Community > Posts By > Baabs

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:03 PM

Let's hope that some job recruiter looks at this thread...although i got little faith of what i posted will get me anywhere..rofl

I hope no job recruiters see this. I already have a job don't want anymore!

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:32 PM

"Honest whoever i am."

You might want to figure out that part first.

They honestly don't know who they are cause they are multiple personalities.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:23 PM

Had several and they're no fun!

I thought it was fun when i was walking around the hospital carrying a big bag of piss. People really kept their distance.

Was it hooked up to your IV? I walked around like that after having my gallbladder removed the old fashioned way.

Nah it was just hooked up to my, yanno!!

YANNO has officially been entered into my dictionary. Can't wait to use it.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:21 PM
maybe thier afraid of that damn snake.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:11 PM

Until i had one, i didnt really know what it was.

After i discovered that you can get a condom catheter. I wanna know why i didnt get one of those ones. I got the worst kind.

Because you got one so they use it for clean catches and steril samples. A condom cath is mainly for incontinence (Called a Texas Catheter by the way)and it is not good to get steril samples from.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:09 PM

I have one just like this


Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:07 PM

Hmm After I retired I took all my "I LOVE ME' stuff and put it in the circular file. I will never use it again . All those certifications, educational degrees,letters of praise awards etc and 5 bucks I can get coffee at Starbucks. Which I hate their coffee anyway. I know what I have accomplished in life, did all I wanted to do . What is next for me in my goals.. I would say with in the next 2 years move to the Caribean some where. Or go back to Italy forever 1 of those 2... bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Crawlin in Ducks luggage..tryin to hide.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 08:07 PM

*Has been writing too many Cover letters and Resumes recently*

Lets see: BS in English Education, Preliminary teaching certificates for Secondary ELA in PA and CA, Almost done with BTSA (A CA qualification) Certified to teach the Language! Program, completed a Classroom management class

For non-ED stuff: Can type about 40 words a minute, Can edit existing web pages, and create new content based on pre-existing templates. Familure with most of the Microsoft Office Suite, Learn new software easily, can troubleshoot computers, can conduct research on the computer.

Non Computer stuff: Familiar with managing groups of people, comfortable with public speaking (especially to groups of 30 or so), an effective communicator, take and give advice as needed, gracefully.

I can't type or spell. Never will. Thank god for spell check!

There is more, but you all dont need to hear my whole cover letter spiel.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:34 PM

Now I feel silly posting all of that stuff. TMI even for me.

haha dont feel silly, i take the piss out of everybody!

just don't cath me to get it.


I got 'cathed' a few months ago. Worst experience of my life. It was one that went INSIDE me, and a male nurse put it in, just after the doctor had stuck his finger up my.....

Your welcome. I just hope they remeber to deflate the ballon before pulling it out. And I bet the first time you went pee after they took it out you screamed like a girl.surprised
anyway. Thanks for reminding me.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:32 PM

ohwell Actually went from Married to friends with benefits! lol, don't ask

Oh your one of those fake breaker uppers. LOL

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:28 PM

Now I feel silly posting all of that stuff. TMI even for me.

haha dont feel silly, i take the piss out of everybody!

just don't cath me to get it.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:27 PM

.........anybody need one?:tongue:

I'll have a whisky.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:25 PM
Now I feel silly posting all of that stuff. TMI even for me.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:15 PM
Ok I have BS in BIO CHEM a minor in math PURDUE UNIVERSITY. ASN, Crisis intervention Certified. CPR BLS ALS. Mantoux Cerified. Worked for CDC. I worked for the math department at PURDUE. I tutor Calculus, Trig, Algabra, Chemistry, and Bio-anthropology.

Took anatomy and physiology, medical law and ethics for the hell of it.

Used to own my own buisness. It was a sports cards and memorialbilia store. I handled the basketball and hockey end of it. I did shows in US Canada and Japan.

I make quilts the old fashioned way. I do traditional Native American beadwork. Use to dance fancy shawl dance at pow wows. I can skin a hide, tan it and preserve the meat.

Can live rez style without water or electricity. ( Think you call them reserves in Canada)

I can (canning) from a garden I grow. Make medicine.

I won a fantasy league trophy 1st place in football pickem on Yahoo last year.

But BEST OF ALL!!! I can do a mean Irish jig and my and drink LOTS of Irish whisky.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:59 PM

No college degree, but I speak both Spanish, and German, I can mediate voliatile situations(due to 9 years Army, and 9 years as a cop), I can kick the asses of 98% of the people that I WANT to ass kick, and I'm good with small children and puppies. bigsmile

Wanna be my friend:wink: could use someone like you around.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:58 PM

...last I checked they were makin' a beer run.(lol):tongue:

Must be the cheap stuff.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:56 PM
Qualifications??? For what or of what...Education? Job qualifications? How to live broke qualifications?

Eleborate laddie.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:52 PM

I just graduated a few months ago I know how big a relief it was everytime I passed anything :)

Thanks Haley. It is a big relief. But also scary at the same time. I have to move up to a harder math class. frustrated

The harder math classes actually get more fun! You'll be great!

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 05:36 PM
ok are u really telling us that you are a friends with benifits...but now are emotionally involved?

All I can say is it can get really akward the longer you go.

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 05:30 PM

OMG!! I had it for him soooo bad.

An he's still lookin HOT!!!!


He was on my bedroom wall for years!

Haley good thing I don't live in Indiana anymore..looks like we would be going after the same men! Reeves is my TOP pick
Honey, he was on my ceilin above my bed an on every inch of my walls!! Let him get within 6 ft of me an he's all mine!!shades

Well unless Keanu Reeves is in front of him... we will have a tug-of-war!