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Topic: Did God create evil?
s1owhand's photo
Thu 02/14/08 06:43 PM
God indicated to me that God has nothing to do with evil. This is from man. God did however create choice - you know free will...but evil - nah. God is just not like that!


feralcatlady's photo
Thu 02/14/08 06:50 PM

Yanno you need to cut spider some slack abra.....He is a passionate Godly man....and he will never ever back down to you.....never......And what he says about lying and just telling it to fit your needs for that time is really true....and yanno I heart the heck out of ya abra......but I am kidnapping you and taking you on a much needed vacation.....May Tahiti....what do ya think?

A religious zealot does not stack up as "A Godly man" in my book.
I have seen his kind of fundamentalism burn crosses on people's lawns. He should stop trying to reform the world and try to be more understanding of himself and others. If he is so "right" as he claims he would not be huffing and puffing trying to prove it all the time, nor would he even waste his time in this kind of discussion.

But Christian fundamentalism and Christianity has gone unchallenged for a long time. They will tell you that they are always under attack. That is just the way they see things. But they feel they are "under attack" when non-Christians complain about conducting public prayer to their God in "Jesus's name" in our schools to our children.

They call that an attack on them, and they really believe that to be the case. It is not. It is simply a protest against them forcing their beliefs (myths) on our children in our schools.

Now that public prayer has been taken out of schools, they cry and complain like a bunch of babies. They don't understand that their's is not the only religion or belief in existence they only believe that theirs is the only truth. They are locked into that mind set that will not allow them to be kind, understanding or forgiving to others. Why? Because the others are all "sinners." They are all "evil."

And didn't God command Joshua to slaughter all the people in the land of Jericho simply because they were evil? Some Christian who feel that they are so right, are actually so wrong they are evil IMHO.



Well sweets I am here to tell you he is.....And just because someone has a passion in his beliefs like spider does, who is calling the kettle black here......No other people whether it be the athiest, panthiest, or whatever get as much guff as the Christians do....and deny that.....and your the hypocrite sweets.

And also calling our beliefs myths is not going to make us back down nor do so in a nice manner......If anyone needs to show some respect and let someone believe as they choose it all the others against the Christians....I for one don't give a crap what Religion ppl are......But call my God a myth...call His Son Jesus Christ a myth and call the Bible a book of fables and you will have a fight on your hand.....and like I have said many many times.....It's not for someone as yourself or even the cutieful abra.....It's for those seeking to have alternatives in what they might believe.....So keep this in mind when you write and spew the crap above.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:02 PM
......No other people whether it be the athiest, panthiest, or whatever get as much guff as the Christians do....and deny that.....and your the hypocrite sweets.

You have got to be kidding.

It only appears that way because the atheists, pantheists and “whatever” are so BUSY DEFENDING the accusations of the Christians that they are “rejecting God and rebelling against God”, that they can’t even settle down into having a decent uninterrupted discussion of their OWN beliefs.

I would LOVE to talk about something other than Christianity on these forums!

Please tell me how that can be done?

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:03 PM

I have seen his kind of fundamentalism burn crosses on people's lawns.

My kids are bi-racial. My grandfather was bi-racial. I have enough black in me to make me a slave during the era of slavery. I really don't think there is any need to make these sorts of inflamatory accusations against anyone. You don't know me. You don't know what I believe.

But they feel they are "under attack" when non-Christians complain about conducting public prayer to their God in "Jesus's name" in our schools to our children.

I don't support prayer in public schools.

Now that public prayer has been taken out of schools, they cry and complain like a bunch of babies. They don't understand that their's is not the only religion or belief in existence they only believe that theirs is the only truth.

I am well aware that Christianity isn't the only religion. As I noted above, I don't support prayer in public schools.

They are locked into that mind set that will not allow them to be kind, understanding or forgiving to others. Why? Because the others are all "sinners." They are all "evil."

I am a sinner. I am as evil as a human can be. There isn't a commandment I haven't broken. But Abracadabra has accused me of doing some mean things last night, which I didn't do. There is no reason why a Christian cannot defend him-or-herself. I'm not saying he's not forgiven, I don't hold a grudge against him. I don't even care if he never admits to what he called me or that he was very irrational last night. But if he accuses me of doing something which I didn't do, then I will defend myself with the truth of what happened last night. In all honesty, if I judged someone for being a sinner, then I would be the first who needed to be judged. For me to talk about my beliefs as a Christian and say "That's a sin", I'm simply stating what my religion teaches. If you don't like it, ignore it.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:04 PM

......No other people whether it be the athiest, panthiest, or whatever get as much guff as the Christians do....and deny that.....and your the hypocrite sweets.

