Community > Posts By > kingbreeze

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Tue 09/11/07 12:29 PM
kevin was the player that left the bills vs. broncos game with a potentially catastrophic spinal injury. the last i heard he had temporary feeling in his limbs but the doctors don't think that the chances of his recovery are very good at this point in time. no matter what his medical diagnosis is he is going to have a very long road to travel as he attempts to recover to the best of his ability so if you could send him some peace of mind and strength in a prayer or a thought it sounds like he could use it.

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Tue 09/11/07 12:19 PM
porkchops ain't swine man, there just the other white meat you know what i mean. i think it says in the bible that GOD created porkchops for the hillbillies.

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Tue 09/11/07 12:14 PM
you're not crazy. i'm not trying to distress you but there may be more of these crying episodes but there surely ain't nothing wrong with you. i wish you all the best.

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Tue 09/11/07 12:11 PM
yeah, i know what you're saying. i don't particularly like the "kissing babies" aspect of politics and would love to see the day when enough americans don't fall for that type of presentation but i doubt i will ever see it. i also understand about the citizens but like many countries most of our citizens are proud and sometimes it is misplaced.

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Tue 09/11/07 11:52 AM
i wasn't in support of going into iraq but i agree with that random. our congress supported it and that was all that was necessary. the U.N. is not a governing body but more of a coalition of unified nations. we do not need support from the U.N. to go to war and an approval wouldn't have meant anything except that the coalition backed the reasons for the war.

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Tue 09/11/07 11:48 AM
i believe in the idea of soul mates but i don't think that you are only restricted to one. some people are just luckier than

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Tue 09/11/07 11:40 AM
that part about good intentions was meant to be edited out because it was a part of another thought but i missed it. i agree with your thought about the bragging but i fail to see anyone bragging. are you speaking of the government bragging or our citizens?

he addressed it but i don't remember the language of it.

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Tue 09/11/07 11:32 AM
sorry bout that ladst post. i edited part of it and forgot to take out the "even with pure intentions" part. i guess i need to work on my editing

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Tue 09/11/07 11:31 AM
i agree with your last post invisible but i do want to point out that even with pure intentions when you put yourself in the foreground, to help as well as for selfish reasons; you often open the door for criticism.

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Tue 09/11/07 11:25 AM
loved the whole statement voileazur but if more people could open their selves up to this part of your statement i think the human race would have a better chance.

"These potential 'open-minded', 'perspective enhancement' forums, among other means, are the perfect space to travel, without any danger, throughout the world of infinite living and breathing perspectives, ... if we are up to it!!! "

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Tue 09/11/07 11:20 AM
voileazur, i welcome your opinions(you always bring an interesting and well thought out point of view)as well as anyone else who would like to offer their perspective on things. i would also like to say that these forums are as much as yours as they are anyone elses and even though i appreciate the people from other countries courteous behavior on the issue of what subjects to post i would encourage everyone to post anything that interests them. sorry for my lack of manners but i view this as a world site and not just a U.S. site. i look forward as always to all of your perspectives.

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Tue 09/11/07 11:11 AM
very nice. thanks for posting that and welcome.

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Tue 09/11/07 10:59 AM
i can understand your feelings about your country being involved with the war invisible but ultimately your government made the choice.

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Tue 09/11/07 10:58 AM
i don't understand how you didn't have much choice?

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Tue 09/11/07 10:41 AM hear better fight them over there than here because it is an american saying it. it wouldn't be any different if it was a german saying it. you are absolutely correct about it being americas war and our administration did start it but it isn't ameicas fault that your country decided to get in with us. as for not giving a **** when you have to fight in your country what would you like us to do?

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Tue 09/11/07 10:07 AM
i was getting ready for work and was putting on my socks while watching the first tower burn. they were showing live footage of the burning building and they were discussing how such a thing could happen when all of a sudden the second plane flew into view and smashed into the second tower. i think i thought something like,"what the ****!" and i went to work. there wasn't any doubt about what happened and most of my coworkers spent the better part of the morning in the break room watching the coverage.

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Tue 09/11/07 09:51 AM
i was getting ready for work and was putting on my socks while watching the first tower burn. they were showing live footage of the burning building and they were discussing how such a thing could happen when all of a sudden the second plane flew into view and smashed into the second tower. i think i thought something like,"what the ****!" and i went to work. there wasn't any doubt about what happened and most of my coworkers spent the better part of the morning in the break room watching the coverage.

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Tue 09/11/07 09:44 AM
i completely agree with your comment nu and have been saying it for years.

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Tue 09/11/07 09:43 AM
let me give you a little bit different perspective on this. i do look at the world news to see what is going on in other parts of the world but i focus on my country while in these threads mostly because i think we need to take care of the many problems here at home before i'm going to go and scrutinize some other countries government or society. the war in iraq is unfortunate and i don't agree with it but if your countries news agencies decide to make U.S. dealings(not the war)front page news how is that the fault of the U.S.? i won't argue with the fact that the U.S. has some questionable dealings and i think we do get too involved in places where we don't need to be but our country also does a lot of good.

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Tue 09/11/07 09:29 AM
lol i know what you mean. in a sense they still are fighting that fight, just not with the same intesity.

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