Community > Posts By > Moblodite

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Fri 11/06/09 08:47 AM
If she was married to him... he would be calling 911 constantly!laugh

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Fri 11/06/09 08:44 AM

Find him, and superglue gay porn to the passenger side of his car.. and ya KNOW noones getting in there anyway.

Sorry about your cat.

I hope it comes back as a ghost and rips his ****ing eyes out of his head, and eats his dick.

WOW !!!
And I thought you were such a gentle sweetheartlove

laugh laugh

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Fri 11/06/09 08:34 AM

that dirty S.O.B poisoned my baby and i cant prove it...i really really want to find himmad mad rant

Really sucks yes, but a cat isn't worth going to jail.

Forget hating this guy and just get another cat and learn to love it also.

If he has a car... render it un- drivable drinker

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Wed 11/04/09 09:53 AM

1. "What are you thinking?"
2. "Do you love me?"
3. "Do I look fat?"
4. "Do you think she is prettier than me?"
5. "What would you do if I died?"

These are not fair questions to ask! They all have the high probability of starting an argument. So I sit here with outstretched arms and ask why do you ask these things of us?

1. God I wish she would stop asking stupid questions.
2. love you.. this is only our first date...Are you crazy?!!
3. No.. You don't LOOK fat..You ARE fat.
4. no, but her sister is:tongue:
5. bury you?

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Wed 11/04/09 09:23 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Wed 11/04/09 09:25 AM
when she said that price... You should have told her..
No, I want chicken eggs, not ostrich eggs happy

Or mess with her mind and ask...
Where are your vegan eggs?laugh

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Wed 11/04/09 09:03 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Wed 11/04/09 09:20 AM

Read through the posts...intolerance is such an ugly thing, eh? Some folks need to get out more...and accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - they aren't universally right in everything they say.laugh :wink:

There is no obligation to tolerance within someone’s personal boundaries. People either respect boundaries or they don’t.

Some may venture to guess a person would be acting like a jerk if they assumed they could act anyway they wished around strangers -- are anyone for that matter.

There is no obligation to tolerance when discussion such a supercilious topic anyway.

Do unto others is a wonderful thing to live by. Part of doing that is asking someone how they wish to be addressed. I was told to never assume how I should address someone (last name, first name, Miss, Mrs, Mr, etc). My father taught me that when I learned to speak. I was also brought up that I should never, ever be too familiar without someone I don’t know by calling them a nickname. My father was born in Georgia and raised in Texas; he was the father of manners.

Exactly my point!!
It just shows respect to use a persons name.

I went to a certain smoke shop often, They hired a new checker, She called me sweetie, I kindly told her, My name is Rick.. please use my name.

next time I went there, she again called me sweetie...
I said... I have already ask you once not to call me pet names, My name is Rick.. take a good look at me and remember me.

next time I went there, She again called me sweetie.
Ok third time, I got mad..told her off.
her manager was standing there.

She no longer worked there.

I give people respect!! I demand respect as well.

On the other hand.. **IF** I were to go to a bar..... I would then expect to be called Hun, Darlin, sweetie and other pet names.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:30 AM
Ok, to explain why I don't like it,

When I have a mate, I will call her honey, sweetheart, baby or another love felt pet name.

Stop and think about this for a second.

If I call everyone by these pet names.. doesn't it remove the specialness intended when I call my partner these names.

no photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:20 AM

Myself, I strongly dislike being called hun, sweetie, darlin, or any other pet names .

sounds like a bar whore is talking to me....

You get that a lot... talked to by bar whores?, I, being from the south, say those words all the time, and its a Southern Thing. I never frequent bars, ever... So I wouldn't know what a Bar whore sounded like...

I do not drink or go to bars myself, havent for over 25 years.
but been single so long.....Right about now a bar whore would dotears :wink:

aww heck, everyone should wear name tagsthink

no photo
Tue 11/03/09 10:26 PM
Myself, I strongly dislike being called hun, sweetie, darlin, or any other pet names .

sounds like a bar whore is talking to me....

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Mon 11/02/09 09:39 AM
The only ones that scare me are the grammar and spelling police in here!!

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Wed 10/28/09 09:54 AM
People do not want to get involved in crime....

Start yelling fire!! and everyone comes running.

If you don't have a gun.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:49 AM

I'd run down the alley with my pants down, that would definitely scare them all away!

OMG, what a visual............:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Boy don't ya know that would blow there mind....surprised

Pats says " I've taken Viagra..Do you feel lucky punk"
While his pants are around his ankles.

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:42 AM

I carry a gun,
**next question**


what type of gun ya carry? :tongue:

380 semi auto

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:39 AM
I carry a gun,
**next question**


no photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:10 AM
I like chicks that don't have to wine about others to feel better about themselves.I don't know, Maybe it turns some guys on???

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Tue 10/27/09 11:50 PM
Edited by Moblodite on Tue 10/27/09 11:51 PM
I guess my son was ready to fly again a few months ago.

LMAO.. he met a gal online and ran off to live with her.. I just found his old profile here by accident...

This is my son...

but he has been gone from here for about 6 months now.. I had no clue he was on Mingle.

I guess the answer should have been.....When they meet the right one on mingle!laugh

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Tue 10/27/09 11:18 PM
To me, A friend would be someone I would leave in my house when I am gone.
Only one since my move to Missouri.

A friend is someone I trust completely and know I can count on.
someone that has a good grip on reality and can give sound advice.

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 10:46 PM
I have been viewed once, and contacted once.......That would be 100% wouldn't it?!!laugh

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Tue 10/27/09 10:49 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Tue 10/27/09 10:51 AM

Hummm well my daughter moved out 3 years ago and in fact is in the process of signing for her first house.... My son well he has moved out and back several times he lost his job a few months ago and had to move back home.... To me my home is open to my kids anytime they need to come back home. I would never leave them without a place to stay.....And no they have never paid rent while living at home either I only wished I felt I could have moved back home when I was in a bind growing up......

To me it depends on if they are actually willing to do what it takes to survive.
My daughter has worked so hard to become a nurse practitioner, I wouldn't hesitate to let her come home.
But on the other hand, My son has pretty much burned the bridge home.
When they refuse to work and just want to party and fool over.
27... time to grow up, and my being an enameler isn't going to help him see the light.

Besides... it is really hard to be spontaneous with your partner when they are under foot!!

no photo
Tue 10/27/09 10:43 AM

My daughter (soon to be 21) moved into her own "pad" about a month ago, I have had the pleasure of paying for the funishing and carrying out the decorating of said "pad" yesterday I spent the entire day cooking meals for a full week + and taking it over to her place bacause she hasn't got a cooker.............. laugh laugh

Then buy her an electric skillet.
If hungry enough, a person can cook anything in one of those.

If a person has a choice.. eat or starve.. They will learn real quick how to cook.

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