Confusion about Rights
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Sun 03/20/16 08:46 PM
* Human rights in the United States From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 1776, Thomas Jefferson proposed a philosophy of human rights inherent to all people in the Declaration of Independence, asserting that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Historian Joseph J. Ellis calls the Declaration "the most quoted statement of human rights in recorded history".[1] Human rights in the United States comprise a series of rights which are legally protected by the Constitution of the United States, including the amendments,[2][3] state constitutions, conferred by treaty, and enacted legislatively through Congress, state legislatures, and state referenda and citizen's initiatives. Federal courts in the United States have jurisdiction over international human rights laws as a federal question, arising under international law, which is part of the law of the United States.[4] The human rights record of the United States of America is a complicated matter; first and foremost the Federal Government of the United States has, through a ratified constitution and amendments thereof, guaranteed unalienable rights to citizens of the country, and also to some degree, non-citizens. However, the historical evolution of these rights must be considered as well, as the periphery of the population of the United States who had access to these rights has expanded over time, and in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has not fully expanded complete rights to all human beings within its borders as compared to the international standard set by the United Nations General Assembly, because of social and political issues that stem from the history of the United States. Contrary to its constitutionally-protected requirement towards respecting of human rights, the United States has been internationally criticized for its violation of human rights, including the least protections for workers of most Western country,[5] the imprisonment of debtors,[6] and the criminalization of homelessness and poverty,[7][8] the invasion of the privacy of its citizens through surveillance programs,[9] police brutality,[10] the incarceration of citizens for profit, the mistreatment of prisoners and juveniles in the prison system, the continued support for foreign dictators who commit abuses (including genocide[11][12]) and torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. ****** At one point in U.S.History; it was OK to take land away from The Native American Population & kill as many "Injuns" as you could [Genocide]. In another idiotic U.S. crisis; the folks down South thought it was OK to "own" people. The Northerners said "No, sorry, not Ok. Black Americans should have the same human rights as light skinned Americans." "Not cool & No way!Blacks are not equal & we think we have the [Right] to Own Them! We're outta here & forming our own nation!" said the Southerners. Hitler & his gang decided The Jews were "inferior" & did not even deserve to live. What's really unreal is the fact that this psycho-craziness is still happening...Humans! Not a bright species for sure! * In so far as voicing unpopular/popular opinions on the [any] forum? That's not A Human Right; it's just an[your] opinion. And, in giving voice to any opinion-anywhere; it's common sense & personal experience to expect that your opinion will offend "others" even if it was far from your intent to offend anyone. People who are so offended might express their distress to your opinion in numerous ways. One of those ways might include a strategy to personally attack, diminish or discount you[as a person] & [your opinion] by any means at their somewhat limited disposal. *laughing* One of my mentors[Peter] once told me something very wise when he found me "sobbing" over having had my art work be the brunt of a rather vicious critique earlier on in the day. Peter told me to cut-"The Whining" in the fact that the art world was just like a giant sandbox of childish grown-up infants engaged in immature power-plays & ego-gratification behaviors. If I wanted to play in the "Art-Sandbox: then I'd better learn to not get all "Emo" & rationally deal with the idea that "sand-in-the face" was just a probable repercussion of sand box playtime activities;} * A Cyber-Space Forum is only one of many "sandboxes" in life & most certainly, not one of any great importance- to say the least, lmao! If I'm not in the mood to hear the idiocy & venom that has the potential to issue forth in my direction from the key-boards of bottom feeding trolls; I simply avoid "That Sandbox" for the day. Nothing personal... ![]() |
Honestly? I can't say that I have a strong desire to hook-up, live with, or do "The Wedding Thingie" with anyone again. The idea of dating seems like a huge effort for a dubious pay-off... Being so predominantly concerned with my own inner world[landscape]; I've come to prefer my own company to the company of others on a regular basis. Never really get lonely or bored & as I age, have found that I seem to need my solitude with the same intensity that others need air. It's difficult to explain & difficult for many folks to understand but that's just me. *grins* ![]() |
Are amish people cool?
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Confusion about Rights
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Are there real people here,
Are there real people here?
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Your choice of topic Sassy just brought to mind, this "Futuristic Throw-Back" from way back in The Way Back Machine;}
![]() ![]() Zager and Evans[1969] - In The Year 2525 In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the pill you took today... |
What makes a nation great?
