Community > Posts By > Gwendolyn2009

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sun 02/06/11 08:28 PM

I have learned a hard lesson...

Don't drink and write on a lonely Friday Night (hey! that rhymes!), when you are still bitter about your ex.

Being told how wrong I was is a humbling experience, and I have decided its an awesome character builder.

Gwen, I am actually concerned for you, please get your blood pressure checked. It's been two days and you are still going strong. You are gonna give yourself a heart attack, and I'm pretty sure no one here is into necrophilia (all those guys need is a name and a shovel).

Tootsie, don't worry about me--I am not sitting and drinking on Friday nights!

I do, however, tend to express myself forcefully. It comes from many years of getting my point across in writing.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sun 02/06/11 07:08 AM

and THIS IS WAY MORE than I ever felt Needed MORE explanation on,,,to understand my above copy of HER(OP)feelings "she" felt,,bigsmile NOW,,,could I please not type this much anymore....I think I broke a nail...:wink:

In full knowledge that I am going to be called "elitist" and reprimanded for saying what I am going to say, I am going to say it anyway.

iam4u, I have an extremely difficult time understanding just about anything you write. I am not attacking your character, but your style of writing makes deciphering what you write a daunting task. I didn't even attempt to wade through all of the post that the above quote included.

I could give you some tips on how to improve the readability of your posts, but I will desist because I understand you are not here for lessons in composition, but with all due respect, I won't be attempting to translate your posts in the future.

Out of curiosity, you do know you can be both a stay at home mom AND a feminist, right? The two aren't mutually exclusive.


I stayed at home until my sons started school, and then I only worked part-time. A lot of people do not understand the essence of feminism: it is the knowledge that the sexes are different but equal.

Women who hate men are not, by definition, feminists: they are misandrists..

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 09:46 PM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Sat 02/05/11 10:01 PM
OK . . . I checked out the "bitterly unsurprised" quote and I almost understand now. The OP was referring to me because I was the only woman who made a comment between her first statement and the "bitterly unsurprised" comment

I was not giving a "direct, descriptive reply" in an effort to make myself feel superior: the OP made a sweeping condemnation of feminists. She said that they (which includes me) are raising sons to be weak-willed and ineffective.

She also made a statement about "we" having promiscuous sex. I KNOW that I was not included in that statement, but by the use of the word "we," she included ALL women, including herself.

She then went on to blame all women for "emasculating" men.

I won't offer apologies for refuting those statements!

And I find "smashing little boy's bananas" or whichever phrase she used to be extremely crass and in bad taste.

sorry, i tried to read this, i really did, but i couldn't make it past the first sentence without breaking out in a cold sweat and having an incredible urge to vomit!

Hands kc0003 a barf bag.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 08:38 PM

Gwen, I wasnt speaking of your comments as belittling. My statement:
The only belittling I saw here was from the OP. I sense a great deal of anger and it may well be with good reason.

meant that the OP made the only belittling comments that I noticed.

Oh, no, no . . . I didn't mean YOU were saying my comments were belittling!

I knew what you meant!

I meant that the person who brought up the statements about the OP being belittled was most likely referring to me.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 08:32 PM
Gwen, I've read enough of your posts to understand where you are coming from, and to know you have good intentions. Granted, you can be a bit rough in how you come across.

I am blunt and honest. Like everyone else, all I have are opinions (unless I quote empirical facts and stats).

Truthfully, though, I don't see my responses as "rough"--not unless I am giving back what I receive!

Many people express themselves online as they would never do in person; anonymity gives them a false boldness, but I am the same woman offline and online.

But there is a huge difference between the twain, and that is in "real" life, people usually understand that my bluntness is tempered with kindness.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 08:17 PM

I have been having a lengthy discussion with a friend of mine regarding self confidence, or a lack of it.
We agreed that the best (and only?) way to attract other people is to be confident.

But what if someone lacks self confidence? Even if they're aware that they lack it?

So my question to you good people out there is;

*Where do you get confidence from??*

I look foreward to hearing your thoughts on the matter, from men and women.


If you need to ask, you aren't ready for the answers.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 08:15 PM

I actually blame my entire sex, myself included, for the emasculating men, and then expecting them to remember what their role is in the relationship.

