Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 01/31/22 01:34 PM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Mon 01/31/22 01:41 PM
The net result that this happened, or if this had never happened, my life isn't going to impacted in any way. But I'm bored so Ill opine. laugh

Young's song 1970 “Ohio,” with Crosby, Stills, and Nash served as a protest against the U.S. government following the National Guard killing of four students and wounding of nine others during a protest at Kent State University.

Young remained a figure in counter cultural politics in the decades to come, taking up a number of left-liberal causes, generally arguing against the authority of governments or corporations to coerce or suppress people.

And NOW he, along with is fellow leftists, is trying to coerce Spotify to suppress Rogan based on what he sees as "misinformation".

Biden said “You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,”.....where is Young and his fellow leftists on going after Biden for spreading misinformation? CNN’s Don Lemon claimed that podcast host Joe Rogan took “horse dewormer”....Rogan took a prescription for HUMANS given to him by his HUMAN DOCTOR, not a veterinarian But Young and his ilk didn't call on CNN to cancelled Lemon for spreading misinformation.

The left claims they are in favor of "diversity"....unless it's diversity of thought.

But as an ACTUAL liberal, unlike today's leftists (who now labeled me a conservative) I think Young, Rogan, Lemon and Biden should be free to say what ever they want without being cancelled.

If Young would have said he is leaving Spotify because he doesn't like some of what it has on their platform I would have respected his decision. I have no respect for Young because of the fact that he gave Spotify an ultimatum in a OPEN ultimatum that was actually a threat.

I'm not a Rogan "fan", I don't listen to his podcast but I have heard some of the things he's said, some things I agree with some things I don't agree with.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 01/31/22 10:03 AM
Will Trump run again? Don't know, don't care at this point if he runs and the same goes for Biden. I'll do my own research on whoever is running in 2024 and look at the results of the policies they have supported and fought against. Every politician makes promises to get votes that don't align with what they have and have not voted for when in political office.

As far as people who say they won't vote for Trump because he has a big ego...........if you use that same standard to not not vote for someone you'd never vote for most candidates, both Republican and Democrat candidates.

Whether it's Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Sanders if it wasn't for power, their perceived self importance and ego none of them would still be in congress. They all have accumulated enough money even without their pensions to live better than probably 99% of Americans. They all claim to care about people but none of them show any desire to leave congress and start or help a non-profit to help the people they say they care about. I'm was no fan of Carter as president but I'm a big fan of what he's done after leaving office with helping Habitat for Humanity.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 01/29/22 10:49 AM
A fictitious image is the best you can do????rofl

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 01/29/22 10:36 AM

Ask Keystone XL workers if Biden knows the meaning empathy and compassion.

As far as I can see Biden's "soul" is consumed with two things. Political power and the enrichment of his family.

Uh huh...whoa Now do TFG.. And Nepotism Barbie

All of the trade marks were applied for BEFORE Trump became president and most were to protect others from using the Trump name. Trump is or was listed owner for 318 trademarks in the U.S. database. Since 2005 Trump had filed for 126 trademarks in China.
The Trump's getting trademarks wasn't connected to any Chinese company or the CCP gaining access to the Oval office.

You are trying to equate what is the result of PRIVATE business and what was the result the Biden family enriching themselves by giving foreign entities access to Biden when he was VP (often referred to as the "Big Guy") also known as "influence peddling".

Hunter had NO experience in energy industry and was given a position on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies. Hunter Biden never visited Ukraine for company business during that time, according to three of the people. From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

I've spent the last hour searching for what government position Hunter Biden has been appointed to. He's not even allowed to step into the office that was formerly occupied by Nepotism Barbie.

Think you can help me find out?whoa

He was probably too busy with hookers, smoking crack, throwing away guns and visiting China to be in any government office. SMH

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 01/29/22 10:23 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Sat 01/29/22 10:32 AM

Ask Keystone XL workers if Biden knows the meaning empathy and compassion.

As far as I can see Biden's "soul" is consumed with two things. Political power and the enrichment of his family.

Uh huh...whoa Now do TFG.. And Nepotism Barbie

All of the trade marks were applied for BEFORE Trump became president and most were to protect others from using the Trump name. Trump is or was listed owner for 318 trademarks in the U.S. database. Since 2005 Trump had filed for 126 trademarks in China.
The Trump's getting trademarks wasn't connected to any Chinese company or the CCP gaining access to the Oval office.

