Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Wed 05/22/19 04:33 PM
I've sat here reading this. Clearly, too many out there have sex first, without thinking of the consequences. That was always my first question before doing it, how are we going to protect ourselves. Yeah, it took all the fun out of it, but I never had to worry about making a mistake.

As I got older, I decided that if a woman had an abortion, she would be a big if in my book. If you'd do away with a life that way, you could do away with me pretty easy. It just doesn't set that well with me anymore.

I used to see a woman that I loved, we broke up. She also had two abortions before I came along. As I got older, it started bothering me. She dumped me about as easy as those two kids. Well, 30 years later, she re-appeared. It bothered me more, as I thought about it. Nope, I'm not going down that road again. I'll stay alone because of that.

You can give me the sales pitch all you like about it's her right, her body. I don't buy that for one second.

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Sat 05/18/19 04:20 AM

is it wrong for a guy to wear panties and bras ?

I suppose it is no different than a woman wearing a jock strap...
useless but in a rather pointed way.

Jockstraps are useless to begin with. I'd like to know what wizard came up with that one.

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Fri 05/17/19 08:13 PM

I thought I would start this topic because I feel there are a lot of us out there that could do with a nudge on how to text to woman AND men correctly. First off i'm not perfect by far trust me and my biggest fault would have to be that i'm not the worlds greatest speller wrrite (see)

So to set the ball rolling I believe the three golden rules are:
1 Be yourself.
2 Be honest.
3 Be truthful.

This is just something to chat about in no way would I criticize anyone but am always open for suggestions. So please feel free to comment thank you.

1 Be yourself.
2 Be honest.
3 Be truthful.

You forgot 4- Be ready to fail miserably by being the first three of your golden rules.

After 7 years of being that, I can say it doesn't work. But to be honest about it, I gave up after the first two years. The next five was spent in finding alternatives to dating.

"There's a woman for every man". laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Right. And there's lakefront property in the Mojave Desert. (Very popular for people who never learned to swim)

"You're not trying hard enough" grumble grumble grumble

Uh huh. At some point in time, the frustration will get the best of you. There are two alternatives. Accept it, or go jump off a cliff. (I'm not fond of high places, so accepting it made sense)

So go ahead, be optimistic. I prefer to accept what is, and deal with it.

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Fri 05/17/19 05:04 PM
My ex would call me once in great while. She'd want to know what was going on with me, but I couldn't ask her anything-her rule. My new rule- don't answer the phone. She'd called a few times after, I said nuts to that. She finally gave up calling. A friend of mine sees her every so often. He used to tell me that he did. I told him that I was sorry that he did, and he stopped telling that he'd seen her.

An ex is an ex for a reason. Why stir up old hurts? Nasty part of it all, is that you literally tossed away a portion of your life like I did.

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Mon 05/13/19 04:49 PM

I think China will win this trade 'war' because their leader, unlike Trump, does not have to stand again for election. All they have to do is wait for the next US government which will, of course, be democrat, who will no doubt have different policies on trade.

Highly doubtful. Dems are running on nothing. Add to it, they're not getting anything done in congress. Toss in the collusion that is going to come back to haunt them. Don't stand on what the lib media is pushing.

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Sat 05/11/19 06:03 AM

It was us the British who put Saddam in power I think.
We were happy to turn a blind eye, as he apparently kept other forces at bay
And I suppose there were various backhanders on oil deals
But then he got too big for his boots, pushed his luck too far, and bit the hand that fed him, so bye bye Saddam
I suspect a similar thing here, sort of, only Trump ain't getting the deal he wants, I suppose
And these things will simply continue in these mineral and oil rich countries
We'll allow somebody to get away with loads of stuff, all the while pretending we don't. Then point our finger and say how terrible they are
This will probably happen as long as we use fossil fuels that we don't need.
As for the Russia / China / Isis elements to this equation. I really don't know. I just know that it makes me sad, and that I don't like politics.
And that it's all a sort of Dr Strange Love scenario
Where the doomsaday device that can destroy us all, is there to keep us safe
Even if you don't go to that extreme, it's who's got the biggest guns, whose got the most guns, who's got the most soldiers
All of this to keep us safe
From them
The bogeyman
Not us, we're the good guys
Like I say, my knowledge isn't great, but I just don't buy into it

I call it "The bully mentality".

Fear me. Oooh and Ahh me because I'm smarter/stronger than you. Aren't you impressed with me?

Oh come now, get real. Wanna impress me? Make your citizens happy. Make their standard of living good. Instill pride in their country. Let them live without fear, or oppression. Make them WANT to stay in their country. How hard is that?

Plenty hard, from what we've seen. Quite a few aren't happy unless they see others struggle to live. It really doesn't say much for you, if everyone hates your guts, and want to leave.

I'm not fond of bullies. Give me a chance, I'll lower one. Don't tell me what to do, I won't do it to you. You live, I live.

