Community > Posts By > Baabs

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 08:10 AM
Well since your daugher is 12 I am going to assume she already has some kind of web page somewhere

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 08:05 AM

Have seen that kind of stuff on here yet. Just one guy who is really arrogant and post alot of comments. He doesn't really join the conversation. He just finds ways to glote. I just think he might be socially inept or a sociopath.

I mean I HAVEN'T seen....

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 08:05 AM
Have seen that kind of stuff on here yet. Just one guy who is really arrogant and post alot of comments. He doesn't really join the conversation. He just finds ways to glote. I just think he might be socially inept or a sociopath.

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 08:00 AM

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:45 AM
Had a great weekened. Saturday was just one of those days that was great the whole day. All the way to 6am Sunday!

Baabs's photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:37 AM
all or nothing

Baabs's photo
Sun 04/05/09 11:06 PM

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:04 AM

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:02 AM

I was looking at your #2 picture and.....whats is your deffinition of MODERATE drinking.


moderate MOST of the time. That was an unusual occasion for me...i found out my ex-wife(then wife) was having an affair with my little brother while i was on deployment....bad night but funny picture(i thought)

It is a funny pic......heck with that story I'm surprised yuo have so many close on...Heck I'll drink one for the story drinker

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:53 AM
I was looking at your #2 picture and.....whats is your deffinition of MODERATE drinking.


Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:49 AM
hey isaac gotta question for ya

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:47 AM
Its just as bad all of us giving advice on how to get a boy/girl when we are looking ourselves. LOL

I think the best thing about this site is the comradory. It helps when people are lonely or sad to have people to talk to...or be entertainned. Everyone is so supportive here to people in need.

Everyone loves when someone tells them it's the others persons loss!

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:41 AM
seriously..this is from a chic who does mass mailings to sell her book about "dating with out drama". So guys don't fret. My girlfriend sent me this email and asked if I thought she should get the book or download it or something.

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:24 AM

lol yes i have big feet lol

i see your point baabs....*pondering*

with this response you can add "takes constructive criticism well"

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:15 AM

so much to take point is obvious, i must make a few changes. more input will be greatly appreciated. What about it ladies is this guy right, does more open info scare you women or what?

your profile is more about your attitude towards people and attitude towards yourself....but still says nothing about yourself beside employment.

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:05 AM
looks like a beast turning into a man ...profile and pic...

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:34 PM

Actually, I probably still would. I attend church more because I like the moral set and lifestyle than anything else. Church going folk tend to be far more like minded to me than anyone else

Read you wonder your a thrill seeker....No sex, drinking, partying...I'd be looking for other thrills too....

Now ya know I am just jokin with ya! I couldn't help myself

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:50 PM

Women used to often use different names to hide the fact they are female, and make their books more respected.

Louisa May Alcott did that as did many others.

I had a brain fart and couldnt think of any examples!

not just respected but to get the bloody thing printed!

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:34 PM

what sport is this, american football?

Bloody hell yeah!

Baabs's photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:32 PM

I didn't put what kind of guy I was looking for in mine....and so far so good.

So your a professional college student LOL. I went to college with alot of them.

Animation huh....get your a*** out of the midwest for that.

I think ASS is spelled a**.. JMO drinker

I have already surrendered to my spelling. (bowing down)..I know I can't spell. It is my achiles. Give me Calculus, Chemistry or bio-chem any day!slaphead