Community > Posts By > Gwendolyn2009

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sun 01/30/11 08:10 PM

...Gawd hair is such a problem!

No, it isn't!

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 11:05 PM
I agree with you. Its too bad that some men are so quick to label a woman without really getting to know her. I am strong too but I certainly am not insensitive or uncompromising. Really, where do men get these silly ideas from?

day time soap operas , I think

Any man who watches soap operas is WAY too feminine for my taste!

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 11:00 PM
I shop for vintage dishes.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:59 PM

I think you should live your life the way that makes you happy I truly do just strive for greater thing

What if kicking dogs makes me happy?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:58 PM
I am just saying what evan tanner is saying dont let the pursuit of possessions run your life

You seem to assume that possessions ruin everyone's lives. I have possessions, but my life is not ruled or ruined by them. If you don't want possessions, that's great--why worry if others have them?

There was a popular song out years ago that said anyone who says possessions aren't good never had a welfare Christmas.

I am not advocating anarchy, I talk about my professional life as well as I am a Pro Fighter so I hope that puts things in perspective and you read my post knowing that you will see you take a new meaning from it, when I talk about removing people in my way

I did read your post and you are advocating anarchy! When a person becomes "free" to choose which rules by which he/she lives, then doesn't everyone else have the same right? That's anarchy!

As for being a uncreative rebel and you think I am selfish that is fine I am selfish in my own way , as for uncreative probably but I do what makes me happy and the way I do it is my way and off course it would follow some sort of pattern everybody has some sort of pattern so that makes little sense to point that out

And what I do makes me happy--so why try to change my mind or advocate your way of life? Shouldn't you be happy to just live that life?

And I dont want the world to be my way I want my world to be my way there is a difference

Then why start a thread urging others to live as you do?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:48 PM
Who will be the next Joseph Smith? History shows us that sooner rather than later a new Martin Luther will arise from some discontent or new, revealed ecclesiastical principle(s).

Actually, I am thinking about starting my own religion. I already have plans for a pagan nunnery.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:42 PM

Do you tend to think that more people are hitting on you when you're "desperate" or looking, or when you're "occupied"? How do YOU know when someone is hitting on you in a subtle way, or just being friendly? Does looking or not looking make a difference on the way you pick things up?

The best way to know if you are getting hit upon is to grow a head. Otherwise, your sense are blunted or nonexistent.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 09:55 PM

I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers.

I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep.

I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream.

This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened.

With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't.

Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 09:51 PM
However, my real question in the OP is aimed more at Protestantism as an an 'organized' religion. It seems to me that Protestantism is basically based on rebellion and the protesting against having a single authority speak for God.

Yes, I got off topic a bit. (Grin.)

Protestantism is no longer about rebellion--protestant sects quash "heresy" every bit as much as the Catholics did (and still do, though without burnings, etc.). Protestantism was about not needing a go-between between humans and gods, but the very existence of preachers belies this.

Groups splinter, such as the Mormons, but I don't think there will ever be a "greater" Protestant church on the level of the Catholic church.

If Jesus was to come back most of Christainity would not accept him, more than likely label him the anti-christ. Because he will not come back as the conquering hero they expect. (just as he did not quite fit what the jews thought he would be).

I agree. Jesus has lost his Jewishness and has been turned into a "Jesus" that the original--if he existed--wouldn't recognize himself.

Humans make gods in our image; therefore, Jesus has evolved to fit the needs of modern societies.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 09:35 PM
Sometimes it seems older women don't need men and men don't want women who don't need them.

Being hard, bold, tough, insensitive, and uncompromising is fine if that's what gets you through the night, but as a man, it doesn't make me want to be there with you.

I don't "need" my boyfriend, but I want him. When we (men and women) place ourselves in "need," then we place ourselves in situations of dependency.

Being a strong woman or not "needing" men does not equate with being hard, insensitive, or uncompromising. As far as being bold and tough, I see no negatives with those. Life is hard, and people who are not bold and tough get beaten down.

No one on this forum has yet defined "feminine," but I am feminine--yet I am also bold and tough. I am also sensitive and tender. People are multifaceted; those who choose to be simplistic are boring.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 09:27 PM
My boyfriend just went back to Chicago. I am used to spending my weekends alone and it doesn't bother me, but I wish he were here.

