Community > Posts By > CowboyGH

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/06/16 06:16 AM

Is it possible?

No it is not. You may feel great "feelings" for two or more people. But to actually fall in "love" there would only be room for one. Not saying you'll only ever love just one person your entire life... but only one at a time at the very least. And if it's actually "love" then yes only one in your life. For love itself doesn't go away, doesn't fade, doesn't change. You may have great feelings for one or more people, but you'll only actually "love" one person. These other "feelings" great as they may be will change, but love never will.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/06/16 06:09 AM

Not saying I know it all or correctly.. but show me or prove to me where Jesus is not our father by scriptural evidence please. I've grown up and through life I always here of Jesus being just the "son of God"... show me specifically in the scriptures where Jesus is not "God" himself and we'll speak of the verses in context. If you show me this, first thing I'll show you is that Jesus our "LORD God" created us, gave us life, and created everything including the Heavens. And and always has been since the "beginning of Time"

Reason I ask this and I know I've posted simular threads before, but reason I ask this is Jesus is always just looked as the son of God. But show me please where Jesus refers to his father specifically or his God specifically or any other being as being our God or father besides himself "I am the LORD thy God.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/06/16 06:01 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sat 08/06/16 06:02 AM
Not saying I know it all or correctly.. but show me or prove to me where Jesus is not our father by scriptural evidence please. I've grown up and through life I always here of Jesus being just the "son of God"... show me specifically in the scriptures where Jesus is not "God" himself and we'll speak of the verses in context. If you show me this, first thing I'll show you is that Jesus our "LORD God" created us, gave us life, and created everything including the Heavens. And and always has been since the "beginning of Time"

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/06/16 04:47 AM

I guess some can, I however can't. I'm a one-man woman and I want a one-woman man only. I'm greedy. And he can be too, cos I got a lot to give :)

Oh wonderful, most beautiful post of'em all :D

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 08/05/16 06:44 PM

Sorry I am fake and I have no fingers. Oh crap how did I type this


CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/03/16 04:13 PM

How many of you make a pact to wait till you say "I do"? I'm separated and about to jump into the dating world and this is what I desire for my new relationship(s). Are there men out there actually willing to wait?

Honouring the Lord with our soul and body is non negotiable in our Christain journey.

would definitely be wise to wait in all ways possible....

1 Corinthians 6:9

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Adultery = voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband

Fornication = consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/01/16 04:27 PM

I'm not saying I believe in the existence of a god, because I don't.
I'm mostly posting here because the atheist forums are practically dead, which I don't really understand. Over 200k posts in religion and 1k in atheist forums. How do so many people in the age of logic and reason still believe in the existence of a god?

It is written in the bible that god is a loving god, god is a forgiving god, blah blah.

But in practice, god is a vindictive god, god is a childish god and god is a cruel god.

The whole story about Noah's ark is basically a story about a god that got mad, threw a childish temper tantrum and killed everyone on the planet save a boatload of people and animals. Does that really seem like an all knowing god of great wisdom to anyone?

If anyone has seen the movie "machine gun preacher". There's a movie based on the real life of Sam Childers, a biker that found religion after he thought he killed a man then traveling to Africa and helping to save a bunch of children from a corrupt warlord. On to my point. In the movie(based on real life) you see a bunch of children in a pile that were torched to death because they tried to escape. Was that all part of gods plan, did god "love" these children in their final minutes as they were brutally burned to death and screaming? Seems like a damned sadistic god to me.

Basically what I'm saying is that if god does exist, he's pretty much using us as lab rats in his psychological experiment.
All of the good stuff and "miracles" that he's let happen really do pale in comparison to all the atrocities that he's turned a blind eye to all in favor of fulfilling his "divine plan".

In my honest opinion the novelty of "god" died off in the 20th century. I think that many of us are smart enough to come to the realization that the invention of a god in inevitable because we all fear death and therefore invent the prospect of an afterlife, and who would be powerful enough to design such a thing? "God" and only that.

But all that is self defeating, instead of confronting our fear of death and helping to seek a method of prolonging our lives through science, we run to religion which has a long standing history of stifling science.

Many people will argue the existence of a god because they feel that they've seen him in one manner or another. His face is on a door, his face was on a grilled cheese sandwich or the classic "I see it in the miracles that happen every day". Such as what? Newborn life? Every time a baby is born it's a "miracle". Well what about those born into third world countries that starve to death before they're old enough to read or what about those born into overpopulous that struggle through their entire life just trying to make ends meet(because it's a rat race just to get a job)then ultimately succumb to suicide. Was there really a point in either of those being born just to live a life of pain and suffering with no chance for a happy ending? Or perhaps people will argue the "miracles" of rain or the sun coming up each day. Nope, the sun is a giant ball of gas and the rain is just precipitation.

