Community > Posts By > Moblodite

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Fri 11/27/09 09:53 AM
I'm not sorry,
Grow up and get over it:tongue:

Seriously..Sorry means nothing when they keep doing it over and over!!

And if they don't know what they did.. they are going to do it again.
Or they know what they did and just too stupid to admit it ...DUH!!

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Thu 11/26/09 09:01 AM
I wanted to get one of those mail order brides!!!

But I can't afford the postage.

And even if I could, She would freeze to death sitting in that package on the front porch till I get home, Or a neighbor would see the package and steal it:wink:

no photo
Thu 11/26/09 08:56 AM

I would strongly hesitate about doing it. Reasons?

1) Any mobile built before 1977 has vastly lower standards to meet to be manufactured. Basiclly making them a fire trap and often zoned out of most communities or rural lots.

2)Even if you happen to luck out and find a property you could put it on most utility companies do not want to hook up to homes that old.

3) You won't be able to insure it which means if it catches fire or damages anyone elses property in a storm their insurance company can sue you.

4) It probably will not pass inspection to get your habitation license but since you own it it could cost you big bucks setting empty.

5) Because of it's age you probably can't get a permit to move it even if you can find someone willing to move it.

6) Water rot in the bathroom floor is incredibly expensive to repair in mobile homes or campers because subfloors are sandwiched between the continous surface floor and the metal frame. You would have to take out the entire bathroom full of fixtures and maybe even have to take down the walls to make the floor repairs. Usually removeing fixtures damages them and or the pipes going to it.

7) Some houseing programs disqualify you as a first time home owner if you buy a mobile home. Can cost you thousands in grants or interest rate breaks.

8) Utility bills in older mobile homes are horrendouse. I don't know which utilities are paid and which are not but you will not qualify for any rate discounts if the landlord does pay theses bills. Older mobile home parks are nortorious for padding utility bills.

9) Also jacking up rent. The $500 figure could easily double or triple if someone wants to buy the park for some other use. You would not be a protected person like some seniors.

10) Mobile home parks often will not allow secondary providers of cable or phone service and they do not allow antennas and or window airconditioners.

11) A home that old is highly likely to have a furnace you can not even get repaired and the central air will not hold a freeon charge which a new unit can easily cost you $5-8,000. because you have to have a dual system. Living in a mobile in the summer without airconditioning feels like living within the gates of hell.

12) Car insurance will be VERY expensive if you live in a mobile home community. Car and gas thefts and vandelism in some parks can be a serious problem.

13) A popular ploy with new tenants is to make them replace ageing asphalt driveways with concrete driveways that can cost any where from $500 to $5,000. Or make you replace the 10x10 shed which vary in cost from $800 up to $4,000. Or remove and ageing tree which is very expensive upwards of $1,000. Be very careful that you read any lease you would sign. And keep in mind that Title XX Houseing and Urban Developement has a complex and extensive regulation for mobile home ownership.

14) Previous tenants in the home may have cooked drugs, had pets or people who urinated on the rugs which can be hidden for a while but the smell does come back.

15)It is likely that the hotwater heater is caput also. Difficult because they are required to be installed and achored differently

16) It is highly likely that the roof has not been maintained. Older homes are hard if not impossible to walk across to make repairs and frequently leak air out if not rain in.

17) Older homes have really crappy wireing fixtures. You plug in and ordinary circut and it can toast sockets through out the house. Homes that old you can not even buy breakers for if you wanted to put a new breaker box in it.

18) Even if your friend gives you used appliances there is no guarantee that the home will be able to support the electrical pull to operate them. The advantage is you could possible turn them in for energy star rebates on getting new appliances.

19) Privately owned parks frequently change hands for ownership and management. Some good and some really bad. Most often they are absent when you need them.

20) Owning a moblie home can be very expensive paying taxes. Especially if you find out as the owner there are back taxes owed. Cash strapped municipalities are cracking down on collecting back taxes which is often a surprise if the home has changed hands a couple of times.

