Community > Posts By > _The_Sugar_Fire_
I just joined
Howdy newcomers...
Orientation is Tuesday, at 8:00... |
Is there anybody out there?
You're pretty. You know how to spell and use correct grammar. You'll find what you're looking for, I'm sure...
Obama Care is Not Free!
Obama Care is not Free! So many people are under the illusion that Obama Care is going to be virtually free. However, they are dead wrong! Obama Care is anything but free. In fact, Obama Care is going to be very costly for so many people who cannot afford to pay. First of all, Obama Care system will require all people to pay for health coverage. Even the people who are not employed will have to pay the money they do not have. Any medical care discounts will come from the millions of tax dollars extracted from poor American citizens who have trouble making ends meet as it is. The worst thing is that if you are not completely poor, your medical care will be more expensive. Therefore, Obama Care will not be affordable for anyone. The poor people cannot pay for it, the middle class cannot pay for it, and the upper class will not pay for it because they will opt for a private insurance with more options. In conclusion, Obama Care will rob people of options and steal their money. There will be no benefit to this system whatsoever. ![]() I would like to see that magic trick... getting blood out of this turnip. Obamacare will flop. We're all gonna die. I'm pretty sure we were all gonna die anyway... |
you guys and your opinions
The corporations that own America buy and sell politicians, giving us the illusion that we have a choice...
Hello new minglers...
I think it's great...
pretty pictures...check... music...check... em... scary movies...awesome... My only critique would be, to be a little longer, but otherwise, me likey... |
Why don't you want dead people voting??
Dead people have rights too... |
It's a positive bonfire... |
Howdy! Why don't we put another shrimp on the Barbie?
Is a question only a question, because it ends with a question mark?
Black Racist on DHS Payroll
All Racism, All the Time...
"The Camel Whisperer"...
A coupon for a free waxing...
Poops in a litter box...
Stalks Bruce Willis...
Damn liberals, always burning little kids...
And those damn liberals, always complaining about race... I'm so sick of those liberals complaining about race, that I'm going to MAKE SURE EVERY SINGLE TOPIC I WRITE ABOUT IS complaining about race... |
(The following is an excerpt from a commentary by radio host Derek Hunter.) "I’m talking, of course, about the really big story of the last week – the scourge of racism exposed by a simple rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair. The aftermath of what happened there should disturb every American interested in equality. The racist act was not some unnamed guy wearing a Barack Obama mask and lampooning the president. Nor was it Tuffy Gessling, the now “banned for life” rodeo performer who was on the microphone. No, the racist act isn’t a single act; it’s a constant series of acts committed by progressives, Democrats and their allies. It’s the insistence President Obama not be held to the same standards, not be treated the same way as other presidents and other politicians simply because of race. It’s not breaking news the president is black. Most people, especially those of us born after the babyboomers, couldn’t care less. It was indeed a much bigger deal 40 years ago, but we are not our grandparents’ generation. The world has changed. Peoples have stopped caring about race. We’ve stopped caring about a lot of things the people in charge still obsess over, but none more than race. This burgeoning revolution has left some people adrift in a world that soon no longer will exist. Their mind still resides in a place with separate water fountains, George Wallace ruling Alabama and the KKK marching in the streets. These people can’t let go. It is the basis of their power, their politics, their wallets. It’s sickening, and it’s un-American. Merriam-Webster defines racism as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” That can be boiled down to treating people differently, having different expectations, different standards for someone because of race. And this is how progressives treat President Obama." End of Quote * * * * * * * * * Here is my response to the above-quoted commentary: I have went on record claiming that it is wrong for politics to be injected into any rodeo. It doesn't matter to me what the political party is of any lampooned politician. I find it disgusting for any such lampooning to be a featured of a rodeo. If President Obama were a white Republican, then I still would object to him being lampooned the way that he was in that aforementioned rodeo. What radio host Derek Hunter is objecting to is the apparent double-standard that some people are using when it comes to the lampooning of politicians. White politicians both Democrats and Republicans have been lampooned in rodeos, but did progressives and supporters of the racial-grievance industry complain when those white politicians were lampooned in rodeos? No, not to the best of my knowledge. It was only when a black politician was lampooned that people on the political left objected. Note the definition of racism that Derek Hunter cites: "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." That definition of racism says nothing about one party being oppressed by another. In order for racism to occur, one only has to believe that one's own race is superior in some way to another race. Such a belief in superiority is what Hunter is addressing. It appears that Obama's supporters are saying this: "A black American President cannot have bad policies and make bad decisions. President Obama is black. Therefore, anyone who criticizes President Obama's policies and decisions must be a racist because a black American President cannot have bad policies and make bad decisions." In the above-mentioned rodeo, President Obama was treated the same way that his predecessors have been treated. Even Hillary Clinton has been treated the same way. So, why is it acceptable to treat white politicians that way but not acceptable to treat President Obama that way? Are we to believe that President Obama is superior to those other politicians both Democrats and Republicans. Apparently, that is what President Obama's supporters want us to believe. name ONE dodo,, name ONE sitting president who , DURING HIS TERM, had an act at a STATE SPONSORED Event call for violence against him who was in no way reprimanded,,, I will be shocked if you come up with one,, seriously it wasn't about his BLACKNESS< it was about the calling of VIOLENCE AGAINST A SITTING PRESIDENT<<,, at a GOVERNMENT sponsored event,,(State or otherwise) of course Obama isn't superior,, he isn't too superior to have his birth place questioned, his college attendance questioned, his sexuality questioned, his religion questioned,, must I continue? a double standard,,,? certainly not the one being alluded to here,,,,,, oh come on MH,,, even you can see the double standard... the double standard of being more highly scrutinized,, sure not a double standard that gives him more consideration than other presidents though,,, maybe so... but it wouldn't be so bad if barry just quit lying... you reap what you sow... yeah, some people do,, others seem to skate,,,,but oh well Obama lies. The Bushes lied. Clinton lied. Even Republican Jesus Ronald Reagan was a HUGE liar. |
I can bet you wouldn't find ANYONE remembering me at my college thirty years later either,, I graduated high school early, went to class with my head in the books nd went back home,, didn't socialize much at all ,,but that isn't actually the case with OBama, as the statement that no one remembers him is untrue "the statement that no one remembers him is untrue" Really? Do you have some legitimate links that we can find the truth? Surely,he would have stood out. why would he have stood out ? One link is bad, the other two links do nothing to prove that he was a Columbia student. Who remembers him? why would he have stood out? Why wouldn't he as a non white? Every time I see a black person, I remember it for 30 years... |
So what if there's pictures and eyewitness statements?? I want proof damn it?!?!
You guys are funny. I can understand not agreeing with his policies, but good Lord this is just childish... |
"Reality has a liberal bias"...