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Topic: Which is sexier? A woman's body or her personality?👀👀
AquariusLover8's photo
Wed 01/24/18 01:44 PM
What are your thoughts?

AngelHappiness's photo
Wed 01/24/18 01:50 PM
Personality and attitude :wink:.. it's not about the body type, it's about her character (being a good person) and also her right attitude (having confidence)... it's how she carry herself that makes her even more attractive and sexy

one can be sexy outside but if she's not confident it's nothing... :wink:

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 01:52 PM

Good answer, Angel!:innocent:

I totally agree! :wink::blush:

AngelHappiness's photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:00 PM

Good answer, Angel!:innocent:

I totally agree! :wink::blush:

Thank you Sis :kissing_heart::blush::blush:

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:11 PM
Your first impression is physical attraction because that is the first thing you see. By it is the mind that you fall in love with

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:19 PM

What are your thoughts?

Many years ago when I was young and dumb I thought that sexy was how a woman looked too me. When I finally grew up I realized that sexiness doesn't come from the outside. Yes, a woman can "look" sexy. And that's OK. Nothing wrong with it. But, if the inner doesn't match the outer, then really, the whole thing is worthless. Because the outer is just a shell. It will not always look that way. I've known some really pretty women in my life. At least they were pretty to me.

But inside, they were ugly, mean, hateful, spiteful, rude, foulmouthed, drunkard, you name it. I think I've pretty much seen it. If you find a woman that's pretty to you on the outside and in, you've found something that there is not a lot of. Not in the time we live in now. So, you better look deep, long and hard. A lot can be hidden underneath the "pretty".

AngelHappiness's photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:21 PM

Your first impression is physical attraction because that is the first thing you see. By it is the mind that you fall in love with

Mind or heart? what they said it's your heart that tells..

AngelHappiness's photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:23 PM

What are your thoughts?

Many years ago when I was young and dumb I thought that sexy was how a woman looked too me. When I finally grew up I realized that sexiness doesn't come from the outside. Yes, a woman can "look" sexy. And that's OK. Nothing wrong with it. But, if the inner doesn't match the outer, then really, the whole thing is worthless. Because the outer is just a shell. It will not always look that way. I've known some really pretty women in my life. At least they were pretty to me.

But inside, they were ugly, mean, hateful, spiteful, rude, foulmouthed, drunkard, you name it. I think I've pretty much seen it. If you find a woman that's pretty to you on the outside and in, you've found something that there is not a lot of. Not in the time we live in now. So, you better look deep, long and hard. A lot can be hidden underneath the "pretty".

You maybe young that time but npt dumb I think :wink:... I agree with what you said.. it's always the inner that matters :blush:

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 02:30 PM

Your first impression is physical attraction because that is the first thing you see. By it is the mind that you fall in love with

Mind or heart? what they said it's your heart that tells..

All of your emotions and feelings come from the mind. Your heart is a organ that pumps blood thru your body. I know.. the saying is " the heart" but its the mind that runs your feelings

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/24/18 03:29 PM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Wed 01/24/18 03:31 PM
Hummm I'm not a man but it is pretty much the same for both....

Unless you are attracted to what is on the outside many times you are not going to find out what kind of personality they have....

People are visual creatures... if we like what we see we will check it out further....

If you are attracted to them, to me the personality kicks in and seals it.... or blows it one....

Personality to me is a big factor for me even if I'm attracted to what I see if their personality sucks then it is a no go....

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/24/18 03:36 PM

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 03:39 PM

Hummm I'm not a man but it is pretty much the same for both....

Unless you are attracted to what is on the outside many times you are not going to find out what kind of personality they have....

People are visual creatures... if we like what we see we will check it out further....

Once you have a attractions then to me the personality kicks in and seals it.... or blows it one....

Personality to me is a big factor for me even if I'm attracted to what I see if their personality sucks then it is a no go....

I agree! Initially it's appearance that attracts me, but the personality is what makes it or breaks it.

AngelHappiness's photo
Wed 01/24/18 04:42 PM

Your first impression is physical attraction because that is the first thing you see. By it is the mind that you fall in love with

Mind or heart? what they said it's your heart that tells..

All of your emotions and feelings come from the mind. Your heart is a organ that pumps blood thru your body. I know.. the saying is " the heart" but its the mind that runs your feelings

Okay.. You're smart hehe.. :wink: i was reminded of the parts of the brain and it's functions :blush::blush::blush: i agree with you now :grin::grin::grin: but why do people say that it is the heart?

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 05:12 PM
I think it depends on whether your mind or your hormones are in control at the time. drool noway

no photo
Wed 01/24/18 05:56 PM
I had one once made me wet just thinking about her. Was totally twisted upstairs. Now she has a psychology degree and not one bit has changed upstairs. So folks you can memorize all the answers for four or five years, pass the tests and be awarded papers to legally practice on someone.

AquariusLover8's photo
Wed 01/24/18 08:33 PM
I love this answer:grinning:

AquariusLover8's photo
Wed 01/24/18 08:34 PM
Personality and attitude :wink:.. it's not about the body type, it's about her character (being a good person) and also her right attitude (having confidence)... it's how she carry herself that makes her even more attractive and sexy

one can be sexy outside but if she's not confident it's nothing... :wink:
I agree 100%

Pepinofruit's photo
Wed 01/24/18 08:52 PM
Edited by Pepinofruit on Wed 01/24/18 09:25 PM

Which is sexier? A woman's body or her personality?:eyes::eyes:

BOTH ++++:wink:

I will always settle for CHEMISTRY first:tongue:
I could be wrong, but I take my chances :wink:
PS:..For some, well,...Call it what you like :tongue:

no photo
Thu 01/25/18 05:33 AM
Of course a personality! Beauty fades body gets older!

LeeFranklin's photo
Thu 01/25/18 06:27 AM
Edited by LeeFranklin on Thu 01/25/18 07:26 AM
I've spent my post 30 yrs with 4 awesome women. To me they were beautiful inside and out.

I have to have 50/50. Looks and personality.

I work in engineering and there are some way cool and super fine engineers in USA.
I've always kept business and pleasure separate though.

Never... Never date a psychologist or psychiatrist. Run for your life if you bump into one you almost like...Run.
Just obvious survival skill there.

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