
Wed 06/19/19 02:54 PM

How tall are you, River? I'm 4'6".

I've got loads of short jokes. I won't get them out for fear that some will get short with me.

no photo
Tue 06/18/19 08:12 PM
Orlando Sentinel endorses 'not Donald Trump' for president ahead of reelection kickoff

"Hours before President Trump was due to hold a rally in Orlando billed as the kickoff to his reelection campaign, the Orlando Sentinel announced who it is endorsing for president in 2020: not Donald Trump.

“Some readers will wonder how we could possibly eliminate a candidate so far before an election, and before knowing the identity of his opponent,” the paper said in a scathing editorial on Tuesday. “Because there’s no point pretending we would ever recommend that readers vote for Trump".

Well, ain't this a kick in Trump's azz. Florida will not endorse him. More proof that he isn't wanted. Not even in the state, he wants to start from.

Orlando Sentinel is all of Florida? Since when? What happened to Tampa, Miami, Tallahassee, Jacksonville? Did The Atlantic and Gulf swallow them up?

He's wanted as Potus. Count on it. dems keep yelping about impeaching Trump. Got a specific charge? So far, I haven't seen any. Andrew Gillum lost by the way. Ron DeSantis is Governor (A republican, I believe)

Keep fooling yourself. Resume ranting.

no photo
Tue 06/18/19 03:39 PM

Hmmmm. What sort of addendums can I add to one of these contracts? Can I add.....

1A: Thou shalt not burn my toast.
1B: Thou shalt not hide the remote during football season.
1C: Thou shalt always and never have a headache during freaky time.

I'm just saying...I want to cover all my bases.

How about-

Thou shalt not nag.
Thou aren't always right.
Thou shalt explain one's mad.

no photo
Sun 06/16/19 07:15 PM
I did them all. Never sold me.

"I have noticed that many men look so much older than they should. I think it because they don’t have a good woman in their lives"

That one's laughable. Whomever made that statement, must have a pretty high opinion of themselves. So far, I've never met one woman that didn't nag me to some extent. As far as I'm concerned, she looses her "good woman" status the minute she nags me about anything.

no photo
Sun 06/16/19 06:47 PM
I've looked at those polls since 2015. One common point that all polls never showed, was how many people did they honestly ask? Better question, how many votes did they throw out? Did they ask 20, or 20,000 people? I looked for that answer, never found it.

I did get asked back in 2016 to be included in an online poll. But they wanted my email. No way, I wasn't about to give that out. Go plug up someone else's mailbox.

Can a nasty disease be imported into this country? Absolutely!

Example- When I was doing farm buildings, we did some hog houses. Many Hog farmers wanted us to wash down our trucks, tools, anything that might have some trace of manure on it from a previous farm, it HAD to come off. Going into their existing buildings was absolutely forbidden. One farmer we'd done a building for, had a disease go through his herd. Wiped out 1500 hogs in two months. He lost $300,000 Dollars.

Yes it could happen to people. These illegals who sneak in could bring in some contagious disease with them. Ebola, Mrsa, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, infectious diarrhea, Measles. Heck, I got giardia from two pups I adopted.

Dems are exceptionally foolish for wanting open borders. One of these times, that genie is going to let out of that bottle. Then, they get to learn the hard way.

no photo
Sun 06/16/19 02:40 PM
Then you're one of the few.

I stopped asking, it just wasn't worth the effort.

no photo
Sat 06/15/19 06:01 AM

Trump hates the job? If he does.. no wonder..all day surrounded by a bunch of "BUTT HURT" LOSERS who can't get over the fact that they couldn't win an election if they rigged it..and they did.. and managed to waste the tax payers 40 million dollars on top of it with their BOGUS back up plan of Russian Collusion..real geniuses..noway

I say we start by taking their money and paying the tax payers back and end it by perp walking all their azzes in to GITMO..and that's being nice compared to what I really want seen done to them..perhaps to be revealed in a later post..or not..smile2

But hang on to those bags of pop corn girls and boys..because if they DECLAS all that I hope..this show will take an even more macabre turn..I hope you all like horror shows unfortunately this one is real..


ps..they like children....follow the rabbit..

