Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:10 PM

sorry sleepless-you'll get through it! I've had 2 LTRs (one being the marriage) & they didn't cheat on me or lie a lot, but oh the other hells I have endured behind drunk/drug induced BS is enough to last several lifetimes!

thanks but there's no need to be sorry. I'm a survior just like so many others that are out there. I'm starting to trust people again. It took time to realize a few things and that's how I found better friends now. Not just the ones that are out for their own agenda's. Life is great even with the sleepless_nights.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/23/10 05:59 PM

what's the worst thing a so called friend or significant other has ever done to you?

I don't like talking about my past much but since the question was asked, I figure why not share a little. 
What so called friends have done doesn't really bother me much because they aren't apart of my life anymore, good riddens to bad rubbish. The last year and a half of my life has been nothing but a living nightmare. 
It starts with her father saying that I didn't do anything around the house anymore( so the only thing that I did was take care of my daughter and myself) Then he came home one day and said that he was leaving us. We were together for 14 years and he wanted me to be the stay at home mother and I was ok with it until I wanted to work and get out of the house just a little. Any job that I took was nothing but a complain after complain, so I had to quit. It wasn't worth living with the constant complaining. So when he said that he was leaving, I asked if he wanted my help to pack his things up. Well I guess it wasn't the response that he was looking for. The relationship was over by that point, to know that the guy that I once loved and trusted was just going to bail on us, was devistating to say the least. I had nothing more to say to him, there wasn't much to work out. I prepared my family for it but no one clued in until it was over and I answered a bunch of screwed up questions that they didn't like the answers too. Anyways, I was a single mother and I felt like I had a few fears to face after feeling like an inmate for so long. I sware that prisioners had more freedom then I did.. lol. Yeah, I can joke about it now because it's over with and staying that way. Almost forgot to mention my mom and bro sticking their noses where they didn't belong and my sis trying to take my daughter away from me, but I'm just suppose to let it go, like water under a bridge. After almost drinking myself to death, I decided that if I actually made it to the new year then it was all going to be different. I dropped contact with most people and finally started making some good friends that actually have helped me a lot and most likely without even knowing, but just by hearing what they have gone through has helped. 
I just finished my course and with a slight medical issue, I'm now going into my biggest challenge ever but I know that I'm ready to finally get it over and done with. I have my daughter and one day, I know that I will have someone else to share our life with once again. After everything that I just went through, well I'll say that there isn't too much left to really fear but maybe the unknown and actually the unknown isn't really that scary anymore. Thanks for posting this topic incidius and you are right, it does help to talk about it. :-)
Take care,
Glo (hugs)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/21/10 11:24 PM
1. Someone who treats me the same way that they want to be treated.( so if previous relationships come up, I'll listen to yours, if you listen to mine too.. thats only fare, I think)
2. Someone who understands that it takes two to make it and two to brake it. (50/50 also means a two way street and equal responsability)
3. Someone who has the same interests and who is not afraid to try something new( I know that's two things but they are very important when it comes to relationships that work)
There probably are more that I could come up with but to me these are the most important, once again I've seen friendships fall apart because of these simple things.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:57 PM
It all depends on the two people involved. I have a gf who has been married for over ten years and most of the time she only sees her husband for a week out of a month. I may have some trouble with it but if the love and trust is there between two people then the distance shouldn't really matter. Time spent together is always important but time apart is ok too. It helps to have some breathing space for both people. I've seen it work for some and I've seen it fail for others but anything is possible if two people want to make it work. The same thing can be said for friendships, it takes two to make them and it takes two to brake them.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:27 PM
I've been single for a year and a half. It has taken time to get used to it but making a few good friends does help. I couldn't trade my new friends in for anything, they helped me get through a lot of the toughest times in my life and for that I will be greatful. Thank you for the much needed help. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/21/10 04:34 PM

Should you be nice to someone just because they are a friend of a loved one or another close friend? I mean, do you thik you are obligated to be nice and agree with whatever they say? My brother introduced me to one of his close friends that he works with. He is a nice enough guy, but he is extremely anti-government. And when I say extreme, I mean EXTREME. He is always trying to get people to sign petitions and protest against whatever cause he is into for the week. I believe everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but I don't agree trying to push it on everyone else. Would you politely just "smile and nod", or would you tell they guy you have no interest in what he is "selling"? I don't want to hurt his feelings, but he really gets on my nerves...hope this makes sense the way it is written.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with telling him that you are not interested.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Wed 10/20/10 10:40 PM

That's what I mean by telling the truth how come people don't communicate hey I'm bored let's try something new instead of just going out to do it with someone else.