You have got to be kidding.

It only appears that way because the atheists, pantheists and “whatever” are so BUSY DEFENDING the accusations of the Christians that they are “rejecting God and rebelling against God”, that they can’t even settle down into having a decent uninterrupted discussion of their OWN beliefs.

I would LOVE to talk about something other than Christianity on these forums!

Please tell me how that can be done?

You Mr. better be nice or I am cancelling those tickets to Tahiti I just got....lol

ok serious for a minute.....

I think the gang up is evident on christians more so then any other.....thats my story and I am sticking to it.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:04 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 02/14/08 07:05 PM
But call my God a myth...call His Son Jesus Christ a myth and call the Bible a book of fables and you will have a fight on your hand....

My point exactly. Christians are prone to violence and threats. But let me ease your anger "sweetie."

That "your" God is a myth is my opinion.

That "Jesus" is a myth is my opinion.

Everything I say and everything you say is an opinion.

If you want to go to war over that I will give you my address.


no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:06 PM

......No other people whether it be the athiest, panthiest, or whatever get as much guff as the Christians do....and deny that.....and your the hypocrite sweets.

You have got to be kidding.

It only appears that way because the atheists, pantheists and “whatever” are so BUSY DEFENDING the accusations of the Christians that they are “rejecting God and rebelling against God”, that they can’t even settle down into having a decent uninterrupted discussion of their OWN beliefs.

I would LOVE to talk about something other than Christianity on these forums!

Please tell me how that can be done?

1) Create a thread called "Non-Christian chat room".
2) Don't insult Christianity in that thread.
3) Don't insult individual Christians in that thread.

There you go. I don't believe any Christian here would be so tacky as to post in that thread unless they were invited (like by attacking Christianity).

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:13 PM

......No other people whether it be the athiest, panthiest, or whatever get as much guff as the Christians do....and deny that.....and your the hypocrite sweets.

You have got to be kidding.

It only appears that way because the atheists, pantheists and “whatever” are so BUSY DEFENDING the accusations of the Christians that they are “rejecting God and rebelling against God”, that they can’t even settle down into having a decent uninterrupted discussion of their OWN beliefs.

I would LOVE to talk about something other than Christianity on these forums!

Please tell me how that can be done?

Amenlaugh abra, I too would like to discuss spirituality without the contraints of the bible or christian god. No offense but they feel so superior to others and so inclined to defend that that is undefendable because either you believe or you do not, no defense needed.

I love the christian persecution dance that is always happening. They have had a seat of too much control for too long and now that there is a consensus in this country that religion is meant for personal usage not government or community policy they are persecuted. It is just not so. Now when they tear down the churches and make christian worship a crime punishable by prison time then they will be persecuted.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:14 PM

But call my God a myth...call His Son Jesus Christ a myth and call the Bible a book of fables and you will have a fight on your hand....

My point exactly. Christians are prone to violence and threats. But let me ease your anger "sweetie."


a. To attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons.
b. Sports To engage in boxing or wrestling.
2. To engage in a quarrel; argue:

"Fight", like many words, has more than one definition. You have to look at the context of the word to determine which definition is appropriate. The context of FeralCatLady's statement above indicates that definition 2 "To engage in a quarrel; argue" is the appropriate definition.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:15 PM

But call my God a myth...call His Son Jesus Christ a myth and call the Bible a book of fables and you will have a fight on your hand....

My point exactly. Christians are prone to violence and threats. But let me ease your anger "sweetie."

That "your" God is a myth is my opinion.

That "Jesus" is a myth is my opinion.

Everything I say and everything you say is an opinion.

If you want to go to war over that I will give you my address.


This is the TRUTH!

Historically speaking Jesus was a man and everyone had every right to speak about him as though he was just a man.

That is not an attack on anyone’s belief.

Same holds true with believing that the Bible is mythology. That’s a valid point of view, and is not an attack on anyone’s beliefs.

To claim that these things are an attack on Christianity is utterly ridiculous. They are simply the view of people who see these things as nothing more than the history of mankind. A topic that anyone is free to discuss!