Just for a minute, lets say Iran drops its nuclear program. What would happen? Plenty. Money would rolling into their country, to buy their oil. They would get swamped in trading partners wanting to sell them goods. They'd need lots of workers to help them get their oil out. The workers would have money to spend. Gotta have places to spend their money. Well, shoot, no buildings to do it in. Build them. More workers to do the work. More folks with money to spend. Prosperity goes crazy. People get happy. Life gets good.

In a short amount of time, Iran becomes a place that people want to be at. Who wouldn't want to live in a prosperous country? Shows just one thing.

Their leaders are idiots.

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Sat 05/04/19 06:48 AM
From my observations in this forums and others,I've figured out a few things.

1. Some don't like to type. A simple message could look insurmountable to them. They may love to talk to people, but typing out a message won't work for them.

2. Spelling mistakes. Some just don't want to look dumb. I'm not familiar with the androids. I don't know if they have spellcheck. I'm on a laptop, mine has that feature, and I use it. (Like I just did)

3. The topics might not interest them. That's understandable.

4. I see a lot of cut & paste used. I have one dead laptop that got polluted from a cut & paste, go to this webpage to see what I'm talking about, proof. Those posters may spend actual money on their anti-virus. Their proof cost me. So, they may think their points are valid. I choose to not fact-check their junk. One, occupy democrats is about the worst thing you can invite into your pc. You can get bombarded by their garbage, and advertisements. If you're not capable of holding up your end of a conversation, write what you think, convincingly, then you don't deserve to be talked to.

5. Frequent posters. They don't want to listen. Their opinion is everything. Your's is zilch. And they dump your posts because it interferes with their propaganda. So sorry, I don't happen to agree with you. You do have the right to say whatever you think. It's too bad I'm not extended the same courtesy.

This is my opinion. If you don't like it, I'm sure it will vanish in thin air. They always do.

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Fri 05/03/19 07:32 PM
Bill Barr can't be held for contempt of congress. He went willingly. He was never subpoenaed. Nice try.

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Thu 05/02/19 05:53 PM
I got put off by no replies.

I read profiles, and worded my response according to what I read. I never expected a reply every time. My expectations lowered, the longer I was online. I started digging into how to respond. That went nowhere. Profile rewrites certainly didn't work. I tried the blanket response, no go. ( I didn't think it would) One word was a bust. New profiles, (Blowing up the old completely) bombed.

After a year and a half, I came to the conclusion that dating wasn't in cards for me, so I just dropped the whole mess, and became a forumite. And figure out how to make a go of a solo lifestyle.

I had to decide that the female occupants of this world were put here for taking up space. I let it bother me for too long. If they want to be friendly, I'll return the favor. But I won't let it go any farther than that. Old age made me smart. I'd rather just observe, and leave the grief to others.

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Wed 05/01/19 04:00 PM
Would have to be when I went back to work for myself. My dad and I had run our little business for years. But he taught me nothing about the paperwork end of it. I went and landed a job with another company when he got sick, and was in the hospital. I stuck with that job until spring, then called in sick and went out scouting for work I could contract. I landed one siding job, but told that customer I wouldn't do it until I knew I had another job after theirs. When I went back to work the following day, my then boss decided to lay me off that day. I told him I didn't care, I was out contracting for myself. Then that bastard had the nerve to ask me if I was going to give him two weeks notice. My reply- "Did you?" I jumped his *** anyway a month before, for telling a customer that I was to blame for a pool liner that was leaking. I had never been to that job before that day. To get back at him, I turned him into the labor department for not paying me overtime.

Once I got started back contracting, people got to trusting me, and my work. Word of mouth is great advertising. That was over 30 years ago, and I'm still at it.

no photo
Tue 04/30/19 03:11 PM
I never knew how. I wouldn't know if someone was flirting with me, that's how bad I am at it. Oh well, I've survived this long, guess I won't loose any sleep over it.

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Tue 04/30/19 05:42 AM
For the most part, the medical profession tries to do what's best for the patient. Take your ailment to several doctors, you may get several different ways to treat your ailment.

This is what I found out. Many moons ago, I broke my leg. Two inches above the ankle, both bones. Very nasty. Also very slow to heal. My leg was in plaster from hip to toes for the first four months.

First orthopedist was very curt and nasty to me. He'd get me in for an exam, 8am. I'd lay in the cast room for 5-6 hours before he'd look at me. Then he'd spend 5 minutes with me, and out the door I went. He always X-rayed it. On the second visit, I finally got him to tell me what he was look for, in the healing of it.

On the third visit, x-ray, then left me sit. His x-ray tech put up my last two up on his viewer, there I sat. I was able to study it then. By what I felt and what I could see, it was healing. He didn't think so, and told me that. On the fifth visit, he put me in a cylinder cast from knee to ankle. But still insisted it wasn't healing. I knew it was, because the bones stopped shifting. To me, that's healing. And I started feeling lumps forming on the break area.

Last visit, he cut my cast off, and told me that he would put a bone graft on it. I told him I wanted a second opinion. He got mad that I did. Then I got mad and told him I was going to stick a crutch up his ***. I took my x-rays, and out I went.

