Community > Posts By > CYCLOPS

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Wed 07/04/07 06:16 AM

The account of the flood was written by Moses. A flood that happened long before Gilgamesh. All peoples that were of Noah would have had this story. Noah's people populated the lands becomimg tribes and powers.

People believe other people that they THINK have correct knowledge. Those smart science folks had the wrong head on a dinosaur for 60 years. Opps!

Even the Bible has errors....what....yes....because of mans understanding there are some errors. But there are none in the scriptures. One must go back to the Hebrew/Caldian and Greek to correct their mistakes. If you want to understand Get a Strong's concordance with dictionaries.

I asked all I could find why some words were in italics in the Bible, even the preachers could not tell me. Its in the front of the Bible. I asked why some things were in ( ). They were lost as a goose. I hunted it out. These two things that they don't know about clouds their minds from understanding. These are those that teach others false teachings.

Hear all things then search to see if these things are so.

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Wed 07/04/07 05:55 AM
Science and God are not in conflict. Many of the things so called learned men call proof of the falsehood of the Bible are not in conflict and they are not as wise as they think. If they understood the truth of the Bible better they would find no conflict between the Bible and their limited knowledge of science.

Even those who are Bible scholars have made big mistakes in understanding. Even in Christ on words to those of the temple. "In the scriptures you do error." They would have had the best understanding around and they were in error.

With so much false wisedom no wonder people do not believe and understand. "Lean not unto your own understanding." The Bible explains itself. Here a little there a little. This was done on purpose by God himself. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Only the sincere would go to so much trouble and the ones that are not, are protected from knowing too much for them to be accountable for. If one had gain the truth and then turned away, there would be no more sacrifice for their salvation. God has protected those and will open the books for them in the time of their understanding. God is good!

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Tue 07/03/07 07:33 PM
I hate chain mail, it chafes me under my armor. LOL

Well! I thunk it was funny!

Tinkerman say hey! Nene!

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Tue 07/03/07 07:16 PM
You said believing without seeing! I said that is faith.

You need to sort your thoughts better. I don't mean this being smart toward you. But your words are not logical of thought.

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Tue 07/03/07 07:09 PM
I did not say that planes were a proof of anything. You are faulty in your thinking! I said there is much we do not know.

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Tue 07/03/07 07:07 PM
No, it is called faith!

There are many things in creation that we do not know! If you will search for the truth whole heartedly you will find the Bible proves itself to be as real as anything else that can be felt or seen. If you do not, you can only make an opinion that has no substance. It is by a faith of your own that you believe that the Bible is a myth.

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Tue 07/03/07 06:58 PM
There seems to be a lot we don't know at the time we say it.

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Tue 07/03/07 06:56 PM
Man will never go to the moon! Opps!

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Tue 07/03/07 06:55 PM
Man will never fly! Opps!

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Tue 07/03/07 06:53 PM
And the bumble bee can't fly. Opps!

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Tue 07/03/07 04:38 PM
God was putting Job in his place by giving perspective. It is a lesson we all need from time to time....more often than not.

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Tue 07/03/07 04:33 PM
Thank you!

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Tue 07/03/07 04:30 PM
The Gospel of Christ was never about Christ. Christ's good news (gospel) was about the coming Kingdom of God. Read Revelation!

The Gospel has been change into a message about Christ. Many pagan things have been absorbed into the false churches of today. Many things of God are perverted into a new gospel. Most of what is taught is taught false.

Man believes he has an immortal soul. How can God give you eternal life if you already have it. How can you go to heaven when the resurrections have not happened yet. How could the thief have been with Christ in paradise that day when Christ was in the heart of the Earth three days and three nights....he is late. He was with his disciples about another forty days then ascended into heaven. He is really late now. Why! Is he a lier! TEACHINGS.

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Tue 07/03/07 04:09 PM
Anyone that does not believe a certain belief is a non believer to those that follow that certain belief. There are all kinds of beliefs on all subjects.

A non believer from a Bible based view is one who does not believe God. A person who has been lead to a false teaching is not believing the things that God has said. That person would also be a non believer because they believe not the truth and the words of God in truth. This is not a judgement of them. They have been mislead by others and will have the books opened to them at their calling. Not all are called at this time. God is fair to all, even those that never heard the words of God or been mislead.

It is sad that so many hate God. The true God is not the one most have been lead to see by modern nominal Christianity. Christ has said that many would come in his name, saying he was Christ and decieve the many. This is antichrist. There have been many and are still many antichrist at work today. This false god and christ is the ones that so many find fault with today and judge.

I got away from them, separated myself from them. I found much bitterness in my heart because of these evil people under the cloak of Christ. I have now dealt with my anger and bitterness. It is now time for me to reclaim that which they would not. I cannot speak these words and fowl with the same mouth. As with all it takes time and effort.

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Tue 07/03/07 05:58 AM
I have the bad habit of ironing my money each morning. It doesn't take long because....

that quarter gets hot quick! LOL

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Tue 07/03/07 05:46 AM
God created man in their image and in return man created God in their image.

God gave no dought to those of old and still they bowed to their own will. Those of later times that believe God and believe he is have a greater faith. God wants us to believe him by faith and man wants to believe him and in him by proof.

If mankind had proof, then from fear, they would obey to save themselves from Hell. God wants those that choose from love and righteous desire to be his children. Those that have the fear removed after salvation will return to their own ways. That leaves us with confusion and a return to our destroying the world and ourselves another time. No peace shall ever come.

This was the situation with the falling of Lucifer and a third of the angels. What man wants is proof and proof destroys the plan for salvation by a returning to rebellion as before.

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Mon 07/02/07 09:21 PM
Thank You! Like the car.

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Mon 07/02/07 09:12 PM
We will learn the answers to all things in due time. To know the answer to such does not help us to obtain what we need to obtain for this time in our existance. Those things understandable do them first, it will take you a lifetime. Then you will be given more understanding when you are able. All things in due time.

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Mon 07/02/07 08:46 PM
I have read many self improvement books. I saw a vhs tape on the subject and watched it. I found quickly that it was a combining of several tecniques already around. Each of these is useful in itself, but the combining leaves a person wide open to misuse by anyone of a nature to control. I found it dangerous to put yourself in that element. Safer methods are around to remove what they call aberrations and to obtain what they call being clear. These are fancy names for things already in place to obtain by the safer methods.

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Mon 07/02/07 06:13 PM
In the words of Fluke Skyworker....may the farts be with you.