Community > Posts By > Smartazzjohn
Off with the masks
Here is some research for ya. "A new study conducted for the Department of Defense adds credence to the growing belief that airline passengers face minimal risk of contracting coronavirus when flying. The study found the risk of aerosol dispersion – transmission of the virus through the air – was reduced 99.7% thanks to high air exchange rates, HEPA-filtered recirculation and downward ventilation found on modern jets. "The FAA is committed to protecting the safety and health of passengers and cabin crews on our nation's airlines. The FAA has strict cabin air standards, and studies have shown cabin air is as good as or better than the air found in offices and homes." |
Off with the masks
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Thu 04/21/22 08:09 AM
1. The Public Health Service Act is a United States federal law enacted in 1944. Read it. 2. Talk to some friends and relatives of the millions who have died from covid related causes. 3. Talk to some health care workers who have to tend to those suffering, or dying, from covid. By your logic, why even have bathrooms on planes. Why force people to walk down a the narrow aisle of a plane, filled with folks picking their feet, changing soiled diapers, and doing God knows what else, to a small room in the back just to take a pee? Why not let them just pee in their seats? Or on the floor? Or on the person in the seat next to them? Comparing defecating and urinating on seats and floors of planes to breathing some of the safest air? Brilliant way to show the ridiculousness of radical positions on many topics. SMH No one has said if you CHOOSE to wear a mask you can't do so on a plane. It would be personally irresponsible for people with a medical condition that makes them at a high risk of hospitalization or death not to wear a mask. Yeah there it is again on this thread, that thing you oppose on another thread, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. FORCING people at little to no risk to wear a mask on a plane that has some of PUREST, if not the purest, air with it's filtration and circulation systems is evidence of bureaucratic authoritarianism. I think you should wear as many masks as you want, where ever you want. If the government were to ban masks in public, on planes etc. I would defend your RIGHT to wear a mask......but that seems to be the difference between you and I, unlike you I defend the right of people to do something I don't do. |
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Sun 04/17/22 09:20 AM
Well as usual you're way off, first off did you know that pot doesn't kill brain cells but alcohol kills millions? You yeah I guess you do.............. You don't need to tell me about the south boy, I lived in South Carolina for 30+ years, I just think you can't get much more boring than fishing. Just an excuse to drink. How about next time I'm back in SC we meet and we'll see who's a boy, boy? Pigeon holing everyone who fishes does it as "an excuse to drink" is ignorant. It says more about you than people who sport fish and use the what they keep for sustenance. In your mind do people who hunt use it as "an excuse to drink" too???? If you find something boring you shouldn't do it but to make ridiculous remarks about people who do something you find boring is juvenile at best. In your mind does everyone who hunts do it as "an excuse to drink" too? There are people I know who seem to be more interested in drinking than hunting.....but I know more people who take beer on hunting trips, like myself, who take 6 beers on a three day hunt and bring 4 beers back home. I fish with a couple of guys who smoke weed who know that I have no problem when they catching a little buzz before they get on my boat. They know the ONLY reason I don't let them smoke on the boat is because it's illegal. They also know NO ONE is allowed to get drunk on my boat. But you should keep pigeon holing everyone who fishes, including my weed smoking buddies who fish with me, if it makes you feel superior in your narrow mindedness. |
👍 Elon Musk !
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Sat 04/16/22 09:44 AM
👍 Elon Musk !
