Community > Posts By > CYCLOPS

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Mon 06/07/10 06:38 PM

God's people accepted a deal to be his people, his way. In a people who are to be perfect or the best among the peoples of the Earth....laws must be in place and punishments.....or they are no better than heathens and pagans.

Heathens and pagans? What kind of church brain washing have you be subjected to?

People who think like that scare the hell out of me.

Looking down upon fellow humans as if you are better than them is just wrong. Yours is an alien god.

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Mon 06/07/10 06:34 PM
With Job. Job was a decent man but became outside of trusting God. He trusted in things and not God. Those children and things were not a rightousness. Job was tried by fire and stood fast his faith and corrected his trust as God made shut the mouth of Satan of him. In the end Job was given much more than he had...both in faith and trust......also in things and children. Without fire nothing can be made pure.

"Without adversity there is no true testing of the heart, spirit and soul!" ,CYCLOPS

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Mon 06/07/10 06:17 PM
God's people accepted a deal to be his people, his way. In a people who are to be perfect or the best among the peoples of the Earth....laws must be in place and punishments.....or they are no better than heathens and pagans.

Example in kind: A glass company makes perfect glassware. It has the high rank of perfection among all companys. There are and will be flawed glassware is destroyed at once or later to preserve the perfection of their glassware. If flawed glassware was allowed then the rank of the company would fall to that of dime store glassware.
The people of God were to be a perfect people. They were to serve as teachers and example to all the peoples of the Earth. But those who did not obey could not be allowed or the great nation to better all kind would be as the heathens and pagans. And in spite of God's efforts......they and we have done so......lawlessness rules not the way.
With thought some here can understand more than they allow themselves to understand. place yourself as a ruler of a people who will not do that which is best for them after making you ruler. They murder, rape, steal, ....etc. Some think the we being more kind then God will put them in prison and not kill them........look at our system of prisons.....we can not control them inside or out. The prisons are full and killer and rapist are let out to make room for others. They then go forth and kill and rape......laws without punishment is no law at all. Lawlessness is in control of our world......NOW!

One must understand that God is merciful. Those who died....die of this life a short time....but makes a way of forever to those who obey...even of those killed to make perfect a nation. During the second resurrection those killed are allowed knowledge and actions without the influence of Satan.....then Satan is let loose a short season. There is lot many need to understand to be able to make a full judgement.

"It is human nature to make a complete judgement based on partial information."

(Thou shalt not murder) not kill/murder.....murder is different than kill.

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Mon 06/07/10 05:11 AM
First lawlessness! Then laws laid down! Laws without punishment is to make law non effect and lawlessness again.

If the top source of law and all powers, must have laws obeyed for the people to survive. There are some who would not obey no matter the punishment. To cover all, death had to be the punishment of those who under God himself must be removed from the people or else lawlessness again.

A way of redeeming is made for all who desire it. But lesser punishment allows more to break the laws because of weighting the value against the risk.

Death must be the final control. If you create a people, some will not obey and without law......rape, murder, stealing,.....etc.

If the almighty God says not to do a thing and one chooses to to so.....that person must be destroyed or else weighing of risk and law without effect.......leaves only lawlessness and the self destruction of the people!

Atom bombs, wars, diseases, famine, mass death.......because of lawlessness we are heading toward our end....but God will stop us in the nick of time........kinda like the calvery in the westerns. Then a clean sweep will be made.....some saved and some burned. Then it will be his way with those who desire it. Man will have had all opportunity and Satan the best advantage from the that mouths will be shut for all time.

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Mon 06/07/10 04:36 AM
My God can beat up your.....your......uh!.......your nothing! LOL laugh

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Sun 06/06/10 11:50 PM
The way I understand it, If there are three ways to find the proper way without a lack of laying out of plans, then we all are going to be able to do it our on way without another. What do you think?noway

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Sun 06/06/10 11:41 PM
I remember going to the city dump with my Grandfather when I was a kid, We would take a big load and bring back a bigger one. (true!)

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Sun 06/06/10 08:22 PM
I must retire. Good night and good to all!