Well in some cases, maybe they have but to no response from the other person. In any type of relationship the two people need to be on the same page. It just doesn't work if one person is in chapter one and the other is in chapter three. The same goes with friendships too, it takes time to build them and those are the ones that make it through anything that comes up. But, back to relationships again. Feelings can change and when one person feels like they are putting in most of the effort and the other person just sits idle then sometimes and I mean only sometimes things just do happen. It is possible to get lost in a moment when two people feel a type of connection with someone else. So it all depends on the people and what's going on with them and just because it may happen once it doesn't mean that it will again.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/16/10 11:02 AM

Communicating with a site logo.laugh Post a pic.Please!!Hey!even a micro.default pic.,field of blooming lilies or even the ruined remains of Vincent Van Gogh's ear.nowayWell? you asked. :smile:
kc~whoa rofl

And well you answered. Thanks. If I was able to upload a pic then I would of by now. It's kinda tough since I'm not using a pc at the moment. So for now the site logo has to do the trick.:smile:

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/16/10 12:02 AM
When someone answers a question for me because they think that they know the answer. It's even better when I answer and they end up with a stunned look on their face because they were wrong.. lol

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:42 PM

Making friends on here is easy. If we take the time and make the time, then it turns out alright and after a little time we don't feel frustrated
take care
So. It is a progress then. they do choice there friends on here! Thanks for the advice. That was what I was looking for justed about answered my questions. Take care too.

Well of course it's a process. It's great finding people that we can relate to somehow, that's what builds friendships and makes them stronger. It really only takes a few seconds to start a conversation and respond to a message. That's why I mentioned before, if we make the time and take the time. That's all that's really needed. Although a hug once in awhile doesn't hurt either, even if it's only a cyber one. It just takes time to get to know people and what they might be going through and what brought them here to begin with. We all have our own reasons right?? Well that's what I think anyways. :-)
Take care

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:02 PM
It seems like it's something that you want to do. If it is then I say go for it or you might find yourself wondering later, what it could of been like. I'm just speeking from my own experiences. I took calculated chances and they payed off. If I didn't try something that I really wanted to, then I just wondered about it. Only you know what you want. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:32 PM
Halloween is the greatest day of the year. Think about it, we can all dress how ever we want and even if we get a few strange looks, then it's fine. Some of us will always be young at heart and it's kinda nice to feel like a child again. Even if it's only for one day. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/14/10 07:34 PM
Making friends on here is easy. If we take the time and make the time, then it turns out alright and after a little time we don't feel frustrated
take care

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 10/14/10 02:38 PM
I can understand what you are going through right now. The only difference is I didn't move, I just stayed isolated from others. After leaving a bad situation it takes time to want to be around others again and that's where I finally am. Just think about what you want and take it day by day, that's all I did and it does get easier. I learned how to scare people off before and now I'm learning how to trust all over again. It's been a long process but it's paying off by meeting the right kind of people that I want in my life now.
Hang in there, I hope things start to get better for you. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/12/10 09:57 PM
Welcome. The forums can be a lot of fun and a nice way to meet people.
Take care

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/12/10 09:34 PM
Seriously... gemini should be at the top of the list.. :tongue:

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Mon 10/11/10 09:17 PM

hmm wonder what happens when the bad boys & the cruel girls get together.

sounds like it might be interesting. To bad that I'm not a cruel girl but I sure seemed to have the luck with the bad boys in the past.. lol

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Mon 10/11/10 09:12 PM
It's no different then wanting what we know we can't have, but it is sure a lot of fun trying. Until we get bored. Well that's just how it seems with most of my gf's. Then they wonder why they are so miserable. It almost seems to be the same with guys.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:27 AM
I used to be the queen of disaster. Making the same mistakes, time and time again. When someone gets used to it then it's almost like an addition to be let down. I knew it was going to happen, so it was no big surpize when it did. But, then I took a very good a very long look at the past and delt with the parts that were holding me back from finding what I want. I think that we have all made our fare share of mistakes in the past but it's up to us if we want to continue making them again. People are very similar in a lot of ways and I know when I meet new people, I keep that in mind. We all have our moments whether good or bad but, the past will never change and so many still want to try to hang onto it for whatever reasons they might have. I found it tough to take steps forward without taking a few back but those days are long gone for a very good, good, reason. To me, there is so much more to look forward too without looking back anymore. Good friends and good positive support make it so much easier to not look back. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:36 PM
I was sent a message asking me about Thanksgiving. I would like to share my answer with whom ever wants to read it as well, I don't think that the person who asked me would mind but hear was my thought and I would like to read what others would like to add. I would of wrote more but I didn't have enough space to really finish my though but I think my point was still clear.
Well for me Thanksgiving is about spending time with the people that I'm thankful for having in my life. The people that really mean something to me. I got to see almost my whole family this weekend and I even was able to speek with my sister and I have one to call tommarrow. It doesn't have anything to do with religion but it gives us the chance to think about what we are thankful for. So many do have hard times and sometimes forget how good they really have it. Some celebrate it tommarrow but with my family we had a supper in the mountains because I have family there and tonight we had another supper in the city. It was an awsome weekend but very tired from travelling. Tommarrow I will just have left-overs but I will be with my daughter and she is my whole reason to make it through the tough times.
To me it makes sense and to others who know a lot more about my life, it makes more sense. I grew up the same way as so many people that I am thankful that I have met. If it wasn't for these people who shared their stories with me, then I wouldn't of realized how some have had it worse and some have had a few things better. I don't share many stories about myself or the struggles that I still need to over come because I'm thankful that these tough times where easier to get through with some real true friends.
I hope that everyone who celebrates this day, had a great day with the people that really do mean something important to their life.

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