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Sat 04/16/22 09:46 AM
When you're overly obnoxious and rude you deserve to be "stomped out". I agree. It's obnoxious and rude to NOT allow people with a different political view to post an article but to allow ANY article that aligns with your political views to be posted. When Facebook or Twitter say it's the fault of an "algorithm" and not political bias when conservatives posts are flagged or deleted it's intellectually insulting. When an "algorithm' is written by people with leftist views who equate words with physical violence is it any wonder that they are biased in their creation? Stopping violence, even the imagined violence that words have is justification for censorship at the social media giants. But today it's not just conservatives who are targeted, even liberals who are slightly left of center who are targeted. It's not only rude and obnoxious to say free speech is a threat to democracy, it's intellectually dishonest. A large portion of the MSM has been saying that allowing free speech on Twitter is such a threat. It seems that the meaning of democracy is being changed by people on the left to align with their agenda the same way they changed the meaning of liberal. |
Inflation Worldwide
I don't trust information that comes out of China. 0.9% inflation rate? I guess it could be possible but it's coming from the same place that blames bats for the Covid19 virus. Maybe they are trying to entice people to move there and/or entice other countries to become authoritarian communist countries. Heck they might even help other countries set up "re-education" camps. It's what you get with a socialist state. Nationalized industry and the CCP can set and keep the same or similar prices this year as last. Yeah, and the media controlled by the CCP would never put out propaganda about their economy and inflation rate. The Chinese economy is why people are flocking to China, and people aren't defecting and leaving, right??? The population of Chinese immigrants in the United States has grown nearly seven-fold since 1980, reaching almost 2.5 million in 2018. ---------- Hard to believe that many people left a place with such a stable economy to move to the USA with an evil capitalist economy, right???? |
Inflation Worldwide
I don't trust information that comes out of China.
0.9% inflation rate? I guess it could be possible but it's coming from the same place that blames bats for the Covid19 virus. Maybe they are trying to entice people to move there and/or entice other countries to become authoritarian communist countries. Heck they might even help other countries set up "re-education" camps. |
Perverts or Teachers?
In the late 1970's I got in an argument with my best friends g/f who was a teacher. I had a kid in elementary school at the time and I disagreed with her when she said homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to become teachers.
My position, which was considered very liberal/progressive at the time, was I had no problem with a homosexual becoming a teacher. My rational was that I DIDN'T want ANY teacher, straight or homosexual, talking to my child about their sexual preferences or activities. I STILL have the SAME opinion but having that opinion makes me a homophobic conservative among many leftists who have hijacked the liberal/progressive monikers. In the 1970's liberals believed that the indoctrination of children by teachers was wrong and that ONLY parents had the RIGHT to teach their children about sex. Today a "parental rights" law is called the "don't say gay" bill by leftists, and every left media outlet, even though gay DOESN'T appear anywhere in the bill. |
Hi Bart, seems like a storm in a tea cup. All Joovist is saying was that wealth, power, size goes into the head of a man; any man. Today US, tomorrow China .., Was Imperial Britannia till yesterday United States what it is, the most ethnically and racially diverse country in the world. Really? How did it happen? The Chinese came in for the railroad tunneling. No point getting into others except .., As far as Indian origin US citizens are concerned you 'lured' the cream from India, their superior college education paid by taxpayers here, to drive your technology advancements. All I'm saying is well .., I give up. Oh, by the way; Joovist hates everybody equally. See his profile. Badgers are his friends. People are "lured" to the United States primarily for opportunities and a chance to have a better life. That goes for people from the middle east, Africa, India, South America and even Europeans like my parents who immigrated to Canada first and then immigrated us to the United States. Is the United States perfect? No, it's far from being perfect, but it's further from being evil. I not suggesting that the United States is a utopian country.....such a country doesn't exist since what individuals see as utopia differs completely. For some people living in a completely secular society would be utopia. For some people living in a society that is completely religious society is utopia. As far as Joovist goes I don't know if he hates everyone but it's pretty obvious he hates the United States and wants to see existence destroyed. I happen to enjoy seeing his reaction when I point out the the hypocrisy and contradictions of his different posts. I find it rather entertaining. |