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Sun 06/06/10 08:20 PM
To those seeking.....all of this subject is not needed to obtain salvation. It is pointless!

But to those wishing to corrupt it.......they find great joy in thier lack of understanding. And will not read for understanding since it does not support their disbelief.

Each to his own. I press not, but defend those less able, but of faith.

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Sun 06/06/10 08:15 PM

Many or most Christians error in understanding of the Earth as to age. There is no conflict between evolution and creation.

God first created the Earth, it was to be an abode for the Angels and a learn ground. Satan got the big head and dared to try to accend to heaven and take his throne. The Earth along with all creation went through a war and great destrution occured. As to the Earth, about 6000 years ago, God renewed the surface of the Earth and created man after their own image. The old manlike beings were not after their kind before the battle. Many creatures and plants were recreated after thier kind. The Earth is billions? million? years old. The time from Adam to now is a little less than 6000 years.

*Also read as Noah loaded animal two by two "after their kind" meaning he loaded them two by two according to their kind. Just as God recreated animals and plants (his choice as to which) after (occording to their kind.

There is no conflict of age.

There is a conflict.

Scientific Evidence says the earth is billions of years old. Round about reasoning with the ancient book says 6000.
Scientific Evidence says that we Evolved from a "lesser" species of humanoid ape. (We are apes, after all.) The Ancient book says God "poofed" us into existence from dirt, and took a rib to make a woman.

Those are HUGE conflicts.

Read my post above! animals and apes were evolving! But when God renewed the Earth was then made from dirt after the God kind and not the animal kind before the destruction. The is no conflict. Please read my former post more closely. peace!

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 08:06 PM
Forgive my spelling.....good night!

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Sun 06/06/10 08:03 PM
Many or most Christians error in understanding of the Earth as to age. There is no conflict between evolution and creation.

God first created the Earth, it was to be an abode for the Angels and a learn ground. Satan got the big head and dared to try to accend to heaven and take his throne. The Earth along with all creation went through a war and great destrution occured. As to the Earth, about 6000 years ago, God renewed the surface of the Earth and created man after their own image. The old manlike beings were not after their kind before the battle. Many creatures and plants were recreated after thier kind. The Earth is billions? million? years old. The time from Adam to now is a little less than 6000 years.

*Also read as Noah loaded animal two by two "after their kind" meaning he loaded them two by two according to their kind. Just as God recreated animals and plants (his choice as to which) after (occording to their kind.

There is no conflict of age.

no photo
Sat 06/05/10 05:22 PM
Forgive my spelling....I error more tonight due to illness. I will retire.

Peace and good rest to all!

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Sat 06/05/10 05:20 PM
Let me give a silly!

If asked when Christ and the thief went to paradise. Most all (in my area) will say, "As soon as they died on the cross.""Christ even said,"Verily, Verily, I say unto you today you shall be with me in Paradise."

Christ was three nights and three days in the heart of the Earth. (He's late!) he was with the diciples about forty days before he accended to his father. Even telling Mary the Magdalene, "Touch me not for I have not yet accended to my Father." Christ is now at least 43 days late!

People are taught wrongly to support a teaching that is antichrist.

Christ did not say "Today" to the thief meaning "this day we go to paradise" But "today" I tell you that you will be with me in paradise.

If I say to you. "I tell you today, you will be with me in Texas Friday!" It is clear! people error in puncuation and meaning due to old style of verbage use and laziness.

Christ was not late! Because the thief will be in paradise after Christ returns and the first resurrection our future with us that are his.

It is sound logic many find foolish and silly, being taught all their life a lie.

Subject jog but in context! We all know electricity has a positive and a negative. People learn the current flows from positive to the negative and find it silly that some say it is not so. Study eletronics or ask a person who does eletronics......the electron is the only moving particle....moving from hole to hole in the valence bond. So in fact....currect flow is from a more negative to a less negative valence bond.....the positve particles (the proton, never moves). This is the kind of confusion I speak of with the faith. The common does not fit the scriptures but most find it foolish....the same as the find one a fool who says negative flows to a less nagative. (That fool must be on drugs! they say!) Now thats silly huh!

