Community > Posts By > Gwendolyn2009
Olympus grumbles
Yep... but he grows old and so has no fire in his belly. Yet Tharisis retains still some heat. so Olympus grumbles and water comes forth. Do you mean "Tharsis" or are you playing WoW? |
If 'Devil' be given charge of 'God', what change will be there? ![]() The devil is already in charge of god. Why? Because god allows the devil to continue operating. It seems that most of god's time is taken up by combating Satan. In fact, I don't know where he finds the time to run the universe. I discovered quite some time ago that when I allow people to affect my life in a negative way, they have a measure of control over me. It is like people who worry about past relationship or what happened to them as a child: they allow those people and circumstances to control them. |
Like for instance, a woman I have never spoken to but see her looking at me at the supermarket...what are the signs that she is taken or not ? ....besides the ring on her finger of course. Is there a body language unique to single women like a dress code, mannerism, tone of voice or a way of carrying a conversation with man ?...and most important, how it all differs from a way a married woman would go about "getting a man" ![]() Do not assume that because she is "looking" at you that she is interested in getting to know you. I look at a lot of men in the supermarket, and it isn't because I consider them attractive or dating material. |
I am by no means fat, but I do have a fe extra pounds. It seems as though most men are looking for women that are like models and/or down right skinny. I would like to believe that's not true. If you are a man that appreciates a little meat with your potatoes or a woman that agrees, I would love to hear from you!! I am not a man but I have had experience with men. No, it is not true. I have a bit of meat on my bones (and I am old) and I have not had a problem attracting men. Mind you, that a "bit" of meat, not a side of pork. This is not aimed at you, OP, but I truly believe that women who complain that men are not interested in them because of a few pounds have something else going on. |
dont understand? no one replys back??? lol Of course women reply--to some men. OP, with all due respect, you have one picture on your profile and it is rather dark. What you say on your profile is just not scintillating. |
Quick thought.
Hi people, I was sitting on the train today and my mind started to wonder to time travel (you know, the norm:) anyway my thinking was this... Forgetting about Einstein's theory of relativity for one moment, my mind stumbled across an unexplainable idea as to why time travel is impossible, it also led to another philosophical question. However my station arrived and I had to cut the thinking short but it went something like this... If (backward) time travel were possible, then it would be safe to assume (would it not?) that by now there would be at least a few people claiming to be from the future? If that were so does time travel mean that we are all leading a linier life. Is everything that we do already bound to happen, because if time travel were real it would also be safe to assume that right now people are living on planet earth 200 years into the future? So is there any such thing as spontaneous actions? Just a thought, -Rhys With all due respect, young people need to read more. This has been the subject of science fiction novels and short stories for decades. |
OK, but why woman allow men to cheat ( not that they promote it, of course ) but why allowing it to happen in the first place ? Maybe because they are very comfortable with the relationship or they are too scared to let the cheater go, or is that the ratio of woman to men is so high that its hard for a red blooded male not to be tempted ( and women do understand this very well ) OP, I see your question as a way to absolve men for cheating on their wives or girlfriends. Women do not "allow" men to cheat: men are responsible for their actions, REGARDLESS of how their wives treat them. Your post is also reverse sexism in that it says that men are "red blooded" and can't help being tempted. Hey, I AM RED-BLOODED, too, and I lust all the time. That doesn't mean that I would cheat on my boyfriend just because I saw a man who "tempted" me. Some say its because the girlfriend, wife or significant other is slacking at home, either not giving her mate the attention he needs or that the wife or girlfried are not willing to be open-minded enough to be more adventurous in the sheets. And it's not something the guy planned to happen, it just happened, like a accident... one thing lead to another.
Geezus. So, he's just walking the down the street and somehow, like an accident, he runs into a woman and suddenly finds his penis stuck in her vagina. He then rationalizes and validates this "accident" by saying, "Hey, I ain't gettin' nuthin' at home, anyway." If he doesn't like his home situation, he should leave her. And what about the other woman that he cheats with ?
She says, that it was because the man needed someone to listen to him and understand the pressure he is under at work and how important it is for the woman in his life to be more understanding. He won't listen to his wife, but he'll listen to his mistress? Only for sex . Do you agree that it has been argued that some woman make it unpleasant for a man to be himself, either she is too critical, demanding, nagging, always in a bad mood, makes him feel like she is alway disappointed in everything he tries to do for her ???????????
......the bottom line is that, without a willing woman (often married) how can a man commit THE SIN ? Well ????????????? ![]() YOU, YOU, YOU and everyone out there (and in here, including me) are responsible for YOUR actions. Your logic is the quintessential illogical ramblings of anyone, man or woman, who is an irresponsible human being. Your reasoning belongs in the days of the dinosaurs. Your demonstrated lack of responsibility and passing the buck is what is wrong with the US today. |
When I left my ex 12 years ago, my sons were 15 and 18 (he was legally an adult, but he was not self supporting): they both chose to stay with their father because I was moving to another state. They had lived in one spot their entire lives, had the same friends, and were well established.