Ya know, women have received too much of the blame since Eve and Pandora! I don't blame the entire male sex for the way my ex behaved, nor do I blame all men for the injustices done to women for centuries. Things are rarely, if ever, so black and white.

Im very sad to read this. I hope you find your way.


The only belittling I saw here was from the OP. I sense a great deal of anger and it may well be with good reason.

To blame a group however for another groups behavior(particularly in the realm of human rights) is inappropriate and insulting. If members, or sympathizers of the members of a group are under attack, then they are equally welcome to post a reply.

I really didn't see any belittling of the OP, although I have a suspicion that my posts were probably suspect by the person who spoke of belittling.

The OP stated her point; some of us rebutted. Mine was based on what the OP said--one can only go by the evidence in what is written, eh?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 05:25 PM

You could be right Gwen. I am surprised, however, that you would assume I was speaking about myself in regard to women's promiscuity these days.

What was I supposed to think? You used the word "we," which is inconclusive or YOU and ME and ALL the women in this forum, but I know what you said didn't apply to me. If you are willing to include yourself in a statement by using "we," then I will assume you are speaking of yourself.

I'm no literary genius. Maybe I was expressing it wrong, but I was reflecting the area I live in. Women outnumber men 4 to 1 here and all I see are backstabbing, lying, manipulative girls who will rip out their best friends throat to get a decent guy who isn't a 'mamma's boy'. I see the shallow, pathetic behavior in my teenage nieces and wanna cry.

This is your problem! You are taking what is going on in your area and applying it unilaterally across the board.

In addition, I seriously doubt whether the women whom you are castigating are in spirit or deed "feminists."

BTW Gwen...your hair is beautiful.


I think she can see a problem, and is just trying to bring awareness to it.

She "sees" a problem that is limited to her limited sphere of experience. Because the OP THINKS that men have been emasculated by strong mothers doesn't mean that it is so!

She blames feminism for men of low character. That is an inaccurate representation.

Bingo! It is a logical fallacy, but still a fallacy. The OP speaks of people whom she knows and the people in her neighborhood, but those people are not representative of the state, the US, or the world!

I don't understand why the mothers who defended that they weren't like that, kept thinking I was talking about them?

I can only speak for myself, and it is because I am a feminist. My sons were raised to understand that females are their equals. You said feminists raised horrible, dependent sons.

I actually blame my entire sex, myself included, for the emasculating men,

UGH! This type of statement is what annoyed me in the first place. I am a female: I have not emasculated any man. I have seen women who are NOT feminists emasculate men. Leave me out of your blanket statement condemning women!

In addition, no emotionally mature man can be emasculated unless he allows it to happen. Even is mothers of boys taught them a certain actions or beliefs, those boys need to grow up and realize that NO ONE is responsible for their "emasculation" but them.

As for the emotionally immature men, if a woman hooks up with one of them, she is responsible for her choice, eh?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 05:08 PM
I am here to fight for truth, justice, and the American way.

Hail, Eris!

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 02/05/11 07:11 AM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Sat 02/05/11 07:11 AM

Dear Mom,

I know you love your son, but you are seriously neutering him. All that women's liberation is great for us and our self confidence. It isn't good for your son, who is now so *****-whipped b/c you control every aspect of his life.

He is now apart of a generation of men raised by their mothers, who have ingrained it into their heads that women are the superior species and he should do NOTHING to challenge their minds or bodies.

They are so sensitive and have all these feelings, and he should respect all of them. Really mom? The feelings we have when one little nail is uneven and we cry? The rage we go into when our boyfriends mix the colors and the whites? Even the times that PMS makes us climb a clock tower with a rifle?

There are a whole group of immature under-developed men in their 20s & 30s who are afraid to be men. Dating, in this day and age, is like going to a junior high dance. Girls are still girls, and want a boy to ask them to dance. Boys are still too terrified to ask.

We give out blow-jobs and quickies like 3 cent candy, just to get their attention long enough for us to find out his balls are the size of M&Ms.

The ones who aren't scared to take the initiative, are now used to the free treats too, and don't give a rats *** about sticking with any one girl. This just pisses us off and makes us give up and look for another girl instead.

Bottom line Mom: You claim that chivalry is dead and there are no real gentlemen out there anymore...and you are right. BECAUSE WE HELPED DESTROY IT!