From there, I went to six orthopods. All had different ways to treat me. Two said that it was healing. I chose the one that was closest to me, and we let it be for 8 weeks. In the meantime, I was told to get as much exercise as I could, to increase the circulation to promote healing. That's when the healing process really took off. On my last visit, I faked using my crutches, because I had been walking on that leg without support, like a cain. (Which I made) I'd used that for 2 months, instead of crutches. When he said I could start walking on that leg, I tucked the crutches under one arm and walked out. He asked me one last question as I was leaving- "How long had you been walking on that?" I said a month, he laughed, and chased me out.

The first orthopod sued me for the final bill, I wouldn't pay it. He couldn't look me in the face in small claims, because I was standing there. He was wrong, and he knew it. I wouldn't sit in the courtroom, because I was proving a point. The judge tossed out the suit, he got nothing for his effort. (Which wasn't much)

Moral- Doctors don't know everything. Never allow them to work on you without a second opinion. (Unless it's life or death, and you're gushing blood, or in severe pain) Most good ones will want you to get a second, only to verify that their diagnosis is correct. For their own piece of mind.

no photo
Sun 04/28/19 04:59 PM
I'd rather be solo.

You can be miserable if you like. But, that shows when you go looking for a mate. you'll come off looking desperate, which isn't attractive. Some will avoid you like the plague.

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Sun 04/28/19 06:20 AM
I read where the USA had restricted immigration from about 1920, to 1960, to get those who did, naturalized citizens. I remember seeing that written down in one of my history books from grade school. I don't know how true that is.

I lived in the Polish section in Chicago for a time during college. There were quite a few Poles I met that were born here, but knew nothing but Polish. I'd say offhand, they lived very sheltered lives.

Many of the latinos I know, claim that spanish isn't latino language. Since I don't know spanish, I can't sat one way or another that it is. Sounds similar, but so does some oriental languages to me. There again, I don't know.

A friend of my ex is born and bred german. She speaks well, with an accent. I got curious one day, and asked her if she thought in german, or english. I was told german, and that she didn't want to lose her german heritage. Even though she hadn't been back to Germany in decades.

I suspect, that once a person starts thinking in the language of their resident country, they loose their ties to their home country. It's just an observation I made. How true it is, is just my guess.

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Sun 04/28/19 05:51 AM
I had one that was 11 years younger than me, and I married her. Time showed me that was a mistake, we had different life experiences. The rest, always older than me, from three to eight years older.

So, only from my point of view. older is better. Your results may differ.

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Fri 04/26/19 06:09 AM
It's an advertisement. There's been a buried petroleum pipeline running along near my home for about 90 years. It gets inspected regularly. It's well marked, we all know its there. When I was a kid, I used to walk out onto it and sit and fish off it, because it crossed a small river at that point. And wonder of wonders, it's never leaked, or broke. It laid dormant for years when Arco shut down. It was put back into service 20 years ago, and still nothing happened to it. Even when they used "Pigs" to separate various fuels pumped through it, it still never fractured. (That isn't done anymore, by the way) I was on it one day when a "pig" went through the pipe one day, it just made an odd noise when it passed.

I won't say a pipeline isn't something to be ignored. It needs to be respected, inspected, and tabs need to be kept on it. What you're getting, is a snow job by tree huggers. (A.K.A. dems) Much to your dismay, it is a safe way to transport petroleum. God, we're not idiots. We're not throwing caution to the wind.

There are safe way to do things. At one time, there was a company that ran a thing called a super shredder running in the next city near me. It could eat whole school busses in one shot. Very noisy, and shook the ground when it ran. So powerful, that if it was started up all at once,(It had to started in stages) the city's lights would dim. No one liked it. But, because the company that owned it got the permits to use it, it couldn't be shut down.

The company that owned it, bought a plot of land in my county, for another scrap yard. A rumor spread that the company was going to start up another one. Neighbors panicked, signs went up in protest, petitions were started to stop it. One thing EVERYONE overlooked, was that the power to run a super shredder, was NOT available in that area! Did they listen? No. Just to top it off, the company that owned it, deemed the machine was too inefficient to operate. It was it's own worst enemy. It's gone now, and no more will be built.

It's time to get rational. Big companies don't do thing on a whim, if they expect to stay in operation. The ones that do-go bye-bye.

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Thu 04/18/19 02:18 PM
If nadler has the clearance, he can go read it all. If he doesn't, then he gets the redacted version.

no photo
Thu 04/18/19 05:35 AM
Dream on. Your news sources are starting to admit that Fox was right.Your polls are wrong. Dems are LEAVING your party. Even your party can't figure out who to follow.

This is like watching the roaches scatter when the lights come on.

no photo
Wed 04/17/19 07:37 PM

They want what is in his pants..........................................his money. laugh


I haven't met one that didn't want money.

no photo
Wed 04/17/19 07:31 PM
Well that's about, oh, 95% of women in this day and age. Meah, Go do something else.