I see there's still alot of butthurt over Clinton being a loser. Seems libs will never grow out of the need for coloring books and binkies. WE, NEITHER HAVE THE TIME OR ENOUGH COOKIES TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO THEM... ![]() |
A Huge "Disconnect" would appear to exist between some shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media Outlets, Corupt Democratic Corporate Elitist Democratic Politians & The Average American.
Perhaps this explains the Total Inability of the polls & those, oh-so-smart political pundits to have forseen the 2016 election results? This "Disconnect" can only widen when ever more hatred-ridden,propaganda, lies, bias, & obsenities is propagated by certain Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corporate Elitist Democratic Politians to either slander, shame,or deride the value system of most average Americans which includes, slandering, shaming, & deriding their Duly, Elected President,condemning their moral & ethical value systems & insulting themselves. You won't hear the views of these Americans or see their good deeds covered in the newspapers,The Average American is too insignifcant to matter. These Average Americans work too hard just to survive, with too much on their plates to involve themselves with the banalities & popularity concerns of the narcistic, privledged few. But, trust in the fact that the Average Americans are listening to all you,"FAKE NEWS IDIOTS" as you report exclusively on the lies,propaganda, & garbage that reflect the agendas of The Corporate Concerns that PAY YOUR HUGE SALARIES & The Average Americans Are Not Amused. Trust also in the fact that The Average American also understands that Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Democratic Corporate Elitist Politians, not only- do not care about the "Mundane" concerns of Average Americans but in addition,verbally demean Average Americans at every fake news opportunity to grab headlines with labels for Us, Average Americans such as DEPLORABLE, IGNORANT,TRASH,INFERIORS, WORTHLESS, BIGOTS, & THE LIST GOES ON & ON. However,Trust,without doubt, in the fact, that when it becomes time for These Forgotten Average Americans to pull-the-lever to cast their millions of votes across all The United States, they know that finally They have The Real Power to gradually be rid of the shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Fake News Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Corporate Democratic, Elitist Politians who will promise everything but deliver-Nothing. The Forgotten Average Americans WILL VOTE FOR A PRESIDENT WHO LISTENS TO THEM, HAS TAKEN TIME TO UNDERSTAND THEM & WHO HAS PROVEN THAT HIS PROMISES TO THEM WILL BE KEPT.As for the shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Fake News Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Corporate Democratic, Elitist Politians will finally be forced to HEAR THEIR VOICES [MILLIONS STRONG], HEAR WHAT THEY THINK,& HEAR HOW THEY FEEL... Not so smart, are we? |
Giuliani to AP: Trump will not answer obstruction questions "President Donald Trump will not answer federal investigators' questions, in writing or in person, about whether he tried to block the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, one of the president's attorneys told The Associated Press on Thursday." And we are supposed to believe he has nothing to hide? What happened to transparency? By not answering, he's admitting guilt. http://www.yahoo.com/news/giuliani-ap-trump-not-answer-232432807.html?.tsrc=bell-brknews Neither would Hillary. True ! ![]() At least Trump's not like Hillary. !! Crooked. !!! Conservatives put up with Obama 8yrs , Now it's Trump's time in Office !! PREACH IT SISTER! |
Such idiots;}
Just made Alex Jones-Twice As Popular!!! |
why all the secrecy, Obama?
Video- Johnny Cashless Sings, "Obama's Prison Blues" Impeach Obama Campaign https://youtu.be/8n8K5b3gFvI |
Polls said that Trump can't WIN![2016]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ46I3kMOr0 |
The shame is McCain's funeral was an anti-trump rally. Anti-Trump and pro-America. Not my America... Sen. John McCain's funeral put Washington's vicious political hypocrisy fully on display https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/04/john-mccains-funeral-george-bush-barack-obama-bipartisan-hypocrisy-column/1185092002/ |
Edited by
Fri 09/07/18 08:35 PM
I voted for Trump & will do so, proudly again in 2020!
We Are Way Beyond Requiring Virtue of Our Leaders & we are living in a post-virtue society. Only A Street Fighter Can Take Down Clinton & The Democrat Anti-America Machine. |
Nothing will ever come close to the Pink Floyd Pig That reminds me of very funny story about the Trump Balloon.Supposedly, this balloon was supposed to be almost as large as the Good Year Blimp & be flown over the Parliament Building in London. Well, the disappointing reality of this ridiculous display was of course, its small 14 foot size & the fact that they couldn't even get it to fly above the tree line where it was launched. It didn't even fly higher than the lowest building in London! Many people didn't even see it & it was only in flight for about 20 minutes.LMAO! ![]() |
At the very least, he is a traitor, and Vlad just admitted he had the goods on the so-called president. ![]() https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/kompromat-russia-trump/index.html Bobby Hannsen is fluffing the pillows in anticipation.. ![]() Really, PROVIDING AN ARTICLE FROM CNN [FAKE NEWS]?!? Oh Dear! *shakes head* Someone drank too much of DNC's Toxic Kool Aid. |
Edited by
Mon 07/16/18 05:30 PM
"What is the appeal? I'd say a woman like that would make a man feel emasculated but I clearly remember how men were drooling over Sigourney Weaver when Alien first came out. I never understood, hence my question."