Contentment breeds stagnation and the acceptance of the mediocre; I am never content but I am happy.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 06:26 PM
Let me make a prediction--which none of us on this site will live to see come to fruition.

I predict that most of Christendom will finally proclaim that Jesus is a symbol and his death/resurrection an allegory for a spiritual renewal. They will admit that Jesus as portrayed in the Christian Scriptures really did not exist.

If our present rate of technology/science continues, even the Pope and Catholicism will change.

If we have a major worldly cataclysm--economic meltdown, hit by a meteor, or something else to cause a stop to the present climb of cultural and scientific advances--people won't be worried about the present state of the Christian religion. But in this case, it might get stricter or even disappear.

Of course, Islam could conquer the world, as well. But even over centuries, it will change and evolve.

I predict this based on the changes in Christianity in the last 2,000 years. In my 58 years, I have seen shifts, including attitudes by my and younger generations about sex outside of marriage.

There will be no rapture and Jesus isn't coming back. In time, Jesus will take his place among the myths of other dying/resurrected gods. I am not saying the religious faith will disappear, but Christianity will not survive the ages.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:16 PM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Fri 01/28/11 05:23 PM

There are a whole bunch of books that never made it into the bible. Ancient Christians used to teach from books known as the Gnostic Texts. That was until the Catholic church gathered all the christians together and made them get rid of their books. The church even went so far as to destroy all the Gnostic books they found.

Some Gnostic christians hid the books in a mountain in Egypt before the Catholics could get to them. Not long ago... 1945 if I remember correctly... Archeologists found the books buried in Nag Hammadi, Egypt.

Now they are available for people to read. So have you read the Lost Books / Gnostic gospels / Nag Hammadi texts / The Dead Sea Scrolls?

And if you have read them what do you think about them?

Do you include the Pseudographia and the Apocrypha in this group?

The Nag Hammadi Library and the Dead Sea Scrolls have historical validity, but many other "lost" books of the Bible simply do not. For example, one of the two texts about which I asked have a letter from Pontius Pilate explaining what happened to him after he sentenced Jesus--actually written hundreds of years after PP died.

We now know these texts are forgeries, but they continue to influence the "understanding" of Biblical aspects in the modern world. The long held idea that Joseph was much older than Mary is one of these beliefs started in these books.

In the early days of Christianity, there were several sects with varying beliefs; the Catholic Church stamped them all out.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 01/28/11 05:13 PM

It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be. I won't live by rules that make no sense to me.

I believe that I am a Rebel but I am one not without a cause, I do have a plan, and I rebel against everyone and everything that gets in the way of me living my life the way I want to live it. I forge my own path in life and I hope everyone else does, or will do the same.

What about women? Do they fall into the same categories?

1. It is impossible to ALWAYS buck the status quo.

2. You may choose to not live by "rules" that make no sense to you, but you will still do it--even if you do not realize that you do so. We are written, we do not write, and even in your rebelliousness, you are following a pattern set by those rebels who preceded you.

Ultimately, you will live by those rules because you will desire a goal that can only be achieved by doing so.

3. To choose to rebel against everyone and everything that gets in your way is a selfish path. Without empathy and understanding for others, we are no more than animals who strike out blindly at perceived enemies. To be empathetic is truly to be human.

4. You advocate that everyone forge his/her own path and ignore the rules that make so sense--why follow any rules? Let the mass murderer have free rein; let pedophiles have their way.

People who promote anarchy don't really want anarchy; they want the way of the world to be their way. You advocate anarchy. You would not like the results of your advocacy.

5. If in forging your path it crosses mine and I don't like your path--I should follow your suggestions and rebel against you. This could mean removing you from the face of the earth, eh? How long would any society last if we all decided to do this?

6. Empathy fuels the humane side of humans, but to say that seeking material possessions isn't what being human is all about, you are incorrect. Humans evolved by seeking possessions, seeking comfort, and seeking to be better than others. It is how we survived.

7. As I wrote, rebels conform to those who precede them. I have never met a "rebel" who was truly creative and innovative in his/her rebelliousness. Not only that, but successful rebels lose their edge when their goals are achieved--read about Lenin, Mao, Castro, and other rebels who sought to better the condition of their countries; they became caricatures of themselves.