God exists because like an imaginary friend when we have no other, we want him to exist and if we stop believing, he will not exist.

Do you have a sense of morals? You claim to be an atheist? What do you believe is right? What do you believe is wrong?

why would you think only religious people have morals? thats a really narrow minded way of thinking...

believe it or not, athiests are not the devils soldiers or whatever the hell you think we are, we are just people who do not have the same "faith" based thought processes that religious people have...

Because there is nothing to tell you what morals are. Moral can only be taught. And the only moral criteria set in the world stem from religion. What set of moral standard do you have without parameters set forth of right and wrong. Nothing else addresses it and if there is a book on it stems from religious or from teachings from religion any religion not just Christianity. Where do you learn your morals? Laws, no they stem from religion. Everything we live religious or non religious spiritual or non spiritual are based on OEM of religion. Atheists believe in no religion and that means according to atheist no set of moral basis to go off of. So in essence that means that despite what ever religious beliefs say it is okay to.murder because there is nothing that says it is not okay if religion never existed.

so people that don't believe in a god are just stupid? they need a god to tell them right from wrong? is killing things right or wrong to you? well, i hate to be the one to tell you this, but more people have been killed in the name of a god than any other one reason... so by your standards, there are no religious people in prison? they make up about 70% of the prison population...

so who really cares where morals stem from? atheists don't think religion is a bad thing, it helps some people out, and turns others lazy and stupid... if you want to spend all your time thanking and praying to a deity that may or may not be around, then be my guest, means nothing to me...

the bible is a great book for learning morals, it has some great teachings... but is nothing more than a book, written by a human, just like any harry potter or steven king book...

so people that don't believe in a god are just stupid? they need a god to tell them right from wrong? is killing things right or wrong to you? well, i hate to be the one to tell you this, but more people have been killed in the name of a god than any other one reason... so by your standards, there are no religious people in prison? they make up about 70% of the prison population...

Don't know what God(s) these people are listening to, but here's what my God has to say bout said actions.

Matthew 5:39

39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 07/31/16 06:45 AM

How many of you make a pact to wait till you say "I do"? I'm separated and about to jump into the dating world and this is what I desire for my new relationship(s). Are there men out there actually willing to wait?

I was wondering the same question for women lol >.<. Hope you find a man that stands true to this :)

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 07/29/16 01:17 PM

God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.
So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.
If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?
As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.
You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

jaguars, howler monkeys, poison dart frogs, capybaras,
God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.

Very possibly, I don't know what God knows. And "man" isn't evil. Man is neutral, depending on who he listens to in his conscience brings forth his actions. If he listens to God in his conscience and obeys God, he bares good fruit, loving, non-destructive actions. If one listens to Satan in their conscience they will destroy and hurt. That's why we were in the paradise until man listened to the serpent "Satan" and disobeyed God, thus first steps to leading us into the "evil" world we live in today.

So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.

God didn't destroy anything.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Man destroyed man through sinner and or "disobedience" to God. If man would never have turned their backs on God and turned to their evil ways, the world would never have been flooded.

If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?

How would he make a "better" creature, specifically referring to choices in actions, without taking away free will? And or limiting that free will? It's not possible and peoples action's blame isn't to be put on God or Satan, for again we have free will... we choose to do what we wish to do and suffer the consequences good or bad. God has no "baring" on any choice/action anyone takes, unless they allow God to influence their choice of action(s). But then that still relays back on the person in question.

As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.

Why speak of evolution as if it were absolutely right or true? Evolution is still a "theory". Which means it hasn't been proven factual. And how would you know that it was only a few thousand years since the flood? What year did the flood happen in? Or where are you getting your knowledge of the time spans?

You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

What animals were specifically in say Borneo that weren't in other parts of the world at that time? Or same for South America, ect.

South America:

jaguars, howler monkeys, poison dart frogs, capybaras...

read a science book at least once a week...