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Mon 03/14/16 11:52 PM
I have heard this, forgive the paraphrasing, that 'the measure of a nation, is how the most of them treat the least of them.' Props Technovative! ~ ![]() It would appear that Great Topics elicit Great Responses! Never heard this thought expressed with such elegant simplicity Soufie... Many Thanks for Sharing that;} ![]() ![]() |
If we can die by accident; I suppose it's possible to "accidentally" fall in love. Hopefully this accident will incur minimal damages... ![]() ![]() |
Not Taboo. Just personally unappealing & a tad creepy...
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Fri 03/11/16 05:19 PM
![]() An interest in "Penis-Size"? NOT! How about A search on "Brain-Size"[Capacity]...? *Grins* I wish to hell that someone would invent & include an algorithm that I could use in searching for available MEN that would include a criteria for intellect, honesty, self-awareness,sincerity, empathy, wit, common sense, & compassion. * ![]() * I have found that so many men use words to describe themselves in their profiles that are totally untrue. In a way I suppose it's a better thing that most MALE profiles are incomplete, totally vague or are not filled-out at all. ![]() ![]() * To The Op: This Woman of Substance, Quality, & Intellect[Me~Myself~I] finds your pre-occupation with such an insignificant physical attribute to be disturbing. Your selection of such a superficial topic in reference to the female gender serves to invoke in this reader, a suspicion that your intellect may be extremely limited or compromised in addition to a slight feeling of disgusted contempt in reference to your character. It should not have to be stated that most discerning & logical individuals would select to not pursue any further contact & avoid any individuals who would display such overt negative characteristics. Obviously, in the fact that I harbor an unwillingness to have any further discourse with such an individual;the size of his male organ is of no consequence for any further speculation. ![]() |
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Fri 03/11/16 04:26 PM
I often scramble my words, word order, or spelling as do many people at one time or another especially when I'm tired, hungry, & distracted; but why & how could anyone insinuate that such an occasional personal faux-pas be taken in context to reflect a defect in my character or as even having any validity in terms of my ethical beliefs? That's just ignorant & wrong ; its just fortunate for me that I don't have to put-up with such people unless I choose to.
* ![]() * Perhaps the intent is to demean Sanders in terms of his age by the use of some petty variety of humor? As we are in an cyberspace environment I will not assume to know as communication between individuals has severe limitations. While some people may feel that Sander's Age is a negative factor; I will only add that my own feelings are so very different. I find that an individual with such years, choosing to undertake such a mentally, physically & emotionally difficult challenge that with such an energetic & spirited passion to be AN ABSOLUTE INSPIRATION to me! I will confess my utter inability to understand the mentality of those people who use Sander's age as a criteria to invalidate his competency & efforts even if their implication is couched in humor - it's still insulting. It's even more outrageous & confusing if those who are the perpetrators are actually are in the same age-category as Sanders? ![]() * ![]() * The other misconception that I feel has need to be addressed is the Fact that "Democratic Socialism" & "Socialism" Are Two Totally Different Concepts!!! * ![]() * "What's a Democratic Socialist? Bernie Sanders Explains" * Bernie Sanders laid out a forceful argument for democratic socialism, the largely misunderstood political philosophy to which the Vermont senator ascribes, in a long-awaited speech delivered at Georgetown University Thursday afternoon. Sanders drew parallels between his own views and those of beloved figures like Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope Francis in an attempt to impress upon the audience that they are already familiar with his philosophy, whether or not they realize it.Programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment insurance, the institution of the 40-hour work week, the abolishment of child labor, and the minimum wage, Sanders said, were all once denounced as socialist. "These programs have become the fabric of our nation and the foundation of the middle class," he said. * Read more: * ![]() * Democratic Socialism Has Deep Roots in American Life * Stop Calling Bernie Sanders a Socialist The Vermont senator is a "democratic socialist"—and yes, there's a difference * ![]() *[FYI]: MLK is considered to be A Democratic Socialist |
As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US.
Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. |
Who Are You Artist?
As the creative process is such an integral aspect of my character; if that characteristic were removed? I have no clue as to what or who I'd be but I do know with 100% certainty that I would no longer be: ME.