21) Mixing personal business with a co-worker is a really good way to end up looseing your job. With the economy as bad as it is you could be a long time finding another.

22) Not knowing what you have as far as furnishings and or help to get them it could be very expensive to get the minimums. Some drug and alcohol programs do have programs to have assistance programs to help you get the basic neccesities.

23) Last and definitely not least is living in some parks can put you around some really shady people. Party people that would definitely be a temptation that could mess up your life that you have worked so hard to regain. Living in a park is often all employers or dates need to see when they are considering being involved with you.

IF, a really big IF, is if you can get the park to put it in writeing that you can abandon the home, at no cost to you, to the park when you want to move out it could be a cheap temporary shelter if the other issues I mention are clearly spelled out in a lease. Or that they will allow you a reasonable amount of time to strip out whatever you can from the home. Sometimes, it is rare, older home have copper pipeing and you can recycle the alluminum sideing. and the steel undercarriage. The park would probably require you to get a permit and really limit how long of time you would have to get it off the lot. If it proves to be too much for you it can end up costing you a huge amount to a company to come in and take over.

My best advice is thank your co-worker for thinking of you but just tell him you are not sure if you want to take on that big a responsibility right now.

Are you serious? You make it sound like he is thinking about buy a new $150,000 dollar home.

$1,200 is about 4 month rent in a dump.

no photo
Thu 11/26/09 08:35 AM
I am starting to think all women are scammers!

heres what usually happens,
stat it off by taking a shower and it isn't Saturday night yet, then 15 bucks for gas because she lives in the next town over, $40 bucks for a halfway decent meal & lets not forget another $5 for her to order a piece of pie and ice cream ** When half of her food is still on her plate**, followed by $30 for a movie and bucket of popcorn.

Min of $90 and she gets a free meal.. Then we are lucky if we get a kiss on the cheek,,


:wink: laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:55 PM
2 & 1/2 times pay for Thursday and Friday....No way they are keeping me from working!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:52 PM
"did you ever?"

When I was much younger and just wanted to score.. hell yes!
Whatever I had to say to get some.

Now that I have grown and matured,
Take me as I am or move on.

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Wed 11/25/09 11:23 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Wed 11/25/09 11:33 PM
Heck, Take any crap job you can get till something better comes along.
At least it pays the bills for now.. We do what we have to do.
Better will come along.

In my worst times, I threw all of my yard tools into the back of my truck and just drove through the ritzy part of town,,see hedges that need clipped, I make them an offer, house trim need painted.. make them an offer and so on..
Hell, i was working a full time job and ended up quiting it because I made so much doing odd jobs full time.
Did a great job.. so they told their friends.. then their freinds and on and on.
made a killing and had so much work that I had to turn jobs down.

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:06 PM
Judy Garlanddrool

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Wed 11/25/09 10:52 PM

Thanks for all the helpful input. After doing a bit more research and thinking about it. It doesn't seem like such a good deal for me. The trailer is to old to move, and I certainly do not want to live in the park that it is in. I also don't seem that trailer last much longer, even if it is in good condition, it's still a pretty old trailer.

The more reaserch and thinking I do the more I think it would be best to pass on this offer.

Thanks for the help guys.

you might want to rethink,
Just an idea.. but you are very young, $1,200 is nothing really.
Maybe offer him this price only if washer, dryer, stove and frig go with it at no extra.
stop and think what rest cost you in just one year!

Even if you just live in it for one year.. you have already saved money over renting, and at least the money is going twords something you own, not just money gone forever.
and at only $500 monthly living cost... you can bank some.
tough it out for 5 years and save money, then at only 29, you will have a good down payment on a real home!!

just a thought

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 07:58 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Sun 11/22/09 08:01 AM

I buy all new, but I usually have one of my female friends pick the clothes out, they seem to have a better fashion sense than I do.

If this friend picked out this white T.
have a different lady friend do your shopping next timelaugh :wink:

I buy most of mine new at no.. used walmart cheap crap would just be sooo wrong

heck, why do cheap when I can free on freecycle!!

