Topic: The "N" Word
no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:28 PM
Morena going home to Alabama, what about u

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:30 PM
you go girl, Im going to cook for my son and then got to meet with the
family at my sister's
we gona paaaaartyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!God willing. :)

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:32 PM
God is willing, just be safe, and do some partying for me too

sushi's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:34 PM
At first, I was clueless, but now I realize that some are delusional. I
have received messages like"I never want to talk to you again; I'll be
happy to never have to see your face again. Or the best, "You're
ruining your rep. here. No one likes you." THEN, I thought to
myself."WHAT IN THE HELL" Some are so involved in this that they
actually picture theseves in front of a person who can see and hear
them.. May be they're aruging in a bar, or around the kitchen table but
in their mind's eye it's real. I just thank the Lord that it's only a
minitor I'm typing on. Otherwise, I'd be afraid a fist would come
through screen and put me out. So remember that SoLow. Goodby and good
luck. Happy turkey day.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:36 PM
what? what are you talking about sushi

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:51 PM
Sushi......I wish you a happy holiday as well, but obviously you are
comfortable hiding behind a PC monitor with your words.......none make
ANY sense. If you are making reference to the fact that I smacked the
shit out of someone who disrespected're damn right. You have
a president in office right now who was quick to go to war over some
shit his daddy started over a decade ago and I'm wrong for defending my
culture? You need a therapist and you also need to walk in the shoes
of a Black Man, not boy, who is trying to make it in this country built
on bullshit. I DO NOT hold anyone who is alive in America responsible
for what happened in our history, but I do blame those who are alive who
think nothing of it and I also blame those who continue to function with
the mentalities of their racist forefathers.......simply put, they can
kiss my ass.

spay's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:55 PM

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:59 PM
Spay u say off the wall shit too , Sushi if u believe in what u say
stand up for it, but Solow I totally agree with you

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:59 PM
Spay, I don't think ANYONE wants to indulge in your meals with you.

Truthoflife's photo
Tue 11/21/06 02:01 PM
I USE TO BE Racist against white people...then I became racist against
black people AND white people...then when I got a ''big time''
back-stabing by a Cherokee gal, I WOKE UP!!!! ALL RACES CAN BE ASS
HOLES....ALL RACES CAN BE NICE...Thus, I lived and learned and then LOL
at MYSELF for being soooo foolish!

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 02:08 PM might want to move to another planet. I grew up in the
fuckin' cornfields of Indiana and Illinois around racism on a daily
basis, but I had to conquer my anger and not be a reflection of the
stupid shit I had to encounter. This screwed with the minds of idiots
far quicker than the left hooks I had to donate.

sushi's photo
Tue 11/21/06 05:14 PM
Oh my God! Only about 5 of you get it. But it's OK, I taught 16-17
year ols for 32 years in TX and Lousisana PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I really only
want to respond to the other 995. So Low you did not even realize I was
with you. And wish all of you would get off of my mental health. Since
joining this site, my doctor has got me taking up to 150mg a day every
2 hours. I reached my limit at about 4 o'clock. Create your own topic
and disected me. TRY to figure out what I'm trying to say. If you can't,
thenjust ignore my comments. Damn, I'm starting to believe the saying,
You can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ear. I know it will be
difficult, thinking is hard work, that's why so few do it. But for once,
give it your best hsot.. So Low, you didn't even realize that I was
defending you. I'm sorry, but I was.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 11/21/06 05:51 PM
It looks like I missed a real good chat here. Its unfortunate I had to
work today.

sushi's photo
Tue 11/21/06 11:52 PM
o all of you that didn't know what I was writing about: You've got me so
confused that I was responding to replies for other topic sites and
sending them to Solow. When I realized what happened Well you can't
delete anything so you have to deal with the mistake.

party_fag's photo
Wed 11/22/06 01:55 AM
there's a difference in saying something and believeing it deep down..
there just words.. the cool thing for kids around here to say now is
thats Gay or it's gay meaning , it's just a little bit strange.. but i
dont get offended i believe that words are just words we all say em... i
mean i'm pretty sure over the years i have let a few things slip but
that doesnt make me racist now does it..

sushi's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:42 AM
Hell, nobody's making any sense. I can't even understand what I said.
And I'm starting to type funny. "sue's dkyhss? gldlle' LOL, AOL NFL
and TGIF

Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:13 AM
Oh my goooooooooodnissssses!!! What the hell are you speaking of Sushi?
Trust me, I have never met you but I can disect you in a 200 word
paragraph based on your speech patterns and the things that you say and
I have to admit, it's frightening. I feel for you and I wish you a good

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:20 AM
I hate to say it but sushi Sounds like someone I knew? What was I
thinking? OMG It sounds like my Xwife RUN FOR THE HILLS, RUN FOREST

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:24 AM

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:34 AM
Damn, this thread took me forever to catch up. Personally I think
Richards is a mediocre comic (at best) that lost it on stage and in the
process showed he couldn’t even shut a heckler down without shutting
himself down first. Solow, are you saying that racial slurs should not
be used in Comedy? wow that would be a sad day, not to mention kill
David Chappelle’s & Henry Mancini’s career (and totally change Mel
Brook’s movie Blazing Saddles). According to the definition laid out at
the starting of this thread the Heckler fit it to a Tee: That aside I
think anyone that walks into a Comedy Club now a day’s can pretty much
be guaranteed that they’ll hear every slur in the book and any Heckler
in a Comedy Club can pretty much be expect that they’ll hear them
unloaded at them (He should feel lucky he wasn’t at an Andrew Dice Clay
show because the Diceman would have unloaded on him and had the whole
audience cracking up at the same time)

Additionally, that guy you kicked the crap out of for calling you the N
word to your face: Would it have changed things if he looked at you the
same way with the same disregard and hate and said “You stupid Mother
F**ken inbreed Dumbass”? Or would you have still ended up beating the
guy’s ass in?

Sorry if this came off bad it’s bedtime and I wanted to get a post out…
(I’ll correct it later if I wake up and I’m getting ripped on too