Topic: Poetic venting. Come now, we all do this...
UndiscoveredAuthor's photo
Mon 06/14/10 10:17 PM
Hmmmm. We'll just go with whatever comes out, shall we?

Anyone's welcome to post whatever they want, but I'll start it out with this:

Sunlight against rain. Smokescreen for the world.
Can I see you? Can I feel you?
Or is it just another disaster waiting to happen...
Another sharp stab into my waiting heart.
As though through water, I call.
Gazing up at the silver bubbles sparking so.
To end, to now, to there, to where we go...
With grass as green as thimbles in spring.
So we soar, and we go...
And we splay ourselves out on the rocks, again and again.
All in conquest, in search, in desperate pursuit of this emotion
Which all humans seem to crave.
I refuse it.
I let it pass, let it glide over me like wind on a stormy day.
And I only smile at the breeze as it cannot touch me.
Against my skin, in my eyes, it does not matter.
It cannot reach to the deepest depths...
So we cry, but we do not.
So we scream, but no one hears.
So we laugh, bu no one cares.
How sunny, for the world to live thus.

Eh, that was random. And bad. And short. And dramatic. Ah, well~

no photo
Mon 06/14/10 10:27 PM
Edited by plastic_pancakes on Mon 06/14/10 10:27 PM
I discovered you!

Sunspot sprinkles on the cupcake of carelessness.
'Cause kids got idle time
while all the grown world has is watches.
Take all of the oven pieces and curl the coils
up like broken rhyme.
Smoke and slow-drenched spiral staircase vines
are rising up my eyes
prepared for sleep. Apples and angels
both dangle in the trees of disbelief
hanging with thieves.
So eat up all the light you can
and then exact some peace.

UndiscoveredAuthor's photo
Tue 06/15/10 02:02 AM
Edited by UndiscoveredAuthor on Tue 06/15/10 02:02 AM
Ha, I guess you did. It was just the easiest nickname I could come up with, off the top of my head.

Shorter ones, this time:

In forests of darkness
With cloaks and shadows
Breathe deep, let it ruin you
The curse to which mankind prattles.

Deep within every heart
Lies the death
Of life
For what it will become
When all turns to nothingness

Overly dramatic and boring, again. Bah.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:03 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Tue 06/15/10 05:04 AM
wrong flavor
jellybelly blue should not taste like that
one second of amusement
oral ejaculation
that was unclean

said a long gooey tendril
saliva's just hanging around
this thread
don't even eat the damn things
won't look at 'em

ptuh ptuh


s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:08 AM
miniature house
little people little dreams
a tiny window

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/15/10 05:12 AM
cloud factory around the corner
dirty O
greasy expectations
slumlords and their perfect match
engrossed pupils
at the edge of the hill
decaying towards downtown
old projects
jobs that have gone away
rusting steel
and a bridge to nowhere

UndiscoveredAuthor's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:43 AM
:: Facepalm. ::

Not exactly what I had in mind, but I suppose everyone's perverted these days...

This is why I don't date guys, though! xD

UndiscoveredAuthor's photo
Tue 06/15/10 06:44 AM
The 'cloud factory' one was more fun~ :3

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/15/10 07:38 PM

:: Facepalm. ::

Not exactly what I had in mind, but I suppose everyone's perverted these days...

This is why I don't date guys, though! xD

re-reading that did sound kind rather perverted
but it was not actually meant that way


it was really meant to describe eating a foul tasting jellybean


oh well...

glad you like the other alright

s1owhand's photo
Wed 06/16/10 07:34 AM
negative experience
that leads to venting

anyway it is universally accepted that if you have
to explain it then it's bad


i shall endeavor to elevate the mood


sorry about your thread though!

ValentinaSS's photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:50 PM
got one,,,,,,

Reluctantly and slow
softly closing doors
broken, mournful for
burned-out dreams
fading scenes...
emptying with time
...and when they`re gone
what will there be
to mist your mind
with forgetfulness
like an opiate
your head would find

to a dream i once dreamt

Thorb's photo
Fri 07/02/10 09:24 PM
the rent is now due on the tent
have to repair a broken vent
oil covered lies tax our resolve
all big problems take time to solve

Shasta1's photo
Fri 07/02/10 10:03 PM
time too stands still
with them
who sit at the legs of buildings
dark eyes, blood veined, caring
forgotten of those surrounding.
clothes dirty, dusty, a toothless
chargrin of decay
the world is too much with them.