Community > Posts By > Moblodite

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Sat 11/14/09 09:34 AM
depends I guess,
if they pay your bail... I would think they have the right to chew on your butt a bit.

If- how one is living their life is hurting other around them in any way.. I think it is a loving person that will point out what you may not see yourself.

advice is one thing, nagging is another.

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Fri 11/13/09 10:54 PM
tears tears Since I am alone.. I just make the bed first thing.
I wish I had someone to help mess up the bed instead!!

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Thu 11/12/09 11:14 AM

bigsmile Not a cat person but don't hate them at all just never wanted them. I'm more of a one that would rather have a dog or horses.....

Honestly.. I love cats!!
They taste just like chicken:wink:

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Tue 11/10/09 11:50 PM

I just ran up to the corner store..well, not ran but drove.
There are 10, that I counted, cop cars all lined up my street.
Most are empty, a couple running with one or two cops in them...
Dogs are barking like crazy all around the neighborhood.
Freaky, scary...guess there running around looking for someone.

I came in and locked the doors....scared

They will never find me!!:wink: safe here in Missouri!!

they will have to pry my fishing pole out of my cold dead handslaugh

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Tue 11/10/09 12:18 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Tue 11/10/09 12:22 AM

Just because a relationship ends does not mean it is a failure...

Wow, Thats all the advice I need to make any future relationship a real success *scratching my head*

The track record I have.. I am surly the wrong person to give sound solid relationship advice.

The only advice I might offer is what NOT to do.

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Mon 11/09/09 11:56 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Tue 11/10/09 12:00 AM
Advice is just that... advice..
People are still going to do it their way.

All I'm saying is..
Yes single people can give advice.. just not the BEST source of advice in most cases.

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Mon 11/09/09 11:52 PM

I think the point here is that we all have been through a break up..hopefully we have learned and can help guide another, if they want guidance. My sons come to me with girlfriend issues..even with our "broken home" they trust me to guide them and understand that I have learned...
They talk to their friends I am sure of that..with important matters they come to me..
I know exactly what I did wrong before..I spent years learning how to "fix" me. I know that I have good advise if one asks, and because I have many younger than me friends..they do come to me.

Then heres some sound advice...
The best way to be sure that it won't end up in a break up.. STAY SINGLE:tongue:

Na... I'll just wait for the right one and hope for the best.
And I hope she is a vegetarian!!:tongue: laugh Saves more meat for me to eat

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Mon 11/09/09 11:41 PM

Just because someone is married for 20+ years doesn't mean they know what they're talking about. My father's parents were married for 50 years and from what I've learned it was a simply horrible marriage, for everyone involved. I have friends whose parents have been married for 20 years or more, and it's the same story. Just because you choose to stay married to someone doesn't make you an expert on love. In my opinion, it makes you an idiot- only a damned fool remains in a screwed up marriage. JMO

So, you are saying that there isn't people that have been happily married for 30+ years.

Geees how sad !!tears
Not all boats sink in the first storm.

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Mon 11/09/09 11:37 PM

I guess if were single..we were just doing it wrong, so we know nothing..
geez...I like to think I learned from those past mistakes. The thought of being my age not having any wisdom...I may as well kill myself, and am just useless as far as teaching my son's anything.

Rather silly sounding now that I re read it... laugh

To a point I agree with the original message.
most of us are single because we got it wrong.

Wouldn't it be smarter to get relationship advice from someone that has mad it work for 20-30-40 years or more!
It takes 2 to make a relationship work, and most often 2 to make one fail.

Well said, anyone can give advice but the best advice about being a success at anything is probably from those who have succeeded.

I wouldn't ask a smoker "Whats the best way to quit smoking"!
I wouldn't ask a vegetarian where to get the best steak in town,
I wouldn't ask a blind man to paint my house. or to teach me to drive.
I wouldn't ask a lifelong Nun for sex advice.
I sure as hell wouldn't take Marital advice from a divorced Marriage counselor !

no photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:22 PM

I guess if were single..we were just doing it wrong, so we know nothing..
geez...I like to think I learned from those past mistakes. The thought of being my age not having any wisdom...I may as well kill myself, and am just useless as far as teaching my son's anything.

Rather silly sounding now that I re read it... laugh

To a point I agree with the original message.
most of us are single because we got it wrong.