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Pathetic Individual[s] With Low Self Esteem & Insecurity:
![]() The behavior that you have described Peggy is attributed to a type of online persona known as a "Internet Troll" & it is definitely on the rise. The online or cyberspace environment must be stressed as the Troll's preferred location for their callous, irrational, & cruel displays. The primary result of what ever means of expression that is chosen by The Troll is the desire to inflict or create, some sort of negative response by causing other individuals to experience some sort of "Hurt", "Upset", & "Anger" ect... ![]() Link: In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.This sense of the word "troll" and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families. |
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Tue 03/01/16 06:59 AM
HONESTY, TRUST, AND RESPECT Voting between HRC, Liar & Already Under Investigation For Suspicious Wrong Doing or an Ignorant Hate Monger, Donald Trump As The President Of The United States? Really? Has Everyone Gone Mad?! Not Funny Anymore... It's Not About Capitalism, Socialism, Feminism, Racism, Religious Fanaticism or any other "ISM" ; its not about the thousand other Side-Show Issues to Divert Public Attention/Focus Away From some VERY CRUCIAL QUESTION[S] that every individual voter should be asking themselves in reference to the candidate's personal identity & proven track record on Important Issues such as HONESTY, ETHICS, Integrity, & TRUSTWORTHINESS. This candidate for the Office Of The Presidency Of The United States Of America could be be someone that I don't have to necessarily "like" but must be able to elicit my RESPECT. I feel it would be a complete betrayal of my own humanistic values to even consider voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Anyone like either of them! WORD! ![]() Besides The Fact that Hillary Clinton's already Been "Bought$$$" by Those Individual$$$ whose Interests$$$ are in keeping the status quo & Donald Trump's bottom-feeder values, ethics, & morality reflect nothing remotely resembling those principles that I hold to be sacred; there is also their track records that reflect penchants for hypocrisy, overt narcissistic behaviors & self-serving deception[s]. Such people are worthy of Trust & Respect? Really? |
Right & Wrong...Who Decides?
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Tue 03/01/16 06:33 AM
Of course, many times there are so many elements involved in any given situation that create a much more complex dynamic than any polarized black/white, right/wrong, or good/evil "quick & obvious" answer can supply.
However if I try to attempt to adhere to the following concepts to the best of my ability, one can only try to do the best that one can. 1]-The Wiccan Rede["Do what you will, so long as it harms none"] The basic principles of The Rede imply the Golden Rule in the belief that the spirit of the Rede is to actively do good for one's fellow humans as well as for oneself. In essence, the Rede can be fully understood as meaning that one should always follow their true will instead of trying to obtain simple wants and to ensure that following one's will does not harm anyone or anything. In this light, the Rede can be seen as encouraging a Wiccan to take personal responsibility for his or her actions. & 2]-Be True to your word & be true to what your own heart & mind tell you Is Right Action as outlined in the definition of -"Higher Law". Higher Law: "an ethical or religious principle considered as taking precedence over the laws of society, and to which one may appeal in order to justify disobedience to a constitution or enacted law with which it conflicts. |
Do people stand by their words this days?
No. |
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Tue 02/23/16 09:01 PM
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Studies conducted on male & female subjects in marriages[over age 50] indicated that the men expressed a much greater degree of satisfaction & happiness than the women within the relationship. The other observation that was noted was in terms of whether the marriage was the couple's first, second, or third [ect.] marriage. While the men seemed to indicate a similar & constant level of contentment irregardless of whether the marriage was their first, second, third,[ect.]; the discontent in the relationship seemed to significantly increase in correlation to the number of the subject's subsequent marriages. In essence, although all women over 50 indicated a greater dissatisfaction in their marital relation than the men in the same age range; the degree of female dissatisfaction would markedlyincrease if the marriage was her second, or third[ect.]. The reason that these findings might be of significance is related to the Op's inquiry on a female's use of term, "Settling". Both genders over age 50 have had significant past relationships. Females have had the charge & the gender conditioning in terms of supplying the majority of the "emotional content" within a relationship. Therefore, the female is more sensitized to the emotional landscape within the relationship. It is her domain. In assessing the emotional landscape of the relationship; the woman cannot only focus on her partner's satisfaction[emotional state] but must acknowledge her own emotional status. If a woman's own emotional satisfaction & fulfillment is totally related to the fact that her partner's needs are fulfilled in the relationship; then everything's ***** dory. In my own personal experience[s]; satisfying my partner's emotional needs was not enough. I had My Own Needs that could differ quite a bit from those of my partner. It never ended well because I couldn't quite repress my own need to grow in those ways that were individual & necessary to myself. My earlier life experiences & the ignorance of youth contributed to making "wrong choices"in terms of selecting the [wrong] partner. I suppose that with the modest amount of insight that I've managed to accumulate will enhance the ability to make better choices. ![]() Therefore with the ability to make good choices; there is no longer the need to "Settle". ![]() |