You are trying to equate what is the result of PRIVATE business and what was the result the Biden family enriching themselves by giving foreign entities access to Biden when he was VP (often referred to as the "Big Guy") also known as "influence peddling".

Hunter had NO experience in energy industry and was given a position on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies. Hunter Biden never visited Ukraine for company business during that time, according to three of the people. From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

In 2021 Biden made 31 trips to Delaware. Biden spent at least part of 101 days of his first year in office in Delaware — almost always at either his primary residence in Wilmington or his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach. But it's Okay because he wasn't golfing......right??? SMH

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 01/28/22 12:08 PM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Fri 01/28/22 12:11 PM
In the 2010 midterms Obama was faced a harsh political reality after one of the worst Democrat Party defeats in 70 years with Republicans picking up 63 House seats. While he was pretty popular because of his personality many of his policies were so unpopular many of the people he campaigned for lost. Even Obama declared the losses as a "shellacking".

Perhaps Democrats are afraid of being seen with Biden, being supported by Biden, who is far more unpopular than Obama at the same point in his presidency, because they remember what happened in 2010.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 01/28/22 11:36 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Fri 01/28/22 11:37 AM

"The cop is not a hero. I like cops that don't get shot.."- DJT

Trump's comment about McCain was disgusting but that doesn't justify YOU saying something similarly disgusting and trying to attribute it to him.
I like it when people don't make disgusting statements including anti cop comments even when they are supposedly made sarcastically SMH

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 01/28/22 10:13 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Fri 01/28/22 10:15 AM
While I do believe Biden's actions on his first day in office is largely to blame for the current oil and gas prices he isn't solely responsible for the lower oil output in the United States.

In June
"a federal judge reversed that moratorium in June, arguing the Biden Administration didn’t have the authority to unilaterally stop signing new leases nationwide, and ordered that previously scheduled lease sales in the Gulf should go forward."

January 2022
A federal judge rescinded oil and gas leases for a wide swath of the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, arguing the government failed to consider their impact on climate change before they were auctioned off late last year, a win for environmental groups that have pushed the Biden Administration to stop signing new leases.

One ruling based on "authority" and one ruling based on a consideration of a hypothetical "impact on climate change".
One ruling by an Obama appointed judge and one ruling by a Trump appointed judge. I'm sure most people can guess which ruling came from which judge.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 01/28/22 09:07 AM

The Biden administration has ordered U.S. citizens to evacuate Ukraine… scary thoughts of the evacuation of Afghanistan come to mind. The same people in charge of that fiasco are still in charge. Hopefully they have learned from their past mistakes.

Of course they learned. There was no negotiating with the Taliban in Ukraine or excluding the local government and we voted the buffoon Trump out.

Just curious, are you charging Trump rent for living in your head or is he living there rent free???smh

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 01/28/22 08:56 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Fri 01/28/22 08:57 AM

It feels good to be an environmental consultant with Biden in charge of the country now. He represents the country I intend to serve.

It feels good to be an American, with a president that knows that words like empathy, and compassion, are not words in a foreign language.

Say what you want about Biden, at least he's still in possession of a human soul.

Ask Keystone XL workers if Biden knows the meaning empathy and compassion.

As far as I can see Biden's "soul" is consumed with two things. Political power and the enrichment of his family.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 01/27/22 11:01 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Thu 01/27/22 11:02 AM
NYC is rid of anti victim De the citizens need to get rid of anti victim Manhattan DA Bozo Bragg.

New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome should be considered a domestic terrorist after vowing there will be “riots,” “fire” and “bloodshed” if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes.

If black lives really mattered to Newsome he would be supporting ANY anti-crime initiatives that would/could reduce the crime and murders which disproportionately affect black neighborhoods.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 01/27/22 10:41 AM
I'm more concerned about Danish cookies and pastries than cheese. bigsmile

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 01/27/22 07:59 AM

Biden is indeed, mentally challenged.

Fact checked: True.

Forgot to note your sources or even a reason?

The guy doesn't always speak in fluid and compelling sentences, but he's a stutterer and his speech includes working around difficult words. I voted for the guy and don't enjoy listening to him speak, but he's not mentally challenged in the sense you seem to imply. He's worked with Congress to get a $1.2 trillion infrastructure law passed, so there's definitely somebody home in there. If Republicans weren't so obstructionist, we'd have a few more $trillion invested in our infrastructure by now, but Republicans checked out early, insisting there would be no bipartisanship on these. The fact that Biden is still going speaks to his sound reasoning and love of country.