Look it up! Eletronics 101

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Sat 06/05/10 04:42 PM

You have a bitterness toward me. I have none toward you even thou you attack me directly. Is the bitterness really toward me or is it of others who may deserve it you attack and I am the scape goat to pile thier sin against you upon. I have not attacked you even in this post my friend.

Cyclops, in another thread you speculated on my emotional history (rather presumptuously) and here you claim to know Peccy's emotions.

I didn't read bitterness in Peccy's words, I read impatience, while acknowledging it might have even been playfulness.

I don't see him attacking you directly, I see him being sarcastic (bitingly so? playfully so?) towards your words.

Some of the things you say seem downright silly - beyond silly - to me, and I'm sure to others.

Its easy to misread people's tone online - I submit to you that you might be doing so. That said, I do respect your politeness and restraint for how you respond to the possibly-misunderstood comments.

Speculation is not a judgement, but a consideration due to evidence given by manner. Peccy's attacking is a clear sign of bitterness by the manner used. As far as things I say are silly to those not able to see and is to be expected and I take it willingly. I like all do make mistakes due to lack of tone and visual clues. It is the nature of online. if I make a rash judgement....I will make it right with regret of my error and apology due. If patience is given and kind will be returned with a like manner. If vile things come my way, being human I may not reply as is best....this is the nature we fight against within ourselves. I will do my best to be kind in all things.

Back to silly things! If one will obey the scriptures and hear, then seach to see if these things are so.....many will find most of that taught is 180 degrees from what the scriptures say. It is this awakening that is needed to shed lies put in place by the great liar...Satan.....even in the Churches. This is why God's flock is called the little flock in scripture. I care about people greatly and hate is the pains of the people and the way of all our sorrows in this life. God is not the cause, he is a father trying to open the eyes of rebellious teenagers who know everything. But in this case, it is life and death....not crashing up the car...etc.

These silly things I tried to prove wrong with all might, but with a sound mind.....they are true and wise. but to those wise of this world they are foolishness. To a child a father will say,"Don't play your car stereo so loud as to drown out things around you!" To the child it is foolishness...until he does not hear the train that takes his legs and an arm from him.....then he understands the wisedom. We are all like that child.....that is why the world is as it is. is a wise and death!

Thank you for your kind manner of comment. We can talk.

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Sat 06/05/10 05:08 AM
You have my complete understanding in the matter. I also feel I have yours of the situation. May you have a nice day kind lady. I am gone to work!waving

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Sat 06/05/10 04:49 AM

Why would anyone feel the need to have "God" proven or dis-proven...
not sure why it matters. What "God" is to one person, can be completely different to another.

God can be the old, white bearded man in the clouds with a lap top keeping track of all our sins and zapping us with punishment...kinda like a cattle pod. God can be a warm fuzzy, God can be a feeling of love in your heart, God can be what your feeling when you do something you probably shouldn't a conscious, God can be the motivator to help you make good decisions, God can be the feeling of peacefulness during and after meditation, God can be the feeling of oneness with nature while hiking the mountains...

One thing we should all agree on regardless of our belief as to what "God" actually that the way we treat people, respect others and show caring and tolerance is ultimately what's going to matter in the end. So all the bickering over God seems to be pointless.

God is a father as any good father. Sometimes children don't understand due to lack of maturity and experience. God loves his children enough to correct them to his own suffering loss of the love he gives. He is a father simply a father.

A wise man once said.."Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? The way to find peace is to let go of the need to always be right." I've found over time that there is a fair amount of truth in that statement.


Please don't quote me and add your thoughts into mine.....quoting me and adding on is fine, but to throw your thoughts into the middle of mine misleading and I don't appreciate it.

This is what you added half way through my post....
"God is a father as any good father. Sometimes children don't understand due to lack of maturity and experience. God loves his children enough to correct them to his own suffering loss of the love he gives. He is a father simply a father."
These are your thoughts and it was un-necessary to put them in the middle of mine.

I strive to be accepting of your thoughts and beliefs...please don't do that to my posts again. Thank you.