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Sat 04/02/22 07:25 AM
USA is not an democracy. That's just an illusion to keep public order. In reality USA should be split exactly like what happened to The Soviet union. Those who now are minorities could move to a state and become majority. Native Americans would have their own country etc. And the world would be a much safer place. Also EU, Russia, Mexico, China, Australia, Brasil, Canada, Congo, Nigeria,India etc. Could use a make over to. Giant countries should be a thing of the past! In a previous post you stated: "Sorry to say, but maybe USA, Canada and Mexico should become one country"....and now you are saying that subsets of the American population "who now are minorities could move to a state and become majority" like Native Americans so they "Native Americans would have their own country". So what do you believe? Should 3 sovereign countries combine to form what would look like the Soviet Union, or should the United States be broken up into several different countries "exactly like what happened to The Soviet union"???? The only thing I can decimate from your posts is that you hate the United States, believe that it is evil, and it's sovereignty and existence should be destroyed by any means necessary. Anything is better then what is now! In essence both suggestions are the same. Spread out politics from the few to the many. If a real United Countries of Americas would happen, whites and Jews could not control it like now. They would become a minority. Or split it up completely, also to rid the place from corporate controlled politics. Now corporate controlled politics want's to control the whole word to make more money! Money they don't really need since they have enough. I don't hate Americans of any color, but I hate your politicians and old fashion ways when it comes to guns and religion of any kind. Many Americans have bad education and this is because you are under control and are taught only the "right" stuff. And amendments are not followed at all. Yeah anything is better? That is why so many people are migrating out of the United States to Mexico, Central America, South America and more than a 100 other countries.....right? Oh wait, that isn't what is happening. People from over a 100 other countries are entering the United States because it's a horrible place to live controlled by racist Whites and Jews. Who the hell are YOU, any government or politician to decide when someone has enough money???? Only a supporter of communism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism etc. believes that government should control how much money a person should have. You say you don't " hate Americans of any color" yet like any racist that makes accusations based on ethnicity or color you ONLY say that there are Whites and Jews have control? You say you hate "politicians" (not ALL politicians are White or Jewish) and our FREEDOM to own guns. You also said "amendments are not followed at all"....either you are regurgitating propaganda you've been fed, trying to spread propaganda or are just ignorant that the 2nd amendment gives people the RIGHT to own guns. You say you don't hate the United States but not Americans of any color...well I have news for you comrade, it's the people of every color who make the United States what it is, the most ethnically and racially diverse country in the world. |
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Fri 04/01/22 11:56 AM
USA is not an democracy. That's just an illusion to keep public order. In reality USA should be split exactly like what happened to The Soviet union. Those who now are minorities could move to a state and become majority. Native Americans would have their own country etc. And the world would be a much safer place. Also EU, Russia, Mexico, China, Australia, Brasil, Canada, Congo, Nigeria,India etc. Could use a make over to. Giant countries should be a thing of the past! In a previous post you stated: "Sorry to say, but maybe USA, Canada and Mexico should become one country"....and now you are saying that subsets of the American population "who now are minorities could move to a state and become majority" like Native Americans so they "Native Americans would have their own country". So what do you believe? Should 3 sovereign countries combine to form what would look like the Soviet Union, or should the United States be broken up into several different countries "exactly like what happened to The Soviet union"???? The only thing I can decimate from your posts is that you hate the United States, believe that it is evil, and it's sovereignty and existence should be destroyed by any means necessary. |
