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Topic: Inglorius Basterds
prisoner's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:07 PM
Quentin Tarantinos new film is a masterpiece. Something to offend everyone. Don't miss it,unless you are PC and like touchy-feely movies. This is balls-out filmaking that requires you to think. If you are up for a challenge,see it. If not,there are plenty of simple-minded moron movies at your local multiplex. This is a film for film lovers,not for those who just want to go see a movie. be seeing you

redhead44613's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:18 PM
heard it sucked big ones

Cambolaya65's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:23 PM
I have to watch the originals first,then i will rent it.

Lilypetal's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:23 PM
Can't wait to see it!! The previews were fascinating.

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:25 PM
Oooohhhhh. Godddd

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

prisoner's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:33 PM
As I stated,it's not for everyone. It is for people who appreciate film as Art. It's not for the let's go see a movie crowd. There are plenty of mindless movies for them. Those of us who appreciate film as Art,treasure films like this,because they are few and far between. be seeing you

redhead44613's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:35 PM
They drag it out!!! Had to wait forever for their plan to go through.

steve226's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:37 PM
I wanna c that movie it looks super funny

prisoner's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:41 PM

They drag it out!!! Had to wait forever for their plan to go through.
frustrated Great cinema is like fine wine,you savor it. Bad cinema is like beer,you can chug it down. be seeing you

Cambolaya65's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:42 PM

As I stated,it's not for everyone. It is for people who appreciate film as Art. It's not for the let's go see a movie crowd. There are plenty of mindless movies for them. Those of us who appreciate film as Art,treasure films like this,because they are few and far between. be seeing you
i agree with you somewhat bro,if the subject matter is ridiculous it subtracts from it's overall value.Kinda like Warhols' can of soup.

Dan99's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:49 PM
I will see it, as soon as someone nicks it from the internet for me. The misspelling of bastards i find annoying though.

prisoner's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:58 PM

I will see it, as soon as someone nicks it from the internet for me. The misspelling of bastards i find annoying though.

frustrated It's not a misspelling. Tarantino took the title and the spelling from a 1970s Italian film. be seeing you

redhead44613's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:00 PM
waste of time an money... can I get my money back??

Dan99's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:06 PM

I will see it, as soon as someone nicks it from the internet for me. The misspelling of bastards i find annoying though.

frustrated It's not a misspelling. Tarantino took the title and the spelling from a 1970s Italian film. be seeing you


The original title(which was a translation from Italian) was spelt correctly.

Basterds means nothing in either language.

I dont care that much, but everytime i see an ad for it, it jumps out at me.

I guess that makes it a good ad.

fuzzyPINK's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:23 PM

Brad Pitt is so overrated and annoying to me but he was actually my fave part of this movie...I thought he was pretty damn funny.

uhhhh...that nazi was on crack the whole time

their spy was a stupid u-know-what who got half of them killed...what an idiot she deserved to be choked out.

I liked that french girl who's family got massacred up until the part where she didn't shoot the guy in the head AND heart...and then what the heck? What was the point in going to sit by him...she deserved to be shot for that one.

Uh...yeah the Basterds were pretty Ill so I hate that most of them had to die.

And the guy's forehead @ the end of the movie when they were carving the nazi sign into his forehead was super deep because most people's skulls are right there but all he had was flesh.

Besides...the movie was grossssssss

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/22/09 11:25 PM
yea, doesn't sound like my kind of movie... saw the trailer, think I'll pass.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 08/23/09 12:41 AM
i heard it was fantastic hands down one of his best pieces of art.

i'm dying to see it.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 08/23/09 12:42 AM


Brad Pitt is so overrated and annoying to me but he was actually my fave part of this movie...I thought he was pretty damn funny.

uhhhh...that nazi was on crack the whole time

their spy was a stupid u-know-what who got half of them killed...what an idiot she deserved to be choked out.

I liked that french girl who's family got massacred up until the part where she didn't shoot the guy in the head AND heart...and then what the heck? What was the point in going to sit by him...she deserved to be shot for that one.

Uh...yeah the Basterds were pretty Ill so I hate that most of them had to die.

And the guy's forehead @ the end of the movie when they were carving the nazi sign into his forehead was super deep because most people's skulls are right there but all he had was flesh.

Besides...the movie was grossssssss

spoiler much?

thanks. geez.

fuzzyPINK's photo
Sun 08/23/09 06:53 AM
ok...I apologize that u couldn't peel your eyes away.

But if it makes you feel any better the movie is long and my "spoiler" takes about 30 seconds to there's a lot of stuff that hasn't been spoiled yet =):wink:

prisoner's photo
Sun 08/23/09 12:36 PM
offtopic sort of. Some people should not have access to The Internet and Art. There is enough mindless drivel for the masses. Let those of us who can comprehend great Art enjoy it. The rest of you can watch wacky videos on YouTube. be seeing you

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