Community > Posts By > TongueKISS

TongueKISS's photo
Mon 11/12/07 01:35 PM
I think it is unreasonable to be seeking a relationship openly online because then you become a target and some people might want to take advantage. I am not in a relationship anymore and I strongly doubt that the next guy i date will be someone i meet online...but who knows I am staying open about things. It is better to be looking for friendship because that is usually the best way to get to know a person without there being any pressure to not be yourself. Those who hope to find a relationship online are probably shy or just not into the social dating scene. such as third party introductions and just flat out tired of searching and want to stay in their comfort zone.

TongueKISS's photo
Mon 11/12/07 10:22 AM
Don't take him back...he needs to understand that he can't just decided he wants you back when he realize that it is not as easy as he thought to find someone better. No matter what a man says that is the whole purpose of breaking up with us to find someone better and it backfires everytime. Think about it why would you break up with someone if they made you happy and the two of you got along fine? If you do take him back expect that this time won't go very well, but in case he really has changed stay the same and truely forgive him so this time around will be even better.

TongueKISS's photo
Sun 11/11/07 03:53 PM
When I am emailed by a man first i read his profile and then i usually respond. however there are cases where i read a guys a profile and realize that we are seeking different results form this site and maybe it will be best that i not waste my time. I have chatted with plenty of guys and even met some in person, so for me I won't reply or respond because of the lack of common interest. such as smoking habits, wanting kids, having kids, age, height, sometimes race is a factor. Just don't want to choose wrong i guess.

TongueKISS's photo
Sun 11/11/07 03:14 PM
I have dated a Indian guy before... he did not do certain things that american women would ideally like from a man. It was like I was a second class citizen. needless to say i would never date another one and maybe they want a man that is closer to home. perhaps you need to marry within your own country.

TongueKISS's photo
Sun 11/11/07 02:01 PM
I usually meet people at work or through social events.. like through a friend or party. It's all in the timing, have you ever been running late for something and met someone at a random place, then thinking later damn we would have never met if I were on time or left 5 minutes later or 5 minutes earlier.

TongueKISS's photo
Sun 11/11/07 01:54 PM
I think she did not go for the kiss because some men try to go for sex with kissing and she did not want you to get the wrong idea. As far as her rejecting the date she wants to see what kind of man you are... It was cute to leave a msg, it either made her smile or made her realize that maybe she could give you a chance. seems to me she wants to make sure you are not trying to be her first before she is ready. A vigin at 25 means she is waiting for marriage.

TongueKISS's photo
Sun 11/11/07 01:39 PM
Why would you want to be friends... Breaking up means you want them out of your life right? For me there is no way that I could do that because a friendship is only for ex couples that have under age childern together.

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/10/07 03:02 PM
If he is cheating what are you going to do about it? Also people cheat and that is something we all have to understand and then decide what the solution is. If you are finding things that don't belong to him or you then he is cheating. Seems to me that you want to be with this man but also want him to yourself, he is lying to you and using you so he can keep his car you bought. As a woman I deal with this type of stuff all the time. so move on cause he will never admit to cheating and even if you do catch him you will either leave or forgive him so he can cheat again.

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/10/07 02:43 PM
Well same here I am only attracted to white men... I don't see anything wrong with it.

TongueKISS's photo
Sat 11/10/07 12:33 PM
I work in a video store Hollywood video and I am sure alot of you have been there before. Some need their brains examined, now i can ubderstand not wanting to pay a late fee but when you rent something that means it's not yours and you must follow store policy or you will have to pay. Okay so this lady comes in and goes "I want to pay a late on this movie" so she hands it to me and I proceed to check it in. So I go Ok what is your last name so you can pay your fee... so I get on the account and she has another fee for Annie, So I go Mrs. Kim you have a fee for Annie do you want to take care of that one as well? She says in return " never rented Annie and there are lots of people with the same last name as mine and before you guys rented to someone else on my rental account, so she asks her little girl if they rented it and the little says no. So we go back and forth on this issue, then I said if you want this fee removed you have to come back and speak with the Store manager, Now I could have taken the fee off if she wasn't so rude to me. As she was leaving her little girl says "oh yeah mom we did rent Annnie, Tommy's mom came and rented it remember? She really should have not gotten a 5 year old involved because they always tell on you. People always come with that line I never rented that movie or sometimes movies.well someone came and gave your Id and telephone number and rented these movies. If you rented 100 movies you will not remember everyone especially if it was late and you waited five months to rent again thinking it had went away.

TongueKISS's photo
Wed 11/07/07 10:23 PM
I am not trying to funny but if you never met him in person before how do you know he is who he says he is? trust me you are better off without him.

TongueKISS's photo
Wed 11/07/07 10:13 PM
Tell him the truth... Not saying anything is only going to make matters worse. I Have dated some white men that had parents that did not approve needless to say the relationship did not last, I would not want to come between family for any reason and if he decent he will understand the situation.

TongueKISS's photo
Wed 11/07/07 12:26 AM
You broke her heart before...and even if she does take you back she will most likely do it in order to back at you in some way at least i know I would. I could be wrong she has forgiven you, yet she has moved on to the next guy. Most of the time women don't give you a second chance to hurt us.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 11:16 PM
Okay well if you have not met anyone normal by now you never will.... Because there are no normal people.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 05:10 PM
You know it's funnny how men are beginning to have the same complaints as women these days, we are now like if you can't beat em join em. Some women are so emotionally damaged and really don't give a f**k about how a man feels because men never care about how they break our hearts. So bottom line you have to pay for other mens mistakes sometimes and maybe for some of your own that you never thought would come back again.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 03:31 PM
I viewed you profile and there is photo on there that kind of scared me but other than that your easy on the eyes.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 02:25 PM
Now that I have had more time to think about it I can say that sometimes men are hard on women for the smallest things, for example my last serious boyfriend left me because of some sexual acts that I did not want to do. Instead of leaving in the beginning when I told him that there was no way I would do it he drags the relationship on for a six month period and then decided I was not the one. In relationships we have to except each others short commings or take ourselves out of the dating pool. If finding someone who has no imperfections is what you are looking for then you will never find that person. I know sex is big deal for men in a way that women will never understand but leaving them thinking you will find someone better sometimes does not work out that way. So I said all that to say this sometimes we break up with people for stupid reasons and then wonder why we have not found anyone... hello you broke with them because you were seeking someone better, just a thought.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 01:53 PM
I want to masturbatelaugh

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 01:50 PM
Well we all want someone by our sides and if you don't take your time choosing wisely then yes you will be saying good bye everytime. Also think about the women you dated and why you dated them and think about at what point things went wrong. Sometimes we jump into relationships to avoid being alone and then it backfires.

TongueKISS's photo
Tue 11/06/07 01:42 PM
Well it is going to take alot longer than a week to see any results... I have been a member for like 7 weeks and I went on a total of 4 dates already. So I think it will take a little more time to really find someone that you will like. The people I met were nice but I guess we did not mesh well on a more than friends level.