Community > Posts By > Mirage4279

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 04:59 PM

Well the solar wind occupies every cm of space so you do not have nothing. Maybe if we made a steel ball and vacuumed it out it would contain nothing, but I'm not sure of that either.

There is a reason why I said that nothing is a complete absence of matter, energy and forces. An area that is a vacuum can still have gravitational force passing through it.

Space is a vaccum... and gravity effects objects by pulling them into orbit of the one with the larger mass. As it passes through the atmosphere it intensifies the effects of it. Likely to bind it to the surface of the object.

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 04:55 PM

Well its your definition of nothing, I think. First simply because it can pass through you as you do not exist... it does not necessarily mean that it is nothing. Gravity is comprised of particles that pass through solid objects almost independently of it, creating a binding in either orbit, or to the surface of the body it is moving towards (often things such as center of planets) whether it is in or out of the atmosphere.

Secondly their is something that is familiar with many physicists. Which most people would consider to be nothing... it bends to large masses such as planets creating a completely invisible pockets that helps keep the planet more locked into it's orbit ( picture rolling a bowling ball across a trampoline and how the trampoline would bend into a pocket where the bowling ball was at ). This same thing is turned inside out under the pressure of a black hole. It is the pocket of space that is turned inside out where energy, planets, stars, rays of light and other debris is consumed into this pocket of space. If it was truly nothing..these things would not occur.

So even though when you say "there is nothing in there" referring to whatever. They may not be referring to a sub-atomic world that helps support physical objects and their behaviors in space.

how do you know gravity passes though solid objects? last i heard, they had no clue as to what gravity is...

One could deduce that gravity passes through solid objects as though they they do not exist because if you were to dig through the Earth gravity would still pull through the surface to the core;

Objects that are dense in the middle or hollow are heavier or lighter depending on their composition. Indicating that gravity passes through it. Pulling on the inside of objects as it moves to the core of the Earth creating a binding to its surface.

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 04:46 PM

Somewhere tropical for sure!

I was gonna say Holly's back seat... but here you are !!!!

Yeah I have been to the Bahamas.... think a lot of places would be cool as wellglasses

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 04:24 PM
I am not sure the complaint is actually about honesty on this one. Prolly deceitful behavior and lying was a part of it. I am just guessing. I am perfectly honest'ish and barely gets noticed and kind of a drag to strive for accuracy ( not exactly the most appreciated trait or at least not that I know of )

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 04:17 PM
Ladies Ladies ... this is SUPPOSED to be about personality changes

You know like going from mad to oops

Leigh have not heard from you lately.... long time no type tongue2...

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/25/13 01:37 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Mon 03/25/13 01:40 PM
Well its your definition of nothing, I think. First simply because it can pass through you as you do not exist... it does not necessarily mean that it is nothing. Gravity is comprised of particles that pass through solid objects almost independently of it, creating a binding in either orbit, or to the surface of the body it is moving towards (often things such as center of planets) whether it is in or out of the atmosphere.

Secondly their is something that is familiar with many physicists. Which most people would consider to be nothing... it bends to large masses such as planets creating a completely invisible pockets that helps keep the planet more locked into it's orbit ( picture rolling a bowling ball across a trampoline and how the trampoline would bend into a pocket where the bowling ball was at ). This same thing is turned inside out under the pressure of a black hole. It is the pocket of space that is turned inside out where energy, planets, stars, rays of light and other debris is consumed into this pocket of space. If it was truly nothing..these things would not occur.

So even though when you say "there is nothing in there" referring to whatever. They may not be referring to a sub-atomic world that helps support physical objects and their behaviors in space.

Nothing less then that can imply very strange things happening. What I am referring to above is responsible for supporting objects in a physical world and could be haywire without it. Truly brainstorming means that you may occupy more then a place at a time in a strange way. Because it supports the behaviors that we take for granted.

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 03/23/13 01:45 AM
gone in 60 seconds

Mirage4279's photo
Fri 03/22/13 10:12 PM

Looking for a rough but tender rider


Mirage4279's photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:44 PM
slaphead still single not even hot sticky sex for quite some time

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:53 PM

its a scam

I concur. No need to turn your own computer into a web server. It's actually cheaper to rent a DNS server and a host name from a site like, which would also be easier anyways. Thats where I rent mine as a web developer/designer for all my clients and personal uses. Good tech support if you need it, and easy to follow what you need to do, so as long as you know how to write HTML and CSS or know someone that can, your good to go. Also cheap prices for all of their services including AJAX servers for PHP scripting which is fantastic for me as a developer. devil Not a promotion for dreamhost btw, there are several others out there such as which I have heard is a good place to look as well.

Good luck to all the aspiring web people!

Yes I have godaddy for my web-site. very reasonable rates... just got a bill in the mail for the site...not sure what to think of it... kind of glad you reminded me...

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:36 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Mon 03/18/13 11:46 PM

There are thousands of scripts out there for both business and social use. To deploy these you need to convert your computer into a web server which although sounding complex is quite easy.

you can create your own social networking, articles, eCommerce, forum, cms, genealogy whatever site you want from thousands of free scripts. Joomla, wordpress Smf, Open cart, webid, classifieds, auction, cooking and recipe sites anything you can possibly think off.

Anybody interested.

