And I assure you, while we may not be the initial cause, we are certainly speeding up our demise with our carelessness on this planet. I totally agree! ![]() ![]() |
sex or drugs??
Roxy Music :" Love is the Drug" fun song don't know how to do a link or I would... I think it's on their debut Album "Roxy Muisc"
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Absolutely ! I had a couple of guy friends in college & it was great! It really helped me to understand men since I grew up in a family that was predominately woman.
Is Religion homophobic?
I'm not really sure what evolution, or whether I subscribe to that theory or not, has to do with this I simply stated that I find your views somewhat of a dichotomy, 1 minute they're religious, and the vast majority of scientists are narcissists, and the next minute, your quoting scientific research. And you seem incapable of owning your prejudice. As you seem incapable to accept that somebody could have a perfectly happy life, and be born gay. If that's tearing down your faith, then yes, I'm happy to tear it down While I have no issue with anyone's sexual preference I refuse to believe anyone is actually "born gay'. Prior to puberty, the mind is not able to accurately assign sexual preference. Sexuality is definitely a choice. A child (someone who has not yet reached puberty) has little preference about such matters. The child may have preferences that signify a gender preference but those too are not a born choice but actually a choice determined by their circumstances. Puberty signifys hormonal changes the could develop into a sexual preference. My point is, sexual preference is not established at birth, it is learned. Anyone that has experienced raising children would know this is true. One must also consider that some parents are insane in their parenting methods. I totally disagree - I have a background in teaching and any class in child development teaches that sexuality is innate - even really small children have sexual "urges" and feelings. In a small child they are less developed ie: for babies and small children sexually is defined as what adults perceive as "sensuality" it's only when puberty is reached and the hormones kick in the the urges and feelings become sexual in nature. You argument sounds logical, but you really should read some of the child psychology and child development studies, they are really fascinating |
Is Religion homophobic?
I'm not really sure what evolution, or whether I subscribe to that theory or not, has to do with this I simply stated that I find your views somewhat of a dichotomy, 1 minute they're religious, and the vast majority of scientists are narcissists, and the next minute, your quoting scientific research. And you seem incapable of owning your prejudice. As you seem incapable to accept that somebody could have a perfectly happy life, and be born gay. If that's tearing down your faith, then yes, I'm happy to tear it down While I have no issue with anyone's sexual preference I refuse to believe anyone is actually "born gay'. Prior to puberty, the mind is not able to accurately assign sexual preference. Sexuality is definitely a choice. A child (someone who has not yet reached puberty) has little preference about such matters. The child may have preferences that signify a gender preference but those too are not a born choice but actually a choice determined by their circumstances. Puberty signifys hormonal changes the could develop into a sexual preference. My point is, sexual preference is not established at birth, it is learned. Anyone that has experienced raising children would know this is true. One must also consider that some parents are insane in their parenting methods. |
Is Religion homophobic?
Tom, even if you don't believe, that people are born gay, and that people don't experience a sexual attraction until puberty, then I still feel, this is not a choice You are attracted to, who you are attracted to, it's an impulse, not a choice. And I think you'll find many people, knew they were gay or straight, before they hit puberty I totally agree - it is definitely something you are born with - it's biological snd can't be changed. I doubt anyone would chose to be gay since it is outside the norm in most societies. Case in point: I have 2 cousins who are gay - one is male the other is female (they are both from the same mother) Now if that is not a case for biology, I don't know what is! |
t's a really old movie but it had me on the edge of my seat "The Jagged Edge" w/ Jeff Bridges
You will probably do well with the homosexual part of your interests Good luck ![]() ![]() |
oh pleaase... my heart bleeds for you.
There is this thing in this country where you can dial a tel # tell them what you are looking for & how much you want to pay & they will send someone along. And fyi in regards to your profile pics call me crazy but most women prefer men to keep their shirts on in their profile pics. |
Didn't pay attention to Global Warming - till a recent news article on one of the rivers flowing into Punjab, India - likely to shift it's trajectory within few years due to faster glacial melting. From Science Daily . net: The Himalaya,s source of the seven largest rivers of Asia are, like other mountain chains, suffering the effects of global warming. To assess the extent of melting of its 33 000 km2 of glaciers, scientists have been using a process they have been pioneering for some years.