Not denying theirs different species of different animals and what not through the world now, not one bit. But the world in how it is now is not how it was before the flood. The flood even changed the face of the Earth in from how it is now. Does your science book speak of the animals and it's habitat area before the flood? If not your point is mute and your science book is useless in this discussion, for again the flood changed the entire face of the Earth.

the reason i keep telling you to read a science book is because there was no world wide flood... the only reason anything is mute here is because you won't read a science book...

doesn't god want you to expand your intelligence level? or are you just happier believing everything you were told about god is true? i personally believe if there is a god, it would want you to expand your mind instead of living in a ignorant bliss... isn't that the whole point that god wants you to grow and learn? why else would have it have created everything? just for you to pray to it and nothing else?

that makes no sense to me whatsoever..

the reason i keep telling you to read a science book is because there was no world wide flood... the only reason anything is mute here is because you won't read a science book..

K, you say there was no world wide flood... then the very next post, someone claims there is in science known to be a world flood. And he mentions not enough water to cover the mountains entire, which I responded with the fact that mountains grow over time. And that the face of the world was entirely different before the flood.... so with that, the mountains may not have been as tall at that point and time, with this being before the flood, and the fact that mountains grow over an extreme period of time in which we're speaking of at the very least over 2000 years ago.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 07/29/16 01:13 PM

Why speak of evolution as if it were absolutely right or true? Evolution is still a "theory". Which means it hasn't been proven factual. And how would you know that it was only a few thousand years since the flood? What year did the flood happen in? Or where are you getting your knowledge of the time spans?

Evolution is not a theory, it is fact. That does not mean that "man came from apes" but all species evolve. Just look at humans over the last 1000 years, we are much taller then in Medieval times and we see a much wider range of colors(most were color-blind)now.
As for when the flood happened, there is evidence in the soil layers as to when and where it occurred.
Geologic and Archaeologic evidence supports a great flood, but it did not cover the mountains and the whole earth as you purport.

As for when the flood happened, there is evidence in the soil layers as to when and where it occurred.
Geologic and Archaeologic evidence supports a great flood, but it did not cover the mountains and the whole earth as you purport.

And where is the plausible evidence of it not covering the mountains at that time? Remember, the flood changed the face of the world and mountains grow over a time period. Would grow quite a bit after a couple thousand years.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 02:15 PM

God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.
So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.
If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?
As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.
You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

jaguars, howler monkeys, poison dart frogs, capybaras,
God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.

Very possibly, I don't know what God knows. And "man" isn't evil. Man is neutral, depending on who he listens to in his conscience brings forth his actions. If he listens to God in his conscience and obeys God, he bares good fruit, loving, non-destructive actions. If one listens to Satan in their conscience they will destroy and hurt. That's why we were in the paradise until man listened to the serpent "Satan" and disobeyed God, thus first steps to leading us into the "evil" world we live in today.

So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.

God didn't destroy anything.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Man destroyed man through sinner and or "disobedience" to God. If man would never have turned their backs on God and turned to their evil ways, the world would never have been flooded.

If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?

How would he make a "better" creature, specifically referring to choices in actions, without taking away free will? And or limiting that free will? It's not possible and peoples action's blame isn't to be put on God or Satan, for again we have free will... we choose to do what we wish to do and suffer the consequences good or bad. God has no "baring" on any choice/action anyone takes, unless they allow God to influence their choice of action(s). But then that still relays back on the person in question.

As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.

Why speak of evolution as if it were absolutely right or true? Evolution is still a "theory". Which means it hasn't been proven factual. And how would you know that it was only a few thousand years since the flood? What year did the flood happen in? Or where are you getting your knowledge of the time spans?

You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

What animals were specifically in say Borneo that weren't in other parts of the world at that time? Or same for South America, ect.

South America:

jaguars, howler monkeys, poison dart frogs, capybaras...

read a science book at least once a week...

Not denying theirs different species of different animals and what not through the world now, not one bit. But the world in how it is now is not how it was before the flood. The flood even changed the face of the Earth in from how it is now. Does your science book speak of the animals and it's habitat area before the flood? If not your point is mute and your science book is useless in this discussion, for again the flood changed the entire face of the Earth.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 09:35 AM
Thinking about how the other is making me feel, feeling the passion exploding between the two of us, enjoying the moment for all it's worth knowing nobody else makes me feel this way. And in appreciation thinking about how I can make he feel the same intense emotional feeling burning in her veins as well.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 09:21 AM

God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.
So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.
If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?
As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.
You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

God made man(according to you)and being the perfect, infallible and knowing ALL being, he had to KNOW man was evil and the world would not be paradise.