It's not hard to find information if you look for is a source, the same source you used about the cost of charging an EV rather than buying gas: I agree it's cheaper to drive an EV a 100 miles compared to gas vehicle. But that doesn't change the fact that most middle and lower income people can't afford an EV. If a person can't afford an EV the cost of charging one is irrelevant which means they have one of two choices. They can quit driving or they can buy gasoline. I actually want to see a future with mostly zero emission vehicles being used.....but I'm more concerned about the present hardships being face by middle and lower income people. I thought the original whole point of government was to protect people, from enemies both foreign and domestic. While I understand why the federal government has expanded from it's original purpose to improve the lives of people I'm don't like the direction some want the government to go.....and that is making people dependent on government. When adults become a dependent they lose their independence, freedom and control. It's no different than when younger children are more easily controlled when they are more dependent on their parents and as they get older their freedoms increase as their dependence decreases. I have no problem with helping people who ACTUALLY can't help themselves, my problem is with people who WON'T help themselves and the government enabling people not helping themselves. I find a lot of things humorous, in fact I find many of the ridiculous things people say on forums humorous, many that aren't worth responding to because of their ridiculousness. I'm not talking about you, if fact I think we would have a spirited conversation if we were to meet in person and find a few things to laugh about. I also respect the fact you haven't resorted to personal insults. I don’t think I know enough about car prices to comment further. You might be right but when I look up the price of a new 2022 Prius it MsRP for $25000 with 56mpg but a Corolla of the same year goes for $5000 less with 30mpg. Now with most people making car payments wouldn’t the hybrid be a more affordable long term deal? ( I ask because honestly I have never paid more than $3000 for a vehicle and I never bought a vehicle I I couldn’t pay cash for) I love electric cars but that’s not available to all. The technology is too expensive for most and it is definitely more of a status symbol to own one. As a new Tesla is like $60000. But it’s one of things that if more people got into hybrids and electric (if they can afford it) they sees like it would lessen our dependency on gas and on foreign gas infrastructure. Good right? I don’t think anyone enjoys a system where people leech off of the rest of us unless you are someone that is leeching. So what you said about certain people taking even though they can earn on their own isn’t a debatable topic. Most I think would agree from lower to upper class but especially lower! You work 8 hours at a shitty job to see someone doing as well or even better than you without doing anything? Hell no! I’ll equate it to the gun debate. When people try to put restrictions on guns and welfare, the automatic response is that the government is trying to take it all away. So there is such a big push back. When it’s not the topic. However I think the government has gotten much better with welfare in the black community (even though they could still do much better!) They we’re outright trying to keep blacks dependent on welfare by doing things such as keeping men out of the home and disqualifying homes with certain appliances. It’s bad now but it was much worse before We probably agree on more things than we disagree. As for the "hybrid" vehicles that is probably an option for more people than an EV. I actually paid cash for a new 2020 Chevy Traverse (there was a tear on the check I wrote LOL) which I have gotten as much as 34mpg. A smaller "hybrid" vehicle wasn't an option unless I want to give up pulling the boat I use for fishing. I looked at quite a few vehicles before buying one that I felt was the best overall option for my wants and needs. The gas prices aren't a major issue for me since I drove about 4000 miles between the 2 vehicles (I have a 2002 pickup with 84K I use mostly for hunting) since I bought the Traverse 15 months ago. My concern with the price of gas isn't for myself, it not a personal problem. My concern is for others....especially younger people, the middle and lower income people. |
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Tue 03/29/22 11:00 AM
Okay, price of gas; I remember when it was .25. Sometimes it would go up to .37 or even .40. Course folks made a lot less then. Minimum wage was about $1.10. Twenty K a year was considered a very good salary. Cars averaged 15mpg or less. Lets just move a decimal point; 2.50 to 3.90. Now folks for the most part are earning a lot more. Minimum wage is $7.50 and places are having trouble hiring at $15.00 or $18.00 starting. That's 15 or 36k a year. And cars are getting a lot better MPG. Ell my Corvette gets over 20 on the hyway in sixth gear. Gas has gone up from $2.60 to $3.90 or $4.00. Lets move the decimal again .26 to .40. It's called inflation. And no self respecting illegal immigrant is going to buy a ladder at Home Depot. He'll make one out of scrap wood and tie it together with torn up shirts.. Inflation is the problem. I also remember gas at .25 and when the price started increasing at basically the current rate. Oh yeah the not so good 70's and 80's. In both the 1970s and 1980s, the United States was pushed into a recession caused by