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Topic: Did God create evil?
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:01 PM

Therefore, if this is true, you cannot ever claim that anyone is REJECTING Christianity.


Amen. flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:02 PM

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

I've actually met some pretty nice witches on here. I didn't realize there were so many witches around. There are actually quite a few witches on JSH. I was surprised. And they are all quite pleasant and very meek.

They have a very strong code of ethics to not harm others, and they have really cool recipes for curing things that actually WORK! I'm not sure if there's magick in those recipes or if they just know their herbs well. bigsmile

Blessed Be the Witches! flowerforyou

I too have had pleasant experiences with them. I have read a little on it and mostly the herbs are the natural medicine they use. They also cannot come up against anyone for their religious beliefs it is written in their doctrines. They are to respect life and all beliefs completely. Witches are a good group of people from my experience.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:04 PM

22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

That is old testament stuff. I'm glad Christians gave that stuff up or someone made a law against that. I would have been burnt at the stake long ago for reading Tarot cards in my little Bible belt town.

I think it's the only man-made laws that are preventing them from doing it today. laugh

Even though the New Testatment was supposed to be a 'new convenent' a lot of Bible Thumpers still thump the Old Testament cause that's were all the hard-core judgmental stuff is. laugh

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:14 PM

I then corrected you on your mischaracterization of what Jesus taught.

There’s your unbearable arrogance shining through right there Spider!

You ‘corrected’ me???? laugh

How many times do people have to tell you that everyone has their own personal interpretations on things and your interpretations are no more valid than anyone else’s?

I’ beg your arrogant pardon Sir! But I like my interpretations of what Jesus had to say just fine, thank you!

It is precisely this kind of condescending arrogance that you constantly exhibit that makes you impossible to converse with. You look down your nose at everyone else and proclaim, ”Only I can speak for Jesus! Everyone else is clearly wrong!”.

Get life already!

Seriously, Spider, your extreme and unwarranted condescending arrogance is truly over-bearing and genuinely disgusting.

sick sick sick sick sick sick sick

Find a Christian who disagrees with me, then we can talk.

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:16 PM

9:14 For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:23 PM

Find a Christian who disagrees with me, then we can talk.

Well, PreciousLife already disagreed with you in that very thread. So there you go. drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:25 PM

9:14 For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.


Not only did God confess to creating evil, but he obviously confessed to actually performing a lot of evil acts as well. noway

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:26 PM
God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned.

God will cause us to believe lies so that he can damn us to hell?

Do humans have free will?

Does God lie?

Does God want some people to go to hell?

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:26 PM

Find a Christian who disagrees with me, then we can talk.

Well, PreciousLife already disagreed with you in that very thread. So there you go. drinker

Christian. PreciousLife is a Jew.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:31 PM

Find a Christian who disagrees with me, then we can talk.

Well, PreciousLife already disagreed with you in that very thread. So there you go. drinker

Christian. PreciousLife is a Jew.

Sorry about that.

I'll take your word for it.

I'll bow down to your divinity Mr. Jesus.

You speak for Jesus.


Happy now?

It doesn't matter to me, I don't believe in your religion anyway. If you want to play God be my guest. bigsmile

It's not my religion so I honestly don't care.

That's up to other Christians to accept that you speak for Jesus. It's not up to me. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:35 PM

Find a Christian who disagrees with me, then we can talk.

Well, PreciousLife already disagreed with you in that very thread. So there you go. drinker

Christian. PreciousLife is a Jew.

Sorry about that.

I'll take your word for it.

I'll bow down to your divinity Mr. Jesus.

You speak for Jesus.


Happy now?

It doesn't matter to me, I don't believe in your religion anyway. If you want to play God be my guest. bigsmile

It's not my religion so I honestly don't care.

That's up to other Christians to accept that you speak for Jesus. It's not up to me. flowerforyou

If all Christians agree on what I'm posting...they are simply obeying me? What about the Christians over the past 2000 years? How did I get them to believe my way? laugh It would just kill you to admit that much of the Bible has an accepted interpretation or an outright obvious meaning. :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:56 PM
If all Christians agree on what I'm posting...they are simply obeying me?

Most people probably don't even know what the hell you are rattling on about much less agree with you. ohwell

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 06:07 AM

If all Christians agree on what I'm posting...they are simply obeying me?

Most people probably don't even know what the hell you are rattling on about much less agree with you. ohwell

Nice comeback, Potsie.

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:22 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/15/08 07:30 AM

If all Christians agree on what I'm posting...they are simply obeying me? What about the Christians over the past 2000 years? How did I get them to believe my way? laugh It would just kill you to admit that much of the Bible has an accepted interpretation or an outright obvious meaning. tongue

If you want to start talking about Christians over the past 2000 years you are in BIG trouble.

Here are some facts.

Jews either converted or died.

American Indians had their hands and feet cut off who did not convert.

Innocent Women were burned and tortured as witches.

The Catholic Church at one time claimed that women were not even human, were own by their husbands, and could be beaten and/or killed at will.

Don't get me started. Stick to current day Christians.

