Topic: The "N" Word
james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:03 PM
well, i wouldnt wanna live anywhere but ohio. the weather is so diverse,
an ohioan can be extremely adaptable to radical climate changes. same
goes for ppl from other states with really extreme all- around weather

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:06 PM
Hey truth, you're enjoying about the same weather as me!!!
I'm a little south of Tyler, you're west of me so maybe a little colder.

BUt last winter we missed, this year is supposed to be gnarly, ice
storms and such once more.

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:07 PM
hell yeah, h! hey by the way, is that a camaro you got for a pic?

sushi's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:09 PM
Onterio, Listen, I had a relationship with a man for 10 years. He
hated feet too. In fact, when his toenails started pokin' out of his
socks, it was too much. He said he'd reveal states secrets if tortued
with a foot rub. I bought him a gift certificate for a pedicure. Cost
a fortune 'cause most places charge over 5.00 to do men. I offered to
cut his toe nails, but he told me that I'd be dead if I touched his
feet. Damn. in order to have his teeth cleaned, they had to strap him a
chair, ply him with sodium penathol, gas(it should have been carbon
monoxide, and morphine to get him to stop screeming.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:09 PM
Nope, 69 GTO.
I am a car nut from the start, maybe I'll grow out of it, that's what
my parents used to say, now at 50 I'm worse than ever.

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:12 PM
hell yeah! i just bought a beater 81 el camino for $1100. the guy didnt
take real good care of it, although the body's real solid. i've had it
almost a year. i haven't done much with it, and everyone wants me to
send it to pimp my ride, but i dont think they'd come to ohio for my car

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:13 PM
sushi, what's wrong with you woman? what on earth are you talking about,
and I haven't seen ontario for a long while

girl wake up!!!!!!!!

sushi's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:13 PM
Of course,every where. I even went to sports and they found me. Now
I'm writing letters about feet to the wrong discussion group. If you
find the letter to Onterio, send to him via For ladies only.

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:17 PM
i was a truck nut from the beginning, h, so it seemed natural that my
first hotrod would have some truck to it

Truthoflife's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:17 PM
Thank you, all for the kind words...the youngest baby was one in Aug.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:18 PM
SOunds like a pretty good deal. Around here elkys are bringing good
bucks, a guy had one in ther paper (a black knight edition), wrecked in
the front, no motor, 'slightly' bent frame and was $1000 firm. It was
gone in three days.
I have the goat, a couple of buick gs' (70 and 72) but my drive of the
day is a mark viii, oh yeah and a farm truck.

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:19 PM
iight, yal, im outta here. any body wanna get ahold of me, you know my

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:21 PM
Was fun but I need to run as well.
James, solow have great days and everyone else as well.

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:21 PM
yeh, my buddy is from that coast. he says they're so rare, ppl hardly
pass em up. but since i got mine, i cant turn a corner without seein
one! it drives me crazy! i thought i was getting something one of a
kind. well, gotta go.

Truthoflife's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:22 PM
Why don't someone make up a subject about cars? That would be great!!!!

james_radabaugh's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:22 PM
ok, gimme a sec.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:32 PM
i really dislike posts like this, everyone seems to feel they need to
justify themselves, no matter how good they reason it..they're justifing
themselves..and i don't feel i need to
but here off the wall as it sounds....

i am Cherokee, Sioux, and Appache, with a bit of German... a "mut", a "heinz 57", a basic mixture of different ways of
life, and im just me, nothing special, no better than anyone else. just

if i get called any type of derogatory name, like mutt, or heinz 57, i
don't take it to heart, and my reason for this, is that i was raised,
there are some incredibly stupid people in the world, and with each word
they speak, they show the world how stupid they really are. i also
know, that we as individuals take something from everyone we meet,
weather it be online or in life.

if we meet someone we find repulsive, we take whatever it is that we
feel is wrong, and make sure we don't do/say it..that's how we take from
those we don't like..

if we meet someone we find incredible, or amazing, we take whatever it
is they do/say and we incorporate it in our own lives somehow...that's
how we take from those we do like...

iv'e been called a mutt, i've been called a heinz 57..and thought those
that called me the name, sounded incredibly stupid, and i refuse to call
a racial name for that reason. i pride myself on the inteligence i have,
and will continue to do so...

i don't use the "N" word, it's rude, degrading, and only shows how
stupid the person is that uses it.

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:39 PM
The issue here is not what he said. He probably would have slurred the
Mexican people or the Indian people if the heckler was one of those
races. He just got mad!...The ISSUE is that some want to make this into
a RACE problem. It is not, as I see it. It is an ANGER problem. He
doesn't need to address a racial problem. He needs to come to terms with
his chosen career and realize that he will be heckled. For you who wish
to make this a race issue. I would rethink your reasons. Maybe it is
your problem...not his.

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:43 PM
and you had to get a new profile to say that,?

you may be right thoe, it depends on the way a person feel and see it.

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:43 PM
it is your first comment:)