Moms, do your sons a favor. 1) shut up about the Playboys in his room, 2) let him play violent sports or video games, 3) Let him make decisions for himself and 4) Tell him that women are just crazy as men and he should find a partner in crime, not a goddess to worship.

I would at least like my future daughter to find a nice man one day who isn't a complete ***** and will help her do the dishes, raise a family and work together.

All My Love,

I must admit: I am a bit confused here. OP, I looked at your profile and it says, "32 year old man," yet you really look and sound like a woman!

I don't know which men you have been consorting with, but I have the feeling that you have met "mamas' boys" rather than men raised by women who believe in equality. These type of men have always existed, and it has nothing to do with women's liberation but rather, controlling women who cannot let go of their sons--or daughters.

I am a feminist, and my sons are NOTHING like the ones whom you describe. They do, however, respect their wives and acknowledge that they are equal but not superior.

If YOU are giving out blow-jobs like candy, I seriously suggest that it is YOUR problem! If a woman--or man--is so desperate that she/he will engage in sex before finding out the character of her/his partner, who is to blame?

If men aren't sticking to women who give out blow jobs and quickies to apparently just about anyone, I can't really blame them.

In addition, I have taught college classes for the last nine years: I don't often meet scared, *****-whipped young men in my classes.

And don't worry about your daughter: let HER be free to make her decisions. After all, it isn't your place to worry about whom she marries, eh? Not after tongue-lashing other women for the way you perceive that they raised their children.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 02/04/11 07:48 PM sorry to hear that you are going through that

My water tank defrosted as soon as I cranked up the heater in the well-house and my septic was pumped today.

Now, if I hadn't put off grading papers in the two days I regularly have off during the week and the two snow days, I would be perfectly happy!

But I am now "good." (Grin.)

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 02/04/11 05:29 PM
Not that I have a dog in this hunt, but you do seem a little condescending in quite a few of your postings. It leads one to suspect that you aren't out to make friends in the forums.
A little courtesy would go a long way, should you wish your responses to appear otherwise.
Not to state the obvious, but this IS a social networking site. If proving your point is more important than making friends, I suppose you'll accomplish that goal, for what it's worth...

I am not here form social networks! In fact, if it weren't for the forums, I wouldn't be here at all.

I am aware that I sound condescending to some people, but I find that my posts tend more to that level when I answer someone's post and he (as I said before, almost always a "he") takes offense at my refutation.

I know all about courtesy and decorum, and I give such when it is due.

Of course, using Latin will almost always get you labeled a know-it-all laugh

That said, people are where they are, not much to be done about it. Some people seem to believe that if you're well spoken and knowledgeable you obviously feel you're better than those around you and are probably elitist. Some people are just flat out intimidated by people more knowledgeable than them. Some days I think there's a quickly growing cult of ignorance ohwell

I try to stay away from words like "smarter", "dumber", etc, because there's no agreement on what they mean and no way to pin them down. Are we talking about creativity? Math skills? Ability with languages? Education level? Don't say IQ, that only really measures your ability to take IQ tests, which doesn't really help. Interesting things to think about, though.


Most IQ tests measure what you have learned, not raw intelligence. There are nine types of intelligences; a person can score high in one and go bust in another.

If it were simply a growing cult of ignorance, I would express some hope, but it the cult seems to be of self-indulgent ignorance wherein people don't seem to want to educate themselves.

I also think that sexism still has to do with how people are perceived. For instance, I take my laptop to McD's or Starbucks to grade when I am not getting anything done at home. Last week I was in McD's when a very casual acquaintance asked me a question about grammar. When I told him, he asked what qualified me to give an answer. I told him three degrees in English qualified me. He said that I shouldn't "brag" about my degrees.

At that point, a man sitting at another table said he had two degrees in languages. The first man complimented him on his degrees!

Go figure!

And what's worse, the first man is willing to put up with my lofty attitude (as he sees it) because he finds me attractive. I have seen this time and again: men will put up with a lot more from a woman whom they perceive as good-looking than they will a woman whom they see as fat and/or ugly.

I know--I have lived both sides.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 02/04/11 05:09 PM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Fri 02/04/11 05:10 PM
Not trying to converse here intellectually, let me say I do agree with many statements you made..
and also with many that krupa made...
and as for type-o's..
and in illustrating one's attentions to them, as a fact of reference here, I find it amusing to read yours above.
In the word because,,,as your 'becasue' typed above...