You asked me for a link, I provided a link, you DIDN'T respond to the link I provided. Why not???

As for Biden's "sound reasoning" it should be obvious his "reasoning" is being questioned by even many in the MSM and internationally after his news conference after his "incursion" comment on the Russia/Ukraine question. Immediately his press secretary Jen Psaki try to deflect from what he actually said to what he meant. Biden himself and his team have tried to clean up his answers to questions....and it seems they failed with their attempted clean up on aisle five.
As far as Republicans being obstructionist both parties are guilty of using the same tactics. Democrats in the senate, including Obama, Schumer and Biden, said that the filibuster was needed for democracy. Now the Democrats, especially Schumer and Biden, are saying that the filibuster is stopping Democracy.
Yup, I know it's hard to you need a link to prove that Democrats have said the filibuster protects and prevents democracy????

The Democrats had tried to work with Republicans, but after numerous attempts, Republicans made it clear that nothing in any bill was going to get them to pledge their votes. Democrats got the American Rescue Act passed through reconciliation and then hilariously, Republicans still took credit for it.

Otherwise, I'm not surprised by yet more gaffes during Biden's news conference. I keep saying "It wouldn't be Biden without the gaffes."

The link from VOX you posted won't open, can't be found.
Citing VOX as a source is kinda hilarious though since one of the founders, Matthew Yglesias, quit citing 'inherent tension' and his desire to be an 'independent' voice. Nice try using a biased source. SMH

There is a HUGE difference between making off the cuff inconsequential "gaffes" and giving answers to questions that were thought out which have national and global consequences. The most honest answers to questions are the ones you get immediately, not the answers that are scripted over time.

It wouldn't be Biden unless as Robert Gates, former defense secretary in the Obama administration, once put it, Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Sorry for the bad link. There's a bug in Mingle2's linking code where if the URL starts with "https" then it sticks it into the link as "http://https://" so you have to strip the "s" out (which I forgot). Try this link to the VOX story. Or, just Google "Republican takes credit for bills they voted against".

I don't know about Gates' assessment, but Biden still got us out of Afghanistan, which was long overdue. It could've been good if Trump got us out, instead of having Pompeo negotiate that moronic deal with the Taliban to be out by May.

You don't know about Gates' assessment? Really? With a minimal amount of research or listening to one of many Gates' interviews did you would have known. Do you even want to know what Gates', an expert on national security and personally likes Biden thinks????? SMH

Blaming Trump for the disastrous Afghanistan withdraw because of a deal he made is not only intellectually dishonest it's beyond ridiculous. Biden since day one has issued executive orders to overturn what Trump did.....and even when order by the courts to reinstate the stay in Mexico policy he is still stalling following that order.
The deal Trump made with the Taliban was CONDITION based, it wasn't a binding agreement. Also Biden is the one who closed Bagram Air Base leaving behind $84 billion of military equipment, is that Trumps fault too? It seemed Biden was more interested in the optics of leaving by September 11th rather that the ramifications of ignoring the conditions on the ground. What about Biden saying he wouldn't leave UNTIL every American was out of Afghanistan?

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 01/26/22 08:57 AM
What I fail to understand is why ANY president will tell Russia, China, Iran or any other country what actions will be taken by the United States.

Biden gave Putin a list of 16 critical infrastructure "entities" that are "off limits" when it comes to cyber attacks. Why wasn't Putin told EVERYTHING off limits when it comes to cyber attacks????

The ONLY thing ANY president has to tell ANY other leader is that NOTHING is off the table if ANYTHING is done to disrupt stability ANYWHERE.

Actions speak louder than words as illustrated when Obama drew a red line in Syria with regards to the use of chemical weapons and NOTHING was done when that red line was crossed. It wasn't until after the reported use of chemical weapons and the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles aimed at Shayrat Airbase did the use of chemical weapons stop.

Actions not words stop aggressors.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 01/25/22 02:05 PM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Tue 01/25/22 02:07 PM
Crude oil price on November 9, 2020 was $40.93.
Crude oil price on January 22, 2021 was $55.22.
Crude oil price as I'm writing this $85.07

Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office.

Biden stopped oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) with an executive order signed on January 20, his first day in the Oval Office.

August 2021 Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan issued a statement on urging OPEC to move faster to restore global supply of gasoline to pre-pandemic levels.

