I get proposals online, and women throw their knickers at me in supermarkets. Aren't you the lucky guy! (what's your secret?) |
Current state of the world
It's the modern day religion, a couple of thousand years ago a guy with a beard, no, not bin Laden, that was recently, he preached his view on the state of the world and everyone followed. Difference being is government and media don't have beards but they make shed loads of cash and have people following them! I agree that the media has way too much power in this country but I think that that is a reflection on our society rather than the media itself - If you look around you people in general are ruder, angrier more selfish and shallower than say 30 yrs ago. Unfortunately the media is a business and as such it's primary goal is to make money. There's a difference between the "media" and journalism. I think people need to remember that you can't believe everything the media says - you have to consider the source. Most people believe what they want to believe. The older I get the more I realize how many people are sheep. |
I would sure make it the bigger guy doing the carrying. That's what I was going to say... who's ever bigger. |
Not a clear-cut question I suppose for each break up it's different.... I would imagine if you split up on bad terms you stop doing for each other .. immediately.. But for others that's not the case.. Take myself for instance.. I still go over and cut the grass and shovel the snow and occasionally will clean my exes house for her.. even cook the occasional meal for her.. and our boys.. I do it to help out.. to help lighten her load to make life a little easier...but Some of my friends think this is odd most all of my divorced friends think I'm crazy.. I don't think it's odd our crazy ..I just think it's my way of helping out... but I find myself sometimes feeling guilty if I don't feel like going over to do these things for her... or I struggle with not going.. over to help out a little.... I think to myself !..nobody cleans my house nobody cuts my grass I do this stuff myself... but then I feel guilty for even thinking such a thought... I feel ashamed for not wanting to help her out... even if it is just too do the dishes for her so it's one less thing to do with when she gets home from work... now I don't do this all the time of course.. but on occasion I do..... I was just wondering is there a time a point in time when you just stop doing these things for your ex.. and become okay with it... look after your own life so to speak... and is there anyone else out there that feels the same way... you still do things for your ex but wonder if you should be doing these things at all..? While I think it's admirable that you still go over to your ex's house & do things for her seeing you have kids together, the degree to which you help out ie cleaning her house makes me think that you're not over her yet & that perhaps subconsciously you think that by doing these things for her the two of you might get back together again. - Just a thought. I would never go over my ex's house & clean it for him even if we had kids & joint custody -I think that you are being way too nice, but that's just my opinion. |
You Wascaly Wabbit
Kiss my Grits!
I'm going to really date myself but "sock-it-to-me" from Laugh In |
You Wascaly Wabbit
Edited by
Wed 04/04/18 05:21 AM
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature ...
I believe it was from a margarine commercial (I can still the woman in a long white dress with a wreath of flowers on her head!) |
strangest food
I've never eaten it, but I once worked with a guy who ate peanut butter and tunafish sandwiches I kid you not! I once ate deer heart cooked with lentils & it wasn't half bad!!
Setting Filters
Thanks so much guys - when I search for my profile using my user name or click on my profile her I see them
Setting Filters
I keep setting my filters to limit who can contact me - age - not married etc but after I changed them - I don't see them when I view my profile. I have reset them & closed out Mingle but it doesn't seem to help - any ideas? Thanks!
hi add me
Your not looking to good comrade, hope you haven't caught that nerve bug that's going round? It must have made him invisible! |
My parents split up when I was about 10 yr old and there really weren't any male role models in my family & I feel like I missed out on alot. My brother was about 2 yrs old & I know he feels the same way.
I don't know the answer to that one but it seems like things haven't really changed that much I can remember when I was younger dating men who would drop me if I didn't sleep with them right away,
I think there will always be people (both men & women) who are like that - they are just looking for sex or a superficial relationship If you find a country where the dating scene is more compatible as you say, let me know! |
swimming instructor
Stormy Daniels
Edited by
Mon 03/26/18 04:33 AM
anyone can be 'tied' to anybody else, especially the older they are and more experiences they have had ... the owner of Fox can be directly tied to Trump,, being able to make connections means little being able to PROVE events means much more. nah, I think his confidence is more of that 'playing to peoples fantasies' about him. I think in reality he is probably a very insecure man touting a lot of false pride and making a lot of attacks on others before they can attack him. just my observation though. Did you ever see trumps interview with Howard Stern ? where he said he would date his daughter? only snippets, not a Stern fan. I really dislike Howard Stern too - but I did listen to his interview with Trump & it was really disgusting. Stern said that "he'd like to do Trump's daugher" & Trump's response was that "he'd like to do her too" He may have said it for shock value but it still reflects on his character- I don't think it matters whether he was president or not when he said it. = Trump also talked about his not serving in Vietnam when Stern brought it up & Trump said he had his own private hell during the Vietnam War - worrying about whether or not he would get an STD - you can't make this stuff up! |
Dog whisperer
Best Bumper Stickers
There are so many great bumper stickers out there - what are some of the funniest ones you've seen?
Not rude but funny - (though one man's rudeness is another man's humor) Just saw one recently I thought was cute - Don't believe everything you think I may be old, but I got to see the good bands |
"cat who stole the canary"!
well hi
It means that if your user name is FrantkheDepressed most women won't be interested in an "intimate encounter" !