Community > Posts By > trublu4u

trublu4u's photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:47 PM

I carry mine in my handbag, but I wear an ear-pice ( for a radio) at work and have now developed a tingling sensation in my left ear even when I am not wearing my ear-piece.

This is excellent fodder for a science fiction movie!

trublu4u's photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:45 PM

Above my bed hung this creep! Marie, I think your spider has acquired a passport.

"Creep"...what a great name for a pet spider!

trublu4u's photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:33 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Tue 09/01/09 02:34 PM


That is freaky!!

Never happened to me. Mines always in my purse!

Please do not misuse this information.:wink: :tongue:

trublu4u's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:04 PM
I wear my cell phone in a case on my hip. When I carried a Motorola on my hip, I experienced sensations that my cell phone was vibrating, even when I wasn't wearing it! I mentioned this to my dad, and he confessed the same thing!
Has anyone else experienced this?

trublu4u's photo
Mon 08/31/09 03:54 AM
Dude, one more thing. It is far safer for YOU to approach THEM, than to respond to someone who has approached YOU.
Not that you should rule out everyone who has approached you, but you would do well to place them into kind of an "emotional quarantine".
Here on mingle, you're often approached by "who viewed me". You would be wise to maintain a record of these, if you've responded to any of them. Be wary of the questions they ask you, if any.
I've communicated with a mingler or two, where the emails sent between us were VERY lengthy, discussing every idea about life, relationships, etc., point for point. Assuming my continued anonymity on this site (i.e., they don't know whether or not I'm wealthy, just lost my wife, etc., and emotionally vulnerable, etc.), as well as the fact that it was I who approached THEM first, I feel comfortable assuming her interest is genuine.
One should still keep the red warning lights at the ready, to be set off at the slightest inkling of mischief.
I recall my one and only visit to "Hooters", the "family" eatery where most of the women wear very tight t-shirts and orange hot pants. Each just happens to have a surplus in the boob department.
Our waitress was named, "Booger"; very sexy, very personable. She would put her hand on the shoulder of one or more of us as she spoke. She quickly brought up this obviously bogus story designed to make us drop our guard ( case her tatas, hovering over our table as she served us, didn't work), and open up about our own lives. An old adage: "One does business with whom one is familiar". Point: she was stroking us for a tip! It made me wanna vomit. I never went back.
Listen: women have been more than compensated for generally not being as strong nor as favored in the job market (supposedly) as us.
A woman can "make you or break you". You have a 50-50 chance, in other words.
Just when you think your emotional Kevlar can't be breached, you find yourself mortally wounded.
Stay frosty, man. Keep a "weather eye" on the horizon.
Don't wear your heart on your sleeve.

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 07:03 PM

"retrospective geniuses"=rofl drinker

Exactly, dude...THEM.

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 07:02 PM

thx that really cheered me up and that was real nice thank you so much :)

Hey, you're a card-carryin' member of "The Brotherhood of Men", just like me!
We gotta look out for each other.happy

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 06:27 PM

today i found someone nice gernerous and sweet on mingle today and turned out to be spam i feel like an idiot wht can i do to cheer up after something like this

Don't sweat it, man. A lot of "retrospective geniuses" are gonna chime in on this to tell you what an idiot you are...
...however, they're only trying to convince themselves that the wool couldn't be pulled over THEIR OWN EYES, as well.
They are just as gullible.
Your number had just happened to come up.
There's nothing wrong with being a nice guy, and wanting to love someone special, who loves you back.
You'll be fine.

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 06:20 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Sun 08/30/09 06:23 PM

today i found someone nice gernerous and sweet on mingle today and turned out to be spam i feel like an idiot wht can i do to cheer up after something like this

Realize that ANYBODY can play the fool! That's why this song, originally recorded by "The Main Ingredient", was nominated for a Grammy in 1973.
THIS SONG GOES OUT TO YOU, MAN! (...and maybe myself, and others, I'm sure)
Ok, so your heart is brokenbrokenheart
Youre sitting around mopin, mopin, mopin, cryin, cryintears
You say youre even thinking about dyingindifferent
Well, before you do anything rash, baby, listen to this

Everybody plays the fool, sometime:banana:
Theres no exception to the rule, listen baby
It may be factual, it may be cruel, I aint lying
Everybody plays the fool