That's not her typo. She was quoting someone.

Thank you for pointing that out before I saw the accusation!

I use Firefox and it has a built-in spell-check; if I have a typo, it would not be for a word such as "because," but a homophone or a legitimate word that spell-check would not catch, i.e. typing "it" instead of "is."

Anyone can make typos, but a post that is filled with them rather than having one or two indicates poor editing skills--especially for "because."

But more to the point is words used out of context or which are obviously misspelled because the writer did not realize that they were misspelled: these items are usually very easy to spot.

And even more to the point, words used out of context.

Some people have learning handicaps that affect their writing skills: dyslexia is one. However, people can use available tools to help lessen the problem: spell-check is one. I used to date a man who is dyslexic; he would type everything to be posted online in Word first, edit with spell and grammar-check, and then post.

Lazy people don't bother.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 02/04/11 08:47 AM
I classify myself as an agnostic neo-pagan: when I question the existence of the divine, I doubt the existence of many deities.

There are many paths; since I admitted to myself that I am pagan, I have seen Wicca begin to go mainstream. Originally, Wicca was highly codified, now, it is lapsing into dogma.

I would be happy to discuss anything with you, but keep in mind, all anyone can offer is opinion.

Except historicity.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 02/04/11 08:44 AM
On top of that I resent being called a know it all becasue I clearly don't know everything. But the one thing I do know is I know enough to get by.

With all due respect, if you are called a "know-it-all," it isn't because of what you say, but how you say it.

Delivery is everything.

Having said that, I know how I often "come across" in these forums, but that is my choice to deliver "my" information in the manner than I choose.

I find it interesting that I am rarely attacked or harshly refuted by women on any forum, but certain men often take great offense at what and how I write. Believe it or not, I have been called a know-it-all in these very forums! I suppose I should not have an opinion or use my expertise to prove my points.

Whoops! There I go again, being a know-it-all by even suggesting that I am an expert in any area.

Mea Culpa.

By the way, most people know enough to "get by"--it is why so many humans are alive on the face of the earth.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 02/03/11 09:06 AM

Like I said you take my term to literal I have my family here as well and I have a 2 year old daughter although I plan to raise her mostly overseas with me

But sorry for the misinterpretation if you read above you will see what I meant

What part of:

I'll be on the outside looking in laughing telling people hahaha I told you so

. . . did I misunderstand? The part where you will be laughing?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 02/03/11 09:01 AM

I could give a fk less if you are an English teacher....I speak English.....and I am good at it....I am better at it than alot of people....

even teachers.

My lovey pie, you might think that you speak English well, but you are not adept at writing it. Your posts are full of typos and just plain misspellings. You use words out of context which makes your intent impossible to understand. The fact that you use words such as "aesthetic" out of context makes me believe that you don't speak English nearly as well as you think you do.

I don't think of them as less because of thier limited skills.

Don't speak down to me with that "How do you "except" them? Do you give them waivers saying, "You are excepted"?

Teachers pull that lame crap

I would never insult a person whose language skills are poor but who are not trying to impress me with their knowledge. You have touted your intelligence and your ability to excel in all areas EXCEPT math--I am merely pointing out that there is at least one other area in which you don't excel and in which you barely get by: expressing yourself in the written word.

Tell yourself that I deliberately misunderstand...

Tell yourself that I don't comprehend.

If that will help you sleep tonight..good for you......

Just proves my point.

I never said "you" teacher......

I was speaking in general context.

That too tells me something.

Go fk with the morons Baby.....cause you will only dig yourself into a deeper hole with me.

Honey chile, let me explain the difference between the spoken and the written word, then perhaps you will understand. When you directly address someone in the written word (and in the spoken word, but then, you can cover your *** by immediately protesting otherwise), then what you say is directed at THAT person. When you wrote that "the difference" is that you can "except" people as equals, that was directed at me because you were responding to me. You did not qualify by mentioning the difference between you and most/other people.

Do you understand now? I often run into this problem with my first year college composition students, and they usually get it after I explain, so perhaps you will, too.

If you were nearly as smart as you think you are, you would realize that it is useless and pointless to try to prove your intelligence in a forum on a dating site.

