_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 08:27 PM

I looked at your profile.....I'm not ashamed.......

Good Stuff!!

I want to publish a book myself......

I just have to write it first.laugh

Thank you, I can be very indecisive with ideas for the book though. I'm experienced with poetry mainly but I want to expand my writing =] What book do you want to write?

I only write poetry. I've written thousands of poems, but I would say only 20 are keepers. But I like to draw too, so I would include those. But a 40 page book wouldn't do too well, I fear.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 08:23 PM
I looked at your profile.....I'm not ashamed.......

Good Stuff!!

I want to publish a book myself......

I just have to write it first.laugh

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:53 PM

Hey Sugardrinker

I'm thinking it will go away Cher... Hoping, wishing, praying... LOL...

Howdy to youdrinker

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:47 PM


(((Cher))) thank you Cher... It hasn't been this bad since I first hurt it... ohwell

Look on the bright side.........Medical Marijuana!!!!!!!

Party at your house.happy

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:43 PM

waving Hey everyone!

Joy, I'm sorry you're in such pain frown

Hello, there.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:33 PM

You're a beautiful woman, I can see why he'd want to get your number... I agree meet in a public place but other than that no red flags at this point....

I concur.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:15 PM

Thank you!

It happened 3 years ago and I still feel bad about it. There's nothing I can do to change it, just learn from it, understand the regrets I still have, and apply them towards the future.

They say "Once a cheater, Always a cheater." I can't blame anyone who feels that way, because I have also been cheated on (afterwards) and it hurt soooooooooo bad. But I know I won't.

I have never agreed with that statement WHEN it comes to someone that openly admits to it. I have the highest respect for you in the admitting part. It took guts.

Not really......I was just reading all the horrible things everyone was saying about cheaters....And they weren't wrong......but I felt compelled, as someone who doesn't view himself as the scum of the earth to offer a thought on why it might happen. It didn't feel so wrong at the time.......but it was so hurtful......How could I hurt someone that I cared about like that?? And not be a bad guy?? The truth is, if you hurt someone like that you ARE a bad guy. I can't hurt anyone like that again. (Sorry for the rant)

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:08 PM

Thank you!

It happened 3 years ago and I still feel bad about it. There's nothing I can do to change it, just learn from it, understand the regrets I still have, and apply them towards the future.

They say "Once a cheater, Always a cheater." I can't blame anyone who feels that way, because I have also been cheated on (afterwards) and it hurt soooooooooo bad. But I know I won't.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:00 PM
I work for the military, and when I'm around them I stand up straight, talk loud, and to the point.

When I'm with my friends I use slang, and slump over like a sack of potatoes.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:56 PM

A strong sexual desire that cannot be met with just one partner?

I'd say that sums it up. Let's not overthink this....It seems pretty simple.

Thanks, I thought it was a GREAT answer as well :smile:


I hate to become the enemy here, but I have cheated once, (I wasn't married), but sometimes the heart just wants what it wants. My lady and I were drifting apart, and I met someone who was interesting, and good looking and........

WOW, it takes a lot to admit that here. I applaud you for admitting it. I am also certain, that you know next time to "end" the relationship first, if it should ever come up again. I hope?

Absolutely. It was wrong, wrong, wrong. It was an unbelievably selfish act. (Do I sound like Tiger Woods?) The most selfish thing I've ever done actually, and would never do it again.

But to answer the question WHY? It wasn't complicated. You summed it up nicely.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:50 PM

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:49 PM

Yes she does !!!

She'll have yer lyl buttocks for that comment !!!scared scared

Posted pics of Samm in my HELP thread....go look n see hims.

Ah, what a looker. He has your eyes.laugh

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:45 PM

A strong sexual desire that cannot be met with just one partner?

I'd say that sums it up. Let's not overthink this....It seems pretty simple.

Thanks, I thought it was a GREAT answer as well :smile:


I hate to become the enemy here, but I have cheated once, (I wasn't married), but sometimes the heart just wants what it wants. My lady and I were drifting apart, and I met someone who was interesting, and good looking and........

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:40 PM

Hey Sugar, whats wrong with yer cat ???

Is it animal planet this week or WHAT ???noway noway sad sad

She didn't care much about the poor dog.

She was, however, worried about your turtle. She even offered to help look.:wink:

She has weird morals, I know.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:36 PM

A strong sexual desire that cannot be met with just one partner?

I'd say that sums it up. Let's not overthink this....It seems pretty simple.

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:33 PM

Kate flowerforyou I thought they grew back today noway I guess the area is swollen laugh

He's ok, seems out of it still.. I have to lift him up on the bed and then again to get him down.. He weights 72#'s, it's really killing my back slaphead

Oh and he's acting like a drama queen.. LOL.. I am hoping that he'll be close to his old self tomorrow...

Good to hear your pup is doing well. I was worried.
My cat on the other hand, was not.:smile:

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:30 PM
I tried to tell you to look behind the TV stand on Wednesday.

Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me??:smile:

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:23 PM
I don't know if this helps you in anyway, but my brother and I haven't talked to each other in years.....

And I now feel like giving him a call.

I'm sorry to hear this......

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:19 PM

drool drool drool Post nude pics, get all the chicksdrool drool drool

Oh, so the infallible get to be naughty?

I see how it is. I'm off to join the priesthood.laugh

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:15 PM

I thought that only happened on Skinemax.happy