Fallin in love is such an easy thing to dolove
But theres no guarantee that the one you love, is gonna love youbrokenheart
Oh, loving eyes they cannot seelove a certain person could never benoway
Love runs deeper than any ocean, it clouds youre mind with emotion
Everybody plays the fool, sometime
Theres no exception to the rule, listen baby
It may be factual, it may be cruel, I aint lying:angel:
Everybody plays the fool
How can you help it, when the music starts to play
And your ability to reason, is swept awaydrinker
Oh, heaven on earth is all you see, youre out of touch with realitydrool
And now you cry, but when you do, next time around someone cries for yousad

Hey, everybody plays the fool, sometime:banana:
Use your heart just like a tool, listen baby
They never tell you so in school, I wanna say it again,
Everybody plays the fool

Everybody plays the fool, sometime:banana::banana:
Theres no exception to the rule, listen baby
It may be factual, it may be cruel, I aint lying
Everybody plays the fool

Every plays the fool, sometime:banana: :banana::banana:
Theres no exception to the rule, listen baby
It may be factual, it may be cruel, I wanna say it again
Everybody plays the foolbrokenheart

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:24 PM
I'd run like hell.

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 03:55 PM

I will see it, as soon as someone nicks it from the internet for me. The misspelling of bastards i find annoying though.

frustrated It's not a misspelling. Tarantino took the title and the spelling from a 1970s Italian film. be seeing you


The original title(which was a translation from Italian) was spelt correctly.

Basterds means nothing in either language.

I dont care that much, but everytime i see an ad for it, it jumps out at me.

I guess that makes it a good ad.

Er, "spelt"?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 09:04 AM
(NOTE: We have gigantic stores called, "Wal-Mart" all across our country. Do you have these? Anyways...)
The recruiter at Wal-Mart was looking to hire a new greeter for the front door. She had managed to whittle the big stack of applications down to just five applicants.
"I wonder how I can discern who, amongst these remaining five applicants, will be our new greeter?, she wondered. Then, she smiled, as a simple solution came to her.
On the final day of the interview process, she asked that the first applicant come in and take a seat. A young woman came in. During the course of the interview, the recruiter asked, "What is the fastest thing you know of?"
The woman thought a minute and said, "A WINK! I tend to drive too quickly through the intersection, and give a quick wink to the traffic cop there. I've never gotten a ticket!"
The recruiter said, "A wink, eh? Good answer! We'll get back with you concerning our decision. Next, please!"
An older gentleman walked in. In the course of the interview, the recruiter again asked what was the fastest thing the applicant could think of.
"Why, a BLINK! We blink all the time, and it happens so quickly, we scarcely notice it. It happens in the blink of an eye, lol!"
The recruiter seemed impressed, thanked him, and called for the next applicant.
A young man walked in. "What is the fastest thing you can think of"?, the recruiter asked.
"A THOUGHT!", the young man said. "We have thoughts running in and out of our heads, and they are instantaneous!" The recruiter said, "Great answer. We'll get back with you. Next!"
A woman walked in. After pleasantries, the recruiter asked, "What is the fastest thing you can think of?" The woman thought a minute, then said, "LIGHT! Light comes and goes at the flicking of a switch!" The recruiter was quite impressed. "Very good answer! We'll get back with you. Next!"
In walked a man wearing overalls, a cap, hunting boots, and a scruffy beard. As he sat before the recruiter, he stuffed a wad of chewing tobacco into his mouth. A bit of brown spittle ran down into his beard.
The recruiter was unruffled, and saw his name on the application before her. After pleasantries, the recruiter asked, "Mr. Bubba, what is the fastest thing you can think of?" The man immediately replied, "DIARRHEA!" The recruiter was shocked. "Diarrhea??? Well, I must say that is the most unusual answer to this question I've had all day! Why diarrhea?
Bubba spit tobacco juice into a cup, and farted. "Well, as I was goin' home from the tractor pull last night, I had to "go" real bad. I tore off for the house, and before I could WINK, BLINK, THINK, or TURN ON THE BATHROOM LIGHT, I HAD SHAT MY PANTS!"
"Bubba" is now the new greeter at Wal-Mart!
A little of what we call here in the Old South, "Redneck humor".
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:31 AM
I do believe atmospheric pressure is INCREASED during a rain. I'm no expert, but could this be a factor in your discomfort?
Many people say they know when it's going to rain because an old injury will begin to ache.
Could this phenomena also apply to your situation?

