Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 05:42 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 07/02/16 05:46 PM

Any out there?

Ahhhhh, Still trying To Work-Out Some "Mommy-Issues", Are we?
*grins* How Sweet;}

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 05:03 PM
Controlling? Whooo? Meeee? Never!

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:53 PM
"What do you think of one night stand?"

Isn't "Thinking" about a "one-niter" defeating all the FUN & EXCITMENT that's associated with the romance of the affair?

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:46 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 07/02/16 04:47 PM

Love is totally blind is true?

I wouldn't use the word; "Blind"; maybe "Delusional" or "Irrational"

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:41 PM

Ok. Apart from the whole being alone what do you hate most about being on your own or all alone..

Can't really confess to "hating" anything about solitude or being alone...;}

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:31 PM

I still never get how men think it's interesting to start a FIRST conversation (online) by telling her their entire resume.

Unless it includes their police record, I'm not interested. :tongue:



"Always The best looking woman in a police line-up..."
I'm kind of gal that your Mom never warned you about;
she didn't possess That Kind Of Imaginationwinking

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:23 PM
Shoes? One of my addictions;}

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 04:19 PM
First- Would LOVE To Travel - Remote & historical villiages in UK, Scotland, Spain, Ireland, Germany,-even Romania:

But-To live in a place? I used to spend a lot of time in Woodstock, Upstate New York & totally enjoyed the people & the landscape.

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 03:56 PM
Not Looking For a H-E-A-V-Y, D-E-E-P, & P-R-O-F-O-N-D RELATIONSHIP. Content to share some light & lively occasional chit chat on the forums.

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 03:40 PM
I'd give someone my skype contact info but-NOT MY CELL.
When meeting new people online; one should cultivate some familiarity before revealing too much personal information too quickly...

Valeris's photo
Sat 07/02/16 03:20 PM
Description & difinitions are best left as an exercise for the individual beholder.

Valeris's photo
Tue 06/28/16 10:39 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 06/28/16 10:41 PM
"Really? Federal employees are not allowed to have personal email accounts of any kind? When was that put into place? Have any of the Republicans who also have private email been made aware of this?"
Edited by IgorFrankensteen on Sun 06/26/16 01:18 PM
PROOF Hillary Clinton's Emails Should Get Her Indicted
New Bombshell in the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Investigation
H.A.Goodman is very "Bernie or Bust" so please disregard his "delusional optimism" that Bernie will be The Democratic Nominee-That's, So Not Possible! lmao! However, Goodman does a relatively decent job in explaining the complex issues of explaining the reason for Clinton's cyber-breech in national security.

Hillary Clinton Disabled Security On Private Server After Her Emails Were Blocked by Spam Filters [Explained H.A.Goodman]
Clinton Foundation Hack Confirms FBI Will Recommend Espionage Act Indictments of Hillary Clinton [Explained H.A.Goodman]
New Bombshell in the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Investigation

Valeris's photo
Tue 06/28/16 10:03 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 06/28/16 10:55 PM
boring, ignorant, insincere, narcissists who demand respect for convictions that they are unable to support by reason.

Opps! Is That considered: "Name-Calling"?

Valeris's photo
Tue 06/28/16 09:09 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 06/28/16 09:13 PM

All this "talk" about revolution & real change yet, with very, very few exceptions; no one even has even had the "Chutzpah" to write or speak about the truth of this entire sickening, dim-witted , absurd political charade. I wanted to include the The Sane Progressive link as Debbie is amazingly talented in interpreting many of the bizarre events & behaviors that have been displayed in the 2016 political landscape to add perspective & clarity to the tragedy of what's really happening to The Democratic Process & The Need For A Third

Although her main criticism is directed to Sander's current political "errors"; she also discusses Clinton & Trump as pawns of a larger financial elite power base. The Voice & Votes Of The People do not matter anymore, the President is selected for us. Election fraud is real & there are many links provided on The Sane Progressive Youtube page.


Apparently, there are lessons yet to be learned. Apparently we must hit some sort of new low between now and 2020, attain some sort of serious viciousness in domestic & foreign policies, an ecological, social, political, or economic crisis before we will snap out of it. Maybe the best we can hope for, at this ominous and slightly sickening moment, is one hell of a lot more patience.

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 03:43 AM

that really would require an Amendment to the Constitution,and you know how difficult that would be!

The American people know that, but we're talking Hitlery here...... who thinkis herself above the law like our current idiot and liar in chief!

I don't see how H. Clinton or T. Cruz (& maybe Rubio) were even permitted to be candidates !?
It is simply appalling & globally humiliating.

I can remember back to a time when even The Thought That Any Political Candidate Who Was Under A Criminal Investigation By The FBI Could Gain The Endorsement Of A Major Political Party To Run For The Office Of President Of The United States would've been considered as deranged & delusional.

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 03:33 AM

'Cause hippies were peaceful.

Weather Underground
Simbionese Liberation Army
Chicago 8
Manson Family

Some people are peaceful; some are not.

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 03:20 AM

"and your point is? "

The Point Is That I Have Politely Asked You To Refrain From contributing Any Further "Feedback" on my posts for all the reasons that I covered in an earlier post[s]. Got That?!?

Is that a Fact?
Last time I checked it was a Public Forum,and besides,you are not the OP of this Thread!
Or is it that I have refuted those "Facts" of yours?
I will post my Opinion to any Posts I Chose,and when I chose!

Go ahead...Troll-On;}
Trolling[Urban Dictionary] "Being a prick on the internet because you can can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent bystander or poster, because it's the internet & hey you can!
Trolling: To make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.
"if people are obviously trolling then I'll delete your posts and do my best to ban you"
Urban Dictionary
Trolling :The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.
Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn't involve decieving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 02:54 AM
Most likely, The Hackers probably Gained Easy Access through
the Information they gathered From Hillary's "Private Server"...
Russia Hacks DNC Servers, Steals Trump Files

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 02:43 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 06/16/16 02:44 AM
"and your point is? "

The Point Is That I Have Politely Asked You To Refrain From contributing Any Further "Feedback" on my posts for all the reasons that I covered in an earlier post[s]. Got That?!?

Valeris's photo
Thu 06/16/16 02:37 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 06/16/16 02:46 AM

the Bernie/Hillary/Obama Party-line is Malarkey!
Spin by those three,not Facts!
That why I have called it Malarkey,because it is!

Again, your comment is NOT Relevant To any "Bernie/Hillary/Obama Party-line". The post is only meant to express how I perceive, The Shooter/Shootings. My opinion was not written for the purpose of grandstanding or illuminating "The Final Fact/Truth".
Everyone will have his/her own interpretation. To call My own or Anyone Else's Opinion[s]:"Malarkey,because it is!" borders on "Trolling". Once again, I will ask you to refrain from commenting as your input serves no constructive purpose & is based upon misinterpretation.

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