an oil embargo by OPEC against the country. Remember the gas lines? One of the effects of the embargo was hyperinflation, which meant that the price of goods and services rose extremely fast. To counteract hyperinflation, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates. While this meant more money being paid by banks for "saving accounts" it also dramatically increased the cost of borrowing money. Mortgage interest rates reached their highest point in modern history in 1981 when the annual average was over 16%....I remember my boss who told me I was making a mistake for getting a 9% mortgage in the 70's actually admitted he was wrong and it was good decision. Fast forward to today....the supply of oil and gas has decreased which is causing the same inflation rate we experience on the price of gas...pretty much the same rate it increased at in the 70's. The inflation in gas prices, and petroleum based products, has cause an increase the inflation rate in entire economy The inflation rate caused by gas and oil shortages that pushed the US into recessions the 70's and early 80's. The inflation of oil and gas prices goes well beyond people who effects every sector of the economy. Personally I don't want to revisit the 70's or 80's. As for the price of a ladder....I'm not the one who brought it to the discussion, YOU DID by saying they were 5 dollars. Remember???? LOL |
Electronic surveillance? So you can watch people use a five dollar ladder to climb over a multi billion dollar wall? Then what? Send over a million dollar drone to bomb them? And WhTF wants to live in Israel? Take personal responsibility; Gas prices too high? No public transportation? Move closer to where you work and walk. Start your own bus system. And leave more gas for me and my Corvette to spew even more pollutants into the air. Don't want your tax money going to support alcoholics, drug dependents, and people who have children they can't afford? Why not born into the right circumstances It's a dog eat dog world. Only the fit, born into the right circumstances, the right race, under the right flag, deserve to survive. Right? It's obvious you have no clue what a ladder costs. A step stool that's less than 30 inches costs 26 bucks at Target. A 20 foot extension ladder is well over 200 bucks. I didn't say ANYTHING about using a drone to bomb people crossing the border or moving to Israel. Why did you bring such absurdities to the discussion? Are you suggesting that construction contractors relocate to each job so they are "closer" to where they work? Where should farmer, who actually live where they work, move to so that gas prices aren't an issue? Perhaps they should use non fuel equipment like an oxen and plow instead of a tractor? I didn't say ANYTHING about not using tax dollars to help people who CAN'T help themselves, that's why I didn't "throw widows, orphans, people with disabilities, the old, and folks with life threatening illnesses into the mix." I was talking about societal parasites who expect OTHER people to pay for their decisions. In case you can't figure it out on your own having a handicap or getting old isn't a decision. Once again, why did you bring such absurdities to the discussion? Addictions are a problem for some people and there are plenty of FREE options for people to overcome their addiction...but it takes personal responsibility to seek help. Yeah there is that crazy idea of personal responsibility again. I have no problem helping people, in fact I have donated 3 vehicles to the Purple Heart to benefit others...even though I was unable to deduct the value of my donation since I no longer itemize my tax return. Did you know you can't deduct the value of "non-cash" charitable donations if you don't itemize a tax return? I'm an immigrant, I wasn't "born into the right circumstances", I worked hard for what I have. As a kid there were other kids who weren't allowed to play with me because of my parents accent, I have faced discrimination despite being white. I have no use for bigots, racists or anyone who judges people based on their appearance. |
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Sun 03/27/22 09:36 AM
I see nothing humorous about the gas prices especially since the people most affected are middle and lower income people. It's not a joking matter and those who say the solution is to "buy an electric vehicle" are out of touch with the reality that MOST people live. Suggesting that middle and lower income people just go buy a 50K to 100K EV have no clue or don't care that less than 40 percent of Americans would be able to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense. You asked what happened to Trump's wall.....I explained WHY it isn't complete. Biden DIDN'T have to build anything nor did he have to stop the wall construction. He also DIDN'T have to get rid of the "stay in Mexico" policy. Numbers don't lie, and the numbers show who's policies reduced illegal crossings and what happened when those policies were reversed. Time lines don't lie either and all anyone has to do is look at when gas and oil prices increased with relationship to the change in policies. As far as "the wall" goes if a physical barriers didn't work why do rich people