Biden and his administration response to soaring oil and gasoline prices.....blaming big oil.
“I do not accept hard-working Americans paying more for gas because of anti-competitive or otherwise potentially illegal conduct,” Biden said in his letter to the Federal Trade Commission.

Stop the Keystone XL pipeline, stop permits for oil and natural gas, take NO RESPONSIBILITY and blame the higher prices on someone else.

You can't make this stuff up. Just how stupid does Biden and his administration think people are? Does Biden think that people wouldn't remember what he did within hours of taking office??

Oh wait, maybe Biden doesn't remember what he did within hours of taking office....or he didn't know what the those pieces of paper called executive orders were about.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 01/24/22 10:53 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Mon 01/24/22 10:54 AM

So you want us to get into a shooting war with Russia?

Who wants a "shooting war war with Russia"? I posted the following on another thread.


England's PM Neville Chamberlain had that type of view when on 9/30/1938 he ceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. That's what furthered Germany's aggression which led to the invasion of Poland on 9/1/1939 that marked the beginning of WWII. The course of history will repeat itself unless unless something is done to change that course.

Showing weakness towards aggressors like Putin only increases their aggression. Force is needed to stop aggressors, not necessarily the USE of force, but just the showing of force is enough to shop aggressors.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave US Secretary of State Antony Blinken a list of demands and DEMANDED that the US deliver written responses to those demands. IMO Blinken should have torn up the list of demands and walked away. By accepting the list and AGREEING to reply to Russia's demands in writing he showed a weakness, not just to Russia but to the rest of the world, including China, Iran, North Korea, NATO and other allies.

Aggression like cancer only spreads until something is done to stop the spread.

You don't need to look internationally to see what happens when evil isn't confronted and allowed to grow. With what is happening in the US with the increase of the "soft on crime" policies crime has increased with murders dramatically. There were 259 more murders in the first half of 2021 compared to the first half of 2020, and 548 more compared to the first half of 2019 in 29 major U.S. cities, according to the Council on Criminal Justice's.

Even Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, who supports "soft on crime" policies", said that the state he runs looks like a “Third World country” while cleaning the mess thieves left on railroad tracks. For that statement he got criticized for using the term “Third World country” rather than "Developing Nations" from some of his fellow leftist.....they are MORE concerned about WORDS than what is happening in California. Newsom DIDN'T mention the CRIME that was committed that CAUSED the look of a "Third World Country".....and without the crime being stopped the problem won't be solved.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 01/24/22 09:11 AM
Edited by Smartazzjohn on Mon 01/24/22 09:13 AM

Biden is indeed, mentally challenged.

Fact checked: True.

Forgot to note your sources or even a reason?

The guy doesn't always speak in fluid and compelling sentences, but he's a stutterer and his speech includes working around difficult words. I voted for the guy and don't enjoy listening to him speak, but he's not mentally challenged in the sense you seem to imply. He's worked with Congress to get a $1.2 trillion infrastructure law passed, so there's definitely somebody home in there. If Republicans weren't so obstructionist, we'd have a few more $trillion invested in our infrastructure by now, but Republicans checked out early, insisting there would be no bipartisanship on these. The fact that Biden is still going speaks to his sound reasoning and love of country.

You asked me for a link, I provided a link, you DIDN'T respond to the link I provided. Why not???

As for Biden's "sound reasoning" it should be obvious his "reasoning" is being questioned by even many in the MSM and internationally after his news conference after his "incursion" comment on the Russia/Ukraine question. Immediately his press secretary Jen Psaki try to deflect from what he actually said to what he meant. Biden himself and his team have tried to clean up his answers to questions....and it seems they failed with their attempted clean up on aisle five.
As far as Republicans being obstructionist both parties are guilty of using the same tactics. Democrats in the senate, including Obama, Schumer and Biden, said that the filibuster was needed for democracy. Now the Democrats, especially Schumer and Biden, are saying that the filibuster is stopping Democracy.
Yup, I know it's hard to you need a link to prove that Democrats have said the filibuster protects and prevents democracy????

The Democrats had tried to work with Republicans, but after numerous attempts, Republicans made it clear that nothing in any bill was going to get them to pledge their votes. Democrats got the American Rescue Act passed through reconciliation and then hilariously, Republicans still took credit for it.

Otherwise, I'm not surprised by yet more gaffes during Biden's news conference. I keep saying "It wouldn't be Biden without the gaffes."