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:21 AM
Edited by trublu4u on Sun 08/30/09 08:24 AM

White people are fast becoming the minority. True Blue eyed blondes are becoming fewer and farther apart in most populations. Segregation is fading from many things so I think that will be reflected on TV.

They have always been in the minority in South Africa, yet they were the perpetrators of racism towards Black people.Star, I love the idea that there is no such thing as a "pure race" bigsmile

There are invisible cogs and wheels in the machinery of any given society which ensures its' survival. "Mixing" of the races is one such inevitable occurence. I don't consider myself to be a citizen of merely the town in which I live, but a citizen of the WORLD. Therefore, "mixing" (...which seems to be an unneccessary, moronic term), does not unsettle me in any way whatsoever. We're all just one people.
Maybe we do need to experience a "War of the Worlds" type invasion by aliens! The resulting strife between HUMANS and squid/crab-like beings would surely bring us all much closer together, with the acknowledgement that there are, after all, far more disturbing differences between people than mere skin color!
Consider: "Daddy, I'm bringing my new alien friend home for dinner. His name is 'Calamari'". And please daddy, no jokes like, "When my daughter told me she was bringing "Calamari" home for dinner, I was all excited! I love the stuff with a little hot sauce!"

trublu4u's photo
Sun 08/30/09 08:13 AM

trublu4u, this is a highly complex subject and I think I would bore the pants off Mingle members if I really got into answering this question in it's entirety.

How times have changed........ "For some reason, Fate hates the black man, putting them that much higher on the Sorting Algorithm Of Mortality. The Comedy Black Man? Despised beyond measure.

In the past this was because there were few black leads in big-budget films outside of those that focused specifically on race or used it to make a point. Historical moviemakers were generally writing to white audiences, so it was natural (at least in their opinion) for whites to get more screen time. And if the writers throw in a Token Minority to give the cast more believable racial balance, who do you think is going to die first, them or the folks who have a bigger role in the script?

This, of course, has led to increasing inversion in recent years, as there have been more black moviegoers with money to spend, leading to more and more prominent black characters and more big-name black actors, none of which are likely to get killed off quietly. Studios have also finally accepted that white audiences are not generally as racist as was once assumed, and do not need to have a white as the protagonist. In other words, if you're gonna go after the black man nowadays, you might want to check the credits to see who's playing him. If it's no one you've actually heard of, they're probably fair game. Tony Todd? Go for it. Denzel Washington? Bad idea. Will Smith? Run away and hide.

As black actors become more common in significant roles, this trope has found new ways to stay relevant. Often films will take a Scary Black Man, turn him into The Big Guy, and kill him off to show how strong their monster is. In horror films, the afflicted main character might have a sassy Black Best Friend that gets killed off to show that this is no laughing matter.

This became a Dead Horse Trope once black comedians began to reference it in their routines, and comedy movies began to reference, parody, subvert, and lampshade it. Like many aspects of racism that have become less overt over the years, some people refuse to believe that it ever existed, but these people probably haven't seen many movies made before 1990.

This is a Death Trope, so you'd better turn back now or face the spoilers.

(from The Black Death)
It's hard to pinpoint an exact moment when this phenomenon began, but there's little doubt that 1968 was a watershed year. Two films served as vivid illustrations that things were turning decidedly deadly for black characters. The first, Spider Baby, Or the Maddest Story Ever Told, opens with a cameo by Mantan Moreland, the African-American actor renowned for playing comedic sidekicks in over a dozen thrillers in the 1930s and '40s. In films like King of the Zombies and the Charlie Chan mysteries, Moreland's bug-eyed reaction shots and Scooby Doo-like skedaddling earned him crowd-pleasing laughs that ensured his survival, but they also earned him the ire of civil rights groups like the NAACP, who all but ended his career by lobbying for more dignified roles for people of color.

Since the '70s, there's been little documentation of the phenomenon of black death apart from the occasional punchline. Jamie Kennedy never mentions it amongst his "rules" in Scream (and thus, unprepared, Jada Pinkett and Omar Epps get shanked in the opening minutes of the sequel). Most academic discussions on race in horror movies deal with the portrayals of African-American characters while they're still alive rather than their inevitable demise. has endeavored to document the phenomenon. Based on a sampling of almost 1,000 horror films containing over 1,500 appearances by black actors and actresses, this site has found their mortality rate to be about 45%. How high this figure sounds depends on your point of view, but given all of the minor, non-speaking roles that were accounted for, saying that nearly one out of every two will die sounds pretty slaughter-ific.

