Community > Posts By > kingbreeze

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Mon 09/10/07 07:33 PM
lol i don't know if that was meant to be a joke LW but the part about illegal immigration was funny.

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Mon 09/10/07 07:30 PM
that was a good game. baltimore had chances to win but couldn't pull it out. bengals won 27-20

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Mon 09/10/07 06:14 PM

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Mon 09/10/07 06:12 PM
i know it is and sometimes it feels like it's just not worth it but it is. for some reason no matter how bad it gets that day or moment always comes along that offers you just a bit of a break or a glimpse of how much it is worth it. you never no what tomorrow will bring.

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Mon 09/10/07 06:09 PM
BUYER BEWARE.....whenever anyone is trying to sell you anything.

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Mon 09/10/07 06:06 PM
hey cutts, i don't know if you've read any of the other posts but it has been said many times(you probably already know this)but the best advice is to just take it one day at a time. it gets pretty daunting when you start thinking of forever so just do what is necessary for today. take care.

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Mon 09/10/07 06:02 PM
picking a vacation spot for their politics. i don't think i would want to go

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Mon 09/10/07 06:00 PM
lol not trying to put anyone down or anything but that's funny as hell.

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Mon 09/10/07 04:42 PM
got a double header tonight with cincy vs. baltimore up first and S.F. vs. aizona.

i'm taking baltimore in the first game and S.F in the second game.......who ya got?

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Mon 09/10/07 04:35 PM
i love this country and i don't take any of it for granted but there are definitely problems here and i want this to be the best country there is. when i speak critically of the U.S. i only want the best to come from it.

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Mon 09/10/07 04:29 PM
it may not be a popular opinion phxlilly but it is yours and i agree with you. if america falls it won't be because of a terrorist attack or enemy invasion it will be because of our own doing. too much of our society has gone soft, lost their common sense and allows the government to take advantage of them.

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Mon 09/10/07 02:48 PM
if you are just shackin up you shouldn't do the joint account bull**** and make a decision on what's yours. if they don't know how to act like an adult there will be fighting over who owns what(kinda like a divorce lol).

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Mon 09/10/07 02:43 PM
global warming can't be reversed but people are starting to take action so it would be interesting to see how far along it is in the future.

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Mon 09/10/07 02:35 PM
i'm sure the U.S. will still be around and kickin but it definitely won't be the same. everything changes over time.

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Mon 09/10/07 02:06 PM
you're probably right invisible but i won't stop trying.

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Mon 09/10/07 02:01 PM
point me in the direction to afridia please.

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Mon 09/10/07 01:58 PM
i admit that before the season started i was leaning more towards romo picking up where he left off last seaqson but he looked more like the romo that took over for bledsoe. their offense looked very good.

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Mon 09/10/07 01:39 PM
are you completely opposed to the idea that humans didn't get the enzyme through evolution but rather always had it?

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Mon 09/10/07 12:04 PM
i don't know about that lizard king. the fundamentalists are fighting against that type of evolution tooth and nail.

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Mon 09/10/07 12:02 PM
there's a lot of good advice here for you stevil and i hope it all works out for you. section 8 landlords get money from the state above what you pay them so there isn't any reason why the repairs can't be done. documentation is very important and try to get pictures with time stamps on them if you can.

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