Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/09/10 10:48 PM

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Wed 10/06/10 12:28 AM
I used to be the same way before until I realized that I was going nowhere fast. I was the one to always help out but I never asked for anything if I needed it. Yeah, it been tough but the tough times will only make me stronger and stronger as the days go by. I help out someone just because I want to help and I know that the days get easier when it goes both ways, I'm looking forward to that. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/05/10 11:48 PM
Speeking from my own experience, all I ever wanted was for her father to be responsible and think of what's best for her. Who she has in her life that can be possitive and helpful to her. My daughter knows that I want to meet someone who also has children. This way we have something in common. It helps to get through the tough moments when two people can relate to what the other one is going through with the other parent.  When I need to speek with her father it has to do with something about her and that's where I try to keep the conversation. We were together for 14 years and finally after a year and a half we can talk about what matters for the best of what she needs. When I try to explain this to other people, they jump to the conclusion that her father and I are trying to work things out and that's only true when it has to deal with her. I have been ready to move on for a while and now it's just to find someone who also wants the same things and who can give the same understanding that they want in return. Now it's just to find that one person and I know that he is out there for me. Yeah, I'm the one who doesn't like talking about the past because I don't need it to ruin what my future will hold and of course I want to meet anyone new that comes into his picture, if she plans to be around our daughter and her father has the same right to meet anyone that I meet. If he wants too. I hope that this helps a little bit.  

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/05/10 11:40 PM

He visits the child at the ex's house eh??? Seems to me that he likes the "family reunion". There's no dealing. Just move on. Why can't he bring the child to his home?

I was in that same situation where my daughters father was visiting with her at my place and that's all that happened. His living situation was screwed up and I didn't trust his roomies friends, so I wasn't about to let my daughter go over there. It helps to know about a situation because even I had to deal with people who thought there was more going on that just wasn't happening.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/05/10 10:18 PM
I used to think that way until I realized that I'm much better then that and I found more people like me, now those earlier setbacks don't matter anymore. I am who I am and what was, was. All that matters is what's infront of me and there is no looking back. I can never be used up because no one can suck the life out of me again. We have all had our tough times and we have all got through them. Time doesn't heal all wounds, people do.flowerforyou

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/05/10 10:09 PM
I'd have to go with brains as long as they don't act like they know it all and might I add imagination too. Nothing is better then a creative mind even if we may never know the story behind it.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:53 PM

Yeah you know the ideal courtship... the young man asks the father may I take your doughter for a walk on the town. then theres the walking and the talking and with luck the hand holding... well I gues it doesnt work like that anymore. hmmm.

Sorry, I don't live in the Dark Ages where women were property and sold to the best man.

While I want the guy and my folks to respect each other, I don't need their permission.

I say that respect has to go both ways. When I am with someone, it doesn't matter what my family thinks about him. I am with him because of how he makes me feel and that's all that ever matters.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:51 PM
Personally I wouldn't let it bother me. When I had facebook it was a way of staying in touch but words got misunderstood and it just became to much gossip. Instead of just talking to me it just became a soap opera. I'm glad those days are over. The past is just that, we can't change it, but so many still bring it along when trying to start new friendships or relationships. It's just something that I have learned along the way when I started looking for new friendships. No one really wants or needs to hear about the past ones, they are over with for a reason. It's just my thought on the subject. :-)

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/02/10 10:53 AM
Trust is what makes or brakes any friendship and it does go both ways all of the time. When someone speeks before thinking and says stuff about a friend they need to use common sense about what to say and what not to say. I can't be bothered to talk to someone if I think that what I'm telling them will to told to other people. Gossip does happen in life but there is alot that needs to be kept between friends and if you can't trust someone then how can you stay friends with that person.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sat 10/02/10 10:27 AM

" What's in a kiss? "

with the right chemistry and done right.....everything.

I can agree with you on that. No one ever forgets the first kiss.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 11:18 PM
I taught myself how to sew, just bought the machine and got at it. I have made dresses, shirts and pants, my favorite leather trench coat to go with my Halloween costume, wall hangings, pillows, blankets, quilts, swim suits, a simple but very beautiful wedding dress for my gf, basically if it could be done I gave it a try. The only thing that I didn't try yet is a stain glass wall hanging. I saw one that I wanted to challenge myself to make. I got into it because I didn't want to pay the ridiculous prices in the stores. I love it all.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 10:18 PM
None yet, but I'm sure when I get started then I won't want to stop and it's to find the right person to do them

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 10:06 PM

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 09:57 PM
It all depends on the two people. Sometimes the connection is there and sometimes it takes time for the connection to be there. If you spend the time to listen and understand each other then it could last forever and then one day you realize that just staying friends is best for both of you. Knowing what qualities you are looking for really helps more then most realize, but if you dive in too quick then you can't go back. I know it is sounding very confusing, but it's all apart of life. If they.. ahh never mind, writing more probably won't help much.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 09:40 PM

oh, i didn't realize there was beer involved, that could change the dynamics...

That and steak, I reckon'. laugh

and if followed by pie, it's game on!....apparently

Now that explains so much, hahaha

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 11:15 AM

women in general scare me seems i never find one who just wants to have fun without a imediate committment to them for long term or just trying to trust in general .I guess when you been bit real bad before its just hard to ever start again so you just become a hermit an stay to even worse are physicologist who had every thing handed to them there whole life that try to counsel you lol.

But men do the same thing to us, sometimes not even realizeing what been done. I don't mind opening up to someone but what's my life story really going to help? On both sides trust is tough and it's hard to figure out what truth is anymore.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 11:09 AM

When a guy asks if I give BJ's.

I mean...seriously?! And they ask like it's a normal perfectly fine thing to ask.


that's just to funny, but I think it's done as a test on their part.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Thu 09/30/10 11:06 AM
I would go with the people who draw their own conclusions without knowing the situation and people who try to twist your words when you speek.

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 09/28/10 10:18 PM
For you if you need help
Reaching goals for a brighter future
Interests are very important to have
Everyday is there for more to learn
Nothing should be taken to heart
Directions might change but, staying in touch helps
Sadness might happen, but it will make the heart grow stronger

Glo xx

Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Tue 09/28/10 02:40 PM
They want the same thing that us females want. Trust, honesty, careing, understanding, an equal by our side, someone to count on, someone who we can be ourselves around without being judged, someone to have fun with and enjoy whatever life has to offer. And the only problem is, as soon as they find it then they run, just like we do. If it doesn't start out as friends it won't go very far, most don't know what friendship is now a days. Once steps are taken, they can't be taken back no matter how hard you try. This is just my thought. :-)

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