Very possibly, I don't know what God knows. And "man" isn't evil. Man is neutral, depending on who he listens to in his conscience brings forth his actions. If he listens to God in his conscience and obeys God, he bares good fruit, loving, non-destructive actions. If one listens to Satan in their conscience they will destroy and hurt. That's why we were in the paradise until man listened to the serpent "Satan" and disobeyed God, thus first steps to leading us into the "evil" world we live in today.

So God KNOWING he made an imperfect being, and KNOWING they would be sinners and murderers, why would he destroy the very creatures he created.

God didn't destroy anything.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Man destroyed man through sinner and or "disobedience" to God. If man would never have turned their backs on God and turned to their evil ways, the world would never have been flooded.

If he had misgivings about the creatures he created and wanted to start all over, why not make a better creature so he doesn't have to keep "intervening"?

How would he make a "better" creature, specifically referring to choices in actions, without taking away free will? And or limiting that free will? It's not possible and peoples action's blame isn't to be put on God or Satan, for again we have free will... we choose to do what we wish to do and suffer the consequences good or bad. God has no "baring" on any choice/action anyone takes, unless they allow God to influence their choice of action(s). But then that still relays back on the person in question.

As for your "theory" on what the animal population looked like at the time, there would have been more species then now, because there was millions of years of evolution before the flood and only a few thousand years since the flood.

Why speak of evolution as if it were absolutely right or true? Evolution is still a "theory". Which means it hasn't been proven factual. And how would you know that it was only a few thousand years since the flood? What year did the flood happen in? Or where are you getting your knowledge of the time spans?

You haven't answered how Noah could have acquired animals from say South America, Borneo etc when at the time he would not have known about these other worlds.

What animals were specifically in say Borneo that weren't in other parts of the world at that time? Or same for South America, ect.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 07:39 AM

take your time to think. if you're unhappy with the changes, let him know.

Can't tell that I am unhappy.. I am happy with the relationship but feeling a lil bit paranoid with what might happen when the time comes that I will regret everything.

I am sorry but who told you that you should no longer hang out with your friends. All your friends do is go to bars? Sounds like some pretty boring friends. I never heard of anyone stopping going out dancing and listenong to bands because they were engaged. Hiking, swimming, jogging whatever. Life doesn't stop because you are engaged. Where did this concept come from? Now crossing the line with another man would not be a good decision. Wow.

Exactly, very well put.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 05:36 AM

take your time to think. if you're unhappy with the changes, let him know.

Can't tell that I am unhappy.. I am happy with the relationship but feeling a lil bit paranoid with what might happen when the time comes that I will regret everything.

If you love him and love being with him, what would there be to "regret". Would you really regret spending your life with someone you loved?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 05:35 AM

I am now engaged with my boyfriend. He lives in a different country, basically we aren't together right now. I feel lonely and missed my old lifestyle which is a nightlife lover. Now is a different story, I always stay at home and no social life. I do love my boyfriend but I think I'm not yet ready to get married. What should I do?

That's a hard question to ask. Yes it would be "technically" wrong for you to go flirting with another man. But your fiance lives in another country. Not putting doubts into your head about your relationship here, but I don't truly see how it would/will work out. Unless one of you move to the other's country to be with them in person. Not in reference to specifically sex, but relationships are a physical thing, hugs, kisses, tickles, and so forth. Best advice I could possibly give is, follow your heart and if this is what you truly want. If it turns out no it's not what you want, being in a long distance relationship like this engaged or not. I would suggest breaking it with your fiance before pursuing another. Hope you make the right choice that leads to a life time of happiness Mayanocute :)

Its nothing like flirting with other guys. Just trying to find a social life again with my old friends you know. Its like I am completely changed. Maybe I just missed the good old times. Thanks anyway :)

Ok, maybe I'm missing your point in what you're asking. Just because you're engaged, why can't you go hang out and spend time with your friends? Your fiance is in another country after all, it's not like you'd be "neglecting" time with him or anything. What makes the difference if you're engaged or not to have a "social" life?

Even if that means going out to a club or what ever might be the occasion. As long as you're not "flirting" with other guys, or insinuating anything to them, what harm is done? Just because you're engaged doesn't mean you have to just sit around the house doing nothing.... especially on your level here with him being in another country and not being there to spend time with.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 05:32 AM

I am now engaged with my boyfriend. He lives in a different country, basically we aren't together right now. I feel lonely and missed my old lifestyle which is a nightlife lover. Now is a different story, I always stay at home and no social life. I do love my boyfriend but I think I'm not yet ready to get married. What should I do?

