LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:26 AM
no its not what you doing today.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:24 AM
well what's going on with you today?

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:20 AM
sure we can talk, hows ur day going.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:13 AM
Edited by LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20 on Fri 07/31/09 09:13 AM

I am waiting on a guy who can spell! It's LADIES, not LADYS.

Actually, I'm not waiting on any guy, I already have one.
oh thanks for the spelling be, now back to topic haha. How are of the LADIES doing today.

Oh my another spelling error...oh well I give up slaphead

haha dont give up, there is always time to fix thing's.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:10 AM
haha well at least we can all laugh hahahahaha

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:08 AM
Edited by LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20 on Fri 07/31/09 09:08 AM

I am waiting on a guy who can spell! It's LADIES, not LADYS.

Actually, I'm not waiting on any guy, I already have one.
oh thanks for the spelling be, now back to topic haha. How are of the LADIES doing today.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:01 AM

laugh laugh laugh
are you a.... LADY?!?!??!?!?!??!?!explode :laughing:

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:59 AM

What? You are a lady in waiting? :laughing:
naaa I am waiting for the ladys. mi piace bella ragazza's....

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:59 AM
haha waiting for some conversation come on ladys.... and coffee is bad for you remembertongue2 . haha.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Fri 07/31/09 08:56 AM

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:31 PM

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 07:01 PM
I think career has no barrering on if he or she is going to be with someone. I mean if your seriously interested in someone, you want them to be honest and real, and hope they have a decent job, but judgeing someone by there job ONLY is really stupid. I mean when that day come's and your laying there, your not going to be thinking about your love one's job, your going to be thinking about the great moments you had and how much of a great person he or she is to you.

Life is relationships, the rest is just details.

Just keep trying man, that's all you can do, keep your head up and you'll find what your looking for.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 06:46 PM
Edited by LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20 on Thu 07/30/09 06:51 PM
I tend to agree with dan to an extent, lately I have been having a hard time getting girls to even meassge back, they just "view my profile" and then don't respond. Now no doubt not every girl is supposed to like any guy, but it gets stupid, when your on a dating site for a purpose, and the only thing are doing is viewing you?!?!?!?!frustrated but not actually messaging back. Now not all of them have done this, but it is very common. And when a girl has a thing about how she want's a guy with these interests etc etc and then you have all those interests or want the same thing, and they just shun you it's stupid.

I am a really nice guy and I sure dan is too, and I am sure we are just sick of the image barrier, I mean specially when your on this site, you think people would be a little less shallow. well anyways, thats how I view it. hopefully I will find a girl, who will acutally want to know me, and not just view me like a picture on a wall.indifferent

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 11:55 AM

I am the overweight woman who has to drop the 50 pounds...But who the hell careslaugh Maybe a guy out there will want a hippopotumus for christmas:tongue:
drool drool drool

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 11:54 AM

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Thu 07/30/09 11:26 AM

How possible is it for you to keep one? A major turn off for guys i meet here is that im not even in the same continent riht now. yeah i know its a bit too much to ask and i know its hard but somehow im willing to try it for the first but apparently no one else is :(
Well if they like you enough, they should give it a try, everything is worth going after, no matter how far, specially someone you like.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:18 PM


Just my opinion, but girls that young are WAY too wishy washy about what they want.

They really have absolutely NO idea.

That could be, but her beliefs, views and values are in line with mine from when we've talked.
well if you think she knows then go for it man.

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:17 PM
For real!!!! They always leave.....................explode frustrated

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:16 PM

I dont see big ****!!!noway :wink: laugh

LeAiTàeRiSpEtTo20's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:14 PM

I had been emailing and IMing with a girl for a few days. Things seemed to be going well, but then in the middle of an IM session tonight the IM window suddenly said that the session had been closed by her. I thought something must have been wrong with the IM session, but when I went back in to try to IM her...there was the word BLOCKED over her picture in the upper right side of the screen. When I tried to send a message to her, it said I couldn't IM her as long as I had her blocked. So I clicked the unblock button and tried to send a message, but never got a response. Restarted and tried again and same thing...the work BLOCKED was in red over her picture and when I tried to send her a message it said *I* was blocking *HER*.

I had not blocked her...at least not initially and when the IM had first crapped out it said she had closed the session. So I went into messaging to check to see if it showed her as being under my Blocked Users and it said I had no one blocked.

I sent her an email message, but even though she was on for another hour or so, the message never showed as read and I never received another IM request.

So I'm just not clear...did she block me for some reason? Or did the system screw up? If I'm blocked would the system still let me see her profile and online status? Would it still let me email her even though she'd never received them?
I am not sure man, but hopefully u figure it out, thats why I say phone is always better...frustrated