Community > Posts By > Narlycarnk
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Sun 08/19/18 06:36 AM
I think it is a matter of communication about the essential objectives sought after. The reason Why is very important. In the US explicit communication is not customary; context is assumed to be already understood or else obvious. To one person the objective might prioritize being able and actively having meaningful experiences in life while to another it might favor being able to effectively make a mark on the world and be valueable to mankind. These values may be held by who ever the person belongs to, whether it be the community, their family and parents, or their self as an individual.
Though feedback of information both ways is empowering for working together, generally the doctor has more skill and resources for making technical decisions for how to reach these values. |
My name is Moe-canoe-cow, and I use the push-me-pull-you backstroke to get around, in the air and on the ground.
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Fri 08/17/18 06:24 PM
Drug addiction, alcoholism, and a myriad of other mental illnesses, are a plague among the homeless. Dating shouldn't even be a consideration for the homeless. They need to get their chit together. I agree. For most homeless, I would show them I care about them, ask about their story, and help them by volunteering at an organization, but dating is just an added complication and probably is not their priority or mine. |
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Thu 08/16/18 04:54 PM
I am envisioning some girl in weathered clothes at the entrance to the storm cistern by the river with a driftwood & wrack line fire, cooking legumes eeked from the train and a stolen squash from some crop field, watching the cranes load shipping containers onto the rusty barges and washing her clothes in the river; have dinner while the crickets chorus the trees; write some messages to some friends; then pack up and walk down the shoreline with a walking stick in the dark, thinking with the waves of the water about what lies on the far side of the rolling fog, coming to an underpass and settling down to sleep. Singing songs the next morning and making friends with everyone going out of the coffee shop, then hitchhiking to who knows where.
I would not miss the chance to go on a date with someone like that. |
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Tue 08/14/18 05:02 PM
I have met a few people before who had a fear of fans (vannophobia?)
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Tue 08/14/18 05:06 PM
But probably none of this would happen, it will remain a 250 acre forest in the middle of the city. We could put some trails out there.
Houses in the forest could be built on pilings so that the ground is not compacted. Essential vehicle access could be along original dirt logging roads.
Taxpayer money would not be used for this. This is all pure speculation.
I am actually thinking of a tree farm surrounded by new development and I was trying to think of a way to have residences throughout the forest without disrupting the root zone, so people can enjoy the forest by living there, as a more productive land use than continuing as a tree farm with traditional harvest intervals, which would be the other possibility. With the said plan, the harvest method could be changed to a slow ongoing harvest, which is less economic but has higher ecological quality. The residences inevitably have some adverse effect on wildlife but the aim would be to preserve the natural setting. There is a neighborhood nearby which periodically floods inside people's houses, and I was thinking the same thing could be done and the urban land be converted to wetlands (at the same time the road base soil could be trucked out to fill nearby low roads which are frequently unparkable and impassible due to nuisance flooding) but this part of the plan is a bit speculative because it would have to depend on what the residents want and reforestation would be needed. The existing forest is already high quality, but an integrated pest management is needed for tick and mosquito issues. Those species are not needed for the ecosystem. However, their breeding conditions would need to be minimized where they don’t affect other species and natural predators would need to be established.
Here on the South coast Katrina made people rethink their building needs. Nearly every home built near the beach is now built on stilts or with flood breaks. The city works tirelessly to assure all drainage is maintained too. Many palm trees are planted as well. We have a community garden & greenhouses too. One thing I would like to see more of is community-lined fruit trees and berry bushes. There are a lot of pecan trees around here tho. Much of our electrical grid is buried along with telecommunication lines. With NASA so close there are large NASA buffer zones that could be planted with a variety of food bearing plants. Many of the evacuation routes are being widened to 4-lane highways, there is a rise in the number of hotels and motels to the north around 50 miles from here. Nearly every roadway surface is elevated. Bridges are freshly built and constantly maintained. Most of our sewage lines are on a closed system with isolation valves to prevent back feeding. Our potable water supply has isolated circuits that prevents large contamination and pressure loss during hurricanes. There are a multitude of fire & rescue stations with more being built. My area of the city has 3 with the most recent one just built, another is in construction about 4 miles from here. All stores have a constant supply of bottled water. Most of our canned goods now have easy open tops. Our lumber yards have high volumes of plywood in stock during hurricane season (June 1 to November 30). Many of the police, fire & rescue vehicles have fording kits installed and high clearance suspension systems. I'm fairly impressed with my community's disaster preparedness and sustainability efforts. I think it could improve on its ready, naturally grown food sources but all in all, pretty good. That is awesome to hear about down in Mississippi. Underground power lines or else protection from overhead trees I think is an important factor to be worked out. Thanks Tom! |
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Sun 08/12/18 08:18 AM
If one removed roads from a deteriorating neighborhood in the flood zone and replaced them with elevated boardwalk paths; build a parking garage and rooftop culture establishment for local organizations at the central access road, in the neighborhood install pilings at the corners of the houses, elevate them, remove compacted foundations, and plant ground with nut trees, leaf packaging-material, and other forest products, and have occasional crop fields around the outskirts for open space view from houses in the forest edge and for farm work exercise, what opinions would there be about it? Well as one who lives in a flood zone and has lived thru a hurricane here I will tell you that all that you mention... will be gone.. destroyed or out to sea. Some of my neighbors came back to a concrete slab.. their house was somewhere out in the Atlantic. Nothing stops water.. nothing.. and it takes everything with it. Most of the area is floodplain outside of channel and wave velocity hazard areas. There is a barrier island feature offshore which will not migrate to the inland site for hundreds of years. The trend for the area is that it is gradually becoming swampland. |
The main objective would be to optimize economic, health, and ecologic values across the land. This idea comes at it by managing the shared environment. The most crucial work would be how to survey the prospective population.
With no more road to their they walk from the elevated boardwalk pathways, to however far away their house is? It would be important that transportation be worked out more, to preclude less than favorable set-up. Thanks for the ideas. |
Hummm reminds me of the saying "You build it they will come" better get busy,,,, But with with the area in a flood zone unless there is a way to rebuild to keep the area from flooding no matter what you put there it will deteriorate over the years and re-flood.... ![]() Thanks for the thoughts @Tx ! |
Happy birthday man
If one removed roads from a deteriorating neighborhood in the flood zone and replaced them with elevated boardwalk paths; build a parking garage and rooftop culture establishment for local organizations at the central access road, in the neighborhood install pilings at the corners of the houses, elevate them, remove compacted foundations, and plant ground with nut trees, leaf packaging-material, and other forest products, and have occasional crop fields around the outskirts for open space view from houses in the forest edge and for farm work exercise,
what opinions would there be about it? |
Your heart has gone to great lengths to tell you of the healing that needs to take place. It has gone to great lengths to get your attention. You cannot live with one foot in the past. One foot pointing towards the present/future. Your God has slammed doors that were not meant for you to walk thru. I have faith in you. Continue to heed His words/actions. |
I ate soil and I feel so good. So stimulating to the immune system which is stimulating to the brain.
Good night Crystal
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