The link from VOX you posted won't open, can't be found.
Citing VOX as a source is kinda hilarious though since one of the founders, Matthew Yglesias, quit citing 'inherent tension' and his desire to be an 'independent' voice. Nice try using a biased source. SMH

There is a HUGE difference between making off the cuff inconsequential "gaffes" and giving answers to questions that were thought out which have national and global consequences. The most honest answers to questions are the ones you get immediately, not the answers that are scripted over time.

It wouldn't be Biden unless as Robert Gates, former defense secretary in the Obama administration, once put it, Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 01/23/22 09:40 AM

Biden is indeed, mentally challenged.

Fact checked: True.

Forgot to note your sources or even a reason?

The guy doesn't always speak in fluid and compelling sentences, but he's a stutterer and his speech includes working around difficult words. I voted for the guy and don't enjoy listening to him speak, but he's not mentally challenged in the sense you seem to imply. He's worked with Congress to get a $1.2 trillion infrastructure law passed, so there's definitely somebody home in there. If Republicans weren't so obstructionist, we'd have a few more $trillion invested in our infrastructure by now, but Republicans checked out early, insisting there would be no bipartisanship on these. The fact that Biden is still going speaks to his sound reasoning and love of country.

You asked me for a link, I provided a link, you DIDN'T respond to the link I provided. Why not???

As for Biden's "sound reasoning" it should be obvious his "reasoning" is being questioned by even many in the MSM and internationally after his news conference after his "incursion" comment on the Russia/Ukraine question. Immediately his press secretary Jen Psaki try to deflect from what he actually said to what he meant. Biden himself and his team have tried to clean up his answers to questions....and it seems they failed with their attempted clean up on aisle five.
As far as Republicans being obstructionist both parties are guilty of using the same tactics. Democrats in the senate, including Obama, Schumer and Biden, said that the filibuster was needed for democracy. Now the Democrats, especially Schumer and Biden, are saying that the filibuster is stopping Democracy.
Yup, I know it's hard to you need a link to prove that Democrats have said the filibuster protects and prevents democracy????

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 01/22/22 10:13 AM

Why ARE we confronting Russia, what stakes do we have in Ukraine to chance a Cold War at the least or maybe even escalated to WWIII. I can’t think of a U.S. interest there that’s worth the $$$ or possible lives lost. Much more important things closer to home to worry about.

England's PM Neville Chamberlain had that type of view when on 9/30/1938 he ceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. That's what furthered Germany's aggression which led to the invasion of Poland on 9/1/1939 that marked the beginning of WWII. The course of history will repeat itself unless unless something is done to change that course.

Showing weakness towards aggressors like Putin only increases their aggression. Force is needed to stop aggressors, not necessarily the USE of force, but just the showing of force is enough to shop aggressors.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gave US Secretary of State Antony Blinken a list of demands and DEMANDED that the US deliver written responses to those demands. IMO Blinken should have torn up the list of demands and walked away. By accepting the list and AGREEING to reply to Russia's demands in writing he showed a weakness, not just to Russia but to the rest of the world, including China, Iran, North Korea, NATO and other allies.

Aggression like cancer only spreads until something is done to stop the spread.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Thu 01/20/22 09:27 AM
There is no such thing as a "perfect" person so there will never be a perfect president.

That being said as an ACTUAL immigrant who is now a naturalized citizen I'll list a few things I'd like to see in EVERY future president.

1)Put a large emphasis on education, REAL education. The United States ranks around 25th in education internationally. Educators need to make STEM (for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) their number one priority. They need to teach actual history that is fact based, both the good and bad. They need to teach basic "government" as well. When just 39 percent of Americans can pass a multiple choice test with questions taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test, according to a report by The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The test has a passing score of 60. Most Americans can't correctly name the three branches of the federal government.

2)Make citizen a priority. The interests of citizens should come before their political party, people who enter the country illegally and even people who come to the country legally, like myself, before they take the "Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America" and become a citizen.

3)Show strength internationally with a focus on letting Russia, China, Iran and North Korea know their aggression will be met with BOTH sanctions and military intervention. The US doesn't HAVE to go to war to stop a war, it just have to show it will do what is needed. The US and NATO should be putting ground forces in Ukraine near the Russian border to SHOW Putin that not even a "minor incursion" will be unchallenged militarily.

Personally I'd like to see Nikki Haley run for the presidency.

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