And I can ASSURE YOU They DO NOT all agree with you. WAKE UP AND SEE THE LIGHT.


P.S. Edit:

And of course you were being sarcastic asking how you got Christians over the last 2000 years "to agree with you" but I can tell you how they got you to agree with them.

You have been programed. You are under mind control and you do not realize it. I will pray for you to break out and think for yourself... seriously. Freedom of thought is paramount. They would have you believe that you have freedom of thought, but you are intimidated by their hell and damnation.

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:39 AM

If all Christians agree on what I'm posting...they are simply obeying me? What about the Christians over the past 2000 years? How did I get them to believe my way? laugh It would just kill you to admit that much of the Bible has an accepted interpretation or an outright obvious meaning. tongue

If you want to start talking about Christians over the past 2000 years you are in BIG trouble.

Here are some facts.

Jews either converted or died.

American Indians had their hands and feet cut off who did not convert.

Innocent Women were burned and tortured as witches.

The Catholic Church at one time claimed that women were not even human, were own by their husbands, and could be beaten and/or killed at will.

Don't get me started. Stick to current day Christians.

And I can ASSURE YOU They DO NOT all agree with you. WAKE UP AND SEE THE LIGHT.


Here is a fact, I don't accept gratuitous assertions or wildly inaccurate historical accounts.

Here is another fact, I'm not Catholic. Non-Catholic Christians got the same treatment as non-Christians.

Here's another fact, those Christians who "agree" with me actually just believe the same way I do. The point I've tried to get across to you guys is that Christians fall into some large buckets. The bucket I'm in is full of protestant Christians. Around 550 million of them. My beliefs aren't something that I made up, they are accepted by the largest inter-denominational Christian group on the planet.

I never said that all Christians agree with me or that they agree with me on all subjects. But if you discount Catholics, the majority of the remaining Christians believe just like me. There may be some minor differences...I am moved to feel differently about hell than most Christians. But for the most part, we agree. Throw Catholics back into the mix and there is still a lot of doctrine on which we all agree. The single most important doctrine for Christians is that salvation only comes through Jesus. You can't really call yourself a Christian if you don't believe that. The rest is just intellectual fodder. It's not really important who believes what, so long as they have accepted Jesus as their savior.

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:44 AM

You have been programed. You are under mind control and you do not realize it. I will pray for you to break out and think for yourself... seriously. Freedom of thought is paramount. They would have you believe that you have freedom of thought, but you are intimidated by their hell and damnation.


Once again, you believe you know what I think and you don't have a clue.

I haven't been in a church in years. I've only been a Christian for a little over a year. Nobody programmed me. I have made my own choices and thought for myself. Why is it that non-Christians always have to fall back onto the "blind sheep" argument.

Here's a question for you...in the same post, you imply that Christians are divided and that they are blind sheep. WHICH IS IT? laugh We can't be both. Make up your mind which insult you are going to use and stick with it.

I hope you are having a wonderful day, I know I am.


gennie1954's photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:50 AM
devil TOPIC: DID GOd CREATE EVIL: well saton was the greatest angel of all. thats how God created him. beautiful.lucifer,means light bringer.so being an angel, setting right next to God,he wants Gods power!then he decides to just take God Thrown!So our great an Powerful GOD,cast him an the angels, that followed him to the earth.this is his kingdom.an yes saton is a spirtal being, real in every sense.he only has the power to do evil,to you if you let him in.an hes very trickie.sometime, he try's to get to ya through others.there fore you have the free will to stop him .Through our LORD CHRIST. GOD BLESS:heart:

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 08:03 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/15/08 08:05 AM
Here's a question for you...in the same post, you imply that Christians are divided and that they are blind sheep. WHICH IS IT? laugh We can't be both. Make up your mind which insult you are going to use and stick with it.

I don't remember implying anything of the sort, but now that you asked...

We can and do have both.

Christian are divided. (Catholic vs protestant)

Further divided: Some go to church on Saturday, some on sunday.

Further divided: Some refuse medical treatment, some dance with snakes.

Further divided: Some have many wives.

etc. etc.

Now about the Blind Sheep:

Most are blind sheep. The rest are just confused and unsure.

The fools are positive they have the truth.


This is not to say that they are not nice people. I know some very nice people who are Christian all the way. They are just where they are. I don't reject the person for what they believe.

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 08:09 AM

I don't remember implying anything of the sort, but now that you asked...

I'll help you out here...

And I can ASSURE YOU They DO NOT all agree with you. WAKE UP AND SEE THE LIGHT.

Christains are divided.

You have been programed. You are under mind control and you do not realize it.

Christians are blind sheep.

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 08:14 AM
Here is a fact, I don't accept gratuitous assertions or wildly inaccurate historical accounts.

These are not "wildly inaccurate historical accounts." They can be researched and proven in this current time.

There are people who live today who are recent descendants of Jews who fled from Catholics during world war 2, and/or became Christian under the threat of death.

Much as you would like to distance yourself from the Catholic Church, they are still considered "Christian." In fact, they consider you to be a hieratic.


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