Community > Posts By > CowboyGH

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/03/16 07:25 AM

I do, but it's hard seeing myself getting married. Every girl I ever meet I'm always losing interest in

For the specific quote, then you haven't loved someone enough to get married.... two that truly wish to be married will never loose their interest :) take your time and find "her".

Yes, marriage is the greatest thing... it's a dedication to one person and one person only... it's a beautiful, loving, great sentiment/thing :D

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/30/16 02:46 PM
I would ask him why he did what he did on the cross for us. As I don't deserve it. Why he would love such a displicable child to put himself through such pain and agony seeing his own children do such a gruesome act to him and nothing do nothing in return but love them/us.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 08/26/16 12:01 PM

I find it so comical to see females msging me that they are escorts and if I give them money they will come and meet me. I know sex is great and lot of fun but selling sex is not legal and cheating in name of sex is more illegal. When i catch them and ask, they say "sex sells"..are people so dumb to give money just on the hope of having sex???

people so dumb to give money just on the hope of having sex

I totally agree.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/24/16 02:10 PM

It can be many things for me it was cheating...

It is the one thing I will not tolerate... look all you want you touch your out the door~~~waving

I second that notion. That is one and possibly only definite factor that automatically in my feelings would totally end it.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/22/16 09:38 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 08/22/16 09:53 AM

People these days tend to confuse the two. You must havr lust to love a person. Of which from the definition of love, i think lust dont fit it... Bt in reality they walk side by side.

Incorrect my friend....

Lust is a physical, turn on, sexual form of attraction
Love is more mentality, emotional, sentimental form of attraction

The two can be confusing at first, but become clear when you sit back and think about the intentions, or the thing that influences your emotion... one will last forever, the other bout 10 minutes.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/22/16 05:31 AM

What happen to us after we die ?waving

We wait in hell or the "grave" till the following happens

Revelation 20:13

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/21/16 07:10 AM

Yeah, that's the Hebrew form of his name, the Greek version that most Christians use is Jehovah

Do you realize the J sound is very new? All Hebrew names can be broken down to deep meanings. What does Hovah mean in Hebrew?

Entirely true, Jahovah or Jesus are both modern day English. Derived from Yahweh/Yahshua

Look up hovah and then tell me that is derived from the creators name.

OT:1943 hovah

Jehovah the invented name: According to unsubstaniated tradition, the name Jehovah was first pronounced in this manner when vowel letter points were placed with the letters of the tetragrammaton YHVH in the Massoretic text. This text is claimed to have been vowel-marked by Rabbi Ben Asher sometime around the eighth century AD. The name Jehovah is first found in a manuscript of Martini's Pugio Fidei (1278AD), and in Galatinus (1518) who wrote an argument against abbreviating it to Jova because this would expose the name as being that of the Latin Jovis (Ibid). To escape a pagan connection it was claimed by these sacred-namers that the spelling of Jehovah was fabricated by taking the vowels out of the Hebrew Adhonay (LORD) and inserting them into the tetragrammaton YHVH. This also has not been substantiated. The King James version of 1611 contained this new invented name of God. Jehovah has three letter vowels "e", "o", and "a." There is no "e" letter vowel in Adhonay and to claim the "y" as "e" is the source, shows this is nothing but cooking up a name.

Yahweh the invented name: The name Yahweh has its roots deep in past civilizations among the gods of their pagan pantheons. Yahweh is not the name of the true Jewish God. This name was invented modernly by Benedictine Gilbertus Genebrardus between 1550-1567. Genebrardus became the champion of the Samaritan Bible's name for God. He extracted YaBe, changed the "B" to a "V" and produced YaVe, which as we can see is the same thing of the gnostics and neo-platoist Clement--Iao-ve, Epiphanius--Iave, Theodoret--Iabe! By adding the "h" he formed YaHveH and at last YaHweH as it is now spelled. It is interesting to note that not in Clement, Origen, Epiphanius, or Theodoret, was there an attempt to reconcile these names of pagan gods with a tetragrammation name of YHVH. Genebrardus did not try his hand at alphabet soup concerning the name of God until he translated the works of Origen and there he found the name of God issue and modernized the spelling. What has plagued this name Yahweh is the "Yah" portion that cannot be separated from paganism. This pagan prefix has been associated with Yah-shua the modern spelling suggested to replace the name of Jesus.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/21/16 07:08 AM

Yeah, that's the Hebrew form of his name, the Greek version that most Christians use is Jehovah

Do you realize the J sound is very new? All Hebrew names can be broken down to deep meanings. What does Hovah mean in Hebrew?

Entirely true, Jahovah or Jesus are both modern day English. Derived from Yahweh/Yahshua

Look up hovah and then tell me that is derived from the creators name.