live in gated communities and or have walls around their properties? Why was there a fence put up in Washington DC around congressional building by the SAME people who claim physical barriers don't work??? Perhaps people expecting or waiting for "our government to fix stuff for us" rather than taking personal responsibility is part of what is wrong today. Personal responsibility starts with making decisions but it doesn't end with someone else, or the government, paying for those decisions. I've been poor, there was a time I struggled to feed my family and I KNEW I had to "fix" that situation myself which I did. I'm not wealthy now but I have saved enough money, and continue to save even though I'm retired, that it would be a quite while before I'd be desperate. You don’t see anything humorous? Lol everything has humor in it. But I’m guessing you’re more serious. That’s cool. Enjoy that. BUT I’m not sure if you would agree but gasoline is a finite resource which will eventually run out. So instead of everyone rushing to get electric then some can transition now. I don’t know where you got the $1000 expense but it has also been cheaper to charge a car rather than buy gas. While wall may be a deterrent, they often provide a sense security rather than actually stopping crime. It’s like locking your car door. Car thieves can easily pick your lock but locking it makes us feel better. But again I think you missed my point about the wall. So I’ll just let it go. As far as waiting for the government to fix things, I thought that was the whole point of the government? I mean me and you can’t do everything for all of American which is why we elect people to take care of things for us right? It's not hard to find information if you look for is a source, the same source you used about the cost of charging an EV rather than buying gas: I agree it's cheaper to drive an EV a 100 miles compared to gas vehicle. But that doesn't change the fact that most middle and lower income people can't afford an EV. If a person can't afford an EV the cost of charging one is irrelevant which means they have one of two choices. They can quit driving or they can buy gasoline. I actually want to see a future with mostly zero emission vehicles being used.....but I'm more concerned about the present hardships being face by middle and lower income people. I thought the original whole point of government was to protect people, from enemies both foreign and domestic. While I understand why the federal government has expanded from it's original purpose to improve the lives of people I'm don't like the direction some want the government to go.....and that is making people dependent on government. When adults become a dependent they lose their independence, freedom and control. It's no different than when younger children are more easily controlled when they are more dependent on their parents and as they get older their freedoms increase as their dependence decreases. I have no problem with helping people who ACTUALLY can't help themselves, my problem is with people who WON'T help themselves and the government enabling people not helping themselves. I find a lot of things humorous, in fact I find many of the ridiculous things people say on forums humorous, many that aren't worth responding to because of their ridiculousness. I'm not talking about you, if fact I think we would have a spirited conversation if we were to meet in person and find a few things to laugh about. I also respect the fact you haven't resorted to personal insults. |
"As far as "the wall" goes if a physical barriers didn't work why do rich people live in gated communities and or have walls around their properties? Why was there a fence put up in Washington DC around congressional building by the SAME people who claim physical barriers don't work???" 1. The Great wall of China didn't keep the Mongols out. 2. Putting up a wall around a building or gated community of houses is a completely different thing than building one across the entire border between the U.S. and Mexico. And where are you going to get the people to man it??? "Perhaps people expecting or waiting for "our government to fix stuff for us" rather than taking personal responsibility is part of what is wrong today. Personal responsibility starts with making decisions but it doesn't end with someone else, or the government, paying for those decisions." So take personal responsibility and buy a smaller car or take public transportation. Living in a community means bearing your share of the burden of supporting that community. That means all members of the community not just the ones you think are deserving. You DON'T have to man the wall......electronic surveillance in conjunction with a wall would GREATLY reduce illegal crossings. Many people who oppose the wall say electronic surveillance alone is all that is needed.....which may tell you how many people are entering the country illegally but will do NOTHING to stop the flow of people. In case you don't know...there have been advancements in technology and border barriers since the Great Wall of China was built......just look at border security in Israel. Some people don't have public transportation available, some people