It amazes me to no end how the media, and all who believe them without question, go off on a hysterical tear over a talking point.

"If Norway called......"

They all went crazy over it. Speculation spoken out loud in a paragraph. Makes the media go nuts for two days. And they all ignored one little word- "IF" It's like me speculating about what I'd do, IF I hit the lottery jackpot.

Sure, I could hit it. But until I do, it's all empty talk. LIke AOC and her new green deal. Or Russia collusion. Except that the dems pumped millions into an "IF" statement. And hillary bought a fictitious story and tried to make it true. Now it's coming apart in a big way. Dems are tossing everything and the bathtub at Barr and Durham. But they're not stopping. Dems intimidation isn't working.

"What goes around, comes around"

no photo
Fri 06/14/19 08:33 PM
So when does the collection plate go by?

no photo
Fri 06/14/19 08:29 PM
People never like to hear that as it's much easier on the ego to blame others and pretend you yourself are doing everything right.

Ahh! Here we go. I never once thought I was ever doing it right. But I did expect women to at least cut me a bit of slack, and help me get better. That never happened. When efforts are not appreciated, then it isn't worth doing. Or, more the case, my effort went unnoticed, so don't bother trying that again.

Why question my motives, when I have no clue what I may have done wrong? That is what truly irritates me. It's like punishing a kid, and never telling them the reason behind it. Do it constantly, and have many others do the same to the kid, eventually, the kid will have nothing to do with those people. I'm no different.

no photo
Thu 06/13/19 02:48 PM

Warren on Social Security:

I read that from a couple of sources. What would make the most sense? At age 70, no taxes owed, up to, oh, to $100k. That way, those who are still capable of earning a living, can do so. And still receive their retirement benefits at age 70. No penalties, no nothing. Keep every penny that you earn after age 70.

That would never fly with the dems. Better question- how many do continue to work on a cash basis, and don't report? Loads! The government has been screwing them over for years. Why not take advantage of the underground economy that never shows up on anybodies books? Screw the government instead.

no photo
Thu 06/13/19 02:22 PM

I did profiles, posted photos, wrote messages. What did I get? Goose egg. I don't doubt others like me have done the same for no good end. It's a lot of work and wasted time. Then someone gripes about open profiles.

You aren't seeing it from our side. Bet I re-wrote my profile a dozen times. Never changed a thing. Hundreds of messages sent with no replies. Invariably, some doofus Will come along and tell us we aren't trying hard enough. My trying hard days were long ago. By the way, I never expected the "Hi" to work, and it never did. (Yes I tried it a couple times) Five years ago, I decided to work on my own situation, and the heck with this dating business.

Rattle off a few lines, post it as a profile, and proceed to forums. No forums? I'm not there. There's no reason to, from my point of view.

So, the next time you think about questioning why profiles are so short, study on the reasons why some just don't bother.

Yeah, deuhhh... you don't have a photo. And you wonder why people don't reply?
slaphead slaphead
If a guy doesn't have a photo online, I never reply, won't even read his message. I got photos online as well, if someone can't be bothered to do that, I can't be bothered to go there.
There's enough scammers and fakes and creeps online. A photo is the least you can do.

No, I used to do photos. I thought a good bit on profiles, and wrote them. It got me zippo. Now I don't bother with it. It took a while to become indifferent to women, to view them as bodies taking up space on this planet. I would just remind myself that women looked at me the same way, I was just another body.

The only time I ever got any feedback from dating sites, was forums. I'd get comments, that's all. Short, simple, with no strings attached. The way they wanted it. I stopped believing what women wanted. What their hidden agenda is, I have no clue. Nor do I want to know, anymore.