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Mon 01/10/11 05:33 PM

You could make a bargain...

How bout 'if I lose 10 lbs, will you match me?'

Or...'What would make me more attractive to you? How about I join hair club, and for me, you could join Jenny, whaddya say? We could please each other if we try'

That would be a nice gesture if my receding hairline didn't already make me even more sexy. And my extra weight means there's just more of me to love, I do my part. It's a curse, but I bear it.

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Mon 01/10/11 05:26 PM

I'm looking for socially acceptable ideas on how to suggest to my date to get a salad. Any ideas?

Why would you try to even suggest she eat a salad? Do you think she's too fat? If you're that shallow then you need to bail out honey & let her eat whatever the hell she wants to eat!!! There is no socially acceptable way to say 'Honey, you're too fat. How about a salad today"?noway :::grumble:::

Can you believe a progressive fella like myself is still single? I'm just not appreciated! blushing

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Mon 01/10/11 05:18 PM
I'm looking for socially acceptable ideas on how to suggest to my date to get a salad. Any ideas?

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Thu 12/30/10 05:52 PM
yes, some extremely lowcut tight bellbottoms.

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Thu 12/30/10 05:07 PM
No, she was wearing tight jeans, and a little tie-dye tee-shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:54 PM

Stealing from your friends is the same as stealing from you.

You should have peed on her.

After she was finished cleaning your filthy slimy mold encrusted dishes.

Thank you.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:53 PM

When I'm on a date, if the woman is acting uninterested, is it in poor taste to pee on her leg under the table, so that if you keep a straight face, she has a moment of denial, thinking,"oh he couldn't possibly be peeing on my leg"?

spock Is this the 'new M2' ... Damn. whoa

I'm the clown you love to hate and you know it Sweetcheeks!

no photo
Thu 12/30/10 04:50 PM

It was good! I got away from doing oxicontin's and ecstasy all day every day. I couldn't afford all those pills and I'm a lot better of financially for it now. Thanks for asking.

Glad to hear it man. I haven't seen you around for awhile. I guess they are finally letting you back around electronic devices?........smokin

Yeah, I've been sidetracked alot. I went through a bad period of depression, but now I'm loving life again. It's hard to talk when you don't have anything happy to say.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:44 PM
Do yall really think I'm wrong to treat a thief like that? She's stolen from my friends.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:43 PM

sounds like she took the ten she earned
from doing the dishes and walked home

And walked away from

She is a bad girl. She deserved to have to walk home. She lies constantly, always asks for too much, and she thinks she's a fox when she's not. I did Earth a solid taday.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:40 PM
It was good! I got away from doing oxicontin's and ecstasy all day every day. I couldn't afford all those pills and I'm a lot better of financially for it now. Thanks for asking.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:37 PM
It was a hard walk with all the cough medicine she took, but trust me she deserved it plenty.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:36 PM



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Thu 12/30/10 04:32 PM
I paid this girl ten dollars to do my dishes earlier today. I had sex with her once, before I knew how scandalo!us she was. She steals things from people to trade for her drug habit. Even though she didn't steal anything from me, when I heard about how she was, I thought that I should punish her. She comes over to do my dishes, and the whole time I'm talking dirty to her asking if she likes to do dishes, and how dirty are those dishes, she likes to scrub those dishes doesn't she? and what not, you get the idea. Anyways, I ask her if she want's to robotrip with me and she say's yeah, but she's never done it before and doesn't know how many to take. I give her ALOT and then tell her that she has to pay me to have sex with her now because I'm too thick and she's lame in the sack. I told her it would cost her $20 for sex or she would have to walk home because she was a dirty dishslut knowing that she didn't have the money. Today was fun

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Thu 12/30/10 04:21 PM
Very true.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:20 PM
It's hard to keep your pants up when you're dancing.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:19 PM
Nice picture Vivian. If you let me take you to Olive Garden I promise I wouldn't pee on THOSE legs. Nice!

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Thu 12/30/10 04:16 PM
Good I thought so! I tried it the other night at an Olive Garden, and obviously the young lady hadn't had the proper upbringing that we had. I thought that perhaps it was I that was uncouthe. That's a load off my mind.

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Thu 12/30/10 04:12 PM
Would that be rude?

no photo
Thu 12/30/10 04:11 PM
When I'm on a date, if the woman is acting uninterested, is it in poor taste to pee on her leg under the table, so that if you keep a straight face, she has a moment of denial, thinking,"oh he couldn't possibly be peeing on my leg"?

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