need vehicles capable of loading a person in a wheel chair, some people need a truck or larger vehicle for work. That doesn't even take into consideration the risk of taking public the crime on NYC subways. Heck the LA police just issues a warning to people who wear expensive jewelry saying they may be the target of people are basically being told it's their fault if they are the victim of a crime. My responsibility to my community is to support myself and my burden is to pay my's not my responsibility to support societal parasites in my community. And who is it that YOU suggest determines who is "deserving" of my financial support? Should drug addicts or alcoholics determine that I'm financially responsible for them? Should people who DON'T WANT to work determine that financially that I'm responsible financially for them? Should people who have children they can't afford determine that I'm financially responsible for them? Communism has been tried and it has resulted in a less prosperous society because too many people abandon personal responsibility for a couple reasons. The major reason is because upward mobility through hard work as an individual is unachievable....your value in society is determined by the elites. Bernie Sanders once said "bread lines" are a good you agree with him???? |
I see nothing humorous about the gas prices especially since the people most affected are middle and lower income people. It's not a joking matter and those who say the solution is to "buy an electric vehicle" are out of touch with the reality that MOST people live. Suggesting that middle and lower income people just go buy a 50K to 100K EV have no clue or don't care that less than 40 percent of Americans would be able to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense. You asked what happened to Trump's wall.....I explained WHY it isn't complete. Biden DIDN'T have to build anything nor did he have to stop the wall construction. He also DIDN'T have to get rid of the "stay in Mexico" policy. Numbers don't lie, and the numbers show who's policies reduced illegal crossings and what happened when those policies were reversed. Time lines don't lie either and all anyone has to do is look at when gas and oil prices increased with relationship to the change in policies. As far as "the wall" goes if a physical barriers didn't work why do rich people live in gated communities and or have walls around their properties? Why was there a fence put up in Washington DC around congressional building by the SAME people who claim physical barriers don't work??? Perhaps people expecting or waiting for "our government to fix stuff for us" rather than taking personal responsibility is part of what is wrong today. Personal responsibility starts with making decisions but it doesn't end with someone else, or the government, paying for those decisions. I've been poor, there was a time I struggled to feed my family and I KNEW I had to "fix" that situation myself which I did. I'm not wealthy now but I have saved enough money, and continue to save even though I'm retired, that it would be a quite while before I'd be desperate. |
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Sat 03/26/22 09:01 AM
Perhaps you have a very short memory or are also anti-facts. Trump is just a figurehead but has already produced clones and I'm afraid we'll be fighting them for the foreseeable future. You'll be able to recognize them easily, they'll be posing with dead fish............. Really? You have to resort to me posing with fish as a retort to the actual fact that YOU incessantly mention Trump and that he is obviously living in your head? Pathetically juvenile. I wasn't a fan, and I'm still not a fan, of Trump's rhetoric. Personally I didn't/don't watch his rallies because I didn't/don't like listening to him. I'm not a fan of Biden either so I don't listen to him because I don't believe what he's reading from a teleprompter that someone else wrote....and also largely because I feel bad for him since he seems to be in cognitive decline. But unlike some people I don't care about personalities of ANY president, I care about RESULTS OF THEIR POLICIES. What are facts about what has RESULTED since the Biden administrations instituted policies: 1)There has been a dramatic increase in ILLEGAL crossings at the southern border. 2)There has been a dramatic increase in gas and oil prices.....which the Biden administration blamed initially on "big oil". Now it's being blamed on Putin. 