_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 04/22/10 05:05 PM

What is an EMO chick????........smokin

Probably a chicken with a goth complex. :angel:

Here's an EMO sponge! laugh


Hopefully it's just a phase...

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 04/22/10 04:57 PM
I know this isn't the sex forum, but did you know that birds masturbate??

You thought that was chit on your car!!

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 04/22/10 04:52 PM

Wow....liberals sure take a lot of credit for stuff...except the trillions in debt they've created....

We all know better at least we adults do. Imagine if the whole world was full of conservatives, what a mess eh? now imagine if everyone turned liberal over night. Wht a nice liveable world that would bedrinker

I agree. Let's get rid of all the liberals and conservatives and keep the libertarians. THAT would be a livable world. drinker

You know something, I have read a lot of your posts, and I gotta say....

I like your style. (not in the gay way or anything...............not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But at least you're consistent.

Really no point in arguing which bowl of poo tastes better.

Hi msharmony...
Bye msharmony...

not sure I like you mentioning my name after 'bowl of poo'...but hi and bye to you too,,lol


msharmony, you are one of the loveliest ladies I have ever come across.

You're more like a bowl of peaches...

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 08:17 PM
Edited by _The_Sugar_Fire_ on Wed 04/21/10 08:18 PM

Wow....liberals sure take a lot of credit for stuff...except the trillions in debt they've created....

We all know better at least we adults do. Imagine if the whole world was full of conservatives, what a mess eh? now imagine if everyone turned liberal over night. Wht a nice liveable world that would bedrinker

I agree. Let's get rid of all the liberals and conservatives and keep the libertarians. THAT would be a livable world. drinker

You know something, I have read a lot of your posts, and I gotta say....

I like your style. (not in the gay way or anything...............not that there's anything wrong with that.)

But at least you're consistent.

Really no point in arguing which bowl of poo tastes better.

Hi msharmony...
Bye msharmony...

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 07:46 PM
Or I could just take LSD and stare at my lava lamp.

That would be a super awesome light show.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 07:14 PM

Watch out, Sugar Fire likes to hoard all the fire balls grumble

No, No, No

I always share my fireballs. Plenty to go around.explode

scared don't get testy now...was just playing around tongue2

Sorry...I get defensive when people talk about my fireballs.
Like a momma bear with her cubs.

mmmmm...that makes me want one of those big cinnamon gummy bears frown

Yummy bears....

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 05:32 PM
Is it bologna or baloney??

That's the only thing I'm not 100% sure of.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 05:26 PM

Watch out, Sugar Fire likes to hoard all the fire balls grumble

No, No, No

I always share my fireballs. Plenty to go around.explode

scared don't get testy now...was just playing around tongue2

Sorry...I get defensive when people talk about my fireballs.
Like a momma bear with her cubs.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 05:16 PM

Watch out, Sugar Fire likes to hoard all the fire balls grumble

No, No, No

I always share my fireballs. Plenty to go around.explode

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 05:05 PM

im glad...im super nervous. dont be too honest:)

You're pretty, so that's always a good start.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 05:03 PM

Where have you gone 1988?? Such simpler times.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:56 PM

im glad...im super nervous. dont be too honest:)

What's there to be nervous about?? I've been here 11 days, and I'm pretty much addicted by now. There's some cool people in this world.

Just keep adding new things to your profile everyday.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:53 PM

Can someone help me !! I'm new and can't seem to get a pic up be gentle I'm blonde!!

This might be a dumb question, but do you have a pic of yourself saved to your computer?

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Wed 04/21/10 04:48 PM

I'm going to look at your profile.

Don't worry, it doesn't hurt....much.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 07:46 PM
Ah, Last Resort. I loved that song so much. That CD was great. I suddenly miss middle school.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 06:57 PM

Gentlemen, please hear this: I have no boobs! Well I do have boobs but nothing to write home about. Practically non-existent.

So let's see how nice you are now?bigsmile

Practically non-existent means they do exist, right?? They're not folklore?? Good enough for me.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:45 PM

what would happen if mirrors could talk

I did mushrooms once. And that's what happened.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:31 PM

.... Going to blog about some super awesome emails I got in the past few days here and send you guys the link... since I can't post them here directly slaphead

Updawg flowerforyou Welcome to the club :tongue:

What's this "blog" everyone keeps talking about.

And what's an "email". Is it anything like a shemale??

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:25 PM

laugh laugh laugh I'm just reluctant. I am definitely NOT a cougar! :tongue: laugh

You have no choice in the matter, honey...

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:17 PM
So there's not going to be boobs, or.....??