Topic: Thanksgiving..
Sleepless_nights_78's photo
Sun 10/10/10 11:36 PM
I was sent a message asking me about Thanksgiving. I would like to share my answer with whom ever wants to read it as well, I don't think that the person who asked me would mind but hear was my thought and I would like to read what others would like to add. I would of wrote more but I didn't have enough space to really finish my though but I think my point was still clear.
Well for me Thanksgiving is about spending time with the people that I'm thankful for having in my life. The people that really mean something to me. I got to see almost my whole family this weekend and I even was able to speek with my sister and I have one to call tommarrow. It doesn't have anything to do with religion but it gives us the chance to think about what we are thankful for. So many do have hard times and sometimes forget how good they really have it. Some celebrate it tommarrow but with my family we had a supper in the mountains because I have family there and tonight we had another supper in the city. It was an awsome weekend but very tired from travelling. Tommarrow I will just have left-overs but I will be with my daughter and she is my whole reason to make it through the tough times.
To me it makes sense and to others who know a lot more about my life, it makes more sense. I grew up the same way as so many people that I am thankful that I have met. If it wasn't for these people who shared their stories with me, then I wouldn't of realized how some have had it worse and some have had a few things better. I don't share many stories about myself or the struggles that I still need to over come because I'm thankful that these tough times where easier to get through with some real true friends.
I hope that everyone who celebrates this day, had a great day with the people that really do mean something important to their life.

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Mon 10/11/10 08:51 PM
Makes sense.