Topic: Dinosaurs
Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:10 PM

The earth used to be watered from the ground. This caused a green house effect in which the dinosours and large reptiles could inhabit. There was a climate change as it had never rained before the flood occured. The details are not ALL there but history and most pre-new testament societies have recorded 'dragons' and beasts of that nature. As far as your timeline goes. The carbon dating is a presumtive tool and another form of circular reasoning proven to be highly flawed.:heart:

laugh laugh laugh
"The earth used to be watered from the ground." care to explain the concept with "some" common sense or proof?
YI say the earth was watered from the moon, that we all know is made of cheese, actually mozzarella cheese. SO one night, the moon cried and there was the flood...right?

artesian well.

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:32 PM

What about Johna and the whale.

Whales cannot swallow people, they have that big sieve in the way for eating very small krill.

Jonah was eatten by a fish, not a whale. But there are plenty of whales that could eat a human. Either way, Jonah was dead. No need to breath or eat while you are dead. We know that Jonah was dead, because Jesus said "But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

Yes, I know that the verse says "whale", but ketos (whale) means "sea monster, whale or giant fish". We know that in Jonah the word is dag (fish), so ketos should be "giant fish".

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:33 PM

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:35 PM
That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

the world before the flood:

one that defies all known logic on climate and water distribution

Chazster's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:38 PM

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

the world before the flood:

one that defies all known logic on climate and water distribution
what are you talking about?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:39 PM

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

Oh but to hear tell the earth isn't old enough for all that and besides that how many artesian wells were talked about in the deserts of the bible?

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:40 PM
Edited by toastedoranges on Tue 01/29/08 02:41 PM

what are you talking about?

have you not been reading? apparently it never rained before the flood. and also, there is magic water that comes and goes at the whim of god

Chazster's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:45 PM
Actually there are studies about the great flood and scientists dont think it covered the whole world. Arab nations were some of the first places settled by man and where most people lived at that time. Scientists believe that a large meteor could have landed in the Indian Ocean which in turn cause a huge flood which was also intensified due to the flood season of the local rivers.

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:46 PM

Actually there are studies about the great flood and scientists dont think it covered the whole world. Arab nations were some of the first places settled by man and where most people lived at that time. Scientists believe that a large meteor could have landed in the Indian Ocean which in turn cause a huge flood which was also intensified due to the flood season of the local rivers.

i was using sarcasm, since those things stated were what was said earlier in the thread

you should read more before jumping in

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:50 PM

the world before the flood:

one that defies all known logic on climate and water distribution
what are you talking about?

have you not been reading? apparently it never rained before the flood. and also, there is magic water that comes and goes at the whim of god

There is no proof that it didn't rain before the flood. Many suspect that it didn't, but we don't know that. That believe is due to a verse in Genesis 2. Things probably changed from that time and the flood.

This indicated that oceans were very much warmer than previous fossil-shell studies had indicated.

Warmer temperatures means less ice. That means higher sea levels and probably a great many changes to the water cycle.

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:52 PM

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

Oh but to hear tell the earth isn't old enough for all that and besides that how many artesian wells were talked about in the deserts of the bible?

Isn't old enough for what? Ground water? Lay off the sarcasm and actually make a point, I have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:53 PM

Actually there are studies about the great flood and scientists dont think it covered the whole world. Arab nations were some of the first places settled by man and where most people lived at that time. Scientists believe that a large meteor could have landed in the Indian Ocean which in turn cause a huge flood which was also intensified due to the flood season of the local rivers.

I have heard of this and if given any credence the flood was only a small one compared to a world flood. I would say that the people "felt" as though the "world" was under water for a while but in truth it was just their small world. In the story I heard there was a figurative "Noah" who got his family aboard his boat with a couple of small farm animals and landed in an unknown land when the water receded or when he drifted to land. Either way this version is much more believable than the other one and more understandable. His "world" did get flooded and he did only see water for a short period of time. Could not have been forty days and nights but maybe he was delusional from lack of good water by the time he drifted ashore and he felt like it had been forty days and nights. This I could understand.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:57 PM

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

Oh but to hear tell the earth isn't old enough for all that and besides that how many artesian wells were talked about in the deserts of the bible?

Isn't old enough for what? Ground water? Lay off the sarcasm and actually make a point, I have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make.

Okay, I will clarify. I have been told by creationists that the world is not old enough to have gone through the climatic changes spoken of in evolution so your talking of a world unlike ours is mute if you are a creationist. Second, how many artesian wells are spoken of in the deserts of the bible?

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:57 PM
There is no proof that it didn't rain before the flood. Many suspect that it didn't, but we don't know that. That believe is due to a verse in Genesis 2. Things probably changed from that time and the flood.

citing the bible is no good

bring scientific data, not exgagerated wives tales

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/29/08 02:58 PM

What about Johna and the whale.

Whales cannot swallow people, they have that big sieve in the way for eating very small krill.

Jonah was eatten by a fish, not a whale. But there are plenty of whales that could eat a human. Either way, Jonah was dead. No need to breath or eat while you are dead. We know that Jonah was dead, because Jesus said "But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

Yes, I know that the verse says "whale", but ketos (whale) means "sea monster, whale or giant fish". We know that in Jonah the word is dag (fish), so ketos should be "giant fish".

Even with your explanation. This does not sound ludicrous to you?

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:07 PM
have we yet covered WHY the dinosaurs were not saved with all the other species noah gathered in pairs? is there specific mention of a extermination of creatures by their creator? i thought it was just the vile and corrupted people that got god's judgement

Chazster's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:48 PM

Actually there are studies about the great flood and scientists dont think it covered the whole world. Arab nations were some of the first places settled by man and where most people lived at that time. Scientists believe that a large meteor could have landed in the Indian Ocean which in turn cause a huge flood which was also intensified due to the flood season of the local rivers.

I have heard of this and if given any credence the flood was only a small one compared to a world flood. I would say that the people "felt" as though the "world" was under water for a while but in truth it was just their small world. In the story I heard there was a figurative "Noah" who got his family aboard his boat with a couple of small farm animals and landed in an unknown land when the water receded or when he drifted to land. Either way this version is much more believable than the other one and more understandable. His "world" did get flooded and he did only see water for a short period of time. Could not have been forty days and nights but maybe he was delusional from lack of good water by the time he drifted ashore and he felt like it had been forty days and nights. This I could understand.

Well, depending how bad the flood was (according to the special I watched on the History channel it was pretty bad) and where he drifted(the river he lived on was near the indian ocean) it could have been over a month before he made or seen landfall.

spqr's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:56 PM

Artesian wells are actually the rare occurrance not the norm for the "watering" of the earth.

That's true, for today. We aren't talking about today, but what the world was like before the flood.

yeah and how all that water got into your magic? And then cames out magic.
It's really all simple if you magic.

spqr's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:57 PM

What about Johna and the whale.

Whales cannot swallow people, they have that big sieve in the way for eating very small krill.

Jonah was eatten by a fish, not a whale. But there are plenty of whales that could eat a human. Either way, Jonah was dead. No need to breath or eat while you are dead. We know that Jonah was dead, because Jesus said "But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

Yes, I know that the verse says "whale", but ketos (whale) means "sea monster, whale or giant fish". We know that in Jonah the word is dag (fish), so ketos should be "giant fish".

Even with your explanation. This does not sound ludicrous to you?

Wrong story! Taht was PINOCCHIO! He was ine the whale,,,and his dad founf him back with the help of cricket!

Chazster's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:03 PM
oh i thought the dad was in the whale and Pinocchio found him.