That's a hard question to ask. Yes it would be "technically" wrong for you to go flirting with another man. But your fiance lives in another country. Not putting doubts into your head about your relationship here, but I don't truly see how it would/will work out. Unless one of you move to the other's country to be with them in person. Not in reference to specifically sex, but relationships are a physical thing, hugs, kisses, tickles, and so forth. Best advice I could possibly give is, follow your heart and if this is what you truly want. If it turns out no it's not what you want, being in a long distance relationship like this engaged or not. I would suggest breaking it with your fiance before pursuing another. Hope you make the right choice that leads to a life time of happiness Mayanocute :)

Its nothing like flirting with other guys. Just trying to find a social life again with my old friends you know. Its like I am completely changed. Maybe I just missed the good old times. Thanks anyway :)

Ok, maybe I'm missing your point in what you're asking. Just because you're engaged, why can't you go hang out and spend time with your friends? Your fiance is in another country after all, it's not like you'd be "neglecting" time with him or anything. What makes the difference if you're engaged or not to have a "social" life?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/16 04:18 AM

I am now engaged with my boyfriend. He lives in a different country, basically we aren't together right now. I feel lonely and missed my old lifestyle which is a nightlife lover. Now is a different story, I always stay at home and no social life. I do love my boyfriend but I think I'm not yet ready to get married. What should I do?

That's a hard question to ask. Yes it would be "technically" wrong for you to go flirting with another man. But your fiance lives in another country. Not putting doubts into your head about your relationship here, but I don't truly see how it would/will work out. Unless one of you move to the other's country to be with them in person. Not in reference to specifically sex, but relationships are a physical thing, hugs, kisses, tickles, and so forth. Best advice I could possibly give is, follow your heart and if this is what you truly want. If it turns out no it's not what you want, being in a long distance relationship like this engaged or not. I would suggest breaking it with your fiance before pursuing another. Hope you make the right choice that leads to a life time of happiness Mayanocute :)

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/16 02:01 PM

in concurrence with the majority'
a 'bad marriage' is not an excuse for an affair

its a reason to try to fix things or to end them,,, an affair does neither

Exactly a marriage is a commitment between two people to give themselves to and for each other. If there's an "affair", there's no commitment. So therefore there is actually no marriage, just a useless piece of paper.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/16 01:46 PM

First, the whole story of Noah's ark is B.S.

An Ark the size described in the bible could never fit two of each species of animals in the world(not to mention it would take Noah his whole life collecting them IF he knew the world was round not flat). And if your going to use the typical "divine intervention" excuse, then why have Noah build an ark at all. God could just have all the species of animals go to the top of a mountain and be done with it.

Second, WHY would God create a flood?
The very premise of God is that he is perfect, infallible and knows all.
So what you "believers" are saying is somehow God said "geezz I really screwed up here and didn't see this coming, I guess I have to try this over!"
Your "divine intervention" argument just proves you don't believe in God!

An Ark the size described in the bible could never fit two of each species of animals in the world(not to mention it would take Noah his whole life collecting them IF he knew the world was round not flat).

Exactly how do you know this or get this kind of information/thought to think such a thing? Who's to say there was as many different species or animal population in general at that point and time? This time we speak of was before the flood and the flood changed the face of the Earth, thus also afterwards would lead to animals evolving to their new surroundings and such bringing forth new species and subspecies.

God could just have all the species of animals go to the top of a mountain and be done with it.

What good would that have done? The flood went over all the mountains, the surface of the world was entirely under water.

Second, WHY would God create a flood?

Because the world had become corrupt and ruined so to speak. The people, the systems set up by man, ect. And they wouldn't listen or change their ways. Would have only continued to get even more coorupt and "evil" from then forth. See how the world is today with the crime, murders, rapes, ect. Well in Noahs time it was about the same if not worse. Imagine if it wouldn't have been flooded, how it is now would be almost 100% more "evil" or corrupt in it's ways in how it's ran or how the people act and behave in this day and age.

o what you "believers" are saying is somehow God said "geezz I really screwed up here and didn't see this coming, I guess I have to try this over!

No God didn't screw up nor did he say that lol. Man screwed up, and man screwing up has absolutely nothing to do with God himself as we have free will to do that which we wish to do. The blame isn't on God, the blame would be on us, or well them "the people in existence at the time".

If you raise your child "right" or "correct" and it grows up to be a mass murderer, would that in fact be your fault? If so, why do only the murderers go to prison and not their parents? And or even grandparents? Example doesn't fit completely, but you see where I'm going with it. People make their choices, because they choose to make them, not because of someone or something else.

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