I am a web-programmer and learning to do servlets. Often I run them from my laptop when practicing. I usually use an Apache Tomcat for things such as servlets and JSP pages of the sort. By defualt a web-browser will hit port 80... if you set up a socket to listen with programming to read the request have yourself a very simple server. Servers ten to provide and read header information cantained as a part of HTTP. Character encoding file compression such as gzip , last modified ect.. You simply need to know the 4 byte octet of your IP address and listen on port 80... a little more sophisticated freely available open source software can bu run such as Apache Tomcat, Glassfish you simply need to know how to use them... if you wanted to simply display web-pages using your IP address I could easily tell it all the time.

ALso certain operating systems prolly allow this type of functionality that are designed as server operating systems...although I have never done it certain versions of linux such as solaris are known for providing service in a networking clent server relationship...

1. Sockets if you know network programming
2. Open source software such as Glassfish or Apache Tomcat(have to read a little bit on server configuration..not sure I could do it myself without an IDE like NetBeans or Eclipse..but I could tell you how.
3. Operating systems that provide that type of network functionality

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:26 PM

Got this new 16 year old here and I let him use the computer.
Found out he's been checking out T&A.

I don't do that and want to know if anyone can help me restrict nudity.

I am running windows xp.

Thanks in advance. drinker

For enabling parental controls via the web- browser

You can prolly speak to your Internet service as well for such things. Not sure that you can with the operating system or not. IE is integrated with your OS and you can either go to the tools menu then to internet options or go to the properties menu by right cvlicking on the e icon and going to properties for enabling this feature.

This short of setting my home page to that of a nudist colony during mating season. Almost against my relegion....

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:14 PM
yes I am ...
A Little JavaScript and a few other odds and ends. Studying servlets/JSP/JSF at the moment

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:10 PM
recommend e-bay...could get stiffed a little but almost always happy and you can get chargers there that work great for a song and a dance...

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:05 PM
I’ve seen gaming systems that can houses many hard drives and would like to find a case that can least hold five hard drives.

The compartments that hold hard drives are called driver bays. NOTE you do not actually have to have the case compartment avaialable so much as the power supply cord and the data cable available on your motherboard. However, the case is sized based upon the form factor of your mother board...usually ATX or BTX but not always the case.

Also want one that can hold many sticks of RAM and a fast processor

Not exactly the newest technology out there but something called DDR seems to be what your driving at. I believe DDR 3 is available right now. It stands for double data rate and transmits data double times 3. Or at least double times 2 with DDR 2 presumably times 3 with DDR 3. Highly recomend dual channel memory which does house many primary memory sticks. This also double the transfer of data from primary memory. It is sort of like dual core processing except for your memory.

I think it was A or P socket for the AMD's that operate at high frequencies. you can shop around may want to look at something called the FSB (front side bus) of the processor. It affects how quickly data moves from the north bridge of your board. Video card and memory are on the north bridge so faster fsb's are preferable and tuned to the frequency of the processors frequency with something called the multiplier. not saying that these are the best out there for FSB stats (they are higher than average though) but you cannot beat the price and finding them in hex cores and quad cores is surprisingly easy. Which makes for even quicker data processing. AMD's are not known for long lifes as much as Intel so be warned. I purchased a laptop used with an athalon and it gave problems so be double warned.

I do have an adaptor that converts my RCA audio cables to the USB but I would if there is a way to have a built in RCA jacks in the computer.

You can prolly pick up the card for that at radio shack. Or get a video card that provides those connections. Look into to the circuit boards referred to as cards they have many of them and I am not too knowledgeable on the varieties they have. Simply match your cards to the PCI slots (or possible agp for video) on your board. Same thing with DVD and TV recorder.

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 10:37 PM
Heres the link...

Mirage4279's photo
Mon 03/18/13 10:34 PM
I am a web-programmer and just happened to be running a servlet that reads the haders from web browsers. The browser header you would like to change is the accept-language header. Yours has been changed to chinese by the sounds of it is a servlet I am running from my laptop... I will leave it on over night and not take it offline for you. Look at the request header accept-language...if you want to diagnose the problem

accept-language en-US,en;q=0.9
your header will have chines or ch or something like that next to it. To easily fix it just re-install your browser although you can prolly change the chinese language setting some other way from the options menu. It depends on which version of the browser you have. If you want me to google it for you I will.

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 03/17/13 01:25 PM

Its a sad situation for sure. Not everyone can just uproot. I have met some very sweet guys but they are just too far. I have to keep telling myself that I wont get emotionally involved and just be their friend.

For me it just depends... sometimes it kind of makes it less attractive if the live far... but then again if I really liked her and got the feeling it was vice versa I prolly do a LDR.

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 03/17/13 01:18 PM

perhaps he is feeling the same way too,, never know

if you lost his number, you clearly havent contacted him either,, even after he had booked tickets to see you,,,

just never know, could be a scam, could be something happened to him, or he could just be sensitive to not having been contacted by you

Agree Harmony...There could be lots of reasons, even fear or a case of nerves:smile: I would think a "scammer" would have hit her up for a dime toward travel arrangements too...Every lost connection should not be blamed on scamming or players...Too negative....

Most likely reason from what I heard is the failed attempt to meet kind of set things back... on something that was not hugely likely to gel to begin with in his opinion.

You prolly want to firm up meeting if you wanted to keep it together

Mirage4279's photo
Sun 03/17/13 01:14 PM
It prolly just depeneds...

today society accepts and promotes more open sexually ..placing less value on sexual morality when it comes to commitment towards a partner in a relationship or marriage.Being married is such a secondary obstacle and to many or most makes them more attractive to the oposite sex if they are formally taken for one reason or another.

This does not promote the likelhood of a marriage to survive in.

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