Crotch Bond gets my vote and the last of my swonnicles. :)
Silent Treatment !
Hey, Hitler, you're good, no matter what Eva told the monkey... :)
what are you............
Thinking about bananas and swonnicles
Doing bananas and swonnicles Feeling bananas and- uh, nevermind... |
Dispel the myth....
Hey, Drew, I think I see a raise in your future. Hoists him up by his grongles... :)
Dispel the myth....
Speaking for clowns and monkey lovers the world over, I can honestly say blabberschnabbers and up your swonnicle.
Can we still engage in the ever popular sport of armpit wrestling or do we need a permit now???
Modern males?
Some of my friends are gay. Some of my friends are monkeys. Some of my friends are gay monkeys. Personally, I prefer them to the stuffy anal retentive gents who think bananas are a fruit and accordions are for polkas.
Why are WE single?
Cause I like to eat Oreos and swonnicles in bed
Cause I like them hairy and single and full of bananas |
process of communication
And if that doesn't work, try brats and bananas.
Can't help you there but I can teach you how to stomp on an accordion.
what would you do if..
And the Merry Maids to clean up the extra fluids.
Rough can be fun but so can peanut butter swonnicles and armpit wrestling midgets. It's all fun and games til the wrong monkey comes along.
what would you do if..
I'd call Crotch Bond and Ghostbusters.
Moles are tasty with a side of camel blambuling, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Help #2
Paging the Constable and Crotch Bond. Paging the Constable and Crotch Bond. The Pepsi Pooper aka DuDu has been spotted on the beach with his drongles in full swing. Bring in the swat team and a few tons of peanut butter swonnicles...
Drongle and swonnicles and grongles, oh my.
Help #2
Damn, looks like he's on the loose again. Never trust exploding Coke bombs or a double stuffed secret agent named Crotch.
Anyone seen
And then he tore up the contract and fed it to the llama. :)
I'm always in the mood for drongles.
I eat too many drongles and I play with my monkey when nobody's watching...