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Sun 11/22/09 07:43 AM
I love pet names, just yesterday someone called me an idiotflowerforyou
by the way... maybe Im stupid... but.. Whats an idiot???

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Sat 11/21/09 02:11 PM
Sorry, the long and short of it.

neither for or against. Neutral.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:59 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 11/21/09 02:08 PM

I'm all over the place on abortion and always have been.
If government pays for abortion then we are all killers and it's birth control for the would-be mother.
If government or someone doesn't pay for abortion then the taxpayers pay for the child AND mother for at least 18 years.
If the woman has an abortion odds are good she will have another=$$
If she has the child and the child isn't adopted out, the child could face a miserable life or be sold for prostitution or passed around to any boyfriends who happen through. {ref: the Shinaya case recently}
Gun to my head for answer I would abortion, one child on welfare and then sterilization for the mother.

noway I know you are joking here right?

Why do so many assume that abortions are done by poor trashy women???
That is crazy.. MANY types of women do this, married, women, rich women..white, black.

Why is everyone assuming if a woman chooses abortion she is just to poor to take care of the kid..what kind of thinking is that..what

I agree.

Why is it always assumed that women who have abortions are poor?

Why do people assume women really have babies to get more welfare? What idiot bigot thought that idea up?

"What idiot bigot thought that idea up"
Thats real sweet. because anyone might see reality differently than you...resort to name calling.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:56 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 11/21/09 02:06 PM

I'm all over the place on abortion and always have been.
If government pays for abortion then we are all killers and it's birth control for the would-be mother.
If government or someone doesn't pay for abortion then the taxpayers pay for the child AND mother for at least 18 years.
If the woman has an abortion odds are good she will have another=$$
If she has the child and the child isn't adopted out, the child could face a miserable life or be sold for prostitution or passed around to any boyfriends who happen through. {ref: the Shinaya case recently}
Gun to my head for answer I would abortion, one child on welfare and then sterilization for the mother.

noway I know you are joking here right?

to a slight degree, I agree with her.
I know way too many gals that have a child and go on welfare.
Then have 2-3-4 more kids that we have to pay for.
using the kids as a way to make a free living.
This is the abuse of the system that needs to stop!
easy answer.. if you go on welfare..NO more babies. if you do.. welfare gets cut off.

Considering you only get a lifetime of 5 years of welfare now, what you are talking about doesn't really happen anymore.

dream on!
always way around the system.
But.. back to the topic...Abortions
Still isn't my right to tell a woman how to live her life.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:54 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 11/21/09 02:07 PM

I'm all over the place on abortion and always have been.
If government pays for abortion then we are all killers and it's birth control for the would-be mother.
If government or someone doesn't pay for abortion then the taxpayers pay for the child AND mother for at least 18 years.
If the woman has an abortion odds are good she will have another=$$
If she has the child and the child isn't adopted out, the child could face a miserable life or be sold for prostitution or passed around to any boyfriends who happen through. {ref: the Shinaya case recently}
Gun to my head for answer I would abortion, one child on welfare and then sterilization for the mother.

noway I know you are joking here right?

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...
Do you even know how much a girl gets for a kid on welfare?
This idea that women have babies to get money is just...I don't even know what to say about it...

Would anyone think differently if I told you I know a very wealthy married woman who choose abortion...I think not. Your stuck in the thought that it is a choice lazy, sluty young girls do for birth control.

I am outa here..this thread has turned terribly ugly...

Do you realize how many are living this way!! fact is stranger than fiction.
they do this, get free madicare, food stamps, food banks, handouts.. wherever they can get a free form of support.
there are thousands upon thousands living this way.
it is amazing what many people will do to keep from having to work for an honest living.
I did not say they were getting rich doing so,

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:47 PM
with some women so desperate to have a child that they actually go kill another woman and cut the baby out of them...