Before you make judgement. My cable internet and cable service blinked and cut connection. My post was not as intended. I am sorry for the wromg placement due to this situation beyond my control. My pc tried to recover and I exited. The post WAS NOT intended as it came about.

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Sat 06/05/10 04:17 AM

Why would anyone feel the need to have "God" proven or dis-proven...
not sure why it matters. What "God" is to one person, can be completely different to another.

God can be the old, white bearded man in the clouds with a lap top keeping track of all our sins and zapping us with punishment...kinda like a cattle pod. God can be a warm fuzzy, God can be a feeling of love in your heart, God can be what your feeling when you do something you probably shouldn't a conscious, God can be the motivator to help you make good decisions, God can be the feeling of peacefulness during and after meditation, God can be the feeling of oneness with nature while hiking the mountains...

One thing we should all agree on regardless of our belief as to what "God" actually that the way we treat people, respect others and show caring and tolerance is ultimately what's going to matter in the end. So all the bickering over God seems to be pointless.

God is a father as any good father. Sometimes children don't understand due to lack of maturity and experience. God loves his children enough to correct them to his own suffering loss of the love he gives. He is a father simply a father.

A wise man once said.."Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? The way to find peace is to let go of the need to always be right." I've found over time that there is a fair amount of truth in that statement.


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Sat 06/05/10 04:12 AM

Another one people mess up..."There will be earthquakes in divers places." Looking in the Strong's you will find the word means. (KJ, old English, 1611 remember!). DIVERS = different, modern word DIVERSE. NOT THAT THERE WILL BE EARTH QUAKES WHERE PEOPLE GO DIVING.

The word "DURST" people will read in their mind meaning "DID NOT." But the word meanS "BOLDLY"
Wow, lookie! A linguistics 101 lesson, how quaint! Now that you have that bit of (to use a bible thumper term- "Holier than thou") info out of your system, perhaps you could answer the question. I gave you my point of view based on experience, what is yours based on? Visions? Hearsay? A bad drug trip? Jesus' image carved in an avocado? Honestly, I would like to know.

And an answer was given, you have missed it in your preoccupation with attacking I am sure. I also find many persons skim words of length and unknown subject in a hurry to be heard....right or wrong about that which was barely understood. It is a common event and error of the human ego! No implication toward you...only you know that for sure. But once again, the answer was given.

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Sat 06/05/10 04:01 AM

Another one people mess up..."There will be earthquakes in divers places." Looking in the Strong's you will find the word means. (KJ, old English, 1611 remember!). DIVERS = different, modern word DIVERSE. NOT THAT THERE WILL BE EARTH QUAKES WHERE PEOPLE GO DIVING.

The word "DURST" people will read in their mind meaning "DID NOT." But the word meanS "BOLDLY"
Wow, lookie! A linguistics 101 lesson, how quaint! Now that you have that bit of (to use a bible thumper term- "Holier than thou") info out of your system, perhaps you could answer the question. I gave you my point of view based on experience, what is yours based on? Visions? Hearsay? A bad drug trip? Jesus' image carved in an avocado? Honestly, I would like to know.

In context, the lesson as you put it was not a lesson. It was an example of how people do not understand based on their lack of proper word use. It was done for their enlightenment not condemnation or being Holier than thou. if I were being Holier than thou, it would call for a judgement or condemdation of them. The only one I in any way condemed is those who teach false doctrine and a false Gospel. My views are based on the Bible itself. They teach that when a man dies he goes directly to Heaven. If that is so then the resurrection is a lie. They teach man has an immortal soul, If this is so then God can not give them as a free give upon resurrection immortality. They make God a liar by their teachings and teach against Christ blindly. All of this is not being Holier than thou, only placing a mirror for their better. I have never claimed to be better....we are all sinners and need the grace of God.

You have a bitterness toward me. I have none toward you even thou you attack me directly. Is the bitterness really toward me or is it of others who may deserve it you attack and I am the scape goat to pile thier sin against you upon. I have not attacked you even in this post my friend. You would find I am against those types myself.
They do great harm in Gods name but not by his command. Forgive them they are blinded and the human in them is foremost with all the flaws. Let there be peace between us and to those who seek truth and God.......learning!