3)Inflation, which was originally called "transitory" AKA temporary, by the Biden administration has continued to increase at decade high rates. Now it's being blamed on Putin. No matter what happens Biden and his administration gaslights and plays the "blame game" for EVERY problem that is the RESULT of policies THEY enacted. Now Biden is saying that sanctions DON'T deter when questioned by the media during his European trip when his spokespeople have said publicly MANY times that sanctions were deterrents. Now since the sanctions DIDN'T have the deterrent effect of the original rhetoric the rhetoric is changing. I'm no ones clone...I'm an independent person who isn't a zealot to any political party or a lapdog who defends or condemns any politician based on political affiliation. See the problems that I can’t get around is what problems are a DIRECT result of each president and which are partially inherited? Of course he had a hand in it but we also know he was going to be a “green” president. Gas would price were going to be an issue. I drive a motorcycle and get 50mph cost me $7 a week to commute so idc raise the gas lol In your original post you wrote: "Tru,p where’s the wall? Biden why do we still have student loans?" Well the wall WAS being built after going through some law suits trying to stop it while Trump was president. The answer to what happened to the wall NOT being completes shouldn't be addressed to Trump, it should be addressed to Biden. Among the first 17 executive orders President Biden signed Wednesday evening was one hitting "pause" on construction of former President Donald Trump's border wall. "It shall be the policy of my administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall," Biden's order said. "I am also directing a careful review of all resources appropriated or redirected to construct a southern border wall." Biden gave the Pentagon and Homeland Security departments up to a week to stop all border construction, and for the most part, the frantic wall-building Trump had unleashed in his last months in office had stopped by Thursday, The Associated Press reports. The Army Corps of Engineers said Thursday it told its contractors to stop installing any additional barriers and do only what's "necessary to safely prepare each site for a suspension of work." -------- There is the answer to the question "where's the wall". Finding answers to questions isn't difficult even with minimal effort. And while you can use a motorcycle to commute so the increase of gas prices don't bother you, your option ISN'T feasible in most states where fall, winter and early spring temperatures are below freezing. It's also NOT feasible for parents, the elderly, handicapped people or even Uber drivers who are quitting because of gas prices. For most people gas prices are an issue especially for construction contractors who are spending over a hundred bucks to fill their work trucks. Is that laughable to you because it doesn't affect you the same way? |
Edited by
Fri 03/25/22 12:28 PM
Perhaps you have a very short memory or are also anti-facts. Trump is just a figurehead but has already produced clones and I'm afraid we'll be fighting them for the foreseeable future. You'll be able to recognize them easily, they'll be posing with dead fish............. Really? You have to resort to me posing with fish as a retort to the actual fact that YOU incessantly mention Trump and that he is obviously living in your head? Pathetically juvenile. I wasn't a fan, and I'm still not a fan, of Trump's rhetoric. Personally I didn't/don't watch his rallies because I didn't/don't like listening to him. I'm not a fan of Biden either so I don't listen to him because I don't believe what he's reading from a teleprompter that someone else wrote....and also largely because I feel bad for him since he seems to be in cognitive decline. But unlike some people I don't care about personalities of ANY president, I care about RESULTS OF THEIR POLICIES. What are facts about what has RESULTED since the Biden administrations instituted policies: 1)There has been a dramatic increase in ILLEGAL crossings at the southern border. 2)There has been a dramatic increase in gas and oil prices.....which the Biden administration blamed initially on "big oil". Now it's being blamed on Putin. 3)Inflation, which was originally called "transitory" AKA temporary, by the Biden administration has continued to increase at decade high rates. Now it's being blamed on Putin. No matter what happens Biden and his administration gaslights and plays the "blame game" for EVERY problem that is the RESULT of policies THEY enacted. Now Biden is saying that sanctions DON'T deter when questioned by the media during his European trip when his spokespeople have said publicly MANY times that sanctions were deterrents. Now since the sanctions DIDN'T have the deterrent effect of the original rhetoric the rhetoric is changing. I'm no ones clone...I'm an independent person who isn't a zealot to any political party or a lapdog who defends or condemns any politician based on political affiliation. |
That’s the difference between adults and children . This coming from someone that has referred to others as clueless foreigners and the bimbo class. Laughable. Yes, I will always call out someone for making false ridiculous comments about an entire country and it’s citizens . Sorry about the bimbo comment , but no one’s apologized for calling the US citizens racists. The point with you Bartholomew is you're always fanatically for one side, yours. You can't have a debate or discussion with you because you'll just cover your ears and refuse to hear any other viewpoints. You are truly fanatical and the type to follow a Mussolini, Hitler or Trump. Pot meet kettle. You fanatically and incessantly bring up Trump in your posts while being critical of someone else being "for one side"? Yeah, okay. Perhaps you have covered your ears so Trump has to live in your free. |