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:20 PM

But call my God a myth...call His Son Jesus Christ a myth and call the Bible a book of fables and you will have a fight on your hand....

My point exactly. Christians are prone to violence and threats. But let me ease your anger "sweetie."


a. To attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons.
b. Sports To engage in boxing or wrestling.
2. To engage in a quarrel; argue:

"Fight", like many words, has more than one definition. You have to look at the context of the word to determine which definition is appropriate. The context of FeralCatLady's statement above indicates that definition 2 "To engage in a quarrel; argue" is the appropriate definition.

Since the word is ambiguous it could be interpreted either way. If she meant "argue" she should have said so. But it take two to argue and I know there is no "arguement" that can be won.

"The one convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."

So, I have to interpret the word "fight" as meaning that she would like to get violent. Or perhaps she wants to take me to court and sue me.

Oh well, as I said, its all just OPINION.

I am sorry I got your dander up with my opinion, but I reserve the right to express it.


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:21 PM

2) Don't insult Christianity in that thread.

Well, if you’re going to come barging in saying that we are “insulting Christianity” by discussing Jesus as though he was just a man.

Or claim that we are “insulting Christianity” by discussing the Bible from the viewpoint that it is just a book written by men, then you are totally out of line.

Because those topics are clearly a humanitarian issue. They are part of human history and it is not an insult to anyone to consider that they may not be of divine origin.

You people are totally out of line when you take those things as a personal insult.

Human history belongs to everyone. Not just to the Christians.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:27 PM

I am sorry I got your dander up with my opinion, but I reserve the right to express it.


I posted a definition. In what way do you think you got my dander up?

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 02/14/08 07:33 PM
I would LOVE to talk about something other than Christianity on these forums!

Please tell me how that can be done?


We could start a thread about pantheism, what the true nature of reality might be and the holographic Universe.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:33 PM

2) Don't insult Christianity in that thread.

Well, if you’re going to come barging in saying that we are “insulting Christianity” by discussing Jesus as though he was just a man.

Or claim that we are “insulting Christianity” by discussing the Bible from the viewpoint that it is just a book written by men, then you are totally out of line.

Because those topics are clearly a humanitarian issue. They are part of human history and it is not an insult to anyone to consider that they may not be of divine origin.

You people are totally out of line when you take those things as a personal insult.

Human history belongs to everyone. Not just to the Christians.

Say what you will about the Bible, I don't mind. You can even claim that Jesus was a pantheist, you do that all the time anyways. But when you say "The Christians got it all wrong..." or another "The Christians X..." sort of statement, then you are probably going to offend some Christians. Now, there is no law against offending Christians, but Christians have every right to defend / offend right back.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:35 PM

I am sorry I got your dander up with my opinion, but I reserve the right to express it.


I posted a definition. In what way do you think you got my dander up?

It wasn't your dander. It was your wing's dander.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:36 PM

I am sorry I got your dander up with my opinion, but I reserve the right to express it.


I posted a definition. In what way do you think you got my dander up?

It wasn't your dander. It was your wing's dander.

My wings are leathery, they don't have dander.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 02/14/08 07:40 PM

I am sorry I got your dander up with my opinion, but I reserve the right to express it.


I posted a definition. In what way do you think you got my dander up?

It wasn't your dander. It was your wing's dander.

My wings are leathery, they don't have dander.

A "wing" is slang for your back-up. It was feralcatlady, the one with the pink lips who told me I was "spewing crap." and that she was ready for a "fight."

And "fight" means "fight" to me. It does not me argue.


Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:41 PM
I do not mean it as an insult or attack when I disregard the bible or the christian god. I truly feel that way. I am not personally attacking any person or their beliefs just because I do not agree with the bible on some things and/or the christian interpretation of god. I have been taught all of these concepts, I am not running blind on this subject and I still do not believe it. That does not make me or the christians wrong. I would like to step out of the box of christian religion sometimes and discuss, morality, ethics, human common sense, etc.... without the constant reference to the bible. There are other concepts in the world. A whole lot of them and I like to see those concepts also. Especially since I have already heard and know the christian one. JMO

LandRover28's photo
Thu 02/14/08 07:42 PM
Evil made a choice. He did not create it. Choose wisely... Free will. Faith.

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