Shouldn't adoption be made easier?
It cost an arm to abopt.
it such a huge profit racket that it is like legally selling babiesfrustrated slaphead

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:41 PM

I'm all over the place on abortion and always have been.
If government pays for abortion then we are all killers and it's birth control for the would-be mother.
If government or someone doesn't pay for abortion then the taxpayers pay for the child AND mother for at least 18 years.
If the woman has an abortion odds are good she will have another=$$
If she has the child and the child isn't adopted out, the child could face a miserable life or be sold for prostitution or passed around to any boyfriends who happen through. {ref: the Shinaya case recently}
Gun to my head for answer I would abortion, one child on welfare and then sterilization for the mother.

noway I know you are joking here right?

to a slight degree, I agree with her.
I know way too many gals that have a child and go on welfare.
Then have 2-3-4 more kids that we have to pay for.
using the kids as a way to make a free living.
This is the abuse of the system that needs to stop!
easy answer.. if you go on welfare..NO more babies. if you do.. welfare gets cut off.

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Sat 11/21/09 01:36 PM

I am for choice. Not used as a general form of birth control, though. It's not my place to impose my beliefs on another.

I am neutral, it is the pregnant womans problem to deal with.
I remember as a child, my mom saying.. "Worry about yourself-Thats a full time job".
but most of the world is worrying about what everyone else does..When they can't even get a realistic handle on their own lives.
As long as government / tax money isn't paying for the abortion.. then we shouldn't have any say.

Although I respect the sentiment, I think it is much too broad to cover all situations. There are times when things are more significant than who foots the bill. how terrible would it be if we turned a blind eye to domestic violence because its not our business. At some point we have to at least CARE about others enough not to discourage people from speaking up about the mistreatment of others. Perhaps the legal ramifications can be debated around who is paying but certainly , as humans, we are not just all laws and no substance or character.

flowerforyou For a real medical reason or rape.. I don't mind helping flip the bill.

Im sure many people wouldnt and that is noble. I really dont stress over my taxes the way that many do so the finances arent an issue for me. My belief that human life is being taken is what fuels my opinion against abortion. If you ask me about war or the death penalty, I will have the same answer,, for the same reason.

some cases of abortion are necessary, most are not.
some I don't mind, some really upset me.
but my point is.. I don't think it is my place to force my beliefs or views on anyone else.. unless it affects me directly.

What would be next?
force obese people to eat certain foods.. to force them to loose weight?
I know.. make an all you can eat buffet into **you can eat all you can get on one 10inch plate! and no more*laugh

Sorry, just isn't my call to make on abortions. and I wouldn't think it right for anyone to tell me how to run my life either.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:21 PM

I am for choice. Not used as a general form of birth control, though. It's not my place to impose my beliefs on another.

I am neutral, it is the pregnant womans problem to deal with.
I remember as a child, my mom saying.. "Worry about yourself-Thats a full time job".
but most of the world is worrying about what everyone else does..When they can't even get a realistic handle on their own lives.
As long as government / tax money isn't paying for the abortion.. then we shouldn't have any say.

Although I respect the sentiment, I think it is much too broad to cover all situations. There are times when things are more significant than who foots the bill. how terrible would it be if we turned a blind eye to domestic violence because its not our business. At some point we have to at least CARE about others enough not to discourage people from speaking up about the mistreatment of others. Perhaps the legal ramifications can be debated around who is paying but certainly , as humans, we are not just all laws and no substance or character.

flowerforyou For a real medical reason or rape.. I don't mind helping flip the bill.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 01:09 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 11/21/09 01:16 PM

I am for choice. Not used as a general form of birth control, though. It's not my place to impose my beliefs on another.

I am neutral, it is the pregnant womans problem to deal with.
I remember as a child, my mom saying.. "Worry about yourself-Thats a full time job".
but most of the world is worrying about what everyone else does..When they can't even get a realistic handle on their own lives.
As long as government / tax money isn't paying for the abortion.. then we shouldn't have any say.

By the way... I had the snip years ago, and rechecked to make sure they got it right, So I don't have to worry about it personally.

So maybe here is another choice.
If she goes in to get an abortion for no good medical reason or a rape... She automatically gets her tubes tied?!

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