I have become a chameleon.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 01/27/11 08:40 PM
Glad you feel this way. God kills no one. God only offers eternal life. It was you and I that put Jesus on that cross. God didn't have anything to do with it. If you and I didn't sin Jesus would not have had to sacrifice himself for us.

I wasn't even alive when Jesus was crucified. I refuse to assume guilt where there is none.

So, who killed all those people in the flood?

If the Biblical stories are true, I was created by god to sin. That's a pretty nasty trick--a set-up or sting, even.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 01/27/11 08:36 PM
Why use labels or worry about what other people think?

I do what I do.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 01/27/11 08:34 PM
I am more feminine now than I was in my 20s.

However, I think some men--and some women--define "feminine" in a very narrow scope.

Does femininity have to do with the way we dress and fix our hair? Our ability to bear children? Showing obeisance to men? Staying in the kitchen baking pies?

Or is femininity reveling in being a woman?

As to having problems attracting men as one ages--I do not find that my ability to attract men of all ages has diminished since I began dating over five years ago.

It is in the presentation.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:15 PM

We know of approximately 2800 "Gods" who have been worshipped by mankind.....Jesus is just another in a long succession of Gods...

"The one true son of God, healer of the sick,prophet to the world, leader of 13 disciples, sent here to die for our sins and raised on Sunday.Eat of his body and drink of his blood. All praise MITHRA !!!"

"The one true son of God, healer of the sick,prophet to the world, leader of 13 disciples, sent here to die for our sins and raised on Sunday. Eat of his body and drink of his blood. All praise HORUS !!!"

Today's religion will be tomorrow's mythology

It is interesting how fables and imagination add up to "truth"

Yes, it is interesting.

The myth of the dying and resurrecting deity is one of the most prevalent; it exists in most mythoi--with the notable exceptions of Judaism and Islam.

Jesus is but the best known of dying and resurrected deities, and there is nothing new about his life, his death, or his resurrection.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:09 PM

I have been doing renos in the house over a few years. I get offers from boyfriends, or just male friends to help me. I accept it but the guy cancels or doesn't show up. In one incident; I waited three weeks for a shelf to be put up by a guy that was living with me. So, I ended up doing it myself. Then the guy gets mad at me and says he was going to do it. So what seems to be the problem? Why make a promise to help if you don't intend to help and then get mad when we do things ourselves? Opinions please.

Sounds like my ex-husband! Except he didn't get mad when I fixed something--he was rather relieved.

I finally figure out that when he said, "I'll do it tomorrow," it was a case of tomorrow never coming. It was also a case that if he procrastinated too long, I would do it.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/22/11 07:06 PM

I especially hate shopping with girls, I think in general guys hate shopping cuz most malls are not geared for men. If I could find a mall that had my levi's 501's and a small array of good solid work shirts in two different colors, and they served me in a drive by counter, I could get most of my clothes shopping done in about 3 minutes. I don't want or need to spend six hours trying on under wear and a buddy with me to ask if they make me look sexy!! When my undies are full of holes, I know I am due for another six pack of fruit of the loom at my local Wal Mart, in and out. Mission accomplished and good for another six years with me undies and only cost me 5$. Now that is smart shopping and sound investment logic.
Whats your take?
Ladies, please chime in and inform me why we are not on the same page as you when it comes to this shopping phenomenon.

I don't like shopping with girls, either, and I don't particularly like to shop with other women. I only shop with another woman when my sister comes to visit. I am not a herd animal.

But I love to shop because I love clothes and shoes.

If a man doesn't care about how he looks, and that means his clothes as well as his grooming, why should a woman care to be seen with him? A lot (even most) men want to be seen with a woman who is well dressed and looks good, right? Why shouldn't a woman want the same?

I want to look good, and that means the right clothes, and the right clothes means shopping--it is a simple equation.

I buy just about everything on sale. Today, I bought two pairs of high boots and a dress for about $100. The boots were 70% off and the dress was 50% off.

In fact, finding things on sale is a part of the hunt that I enjoy.

And I have bought underwear for men; if you can find "undies" for $5, even at Walmart, I bow to you.

A large part of the dating game revolves around looks, but it also depends upon the type of woman a man seeks: if he likes stretch pants, over-sized tee-shirt and flip-flops on a woman, then he wouldn't worry about his clothes!

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