OT:1943 hovah

Jehovah the invented name: According to unsubstaniated tradition, the name Jehovah was first pronounced in this manner when vowel letter points were placed with the letters of the tetragrammaton YHVH in the Massoretic text. This text is claimed to have been vowel-marked by Rabbi Ben Asher sometime around the eighth century AD. The name Jehovah is first found in a manuscript of Martini's Pugio Fidei (1278AD), and in Galatinus (1518) who wrote an argument against abbreviating it to Jova because this would expose the name as being that of the Latin Jovis (Ibid). To escape a pagan connection it was claimed by these sacred-namers that the spelling of Jehovah was fabricated by taking the vowels out of the Hebrew Adhonay (LORD) and inserting them into the tetragrammaton YHVH. This also has not been substantiated. The King James version of 1611 contained this new invented name of God. Jehovah has three letter vowels "e", "o", and "a." There is no "e" letter vowel in Adhonay and to claim the "y" as "e" is the source, shows this is nothing but cooking up a name.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/20/16 12:26 PM

Yeah, that's the Hebrew form of his name, the Greek version that most Christians use is Jehovah

Do you realize the J sound is very new? All Hebrew names can be broken down to deep meanings. What does Hovah mean in Hebrew?

Entirely true, Jahovah or Jesus are both modern day English. Derived from Yahweh/Yahshua

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/20/16 12:23 PM

With the social media anything is possible

Would go straight till the finding the knowledge that she cheated on me. Cheating in my eyes is a final straw, a line you just don't cross for ANY reason. If the other made her happy enough to sleep with him, I will oblige her and let her go be with him since he makes her happy.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 08/19/16 06:57 AM

I am a man in my mid 30's and I am extremely attracted to women 10, 20, and 30 yrs my senior. Are there any other men out there that have the same attraction, and are there any women that actually want a man that much younger? I often recieve a smirk and a thanks but no from the older women I find attractive...pls someone comment!!!

Older women are the best :). They are more mature, grown up so to speak, and know more of what they are looking for and what is actually out there. They have less tendency to play games for the above reasons, they've had those games already played on them, so in turn they don't do those things themselves.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 08/19/16 05:28 AM
hey, whatever floats their boat rofl >.<

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/18/16 01:27 PM
yes on the probability it won't last, no telling in how long it will last. But what I'm getting at, is they have sex on the first date. Then split up say a week or two down the road, then the process starts over again. What happened to the one person for a lifetime form of thought? :/

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/17/16 01:18 PM
Still looking for my sweetheart to wrap in my arms and cover with unconditional love :)

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/15/16 04:25 PM

No sex before marriage is a must!

You go girl :) wish you all the best GraceinCanada :)

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/14/16 10:02 AM
Please don't mind the specific religion reference. But it is very important for spouses to share common spiritual beliefs, either sharing having them or sharing not having them for the following reason.

2 Corinthians 6
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/11/16 11:48 AM
Problem solved :)

Unfortunately gotta reinstall all the programs and software I had on the comp lol.. but luckily it kept my documents pictures, music, and what not.

In the start page before you log into the comp... The little option in the bottom right corner that lets you restart, shut down, and hibernate. I held the shift key and then clicked restart. It then will restart, but restart the entire computer reinstalling windows 10 back to fresh... thus why I have to reinstall all the apps and what not again lol.

Just thought I'd mention the way it was resolved for if anyone else has or experiences this with their own computer. As it seems to be a fairly common "bug" in windows 10 I've read in my searches of finding the solution.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/11/16 06:34 AM

Hiya CowboyGH,

A quick search reveals that lots of people had the same/similar issues as you are facing...

Maybe one of their resolutions could help you too?

Good luck.

Tried to paste the link without the S in HTTPS but it breaks the link :(

Thank you, will check the link. And yes I have seen through my personal investigation it's a fairly common problem as why I posted here hoping someone had that similar problem prior and knew how to resolve it lol.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 08/11/16 05:46 AM

Acts 4:10-12
0 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the 'stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.' 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

no other name given among men. Where does the Bible say we can change this name given?

Who's speaking of changing any name?

my name is English is Gregory
Armemian - Welsh, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Armenian
German - GREGOR
Spanish - GOYO

Yes they aren't that different, but I'm assuming name from name would be a different situation. But nevertheless is different from language to language. And same for Jesus, Yehweh, and so on. The name itself doesn't "change" just because the spelling or pronunciation does.

Also keep in mind that Yehweh is a alliteration of a name. The actual spelling of it is YHWH as there were no vowels in their language of at least their writing.

all I can say is Yahshua warned us about tradition. If you believe the name you were given and called at birth changes between languages. Then thiers nothing I can do to change that. Take care GOYO


As I said, the name in itself doesn't change. Only the pronunciation and therefore the spelling there of changes through different languages... still the same name though. Last comment on this as this is leading the thread off topic.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 08/10/16 09:01 PM

Yeah, it's another one of those "it depends" things.

I suspect for most younger people, it really can be a death knell for the relationship, because much of the time, the young relationships are built primarily on immediate gratifications, and not on the sort of long term concerns that people that young are even cognizant of.

Once people reach the point in their personal development where the dedication to each other and the principles they live by are more important than those daily "fun bits," then distances become less important.

But even then, if the distance remains immutable for long enough, the people will almost have to grow apart, and alter how they envision their lives in relation to each other.

Exactly, where lies it's not the distance itself but the "loneliness" that kills. Depending on the time apart of course.. on the lines of actually "killing" or "hurting" would depend on the person of course... but assumingly, would be 6 months to a year and post. And therefor the actual love/care one has for the relationship thereof... If they actually loved, then the distance wouldn't matter but a bit because they would know or have in the back of their mind what they would return to one day.

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