Satellite-imagery: Derived glacier surface topographies obtained at intervals of a few years were adjusted and compared. Calculations indicated that 915 km2 of Himalayan glaciers of the test region, Spiti/Lahaul (Himachal Pradesh, India) thinned by an annual average of 0.85 m between 1999 and 2004. The technique is still experimental, but it has been validated in the Alps and could prove highly effective for watching over all the Himalayan glacier systems. However, the procedure for achieving a reliable estimate must overcome a number of sources of error and approximation inherent in satellite-based observations. so it's not clear what's the cause but if I'm getting choked out of water I have to start with some hypothesis? "Nasa" space satellite images ae a good place to start -they show a decrease in the size of the ice caps at the North Pole. They also show that the hole in the ozone layer of our atmosphere has gotten larger. (though I'm sure that some people believe that the photos are fake just like the moon landing lol) They also show that Greenland's permafrost is melting. If someone needs further proof they can look st what's happening the the poor polar bears - they are starving because of the lack of ice in the sea and some believe they will probably be extinct within the next 20 years due to global warming. There was an article in the paper today about a polar bear in Russia that was found searching for food 200 miles from his natural habitat on the mainland. So sad. Here inNew England we are experiencing so called 100 year storms every 3 to 5 years. Pretty soon most of the beaches will have taken over the houses that were built next to them. and |
Like notbeold said....climate change is real! ![]() I suppose windmills cause the cancer too. ![]() No windmills just kill the jerks that stand too close to them. |
^^^Could be, and yes that was an interesting read. I'm going to go back and read about the "biased science" comments attached to that article. I think sunspot activity has a lot to do with our weather, and climate. Back in grade school, I was taught that Co2, carbon dioxide, was necessary for plants to survive. Now there's claims that the Co2, is going to kill us. What changed? Did the plant change, or did the messenger decide to try and scare us? I think it's the latter. So what is their problem? They're not in charge. They can't control what others do, and it eats them up. Yeah, there's climate change. The political climate is changing and they HATE IT. IT IS THE AMOUNT of Co2 in the atmosphere that poses a danger -plants can withstand higher amounts of Co2 in the air than humans can. If you're going to make a comment it's a really good idea to do your homework first. Otherwise you sound like you're blowing smoke just to blow smoke. |
Personality is great but itβs the body that youβre gonna be banging. Thick figure for me ![]() so you never heard of someone ******* with your mind? |
Many men look at Body before brains but then many men are Visual creatures. ![]() Exactly right. Most women are far less visual than men and most men don't know that. I really hoping that you are joking...... |
also take off your sunglasses woman want to see your eyes.
Rate my profile
Please rate my profile. I want some input. I want to find sex starved local women so you have a degree in sexology do you? I think that you are on the wrong site toots.There are a lot of sites out there where you can find sex starved woman try googling it: ![]() |
Rate my profile
Five kids and never married might be it - that would scare off a lot of men, no disrespect meant (they all probably think you are way to fertile for them or don't practice birth control or..........
Different dimension
in a heartbeat
People 50 and Over
I'm totally baffled by anyone that lies here or on other dating sites; why lie about yourself to someone you hope to soon meet? I know I could pass for ten years younger than I am but to what end? Just tell the truth Ruth... mmm.. maybe to date a younger woman? ![]() |
People 50 and Over
Many dating sites are geared for Dating. You just have to discover them. People have suggested "Meetup" to me.. Great...except there are no groups that have anything of interest to me within 75 miles... "Start your own then"... Pfft...some of us are NOT organizers...I am good at helping/ facilitating existing things..but not intial organizing.. We all have strengths in different areas...the thing is to know where they lie, and where they don't... ![]() ![]() No groups at all? Where do you live? I mean I see where you are from in your profile, but are you in a very rural area? Just curious because I've had a lot of fun doing activities with Meetup like listening to live, music, going out to dinner, going to movies & dancing. |