It grieved me to leave them, but I respected their choice and knew it was not a judgment of me. I was certainly not more unstable than was my ex; in fact, within two months, both of my sons came to live with me. OP, your comments and expectations are sexist. When I see a divorced man whose children live with his ex-wife, should I assume that he is unstable and perhaps even an abusive man? Get real. The times are not only a'changing, but have already changed. |
I once dated a man who told me that I was unable to talk to ANY man without flirting with him. I can, of course. My boyfriend has no problem with my flirtatious personality, but he is a secure man. For me, it would depend upon what type of flirting it was--and yes, there are different types. Many men (and perhaps women are the same) cannot distinguish between a woman who is flirting and one who is just being friendly. |
I am not usually a "yes" person, but Abracadabra, all I can say to what you have written is "amen" (which means nothing more than "so mote it be").
Religion and Drugs
Remember the late sixties and seventies, and how mind expansion drugs were in popular use? Has that error of drug use affected the world's present religious order thinking? Not really--not enough people did those mind expansion/mood altering drugs to make an impact on major religions. |
OK, I give UP!!
If this were directed at me:
I """LIKE"""YOU!!!!!lol,,ALREADY,,,,wanna get MARRIED??????,,,lol
Sorry, but I am extremely shallow and could never love you for you. You would need lots and lots of money and be very generous with it. |
I think it is because some people can't handle the truth.
What is "truth"? Who has it? As Pilate asked in Jesus Christ, Superstar : What is truth? Is truth unchanging law? We both have truths Are mine the same as yours? I have more to say on this thread, but I am preparing my online classes which start Tuesday. I'll be back. |
Edited by
Sun 01/16/11 07:09 AM
OP, regardless of what you say, most women aren't going to buy into it. We have had too many experiences with married men who want only to be "friends."
In fact, I have talked to perhaps one married men in more than a decade online (in chat rooms as well as dating sites) who did NOT get around to the topic of having sex. At first, I was naive and when a married man said he wanted friendship, I believed him. It wasn't until after talking to three or four married men that it dawned on me that these men were out for sex. Call me a slow learner. After those initial few, I have talked to married men just to see if any are different. So far, nope. Some married men insist that their wives know that they are seeking female "friends" online. I have them "great," and asked to speak to the wives. Funny, they are always sleeping or at the store. In addition, my sister's husband has a platonic female friend whose company he seems to prefer over my sister's company. It is causing a huge rift in their marriage. Personally, I have several male friends, some attached and some not. I know the wives and girlfriends of the attached ones. I would not betray the sisterhood by even beginning a friendship with a married man without becoming friends with his wife, as well. By the way, admitting that there are problems in your marriage and that you don't know if it will last is like saying: "I am hedging my bets. I'll stay in the marriage but shop around, and if/when I find something better, I'll go for her." |
Yes, though I have many more men from other sites.
The problem is that the SAME men are on most sites. I rarely see different faces regardless of which site I check out. |
![]() Whoa, Jenny, with all due respect, if you really think that men are this way, why are you on a dating site? I must disagree with you: I have met many men who wanted more than just "one" thing, regardless of what that "thing" might be. |
Because neither of those books came from a god. Then were written by men from the brains of men and, largely, for men. Perhaps... but to a person of faith there is no doubt that both of the books were initiated by an event... A pulse from god. Else we would not be arguing about them still today... Things not initiated by god tend to fade away in but a few years. Deities are invented by humans; they are given attributes by the societies that invent them. The "twisting" (as you term it) of the books reflect the need/desire by various societies for their god(s) to change. When King James had the Bible translated into English, he had the translators deliberately "mistranslate" some things, including the infamous passage, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The Jews didn't have a concept of "witches" in the same vein as King James' concept of witches. The passage, thus translated, validated the persecution of so-called witches. Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon: they only people who would probably dispute that would be Mormons. In it, he validated his beliefs, including polygamy. Because the Mormon faith continues to grow, the book will not fade away any time soon--does this mean that it was truly initiated by god? If we speak of things initiated by god(s) that do not fade away, does this mean that the myths of the Greeks and Egyptians are as valid as the Bible and the Koran? They are much older, but people have a keen interest in them. |
Lets make A Scene..
There is absolutely no evidence that Atlantis ever existed. Plato wrote the first "account" of Atlantis. There is nothing about it in earlier writings.
It is a type of Eden story: humans losing paradise. A myth, except Plato invented this myth. |
Because neither of those books came from a god. Then were written by men from the brains of men and, largely, for men.
Krupa wrote:
Got no idea what hackneyed means but it sounds like some one fed you a lame @$$ed line of bull schitt. That was my point! The OP wrote: ok, I see I'll need to change the verbiage for the male's to get it. females LOVE to tell secrets about others, see.. that would be gossip, girls seem to like that. The secrets they hold in their hearts about themselves are the ones they hold back on. so, seems Jeff, freak and krupa..your hanging out with the biotches who like gossip and spill their guts about others... Actually, you needed to change the verbiage so I could get it, and I am not a male. OP, with all due respect, it seems that you are generalizing about women not only in the telling of secrets, but in other aspects, as well. MANY women like to gossip, but so do MANY men. Everyone gossips at one time or other or in one form or another. In fact, my sister called me this morning and we "gossiped" about her husband for about 1/2 hour. At least, she spilled her gut about someone else, so by your definition, it qualifies as gossip. I gossip, but I am not a "biotch," or not because I gossip. Let's not start calling names and being judgmental. |