The new black ( from the UK Guardian)

Black and Asian people used to be caricatured in TV adverts - if they were there at all. Now, with the help of Thierry Henry and a Halifax bank manager, they've arrived in the cultural mainstream. That's because everyone, from advertisers to fashion designers, is realising that the brown pound is worth billions...

Wow, BonnyMiss! Thank you so much for this most intelligent, informative, and thought-provoking reply.
The "blaxsploitation" film which comes to my mind is "Blakula".
"Shaft", starring Richard Roundtree, is also considered to be exploitative. I've actually seen "Shaft", which turned out to be a very successful movie, for the time. I seem to remember a scene when Shaft had caught his young son smoking his cigars, and, as punishment, forced him to smoke many more until he became very sick. Seems to be a very effective punishment!
I would like to see the ethnic cast structure of commercials, movies, etc., to be more diverse...more reflective of the actual ethnic makeup of our country, and less so of buying power, political-correctness, etc. This may seem to indicate that racial divides in our country are dissolving fast.

trublu4u's photo
Fri 08/28/09 07:32 PM

Its called Politically Correct!

Everyone is overcompensating.

Andy, you are one cool dude.shades :thumbsup:

trublu4u's photo
Fri 08/28/09 07:23 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Fri 08/28/09 07:28 PM
Advertising seems to be a prime indicator of racial harmony in American culture.
QUESTION: Has anyone ever noticed this most curious thing about advertising on television, print media, even the internet: In a commercial, if there is a scene involving a woman (of any race...), one or more black men, and a single white man, and the script calls for someone to play the "fall guy", IT WILL BE THE WHITE MAN, EVERY TIME?slaphead
DITTO if the scene depicts a white woman/women and one or more white males. Again, the white male(s) will play the "fall guy".
Has anyone seen otherwise?what
Producers of such commercials, as well as retail stores, restaurants, etc., are "playing it safe".scared
I would like to see more equality in TV, print, and internet advertising. This will indicate equality in INCOME amongst the various ethnic groups in America.shades
This will indicate racial divides have dissolved, and that harmony exists among the races.
ALL OF US WILL THEN BE AS ONE: AMERICANS.happy happy happy happy happy

trublu4u's photo
Fri 08/28/09 06:55 PM

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm lovin the feed back i'm getting here.Though some my be less informative than others,i feel something as small as just talking about "discrimination" will help the world further itself from this crippling stae of mind that has been bred into our society.

ADVERTISING will be the ultimate reflector of blacks and whites having finally melded into "Americans" as a whole.
QUESTION: Has anyone ever noticed this most curious thing about advertising on television, print media, even the internet: In a commercial, if there is a scene involving a woman (of any race...), one or more black men, and a single white man, and the script calls for someone to play the fall guy, IT WILL BE THE WHITE MAN, EVERY TIME.
DITTO if the scene depicts a white woman/women and one or more white males. Again, the white male(s) will play the "fall guy".
It seems obvious that when those of other races play the "fall guy" in advertising every now and then, this will be a supreme indicator that we are all truly "Americans".
Advertising reflects the health of our society.

trublu4u's photo
Thu 08/27/09 06:01 PM

how can you attach to someone via e-mail and online chat? It might just be you man...

where's the fun in that? Who wants to be in heavy discussions all the time... do you want a pen-pal to vent or are you looking to actually have some FUN with someone ??


BECAUSE...she had mentioned she wanted to be very careful with her heart, and these issues were important so as to safeguard it.
We clicked on 95% of the relationship issues we discussed...
There was no "venting"...
There was a LOT of "having fun"...
People tend to open up more in print than in a face-to-face...attachments can develop quickly this way.
There's more to email and online chat than "cyber"...
It was kind of a "grown-up" thing.

hmmm, the grown up's I know are into real communication - physical contact... and *perhaps* even a glass of wine every now and again!! rofl rofl

so what you say is "i did everything right, what went wrong"... HELLO!slaphead

how do you have fun on-line? It's not even real... you seem to be missing that part... (the real part)... you cannot have a 'real' interaction with computers and a data network between two people...


trublu4u's photo
Thu 08/27/09 05:56 PM