Sigourney Weaver -ROCKS! Adore her for shattering the typical female stereotype. I also think Ms.Weaver is a terrifically attractive woman, very sexy yet very strong. My personal esthetic seems to embrace an appreciation of "androgyny"[ having the characteristics or nature of both male and female]. Think, David Bowie for the guys;} |
I find it funny when Democrats are blasting President Trump for meeting with Russia after the recent arrests...….. Back in 2010 Obama met with the President Medvedev less then 72 hours before the 10 Soviet Spies were arrested and Obama knew about the arrests of the Russian Spies the "Illegals" before the meeting yet the Democrats praised him for the meeting. You don't see any of them criticizing him for the meeting like they are doing with Trump and those people actually infiltrated his administration! Hell, just a month or two before their arrest we signed the new START treaty with Russia and those "Illegals" infiltrated the DOD and Fort Meade and the Obama Administration going back as far as 2008 so they could have had a direct impact on the new treaty and we didn't do anything about it after it was signed and we should have. Hell they even knew about the investigation while they were working on the treaty. None of this is mentioned. Go figure. The hypocrisy on the left is unbelievable! It's worse than hypocrisy, it's Criminal. #whereistheserver People have been lied to on uncountable occasions by The US Intelligence Agencies , The Justice Department, & The Corrupt Democratic Party spreading their toxic shade, propaganda, & lies through different Mainstream Media[FAKE NEWS] Venues. This has had a terribly destructive effect on America's population. If it continues, people could be seriously hurt.Meanwhile back at the ranch, don't be surprised to find Hillary Clinton running for PRESIDENT again in 2020! Does anyone find a horrific reality in this web of lies that's being perpetuated by the Democrats? #walkaway |
Yes, that whole protest was A joke! When these "protesters" were being interviewed & asked the question, "Why are you here today?", the universal answer was, "Donald Trump's Policies". When asked further to describe which Trump Policy was offensive to them, Not One of Them could even clearly articulate any policy that President Trump was responsible for! STUPID IDIOTS but in all fairness, it looked like a good party.
The people in London who are supporters of President Trump also requested permission to hold their own rally but, their petition, no surprise, was rejected... |
URGENT...American Patriots This Video Must Be Watched And Shared! (D) Congressman Steve Cohen Wants To Award The Purple Heart To Peter Strzok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7Cgi6EyBOE * Peter Strzok & company have given the term, "Bottom Feeders", a totally new bottom! There's always a special place up the crack in my azz for sleaze-balls" like Strzok. #whereistheserver People have been lied on uncountable occasions by The US Intelligence Agencies , The Justice Department, & The Corrupt Democratic Party spreading their toxic shade, propaganda, & lies through different Mainstream Media Venues.It's criminal & disgusting. |
Love at first sight
Not really, for me, "Love" comes very slowly when I get to know mind, body, & spirit of an person.
Trump 2020?
Edited by
Sun 04/22/18 01:57 PM
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! I hope she's not dead! I don't care if i don't support them politically but I would never wish harm or death on one! You totally misunderstood my words. The phrase, "if [someone]is "not dead by then" is a commonly used cliche to humorously portray some sort of sort of arduously & prolonged completion of a task or humorously refer to the fact of actual death.i.e. "I hope to see a woman become President,if I'm not "dead by then." This doesn't mean that I wish myself, dead only that,[humorously] well, given my age & the state of my health,there's a good chance that I might be. ![]() That's so not wishing harm on anyone. |
Trump 2020?
The corrupt Democrats are doing their best to make a Trump victory, inevitable in 2020. Hey maybe that corrupt old waster, Hillary will even be trotted-out again to run against Trump if she's not in jail or dead by then. What Happened?! Time will tell. still the old double standard about powerful women being ******* and powerful men being saviors ... I dont think she would run again, they are all getting to be old fogies. I'm hoping for younger blood in the game next time. Someone with political experience and some history of civic engagement. There is too much fabricated hatred towards Clinton, but the youth vote may give us someone more presidential and experienced to choose from come 2020. I can only hope. 'Misogyny and sexism'had nothing to do with Clinton's historic loss. I know many people, including men & women,that would love to see a woman President; just not THAT WOMAN [HRC] who is a confirmed & documented narcisstic, pathological, psychotic,Liar on a grand scale.She is a horrible person & a horrible candidate. AND SHE WON'T GO AWAY! "Signs Hillary Clinton Is Having A Mental Breakdown" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I14IgrlKGHc |
If you know another person is hurting or sad because of you and you truly love that person what do you do? If you don’t do anything then why? I wasn't put on this earth to be held responsible for anyone's happiness or sadness nor is anyone responsible for my emotional state except myself. If someone hurts me or makes me, sad on purpose, it's up to me to decide if I want or need those kind of toxic or manipulative people in my life. |
Current state of the world
As bad as you might think things are- things are actually much worse than that. Truth is much stranger than fiction.
Mueller isn't doing crap but looking for any way to impeach TRUMP in order to justify the millions of dollars that this sham has cost the American taxpayers!