Wouldn't it be smarter to get relationship advice from someone that has mad it work for 20-30-40 years or more!
It takes 2 to make a relationship work, and most often 2 to make one fail.

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Sun 11/08/09 10:33 PM

I`m not a man-basher..but...I swear...the number of insincere men I have met on these dawned on me.....they are single for a reason...yes....also works both hi to all you other losers out thrre

I have not hooked up with anyone on any site.
WOW.. I'm insincere to wait for the right one?!slaphead

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 11:30 PM

would you forgive them and accept them back?

I forgave and took them back, they did it again, I forgave and DID not take them back... Everyone makes mistakes, true sincere apologies means to NOT repeat those mistakes... We are friends but nothing more now...

Myself, I do not think screwing someone else is JUST a mistake!

accidentally cutting a board 3 inches to short is a mistake.

Cheating.. They know exactly what they are doing, and make the decision to do it, knowing how wrong it is.

If they cheat, it better be someone they want to live with because they have made the decision already that they don't want to be with me.explode

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Fri 11/06/09 11:11 PM
If I am ever alone with my EX, she thinks I am there for sex.

No thanks !!!!!!sick

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 11:00 PM

How do you get through a hard break up when ur fiance leaves u for another woman? Do you find a rebound or just drown in your sorrows until things get better?

Just get a female friend to play gay with you in front of him sometime... Rub his nose in it and he will be kicking himself thinking that he could have had both of youlaugh laugh :wink:

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Fri 11/06/09 10:56 PM
Hell, at my age.... An older woman would be on a walker!

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Fri 11/06/09 10:54 PM

I am not one to share terribly personal things on here...this one
has me stumped, and just curious to hear what some of you think.

I had to leave town last weekend, not go to far, about 6 hours way.
So I'm thinking there is a friend on here who lives there, and I'll
call and see if we can meet up...casual meeting no big mushy thing.
We have been friendly, no hot emails, long conversations, nothing
like that. So we talk and arrange to meet up when I get to
there right at the time I thought I would. I call both his numbers,
and leave messages and a cell number to call back....

A few hours later I need to head home and never heard from him, still
haven't heard what happened...why he never called, if something
happened. I have only ever met one from here and we are friends.
I thought it would be kinda cool to actually meet mingle people
like so many have done. Ya know, new friends if nothing else...

Not understanding what happened or why...weird I think.

Since he didn't show.. He is an idiot!!
Next time travel to Moberly Mo, and I will show up I would finally bath to, and nothing to hide here.

Well should a reason to travel that far come up I'll be in touch flowers

Kind of bites... I was suppose to move to St George and ended up here insteadtears tears love

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 10:46 PM

I am not one to share terribly personal things on here...this one
has me stumped, and just curious to hear what some of you think.

I had to leave town last weekend, not go to far, about 6 hours way.
So I'm thinking there is a friend on here who lives there, and I'll
call and see if we can meet up...casual meeting no big mushy thing.
We have been friendly, no hot emails, long conversations, nothing
like that. So we talk and arrange to meet up when I get to
there right at the time I thought I would. I call both his numbers,
and leave messages and a cell number to call back....

A few hours later I need to head home and never heard from him, still
haven't heard what happened...why he never called, if something
happened. I have only ever met one from here and we are friends.
I thought it would be kinda cool to actually meet mingle people
like so many have done. Ya know, new friends if nothing else...

Not understanding what happened or why...weird I think.

Since he didn't show.. He is an idiot!!
Next time travel to Moberly Mo, and I will show up I would finally bath to, and nothing to hide here.

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 09:28 AM

would you forgive them and accept them back?

I would quickly help them put their belongings out in the front yard!
Who needs to pack everything into boxes !

Once a dawg always a dawg !

If she cheats, she has already made the decision. and I am clearly NOT what she wanted or needed.mad

no photo
Fri 11/06/09 08:56 AM


honesty, TRUST, no jealousy.....and of course.....

A NICE A S S!!!!!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

I have a nice ***!!
I keep it out in the barnyard:tongue:

would you like to ride my ***:wink: laugh

never mind, my boss does that enough!!laugh

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Fri 11/06/09 08:50 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Fri 11/06/09 08:51 AM

Kindness towards others:heart:

I would be overjoyed to find one that would be kind to me!

A great pr of legs!!!drool drool

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