Your are as defensive as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs (yes, a cliche, but they illustrate points well for those who have a reading comprehension problem). If you were truly secure in your intelligence, you wouldn't have to tell everyone how smart you are, eh?

And you would stop trying to drive the point home with me in particular. I am not impressed nor am I convinced--and I won't be.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Thu 02/03/11 08:49 AM
There is no crime rate in my neighborhood.

My pipes and/or water tank is frozen, despite the fact that I left a faucet on and there is a heater in the well-house.

My septic also need immediate work but no one can come because of the weather.

Peace? Nope!

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:05 PM

Argue and split hairs all you like Doll...

Matters not.

Dissect anything you want from what I say.

In no way did I intend to offend you or make you feel as though I was presenting you with a personal affront.

If you want to delude yourself with the misconception that a formal education as the end all to this topic...go right ahead.

I was not being rhetorical or sarcastic (usually I am)

I will put myself against anyone matter if it is dead romance physics, paleontology, history (I ain't so good at mathematics though), chemestry, law, finance, physiology, socialogy, martial and/or fine arts or practical application of day to day skills.....

I bow to no one.

The difference is....

I can except those with lesser educations as equals.

I ain't condescending enough to relegate those with differing experience as less.....

They just know things I do not.

One truth I believe completely....the more I learn...the less I know...for each question answered breeds more unanswered questions.

At least stupid people don't lose sleep over things they don't grasp.....wish I could say the same.

You "except" those who have lesser education at equals?

How do you "except" them? Do you give them waivers saying, "You are excepted"?

Will you "pit" yourself against using words in the correct context with an English teacher?

You also seem not to understand what I say. I don't know if you are deliberately misreading my posts or you do not comprehend. I never stated that I do not ACCEPT people with lesser education as equals.

Please, quote line and verse where I said that--in context.

Heck, my boyfriend "only" has a BA. (The "only" is sarcasm, in case you didn't get it.) He is one of the smartest men whom I know.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 02/02/11 06:10 PM

When they have multiple doctorates and 57 cats and thier house smells like cat sh!*..they are disgusting highly educated idiots.

(referring specifically to a member of the crew who found the Titanic)

I have never met anyone who has that many cats, but the people whom I have seen on Hoarders or heard about have not been highly educated. To use one example is not proof of anything!

By no means does education grant superiority.

As a person, no, but in that field, yes. I can't fix my car; the person who can has superior knowledge and ability to mine. By the same token, I very likely know more about writing and myth than most people.

There are nine types of intelligences. We need all nine.

All good in theory....unless I happen to be smarter than you. I have been smarter than everyone else I have met.....

I may not be field specific...but, I am way too smart to limit myself to a field.

I assume that you are being rhetorical or sarcastic when you say that you have been smarter than anyone else you have met.

It isn't about being "dumb" when relegating one's self to a field. I specialize in that which interests me the most, but that doesn't mean that I am not knowledgeable in other fields. Some people have a burning passion that eclipses even a modicum of knowledge in their fields. They have limited themselves because they WANT to do so.

I have a passing but negligible interest in quantum physics, but I am glad that for some, it is their passion and they devote their lives to study and theorizing.

More often than not alienating themselves from the status quo.

I have NO desire to be status quo, but I exist in this world quite nicely--which you term "relating to the mass population."

This is specifically why I speak gutteral English.

I suppose you mean "guttural," but I don't know in which context you use the word. "Guttural" means speaking in a particular tone of voice--from the back of the throat. I don't know how that relates to how or why people can relate to your vernacular.

Education is nice but...if you have not learned the right thing then you have wasted your time on aesthetics.

You mean that they wasted the time on the study of beauty or emotion? Again, I don't understand the context.

Who decides what is the "right thing"? Is the researcher who spent 5o years studying the works of an obscure Renaissance writer wasting his/her time if it has made him/her happy?

I can say that education gave me the ability to do what I love to do: teach on a college level. It broadened the horizons of this little Okie born to parents who barely finished 8th grade. The fact that my parents had 8th grade educations in NO way diminishes their worth as people, but had I chosen not to get three university diplomas, I would have missed out on so much that I don't even like to contemplate the loss.

Would I have known the difference if I had not gotten my degrees? Yes, I would--just like the people with whom I worked at Walmart.

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